Example #1
    def __init__(self):
        super(Stream, self).__init__()
        Logger.info('Stream: ON')
        self.streams = Gl.streams

        self.nReaches = len(self.streams[0])

        self.cell_stream = Gl.cell_stream

        self.reach = []

        for i in range(self.nReaches):
                Reach(self.streams[0][i], self.streams[1][i],
                      self.streams[2][i], self.streams[3][i],
                      self.streams[4][i], self.streams[5][i],
                      self.streams[6][i], self.streams[7][i],
                      self.streams[8][i], self.streams[9][i],
                      self.streams[10][i], self.streams[11][i],
                      self.streams[12][i], self.streams[13][i],

        self.streams_loc = Gl.streams_loc
        self.mat_stream_reach = Gl.mat_stream_reach

        for i in self.rr:
            for j in self.rc[i]:
                self.arr[i][j].state += self.mat_stream_reach[i][j]

Example #2
    def __init__(self):
        """The constructor

        Make all numpy arrays and establish the inflow procedure based
        on D8 or Multi Flow Direction Algorithm method.

        Logger.info("Surface: ON")

        self.n = 15

        # assign array objects
        for i in range(self.r):
            for j in range(self.c):
                self.arr[i][j] = SurArrs(Globals.get_mat_reten(i, j),
                                         Globals.get_mat_inf_index(i, j),
                                         Globals.get_mat_hcrit(i, j),
                                         Globals.get_mat_aa(i, j),
                                         Globals.get_mat_b(i, j))


            "\tRill flow: {}".format('ON' if Globals.isRill else 'OFF'))
Example #3
    def _print_array_stats(arr, file_output):
        """Print array stats.

        Logger.info("Raster ASCII output file {} saved".format(file_output))
        Logger.info("\tArray stats: min={} max={} mean={}".format(
            np.min(arr), np.max(arr), np.mean(arr)))
Example #4
    def prt(self, time, dt, sur):
        if not self.fTimes:

        if self.__n == len(self.times):

        if (time < self.times[self.__n]) and (self.times[self.__n] <=
                                              time + dt):

            cas = '%015.2f' % (time + dt)
            filen = os.path.join(Globals.outdir, self.outsubrid,
                                 'H' + str(cas).replace('.', '_') + '.asc')
            Logger.info("Printing total H into file {}".format(filein))
            tmp = np.zeros([Globals.r, Globals.c], float)

            for i in Globalsobals.rr:
                for j in Globals.rc[i]:
                    tmp[i][j] = sur.arr[i][j].h_total_new

            make_ASC_raster(filen, tmp, Globals)

            # pro pripat, ze v dt by bylo vice pozadovanych tisku, v takovem pripade udela jen jeden
            # a skoci prvni cas, ktery je mimo
            while (time < self.times[self.__n]) and (self.times[self.__n] <=
                                                     time + dt):
                self.__n += 1
                if self.__n == len(self.times):
Example #5
    def __init__(self):
        Logger.info("Diffuse approach")
        if (Globals.r is None or Globals.r is None):
            exit("Global variables are not assigned")
        r = Globals.r
        c = Globals.c

        self.H = np.zeros([r, c], float)
Example #6
    def __init__(self, L_sub, Ks, vg_n, vg_l):
        super(SubsurfacePass, self).__init__()
        # jj
        self.n = 0

        self.q_subsurface = None
        # self.arr = np.zeros([0],float)
        Logger.info("Subsurface: OFF")
def removeCellsWithSameHeightNeighborhood(
    mat_dem, mat_nan, rows, cols
):  # function determines if cell neighborhood has exactly same values of height a and than it save that cell as NoData
    "Returns an array with the values of heights, adjusted for the value of NoData cells"

    bad_cells = []

