def create_input_pipeline(el_mode, model_folder, filenames): tf.reset_default_graph() folder = config.base_folder+"data/tfrecords/" + args.experiment_name + ("/test/" if el_mode else "/train/") datasets = [] for file in filenames: datasets.append(reader.test_input_pipeline([folder+file], args)) input_handle_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=[], name="input_handle_ph") iterator = input_handle_ph, datasets[0].output_types, datasets[0].output_shapes) next_element = iterator.get_next() train_args = load_train_args(args.output_folder, "ensemble_eval") print("loading Model:", model_folder) #train_args.evaluation_script = True train_args.entity_extension = args.entity_extension model = Model(train_args, next_element) #print("model train_args:", model.args) #print("model checkpoint_folder:", model.args.checkpoints_folder) model.input_handle_ph = input_handle_ph model.restore_session("el" if el_mode else "ed") #iterators, handles = from_datasets_to_iterators_and_handles(model.sess, datasets) iterators = [] handles = [] for dataset in datasets: #iterator = dataset.make_initializable_iterator() # one shot iterators fits better here iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() iterators.append(iterator) handles.append( return model, handles
def evaluate(): ed_datasets, ed_names = train.create_el_ed_pipelines( gmonly_flag=True, filenames=args.ed_datasets, args=args) el_datasets, el_names = train.create_el_ed_pipelines( gmonly_flag=False, filenames=args.el_datasets, args=args) input_handle_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=[], name="input_handle_ph") sample_dataset = ed_datasets[0] if ed_datasets != [] else el_datasets[0] iterator = input_handle_ph, sample_dataset.output_types, sample_dataset.output_shapes) next_element = iterator.get_next() model = Model(train_args, next_element) model.input_handle_ph = input_handle_ph # just for convenience so i can access it from everywhere print(tf.global_variables()) if args.p_e_m_algorithm: model.final_scores = model.cand_entities_scores def ed_el_dataset_handles(sess, datasets): test_iterators = [] test_handles = [] for dataset in datasets: test_iterator = dataset.make_initializable_iterator() test_iterators.append(test_iterator) test_handles.append( return test_iterators, test_handles for el_mode, datasets, names in zip([False, True], [ed_datasets, el_datasets], [ed_names, el_names]): if names == []: continue model.restore_session("el" if el_mode else "ed") #print_variables_values(model) with model.sess as sess: print("Evaluating {} datasets".format("EL" if el_mode else "ED")) iterators, handles = ed_el_dataset_handles(sess, datasets) compute_ed_el_scores(model, handles, names, iterators, el_mode=el_mode)
def train(): training_dataset = create_training_pipelines(args) ed_datasets, ed_names = create_el_ed_pipelines(gmonly_flag=True, filenames=args.ed_datasets, args=args) el_datasets, el_names = create_el_ed_pipelines(gmonly_flag=False, filenames=args.el_datasets, args=args) input_handle_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=[], name="input_handle_ph") iterator = input_handle_ph, training_dataset.output_types, training_dataset.output_shapes) next_element = iterator.get_next() #print(next_element) if args.ablations: from model.model_ablations import Model else: from model.model import Model model = Model(args, next_element) model.input_handle_ph = input_handle_ph # just for convenience so i can access it from everywhere #print(tf.global_variables()) tf_writers = tensorboard_writers(model.sess.graph) model.tf_writers = tf_writers # for accessing convenience # The `Iterator.string_handle()` method returns a tensor that can be evaluated # and used to feed the `handle` placeholder. with model.sess as sess: def ed_el_dataset_handles(datasets): test_iterators = [] test_handles = [] for dataset in datasets: test_iterator = dataset.make_initializable_iterator() test_iterators.append(test_iterator) test_handles.append( return test_iterators, test_handles training_iterator = training_dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() training_handle = ed_iterators, ed_handles = ed_el_dataset_handles(ed_datasets) el_iterators, el_handles = ed_el_dataset_handles(el_datasets) # Loop forever, alternating between training and validation. best_ed_score = 0 best_el_score = 0 termination_ed_score = 0 termination_el_score = 0 nepoch_no_imprv = 0 # for early stopping train_step = 0 while True: total_train_loss = 0 # for _ in range(args.steps_before_evaluation): # for training based on training steps wall_start = time.time() while ((time.time() - wall_start) / 60) <= args.evaluation_minutes: train_step += 1 if args.ffnn_l2maxnorm: _, loss = [model.train_op, model.loss], feed_dict={ input_handle_ph: training_handle, model.dropout: args.dropout, }) total_train_loss += loss args.eval_cnt += 1 summary = tf.Summary(value=[ tf.Summary.Value(tag="total_train_loss", simple_value=total_train_loss) ]) tf_writers["train"].add_summary(summary, args.eval_cnt) print("args.eval_cnt = ", args.eval_cnt) summary = tf_writers["train"].add_summary(summary, args.eval_cnt) wall_start = time.time() comparison_ed_score = comparison_el_score = -0.1 if ed_names: print("Evaluating ED datasets") ed_scores = compute_ed_el_scores(model, ed_handles, ed_names, ed_iterators, el_mode=False) comparison_ed_score = np.mean( np.array(ed_scores)[args.ed_val_datasets]) if el_names: print("Evaluating EL datasets") el_scores = compute_ed_el_scores(model, el_handles, el_names, el_iterators, el_mode=True) comparison_el_score = np.mean( np.array(el_scores)[args.el_val_datasets]) print("Evaluation duration in minutes: ", (time.time() - wall_start) / 60) #comparison_ed_score = (ed_scores[1] + ed_scores[4]) / 2 # aida_dev + acquaint #comparison_score = ed_scores[1] # aida_dev if model.args.lr_decay > 0: *= model.args.lr_decay # decay learning rate text = "" best_ed_flag = False best_el_flag = False # otherwise not significant improvement 75.2 to 75.3 micro_f1 of aida_dev if comparison_ed_score >= best_ed_score + 0.1: # args.improvement_threshold: text = "- new best ED score!" + " prev_best= " + str(best_ed_score) +\ " new_best= " + str(comparison_ed_score) best_ed_flag = True best_ed_score = comparison_ed_score if comparison_el_score >= best_el_score + 0.1: #args.improvement_threshold: text += "- new best EL score!" + " prev_best= " + str(best_el_score) +\ " new_best= " + str(comparison_el_score) best_el_flag = True best_el_score = comparison_el_score if best_ed_flag or best_el_flag: # keep checkpoint print(text) if args.nocheckpoints is False: model.save_session(args.eval_cnt, best_ed_flag, best_el_flag) # check for termination now. if comparison_ed_score >= termination_ed_score + args.improvement_threshold\ or comparison_el_score >= termination_el_score + args.improvement_threshold: print("significant improvement. reset termination counter") termination_ed_score = comparison_ed_score termination_el_score = comparison_el_score nepoch_no_imprv = 0 else: nepoch_no_imprv += 1 if nepoch_no_imprv >= args.nepoch_no_imprv: print("- early stopping {} epochs without " "improvement".format(nepoch_no_imprv)) terminate() break
def __init__(self, train_args, args): self.args = args # input pipeline self.streaming_samples = StreamingSamples() ds = self.streaming_samples.gen, ( tf.int64, tf.int64, tf.int64, tf.int64, #words, words_len, chars, chars_len tf.int64, tf.int64, tf.int64, # begin_span, end_span, span_len tf.int64, tf.float32, tf.int64 ), #cand_entities, cand_entities_scores, cand_entities_len (tf.TensorShape([None]), tf.TensorShape( []), tf.TensorShape([None, None]), tf.TensorShape([None]), tf.TensorShape([None]), tf.TensorShape([None]), tf.TensorShape( []), tf.TensorShape([None, None]), tf.TensorShape( [None, None]), tf.TensorShape([None]))) next_element = ds.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next() # batch size = 1 i expand the dims now to match the training that has batch dimension next_element = [tf.expand_dims(t, 0) for t in next_element] next_element = [ None, *next_element[:-1], None, next_element[-1], None, None, None, None ] # restore model print("loading Model:", train_args.output_folder) model = Model(train_args, next_element) checkpoint_path = model.restore_session("el" if args.el_mode else "ed") self.model = model if args.hardcoded_thr: self.thr = args.hardcoded_thr print("threshold used:", self.thr) else: # optimal threshold recovery from log files. # based on the checkpoint selected look at the log file for threshold (otherwise recompute it) self.thr = retrieve_optimal_threshold_from_logfile( train_args.output_folder, checkpoint_path, args.el_mode) print("optimal threshold selected = ", self.thr) if args.running_mode == "el_mode": args.el_mode = True elif args.running_mode == "ed_mode": args.el_mode = False # convert text to tensors for the NN with open(args.experiment_folder + "word_char_maps.pickle", 'rb') as handle: self.word2id, _, self.char2id, _, _, _ = pickle.load(handle) self.wikiid2nnid = load_wikiid2nnid( extension_name=args.entity_extension) self.nnid2wikiid = reverse_dict(self.wikiid2nnid, unique_values=True) _, self.wiki_id_name_map = load_wiki_name_id_map() with open(args.experiment_folder + "prepro_args.pickle", 'rb') as handle: self.prepro_args = pickle.load(handle) if args.lowercase_spans_pem: self.prepro_args.lowercase_p_e_m = True self.prepro_args.lowercase_spans = True print("prepro_args:", self.prepro_args) self.prepro_args.persons_coreference = args.persons_coreference self.prepro_args.persons_coreference_merge = args.persons_coreference_merge self.fetchFilteredCoreferencedCandEntities = FetchFilteredCoreferencedCandEntities( self.prepro_args) prepro_util.args = self.prepro_args self.special_tokenized_words = {"``", '"', "''"} self.special_words_assertion_errors = 0 self.gm_idx_errors = 0 if self.args.el_with_stanfordner_and_our_ed: from nltk.tag import StanfordNERTagger = StanfordNERTagger( '../data/stanford_core_nlp/stanford-ner-2018-02-27/classifiers/english.all.3class.distsim.crf.ser.gz', '../data/stanford_core_nlp/stanford-ner-2018-02-27/stanford-ner.jar', encoding='utf-8') self.from_myspans_to_given_spans_map_errors = 0