Example #1
 def _msg_data(self, msg):
     """ 统一返回格式 - 带上 comment, item
     data = Message._msg_data(msg)
     if data['link_id']:
         topic = Topic.get(data['link_id'])
         topic = Topic._topic_data(topic)
         data['topic'] = topic
         tmp_user = model.user.get_user(user_id=topic['user_id'])  # 消息来源用户
         if not tmp_user:
             return None
         data['topic_user'] = {
             'id': tmp_user['id'],
             'nick': tmp_user['nick'],
             'portrait': tmp_user['portrait'],
             'type': tmp_user['user_type'],
             } if tmp_user else {}
     if data['from_uid']:
         tmp_user = model.user.get_user(user_id=data['from_uid'])  # 消息来源用户
         if not tmp_user:
             return None
         data['from_user'] = {
             'id': tmp_user['id'],
             'nick': tmp_user['nick'],
             'portrait': tmp_user['portrait'],
             'type': tmp_user['user_type'],
             } if tmp_user else {}
     data['class'] = 'message'
     return data
Example #2
 def create_msg(self, msg_type, user, item):  #建立消息
     to_uid = item['user_id']
     uid = user['_id']
     if uid == to_uid: #如果赞的是自己  不存消息
         return {}
     if msg_type == 'TL':
         m_type = "心得"
         content = user['nick'] + "赞了你的"+m_type + "  \"%s\""%item['content']
     if msg_type == 'CL':
         m_type = "评论"
         if item['c_type'] == 'audio':
             content = user['nick'] + "赞了你的语音"+m_type
             content = user['nick'] + "赞了你的"+m_type + "  \"%s\""%item['content'] 
     msg = Message.set_message(to_uid, msg_type, uid, content, item['topic_id'])
     msg = Message._msg_data(msg)
     return msg
Example #3
    def post(self, **kwargs):
            新建一个评论 需要用户登录
        token = self._get_token()
        uid = token['_id']
        user = hqby.user.get_user_info(uid=uid)
        if not user:
            raise HTTPError(403, 'can not found this user')
            params = json_decode(self.request.body)
        except ValueError:
            params = self.get_form()
        comment_type = params.get('comment_type', False)
        params['user_id'] = uid
        # 添加一个新的评论
        comm = self.create_comment(params,comment_type)
       # self.write('haha = %s'%comm)
        data = self._comment_data(comm)
        data['is_liked'] = 0
        topic = Topic.update_topic(data['topic_id'],False,True)
        topic_data = Topic._topic_data(topic)
        if data['to_user_id']:
            to_uid = data['to_user_id']
            msg_type = 'CC'
            content = user['nick'] + '回复了你的评论 ' 
            to_uid = topic_data['user_id']
            msg_type = 'TC'
            content = user['nick'] + "评论了你的心得 " + "  \"%s\""%topic_data['content'] 
        if uid != to_uid:
            msg = Message.set_message(to_uid, msg_type, uid, content, topic_data['topic_id']) #link_id 是topic的id
            msg = Message._msg_data(msg)
            msg = 'you reply yourself'
        baidu_apiKey = baidu_push_configs['apiKey']
        baidu_secretKey = baidu_push_configs['secretKey']
        bind_info = hqby.user.get_bind_info(to_uid)
        baidu_uid, baidu_cid = bind_info.get('baidu_uid'), bind_info.get('baidu_cid')
        if baidu_uid and baidu_cid and uid != to_uid:
            message = {
                'title': '读经',
                'description': '%s回复了你,快去看看吧' % user['nick'].encode('utf8'),
                'open_type': 2,
                "aps": {
                    "alert": '%s回复了你,快去看看吧' % user['nick'].encode('utf8'),
            message = json.dumps(message)
            message_key = "sys"
            c = Channel(baidu_apiKey, baidu_secretKey, arr_curlOpts=dict(TIMEOUT=3, CONNECTTIMEOUT=5))
            push_type = 1   # 1-单个人, 2-一群人, 3-全部人
            optional = dict()
            optional[Channel.USER_ID] = baidu_uid
            optional[Channel.CHANNEL_ID] = int(baidu_cid)
            optional[Channel.MESSAGE_TYPE] = 1    # 0-消息, 1-通知
            optional['device_types'] = [3, 4]      # 4-ios, 3-安卓, 5-wp设备, 2-pc, 1-浏览器
            optional['deploy_status'] = 1 if configs['debug'] else 2     # 1-开发, 2-生产
            #job = c.pushMessage(push_type, message, message_key, optional)
            job = rq_client.default_queue.enqueue(c.pushMessage, push_type, message, message_key, optional)
            #logging.info('log for baidu pusher: %s', str(job))
        self.set_header('Content-Type', self._ct('json'))