    # finding problem cells with same height neogborhood
    for i in range(rows):
        for j in range(cols):
            c = [i, j]
            count_nbrs = 0
            point_m = mat_dem[i][j]

            if i > 0 and i < (rows - 1) and j > 0 and j < (
                    cols - 1
            ):  # non edge cells - edge cells are excluded thanks to slope trimming

                nbrs = [
                    mat_dem[i - 1][j - 1], mat_dem[i - 1][j],
                    mat_dem[i - 1][j + 1], mat_dem[i][j - 1],
                    mat_dem[i][j + 1], mat_dem[i + 1][j - 1],
                    mat_dem[i + 1][j], mat_dem[i + 1][j + 1]

                for k in range(8):
                    if point_m > 0 and point_m == nbrs[k]:
                        count_nbrs = count_nbrs + 1
                if count_nbrs >= 7:  # compare number of neighbours with the same height
                    bc = 1

        "Possible water circulation! Check the input DTM raster for flat areas with the same height neighborhood."

    # all problem cells set as NoData
    if len(bad_cells) > 0:
        for i in range(rows):
            for j in range(cols):
                if bc == 1:
                    bc_i = bad_cells[0][0]
                    bc_j = bad_cells[0][1]

                    if bc_i == i and bc_j == j:
                        mat_dem[i][j] = -3.40282346639e+038
                        mat_nan[i][j] = -3.40282346639e+038
                        if len(bad_cells) == 0:
                            bc = 0

    return mat_dem, mat_nan
Example #8
    def _save_data(data, filename):
        """Save data into pickle.
        if filename is None:
            raise ProviderError('Output file for saving data not defined')
        dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
        if not os.path.exists(dirname):

        with open(filename, 'wb') as fd:
            pickle.dump(data, fd, protocol=2)
        Logger.info('Pickle file created in <{}> ({} bytes)'.format(
            filename, sys.getsizeof(data)))
    def __init__(self):
        super(Cumulative, self).__init__()

        Logger.info('Save cumulative and maximum values from: Surface')

        # Dictionary stores the python arrays identification.
            # cumulative infiltrated volume [m3]
            'infiltration' : CumulativeData('core',    'cInfil_m3'),     # 1
            # cumulative precipitation volume [m3]
            'precipitation': CumulativeData('core',    'cRain_m3'),      # 2
            # maximum surface water level [m]
            'h_sur_tot'    : CumulativeData('control', 'mWLevel_m'),     # 3
            # maximum sheet discharge [m3s-1]
            'q_sheet'      : CumulativeData('control', 'mQsheet_m3_s'),  # 4
            # cumulative sheet runoff volume [m3]
            'vol_sheet'    : CumulativeData('control', 'cSheetVOutM3'),  # 5
            # maximum sheet velocity [ms-1]
            'v_sheet'      : CumulativeData('control', 'mVel_m_s'),      # 6
            # maximum sheet shear stress [Pa]
            'shear_sheet'  : CumulativeData('control', 'mrSearStr_Pa'),  # 7
            # maximum water level in rills [m]
            'h_rill'       : CumulativeData('control', 'mWLevelRill_m'), # 8
            # maximum discharge in rills [m3s-1]
            'q_rill'       : CumulativeData('control', 'mQRill_m3_s'),   # 9
            # cumulative runoff volume in rills [m3]
            'vol_rill'     : CumulativeData('control', 'cRillVOut_m3'),  # 10
            # maximum rill width [m]
            'b_rill'       : CumulativeData('control', 'widthRill'),     # 11
            # cumulative surface inflow volume [m3]
            'inflow_sur'   : CumulativeData('control', 'cVIn_M3'),       # 12
            # maximum surface retention [m]
            'sur_ret'      : CumulativeData('control', 'surRet_M'),      # 13
            # cumulative surface runoff volume [m3]
            'vol_sur_r'    : CumulativeData('control', 'CumVRestL3'),    # 14
            # maximal total surface flow [m3/s]
            'q_sur_tot'    : CumulativeData('core',    'mQsur_m3_s'),    # 15
            # cumulative total surface flow [m3/s]
            'vol_sur_tot'  : CumulativeData('core',    'cVsur_m3')       # 16
        # define arrays class attributes
        for item in self.data.keys():
                    np.zeros([GridGlobals.r, GridGlobals.c], float)
    def __init__(self):
        super(CumulativeSubsurface, self).__init__()


