Example #1
  def clone_g0_inputs_on_ngpus(self, inputs, outputs, g0_inputs):
    Clone variables unused by the attack on all GPUs. Specifically, the
    ground-truth label, y, has to be preserved until the training step.

    :param inputs: A list of dictionaries as the inputs to each step.
    :param outputs: A list of dictionaries as the outputs of each step.
    :param g0_inputs: Initial variables to be cloned.
    :return: Updated inputs and outputs.
    assert len(inputs) == len(outputs), (
        'Inputs and outputs should have the same number of elements.')


    # Copy g0_inputs forward
    for i in range(1, len(inputs)):
      # Create the graph for i'th step of attack
      device_name = inputs[i]['x'].device
      with tf.device(device_name):
        with tf.variable_scope('step%d' % i):
          for k, v in g0_inputs.iteritems():
            if k not in inputs[i]:
              v_copy = clone_variable(k, v)
              inputs[i][k] = v_copy
              outputs[i][k] = v_copy

    return inputs, outputs
Example #2
    def clone_g0_inputs_on_ngpus(self, inputs, outputs, g0_inputs):
        Clone variables unused by the attack on all GPUs. Specifically, the
        ground-truth label, y, has to be preserved until the training step.

        :param inputs: A list of dictionaries as the inputs to each step.
        :param outputs: A list of dictionaries as the outputs of each step.
        :param g0_inputs: Initial variables to be cloned.
        :return: Updated inputs and outputs.
        assert len(inputs) == len(outputs), (
            'Inputs and outputs should have the same number of elements.')


        # Copy g0_inputs forward
        for i in range(1, len(inputs)):
            # Create the graph for i'th step of attack
            device_name = inputs[i]['x'].device
            with tf.device(device_name):
                with tf.variable_scope('step%d' % i):
                    for k, v in g0_inputs.iteritems():
                        if k not in inputs[i]:
                            v_copy = clone_variable(k, v)
                            inputs[i][k] = v_copy
                            outputs[i][k] = v_copy

        return inputs, outputs
Example #3
  def _create_train_graph(self):
    super(TrainerMultiGPU, self)._create_train_graph()
    assert '_multigpu' in self.hparams.attack_type_train

    hparams = self.hparams
    model = self.model
    sess = self.sess

    # Create trainable variables on last gpu.
    # Variables are set to trainable or non-trainable first time they are
    # created. This caused a bug when the last gpu is used both for attack
    # generation and training. With this bug the result of naive training
    # was affected by the length of the unused adversarial generation
    # graph.
    device_name = '/gpu:%d' % (hparams.ngpu-1)
    with tf.device(device_name):
      x = clone_variable('x', self.g0_inputs['x'])
      preds = model.get_probs(x)

    # Generates steps on gpus
    logging.info("Initializing train attack %s" %
    inputs, outputs = create_adv_by_name(
        model, self.g0_inputs['x'], hparams.attack_type_train,
        sess, y=self.g0_inputs['y'], nb_iter=hparams.attack_nb_iter_train,
        dataset=hparams.dataset, ngpu=hparams.ngpu)

    inputs, outputs = self.clone_g0_inputs_on_ngpus(
        inputs, outputs, self.g0_inputs)

    # Train step on last gpu
    device_name = '/gpu:%d' % (hparams.ngpu-1)
    with tf.device(device_name):
      with tf.variable_scope('last'):
        inputs += [OrderedDict()]
        for k, v in outputs[-1].iteritems():
          v_copy = clone_variable(k, v)
          inputs[-1][k] = v_copy
        x = inputs[-1]['x']
        adv_x = inputs[-1]['adv_x']
        y = inputs[-1]['y']
        if not hparams.adv_train:
          preds = model.get_probs(x)
          preds_adv = None
        elif not hparams.only_adv_train:
          preds = model.get_probs(x)
          preds_adv = model.get_probs(adv_x)
          preds = None
          preds_adv = model.get_probs(adv_x)
        train_fetches = self._build_train_op(preds, y, preds_adv)

    outputs += [{'fetches': train_fetches}]

    # Create the sync operation
    device_name = '/gpu:%d' % (hparams.ngpu-1)
    with tf.device(device_name):
      sync_ops = model.create_sync_ops(host_device=device_name)

    self.inputs = inputs
    self.outputs = outputs
    self.sync_ops = sync_ops
Example #4
  def attack(self, x, y_p, **kwargs):
    This method creates a symoblic graph of the MadryEtAl attack on
    multiple GPUs. The graph is created on the first n GPUs.

    Stop gradient is needed to get the speed-up. This prevents us from
    being able to back-prop through the attack.

    :param x: A tensor with the input image.
    :param y_p: Ground truth label or predicted label.
    :return: Two lists containing the input and output tensors of each GPU.
    inputs = []
    outputs = []

    # Create the initial random perturbation
    device_name = '/gpu:0'
    with tf.device(device_name):
      with tf.variable_scope('init_rand'):
        if self.rand_init:
          eta = tf.random_uniform(tf.shape(x), -self.eps, self.eps)
          eta = clip_eta(eta, self.ord, self.eps)
          eta = tf.stop_gradient(eta)
          eta = tf.zeros_like(x)

