def uploadHistory(): # Get user id u = UserModel() user = u.getUserByUsername(request.headers['username']) # Save history data h = HistoryModel() result = h.createHistory(request.form, user['id_user']) # Save images and link in DB imagelist = ast.literal_eval(request.form['images']) resizeImages(imagelist) i = ImageModel() i.addImages(imagelist, result['history_id']) # Send email to admins and author admins = u.getAllAdmins() data = {} data['title'] = request.form['title'] data['author'] = user['real_name'] data['id_history'] = result['history_id'] for admin in admins: sendNewHistoryNotification(admin, data) if not user['admin']: sendNewHistoryNotification(user, data) return jsonify({'admin':result['isAdmin'], 'history_id': result['history_id']})
def deleteHistory(id): h = HistoryModel() history = h.getHistoryById(id) h.deleteHistory(id) # Send email to admins and author u = UserModel() user = u.getUserByUsername(history['username']) admins = u.getAllAdmins() for admin in admins: sendDeletedHistoryNotification(admin, history) if not user['admin']: sendDeletedHistoryNotification(user, history) return jsonify({'result': 'true'})
def editHistory(id): data = json.loads( h = HistoryModel() old_history = h.getHistoryById(id) h.updateHistory(id, data) i = ImageModel() # Unlink deleted images if len(data['images']) > 0: old_imagelist = old_history['images'] new_imagelist = data['images'] if isinstance(new_imagelist[0], dict): new_imagelist = [el['href'] for el in new_imagelist] for image in old_imagelist: if image['href'] not in new_imagelist: i.deleteImageByFilename(image['href']) # Save new images and link in DB if 'newImages' in data: imagelist = data['newImages'] resizeImages(imagelist) i.addImages(imagelist, id) #Publish twitter if old_history['twitter'] != data['twitter'] and data['twitter']: auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(app.config['consumer_key'], app.config['consumer_secret']) auth.set_access_token(app.config['access_token'], app.config['access_token_secret']) apiTwitter = tweepy.API(auth) maxLength = 117 if len(old_history["images"]) > 0: maxLength = 93 maxLength -= (len(app.config['hashtag']) + 1) tweet = data["text_history"] if(len(tweet) > maxLength): maxLength -= 3 tweet = tweet[0:maxLength] tweet += "..." tweet += app.config['baseURL'] + data["historyUrl"] + str(data["id_history"]) + " " + app.config['hashtag'] if len(old_history["images"]) > 0: imageTwitter = app.config['IMAGES_FOLDER'] + old_history["images"][0]["href"] apiTwitter.update_with_media(imageTwitter,status=tweet) else: status = apiTwitter.update_status(status=tweet) # Send email to admins and author u = UserModel() user = u.getUserByUsername(data['username']) admins = u.getAllAdmins() if old_history['status'] == data['status']: for admin in admins: sendEditedHistoryNotification(admin, data) if not user['admin']: sendEditedHistoryNotification(user, data) else: for admin in admins: sendPublishedHistoryNotification(admin, data) if not user['admin']: sendPublishedHistoryNotification(user, data) return jsonify({'result': 'true'})