            # cumulative exfiltration volume [m3]
            'exfiltration': CumulativeData('core', 'cExfiltr_m3'),     # 1
            # cumulative percolation volume [m3]
            'percolation' : CumulativeData('core', 'cPercol_m3'),      # 2
            # maximum water level in the subsurface soil layer [m]
            'h_sub'       : CumulativeData('core', 'mWLevelSub_M'),    # 3
            # maximum subsurface flux [m3s-1]
            'q_sub'       : CumulativeData('core', 'mQSub_m3_s'),      # 4
            # cumulative outflow volume in subsurface soil layer [m3]
            'vol_sub'     : CumulativeData('core', 'cVOutSub_m3')      # 5
Example #11
    def __init__(self, id_, point_x, point_y, point_x_1, point_y_1, to_node,
                 length, sklon, smoderp, number, shape, b, m, roughness, q365):

        self.id_ = id_
        self.pointsFrom = [point_x, point_y]
        self.pointsTo = [point_x_1, point_y_1]
        self.to_node = to_node
        self.length = length
        if sklon < 0:
                "Slope in reach part {} indicated minus slope in stream".
        self.slope = abs(sklon)
        self.smoderp = smoderp
        self.no = number
        self.shape = shape

        self.b = b
        self.m = m
        self.roughness = roughness
        self.q365 = q365
        self.V_in_from_field = 0.0
        self.V_in_from_field_cum = 0.0
        self.V_in_from_reach = 0.0
        self.V_out_cum = 0.0  # L^3
        self.vol_rest = 0.0
        self.h = 0.0  # jj mozna pocatecni podminka? ikdyz to je asi q365 co...
        self.h_max = 0.0
        self.timeh_max = 0.0
        self.V_out = 0.0
        self.vs = 0.0
        self.Q_out = 0.0
        self.Q_max = 0.0
        self.timeQ_max = 0.0
        self.V_out_domain = 0.0

        if shape == 0:  # obdelnik
            self.outflow_method = stream_f.rectangle
        elif shape == 1:  # trapezoid
            self.outflow_method = stream_f.trapezoid
        elif shape == 2:  # triangle
            self.outflow_method = stream_f.triangle
        elif shape == 3:  # parabola
            self.outflow_method = stream_f.parabola
            self.outflow_method = stream_f.rectangle
Example #12
def new_mfda(mat_dem, mat_nan, mat_fd, vpix, spix, rows, cols):
    state = 0
    state2 = 0

    val_array = np.zeros([rows, cols, 8], float)
    val_array2 = np.zeros([rows, cols], float)
    fd_rill = np.zeros([rows, cols], float)

    Logger.info("Computing multiple flow direction algorithm...")

    # for i in range(rows):
      # for j in range(cols):
        # print i,j,mat_dem[i][j]

    # function determines if cell neighborhood has miltiple cell with exactly
    # same values of height and than it saves that cell as NoData
    mat_dem, mat_nan = removeCellsWithSameHeightNeighborhood(
        mat_dem, mat_nan, rows, cols)

    # for i in range(rows):
      # for j in range(cols):
        # print i,j,mat_dem[i][j]

    # main multiple-flow direction algorithm calculation
    for i in range(rows):
        for j in range(cols):

            point_m = mat_dem[i][j]

            if point_m < 0 or i == 0 or j == 0 or i == (rows - 1) or j == (cols - 1):
                # jj nemely by ty byt nuly?
                for m in range(8):
                    val_array[i][j][m] = 0.0  # -3.40282346639e+38
                val_array2[i][j] = -3.40282346639e+38

                possible_circulation = 0

                nbrs = neighbors(i, j, mat_dem, rows, cols)
                fldir, flsp = dirSlope(point_m, nbrs, vpix, spix)

                flprop = np.zeros(8, float)
                sum_slgr = 0

                pc = 0

                # checking for cells with same height as neighbors
                for k in range(8):
                    if abs(point_m - nbrs[k]) < 1e-5:
                        pc = pc + 1