    # TODO: Break the graph only nGPU times instead of nb_iter times.
    # The current implementation by the time an adversarial example is
    # used for training, the weights of the model have changed nb_iter
    # times. This can cause slower convergence compared to the single GPU
    # adversarial training.
    for i in range(self.nb_iter):
      # Create the graph for i'th step of attack
      inputs += [OrderedDict()]
      outputs += [OrderedDict()]
      device_name = x.device
      with tf.device(device_name):
        with tf.variable_scope('step%d' % i):
          if i > 0:
            # Clone the variables to separate the graph of 2 GPUs
            x = clone_variable('x', x)
            y_p = clone_variable('y_p', y_p)
            eta = clone_variable('eta', eta)

          inputs[i]['x'] = x
          inputs[i]['y_p'] = y_p
          outputs[i]['x'] = x
          outputs[i]['y_p'] = y_p
          inputs[i]['eta'] = eta

          eta = self.attack_single_step(x, eta, y_p)

          if i < self.nb_iter-1:
            outputs[i]['eta'] = eta
            # adv_x, not eta is the output of the last step
            adv_x = x + eta
            if (self.clip_min is not None and self.clip_max is not None):
              adv_x = tf.clip_by_value(adv_x, self.clip_min, self.clip_max)
            adv_x = tf.stop_gradient(adv_x, name='adv_x')
            outputs[i]['adv_x'] = adv_x

    return inputs, outputs
    def attack(self, x, y_p, **kwargs):
        This method creates a symoblic graph of the MadryEtAl attack on
        multiple GPUs. The graph is created on the first n GPUs.

        Stop gradient is needed to get the speed-up. This prevents us from
        being able to back-prop through the attack.

        :param x: A tensor with the input image.
        :param y_p: Ground truth label or predicted label.
        :return: Two lists containing the input and output tensors of each GPU.
        inputs = []
        outputs = []

        # Create the initial random perturbation
        device_name = '/gpu:0'
        with tf.device(device_name):
            with tf.variable_scope('init_rand'):
                if self.rand_init:
                    eta = tf.random_uniform(tf.shape(x), -self.eps, self.eps)
                    eta = clip_eta(eta, self.ord, self.eps)
                    eta = tf.stop_gradient(eta)
                    eta = tf.zeros_like(x)

        # TODO: Break the graph only nGPU times instead of nb_iter times.
        # The current implementation by the time an adversarial example is
        # used for training, the weights of the model have changed nb_iter
        # times. This can cause slower convergence compared to the single GPU
        # adversarial training.
        for i in range(self.nb_iter):
            # Create the graph for i'th step of attack
            inputs += [OrderedDict()]
            outputs += [OrderedDict()]
            device_name = x.device
            with tf.device(device_name):
                with tf.variable_scope('step%d' % i):
                    if i > 0:
                        # Clone the variables to separate the graph of 2 GPUs
                        x = clone_variable('x', x)
                        y_p = clone_variable('y_p', y_p)
                        eta = clone_variable('eta', eta)

                    inputs[i]['x'] = x
                    inputs[i]['y_p'] = y_p
                    outputs[i]['x'] = x
                    outputs[i]['y_p'] = y_p
                    inputs[i]['eta'] = eta

                    eta = self.attack_single_step(x, eta, y_p)

                    if i < self.nb_iter-1:
                        outputs[i]['eta'] = eta
                        # adv_x, not eta is the output of the last step
                        adv_x = x + eta
                        if (self.clip_min is not None
                                and self.clip_max is not None):
                            adv_x = tf.clip_by_value(adv_x, self.clip_min,
                        adv_x = tf.stop_gradient(adv_x, name='adv_x')
                        outputs[i]['adv_x'] = adv_x

        return inputs, outputs
Example #6
    def _create_train_graph(self):
        super(TrainerMultiGPU, self)._create_train_graph()
        assert '_multigpu' in self.hparams.attack_type_train

        hparams = self.hparams
        model = self.model
        sess = self.sess

        # Create trainable variables on last gpu.
        # Variables are set to trainable or non-trainable first time they are
        # created. This caused a bug when the last gpu is used both for attack
        # generation and training. With this bug the result of naive training
        # was affected by the length of the unused adversarial generation
        # graph.
        device_name = '/gpu:%d' % (hparams.ngpu-1)
        with tf.device(device_name):
            x = clone_variable('x', self.g0_inputs['x'])
            preds = model.get_probs(x)

        # Generates steps on gpus
        logging.info("Initializing train attack %s" %
        inputs, outputs = create_adv_by_name(
            model, self.g0_inputs['x'], hparams.attack_type_train,
            sess, y=self.g0_inputs['y'], nb_iter=hparams.attack_nb_iter_train,
            dataset=hparams.dataset, ngpu=hparams.ngpu)

        inputs, outputs = self.clone_g0_inputs_on_ngpus(
            inputs, outputs, self.g0_inputs)

        # Train step on last gpu
        device_name = '/gpu:%d' % (hparams.ngpu-1)
        with tf.device(device_name):
            with tf.variable_scope('last'):
                inputs += [OrderedDict()]
                for k, v in outputs[-1].iteritems():
                    v_copy = clone_variable(k, v)
                    inputs[-1][k] = v_copy
                x = inputs[-1]['x']
                adv_x = inputs[-1]['adv_x']
                y = inputs[-1]['y']
                if not hparams.adv_train:
                    preds = model.get_probs(x)
                    preds_adv = None
                elif not hparams.only_adv_train:
                    preds = model.get_probs(x)
                    preds_adv = model.get_probs(adv_x)
                    preds = None
                    preds_adv = model.get_probs(adv_x)
                train_fetches = self._build_train_op(preds, y, preds_adv)

        outputs += [{'fetches': train_fetches}]

        # Create the sync operation
        device_name = '/gpu:%d' % (hparams.ngpu-1)
        with tf.device(device_name):
            sync_ops = model.create_sync_ops(host_device=device_name)

        self.inputs = inputs
        self.outputs = outputs
        self.sync_ops = sync_ops