                if pc > 1:
                    possible_circulation = 1
                # circulation is not possible
                if possible_circulation == 0:
                    for k in range(8):
                        slgr = flsp[k]  # slope gradient
                        if slgr < 0:
                            sum_slgr = math.pow(
                                VE) + sum_slgr  # sum of slope gradient
                    if sum_slgr == 0:
                        for m in range(8):
                            if fldir[m] == 0:
                                if m == 0:
                                    val_array[i][j][5] = 1.0
                                    val_array2[i][j] = 32
                                    fd_rill[i][j] = 32
                                if m == 1:
                                    val_array[i][j][6] = 1.0
                                    val_array2[i][j] = 64
                                    fd_rill[i][j] = 64
                                if m == 2:
                                    val_array[i][j][7] = 1.0
                                    val_array2[i][j] = 128
                                    fd_rill[i][j] = 128
                                if m == 3:
                                    val_array[i][j][0] = 1.0
                                    val_array2[i][j] = 1
                                    fd_rill[i][j] = 1
                                if m == 4:
                                    val_array[i][j][1] = 1.0
                                    val_array2[i][j] = 2
                                    fd_rill[i][j] = 2
                                if m == 5:
                                    val_array[i][j][2] = 1.0
                                    val_array2[i][j] = 4
                                    fd_rill[i][j] = 4
                                if m == 6:
                                    val_array[i][j][3] = 1.0
                                    val_array2[i][j] = 8
                                    fd_rill[i][j] = 8
                                if m == 7:
                                    val_array[i][j][4] = 1.0
                                    val_array2[i][j] = 16
                                    fd_rill[i][j] = 16
                        for k in range(8):
                            slgr = flsp[k]  # slope gradient
                            if slgr < 0:
                                flprop[k] = 0
                                fl_prop = math.pow(
                                    VE) / sum_slgr  # flow proportions
                                flprop[k] = fl_prop

                    flow_amount_cell = np.zeros(8, float)

                    for l in range(8):

                        flowcells = flprop[l]

                        if flowcells > 0:

                            prop =  (fldir[l] / FB ) * \
                                flowcells  # percentage part into 1st cell
                            prop2 = (
                                1 - fldir[l] / FB) * flowcells  # to second cell

                            if l == 0 and fldir[l] > 0 and fldir[l] < FB:  # division to two cells
                                flow_amount_cell[0] = prop2
                                flow_amount_cell[1] = prop
                                state2 = 1  # because of last cell in the loop
                            elif l == 0 and fldir[l] == 0:  # only to one cell division
                                flow_amount_cell[0] = flowcells

                            if l == 1 and fldir[l] > 0 and fldir[l] < FB:
                                if state2 == 1:
                                        1] = flow_amount_cell[
                                            1] + prop2
                                    flow_amount_cell[1] = prop2
                                flow_amount_cell[2] = prop
                                state = 2
                            elif l == 1 and fldir[l] == 0:
                                flow_amount_cell[1] = flowcells

                            if l == 2 and fldir[l] > 0 and fldir[l] < FB:
                                if state == 2:
                                        2] = flow_amount_cell[
                                            2] + prop2
                                    flow_amount_cell[2] = prop2
                                flow_amount_cell[4] = prop
                                state = 3
                            elif l == 2 and fldir[l] == 0:
                                flow_amount_cell[2] = flowcells

                            if l == 3 and fldir[l] > 0 and fldir[l] < FB:
                                if state == 3:
                                        4] = flow_amount_cell[
                                            4] + prop2
                                    flow_amount_cell[4] = prop2
                                flow_amount_cell[7] = prop
                                state = 4
                            elif l == 3 and fldir[l] == 0:
                                flow_amount_cell[4] = flowcells

                            if l == 4 and fldir[l] > 0 and fldir[l] < FB:
                                if state == 4:
                                        7] = flow_amount_cell[
                                            7] + prop2
                                    flow_amount_cell[7] = prop2
                                flow_amount_cell[6] = prop
                                state = 5
                            elif l == 4 and fldir[l] == 0:
                                flow_amount_cell[7] = flowcells

                            if l == 5 and fldir[l] > 0 and fldir[l] < FB:
                                if state == 5:
                                        6] = flow_amount_cell[
                                            6] + prop2
                                    flow_amount_cell[6] = prop2
                                flow_amount_cell[5] = prop
                                state = 6
                            elif l == 5 and fldir[l] == 0:
                                flow_amount_cell[6] = flowcells

                            if l == 6 and fldir[l] > 0 and fldir[l] < FB:
                                if state == 6:
                                        5] = flow_amount_cell[
                                            5] + prop2
                                    flow_amount_cell[5] = prop2
                                flow_amount_cell[3] = prop
                                state = 7
                            elif l == 6 and fldir[l] == 0:
                                flow_amount_cell[5] = flowcells

                            if l == 7 and fldir[l] > 0 and fldir[l] < FB:
                                if state == 7:
                                        3] = flow_amount_cell[
                                            3] + prop2
                                    flow_amount_cell[3] = prop2
                                if state2 == 1:
                                        0] = flow_amount_cell[
                                            0] + prop
                                    flow_amount_cell[0] = prop
                            elif l == 7 and fldir[l] == 0:
                                flow_amount_cell[3] = flowcells

                    state = 0

                    if (abs(sum(flprop) - 1.0) > 1e-5):
                        Logger.info("Error - sum of flow proportions is not eqaul to 1.0")
                        Logger.info(sum(flprop), i, j)
                    if (abs(sum(flow_amount_cell) - 1.0) > 1e-5):
                        Logger.info("Error - sum of flow amount in cell is not eqaul to 1.0")
                        Logger.info(sum(flow_amount_cell), i, j)

                    # same direction as in ArcGIS
                    flow_direction = [
                        flow_amount_cell[4], flow_amount_cell[
                            7], flow_amount_cell[6], flow_amount_cell[5],
                        flow_amount_cell[3], flow_amount_cell[0], flow_amount_cell[1], flow_amount_cell[2]]

                    fldirr = np.zeros(8)
                    for n in range(8):
                        if flow_direction[n] > 0:
                            fldirr[n] = 1
                            fldirr[n] = 0

                    int_val = boolToInt(fldirr)
                    val_array2[i][j] = int_val

                    val_array[i][j] = flow_direction

                    # getting outfall maximum of flow direction amount from
                    # each cell to determine outfall for rill
                    ind = np.argmax(flow_direction)
                    if ind == 0:
                        fd_rill[i][j] = 1
                    if ind == 1:
                        fd_rill[i][j] = 2
                    if ind == 2:
                        fd_rill[i][j] = 4
                    if ind == 3:
                        fd_rill[i][j] = 8
                    if ind == 4:
                        fd_rill[i][j] = 16
                    if ind == 5:
                        fd_rill[i][j] = 32
                    if ind == 6:
                        fd_rill[i][j] = 64
                    if ind == 7:
                        fd_rill[i][j] = 128

                # case that in raster are places where more than one neighbor
                # has exact same height value so circulation is possible
                    if mat_fd[i][j] == 1:
                        val_array[i][j][0] = 1.0
                        val_array2[i][j] = 1
                        fd_rill[i][j] = 1
                    if mat_fd[i][j] == 2:
                        val_array[i][j][1] = 1.0
                        val_array2[i][j] = 2
                        fd_rill[i][j] = 2
                    if mat_fd[i][j] == 4:
                        val_array[i][j][2] = 1.0
                        val_array2[i][j] = 4
                        fd_rill[i][j] = 4
                    if mat_fd[i][j] == 8:
                        val_array[i][j][3] = 1.0
                        val_array2[i][j] = 8
                        fd_rill[i][j] = 8
                    if mat_fd[i][j] == 16:
                        val_array[i][j][4] = 1.0
                        val_array2[i][j] = 16
                        fd_rill[i][j] = 16
                    if mat_fd[i][j] == 32:
                        val_array[i][j][5] = 1.0
                        val_array2[i][j] = 32
                        fd_rill[i][j] = 32
                    if mat_fd[i][j] == 64:
                        val_array[i][j][6] = 1.0
                        val_array2[i][j] = 64
                        fd_rill[i][j] = 64
                    if mat_fd[i][j] == 128:
                        val_array[i][j][7] = 1.0
                        val_array2[i][j] = 128
                        fd_rill[i][j] = 128
    return val_array, fd_rill
Example #13
    def __init__(self, item='core'):
        points = Globals.get_array_points()
        ipi = points.shape[0]
        jpj = 5
        point_int = [[0] * jpj for i in range(ipi)]

        rr, rc = GridGlobals.get_region_dim()
        pixel_area = GridGlobals.get_pixel_area()

        self.inSurface = []
        self.inStream = []

        for ip in range(ipi):
            for jp in [0, 1, 2]:
                point_int[ip][jp] = int(points[ip][jp])

        for ip in range(ipi):
            for jp in [3, 4]:
                point_int[ip][jp] = points[ip][jp]

        # tento cylkus meze budy, ktere jsou
        # v i,j cylku o jednu vedle rrows a rcols
        outsideDomain = False
        del_ = []
        for ip in range(ipi):
            l = point_int[ip][1]
            m = point_int[ip][2]
            for ipp in rr:
                if l == ipp:
                    for jpp in rc[ipp]:
                        if m == jpp:
                            outsideDomain = True
            if not (outsideDomain):
            outsideDomain = False
        point_int = [i for j, i in enumerate(point_int) if j not in del_]
        ipi -= len(del_)

        counter = 0

        # mat_stream_seg is alway presented if stream == True
        # if (mat_stream_seg != None) and (stream == True):
        if Globals.isStream:
            for ip in range(ipi):
                l = point_int[ip][1]
                m = point_int[ip][2]

                if Globals.get_mat_stream_reach(l, m) >= 1000:
                    counter += 1
                    counter += 1
            self.inSurface = [i for i in range(ipi)]


        self.n = ipi
        self.point_int = point_int
        self.subflow = Globals.subflow
        self.rill = Globals.isRill
        self.stream = Globals.isStream
        self.pixel_area = pixel_area

        iStream = 0
        iSurface = 0

        self.header = []

        for i in range(self.n):
            header = '# Hydrograph at the point with coordinates: {} {}{}'.format(
                self.point_int[i][3], self.point_int[i][4], os.linesep)
            header += '# A pixel size is [m2]: {}{}'.format(
                GridGlobals.pixel_area, os.linesep)
            if i == self.inStream[iStream]:

                if not Globals.extraOut:
                    header += '# time[s];deltaTime[s];rainfall[m];reachWaterLevel[m];reachFlow[m3/s];reachVolRunoff[m3]'
                    header += '# time[s];deltaTime[s];Rainfall[m];Waterlevel[m];V_runoff[m3];Q[m3/s];V_from_field[m3];V_rests_in_stream[m3]'
                header += os.linesep
                iStream += 1

            elif i == self.inSurface[iSurface]:

                if not Globals.extraOut:
                    header += '# time[s];deltaTime[s];rainfall[m];totalWaterLevel[m];surfaceFlow[m3/s];surfaceVolRunoff[m3]{}'.format(
                    header += '# time[s];deltaTime[s];Rainfall[m];Water_level_[m];Sheet_Flow[m3/s];Sheet_V_runoff[m3];Sheet_V_rest[m3];Infiltration[m];Surface_retetion[m];State;V_inflow[m3];WlevelTotal[m]{}'

                    if Globals.isRill:
                        header += ';WlevelRill[m];Rill_width[m];Rill_flow[m3/s];Rill_V_runoff[m3];Rill_V_rest;Surface_Flow[m3/s];Surface_V_runoff[m3]'
                    header += ';SurfaceBil[m3]'
                    if Globals.subflow:
                        header += ';Sub_Water_level_[m];Sub_Flow_[m3/s];Sub_V_runoff[m3];Sub_V_rest[m3];Percolation[];exfiltration[]'
                    if Globals.extraOut:
                        header += ';V_to_rill.m3.;ratio;courant;courantrill;iter'
                    header += os.linesep

                iSurface += 1

        self.files = []
        for i in range(self.n):
            filename = 'point{}.csv'.format(str(self.point_int[i][0]).zfill(3))
            fd = open(os.path.join(Globals.get_outdir(), filename), 'w')

        del self.inStream[-1]
        del self.inSurface[-1]

        Logger.info("Hydrographs files has been created...")
Example #14
 def __init__(self):
     super(StreamPass, self).__init__()
     self.reach = None
     Logger.info('Stream: OFF')
Example #15
 def __init__(self, L_sub=0.010, Ks=0.001, vg_n=1.5, vg_l=0.5):
     super(Subsurface, self).__init__(L_sub=L_sub,
Example #16
    def run(self):
        """ The computation of the water level development 
        is performed here. 
        The *main loop* which goes through time steps
        has *nested loop* for iterations (in case the 
        computation does not converge).

        The computation has been divided in two parts
        First, in iteration (*nested*) loop is calculated 
        the surface runoff (to which is the time step 
        sensitive) in a function time_step.do_flow()

        Next water balance is performed at each cell of the 
        raster. Water level in next time step is calculated by 
        a function time_step.do_next_h().

        Selected values are stored in at the end of each loop.

        # saves time before the main loop
        Logger.info('Start of computing...')
        Logger.start_time = time.time()

        # main loop: until the end time
        i = j = 0  # TODO: rename vars (variable overlap)
        while self.flow_control.compare_time(Globals.end_time):


            # iteration loop
            while self.flow_control.max_iter_reached():


                # reset of the courant condition

                # time step size
                potRain = self.time_step.do_flow(self.surface, self.subsurface,

                # stores current time step
                delta_t_tmp = self.delta_t

                # update time step size if necessary (based on the courant
                # condition)
                self.delta_t, self.flow_control.ratio = self.courant.courant(
                    potRain, self.delta_t, self.flow_control.ratio)

                # courant conditions is satisfied (time step did
                # change) the iteration loop breaks
                if delta_t_tmp == self.delta_t and self.flow_control.compare_ratio(

            # Calculate actual rainfall and adds up interception todo:
            # AP - actual is not storred in hydrographs
            actRain = self.time_step.do_next_h(self.surface, self.subsurface,
                                               self.rain_arr, self.cumulative,
                                               self.flow_control, self.courant,
                                               potRain, self.delta_t)

            # if the iteration exceed the maximal amount of iteration
            # last results are stored in hydrographs
            # and error is raised
            if not self.flow_control.max_iter_reached():
                for i in GridGlobals.rr:
                    for j in GridGlobals.rc[i]:
                            i, j, self.flow_control, self.courant,
                            self.delta_t, self.surface, self.subsurface,
                # TODO
                # post_proc.do(self.cumulative, Globals.mat_slope, Gl, surface.arr)
                raise MaxIterationExceeded(self.flow_control.max_iter,

            # adjusts the last time step size
            if (Globals.end_time - self.flow_control.total_time) < self.delta_t and \
               (Globals.end_time - self.flow_control.total_time) > 0:
                self.delta_t = Globals.end_time - self.flow_control.total_time

            # proceed to next time

            # if end time reached the main loop breaks
            if self.flow_control.total_time == Globals.end_time:

            timeperc = 100 * (self.flow_control.total_time +
                              self.delta_t) / Globals.end_time
            Logger.progress(timeperc, self.delta_t, self.flow_control.iter_,
                            self.flow_control.total_time + self.delta_t)

            # calculate outflow from each reach of the stream network
            # calculate inflow to reaches
            # record cumulative and maximal results of a reach
            self.surface.stream_cumulative(self.flow_control.total_time +

            # set current times to previous time step

            # write hydrographs of reaches
                i, j, self.flow_control, self.courant, self.delta_t,
                self.surface, self.subsurface, actRain, True)

            # print raster results in given time steps
            self.times_prt.prt(self.flow_control.total_time, self.delta_t,

            # set current time results to previous time step
            # check if rill flow occur
            for i in self.surface.rr:
                for j in self.surface.rc[i]:
                    if self.surface.arr[i][j].state == 0:
                        if self.surface.arr[i][
                                j].h_total_new > self.surface.arr[i][j].h_crit:
                            self.surface.arr[i][j].state = 1

                    if self.surface.arr[i][j].state == 1:
                        if self.surface.arr[i][
                                j].h_total_new < self.surface.arr[i][
                                j].h_last_state1 = self.surface.arr[i][
                            self.surface.arr[i][j].state = 2

                    if self.surface.arr[i][j].state == 2:
                        if self.surface.arr[i][
                                j].h_total_new > self.surface.arr[i][
                            self.surface.arr[i][j].state = 1

                    self.surface.arr[i][j].h_total_pre = self.surface.arr[i][

        # perform postprocessing - store results
        Logger.info('Saving output data...')
        self.provider.postprocessing(self.cumulative, self.surface.arr,

        # TODO
        # post_proc.stream_table(Globals.outdir + os.sep, self.surface,
        #                        Globals.streams_loc)

        Logger.info('-' * 80)
        Logger.info('Total computing time: {}'.format(time.time() -
Example #17
    def __init__(self, provider):
        """Initialize main classes.

        Method defines instances of classes for rainfall, surface,
        stream and subsurface processes handling.
        self.provider = provider

        # handling print of the solution in given times
        self.times_prt = TimesPrt()

        # flow control
        self.flow_control = FlowControl()

        # handling the actual rainfall amount
        self.rain_arr = Vegetation()

        # handling the surface processes
        self.surface = Surface()

        # class handling the subsurface processes if desir
        # TODO: include in data preprocessing
        if Globals.subflow:
            self.subsurface = Subsurface(L_sub=0.1,
            self.subsurface = Subsurface()

        # maximal and cumulative values of resulting variables
        self.cumulative = Cumulative()

        # handle times step changes based on Courant condition
        self.courant = Courant()
        self.delta_t = self.courant.initial_time_step(self.surface)
        Logger.info('Corrected time step is {} [s]'.format(self.delta_t))

        # opens files for storing hydrographs
        if Globals.points and Globals.points != "#":
            self.hydrographs = wf.Hydrographs()
            ### TODO
            # arcgis = Globals.arcgis
            # if not arcgis:
            #     with open(os.path.join(Globals.outdir, 'points.txt'), 'w') as fd:
            #         for i in range(len(Globals.array_points)):
            #             fd.write('{} {} {} {}'.format(
            #                 Globals.array_points[i][0], Globals.array_points[i][3],
            #                 Globals.array_points[i][4], os.linesep
            #             ))
            self.hydrographs = wf.HydrographsPass()

        # method for single time step calculation
        self.time_step = TimeStep()

        # record values into hydrographs at time zero
        rr, rc = GridGlobals.get_region_dim()
        for i in rr:
            for j in rc[i]:
                    i, j, self.flow_control, self.courant, self.delta_t,
                    self.surface, self.subsurface, 0.0)
        # record values into stream hydrographs at time zero
        self.hydrographs.write_hydrographs_record(i, j, self.flow_control,
                                                  self.courant, self.delta_t,
                                                  self.subsurface, 0.0, True)

        Logger.info('-' * 80)
Example #18
 def __init__(self):
     Logger.info("D8 flow algorithm")
     self.inflows = D8_.new_inflows(Globals.get_mat_fd())
Example #19
    def __init__(self):

        Logger.info("Multiflow direction algorithm")
        self.inflows, fd_rill = mfd.new_mfda(mat_dem, mat_nan, mat_fd, vpix,
                                             spix, rows, cols)
        self.inflowsRill = D8_.new_inflows(fd_rill)
Example #20
 def __init__(self):
     Logger.info("Kinematic approach")
     super(Kinematic, self).__init__()