def test_classify_success(self): tree = Node("Gender", ("Female", Node("Bush Approval", ("Approve", Label("McCain")), ("Disapprove", Label("Obama")))), ("Male", Node("Ideology", ("Liberal", Label("Obama")), ("Moderate", Label("Obama")), ("Conservative", Label("McCain"))))) c = tree.classify(['Female', 'Approve', None], ['Gender', 'Bush Approval', 'Ideology']) self.assertEqual(c, 'McCain') # same but dif order of features c = tree.classify(['Approve', 'Female', None], ['Bush Approval', 'Gender', 'Ideology']) self.assertEqual(c, 'McCain') # dif last node c = tree.classify(['Disapprove', 'Female', None], ['Bush Approval', 'Gender', 'Ideology']) self.assertEqual(c, 'Obama') # dif first node c = tree.classify([None, 'Male', 'Liberal'], ['Bush Approval', 'Gender', 'Ideology']) self.assertEqual(c, 'Obama')
def _parse(self, entries, skip_self): nodes = entries['Node'] if not skip_self: nodes += entries['Self'] for node in nodes: n = Node(node.hostname, node.latlon) n.add_ip(node.ip) self._nodes[node.hostname] = n self._ips[node.ip] = n mids_unknown = [] for mid in entries['Mid']: try: node = self._ips[mid.ip] node.add_ip(mid.alias) self._ips[mid.alias] = node except KeyError: mids_unknown.append(mid) links = entries['Link'] + entries['PLink'] links_unknown = [] for link in links: try: if skip_self: link_ips = [link.src_ip, link.dst_ip] if any(s.ip in link_ips for s in entries['Self']): continue node = self._ips[link.src_ip] l = Link(self._ips[link.dst_ip], link.lq) node.add_link(l) except KeyError: links_unknown.append(link)
def partition_swap_node(start_pre_node: Node, start_node: Node, end_node: Node) -> Node: """ 将这段链表进行分区(交换节点的方式) 说明: 范围是左闭右开[start_node, end_node) :param start_pre_node: 开始节点的父节点 :param start_node: 开始节点 :param end_node: 结束节点 """ little_head_node, big_head_node = Node(0), Node(0) little_node, big_node = little_head_node, big_head_node current_node = start_node.next_node while current_node and current_node != end_node: if current_node < start_node: little_node.next_node = current_node little_node = current_node else: big_node.next_node = current_node big_node = current_node current_node = current_node.next_node little_node.next_node = start_node big_node.next_node = end_node start_node.next_node = big_head_node.next_node start_pre_node.next_node = little_head_node.next_node return start_node
def get(self, name): name = name.lower() m_obj = Member.get_by_key_name(name) if m_obj: self.echo( 'member.html', { 'title':, 'm_obj': m_obj, 'mi_obj': MemberInfo.get_by_key_name(name), 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), #'recent_node': Node.get_recent_node(), 'hot_node': Node.get_hot_node(), 'recent_topic_objs': KeyStrValue.get_topic_key_title('recent-topic-home'), 'reply_topic_objs': KeyStrValue.get_topic_key_title('recent-reply-topic'), }, layout='_layout.html') else: self.error(404) self.echo( 'error.html', { 'page': '404', 'title': "Can't find out this URL", 'h2': 'Oh, my god!', 'msg': 'Something seems to be lost...' }) return
def match_entity(sentence): result = [] for wh_phrase in wh_phrases: if sentence.startswith(wh_phrase): result.append(Node(wh_phrase, 'wh', [])) sentence = sentence[len(wh_phrase) + 1:] keywords = '' is_start = False start_index = -1 for end_index, w in se_keywords.iter(sentence): keywords = keywords + ' ' + w if not is_start: start_index = end_index - len(w) + 1 is_start = True if start_index != -1: word = sentence[start_index:len(sentence)] rule_candidates = sparql.full_text_search(word) if rule_candidates: result.append(Node(word, 'Rule', rule_candidates)) for i, w in entity_dic.iter(sentence): if not is_repeat(result, w.word): result.append(Node(w.word, 'Name', w.entity)) for i, w in class_dic.iter(sentence): if not is_repeat(result, w.word): result.append(Node(w.word, 'OntologyType', [w.entity])) return result
def get(self, nodeid): n_obj = Node.get_by_id(int(nodeid)) if not n_obj: self.error(404) self.echo('error.html', { 'page': '404', 'title': "Can't find out this URL", 'h2': 'Oh, my god!', 'msg': 'Something seems to be lost...' }) return from_id = int(self.request.get('id', '0')) if from_id<=0 and n_obj.count: from_id = n_obj.count to_id = from_id - EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM if to_id<0: to_id = 0 newest_node = Node.get_newest() self.echo('nodedetail.html', { 'title':, 'n_obj': n_obj, 'from_id': from_id, 'to_id': to_id, 'topic_objs': Node.get_page_topic(nodeid, from_id, to_id), 'newest_node': newest_node, 'recent_node': Node.get_recent_node(), 'hot_node': Node.get_hot_node(), 'recent_topic_objs': KeyStrValue.get_topic_key_title('recent-topic-home'), 'reply_topic_objs': KeyStrValue.get_topic_key_title('recent-reply-topic'), }, layout='_layout.html') if len(newest_node)==10: KeyStrValue.add_node_key(nodeid)
def getNumLeafs(n): numLeafs = 0 if isinstance(n.children, list): newNode = Node() template = '\n'.join( [' '.join(child.logTemplate) for child in n.children]) template = "\n".join( textwrap.wrap(template, width=15, expand_tabs=True, replace_whitespace=False, break_long_words=True)) # for node in n.children[1:]: # template = getTemplate(template,node.logTemplate) # token = ' '.join(template) newNode.token = template n.children = {template: newNode} for c in n.children: if isinstance(c, list): numLeafs += 1 continue current = n.children.get(c) if current.children != {}: numLeafs += getNumLeafs(current) else: numLeafs += 1 return numLeafs
class Cruncher(object): """XML Cruncher!!!""" current_node = None nodes = [] def start(self, tag, attrib): """parser enters tag""" if tag == "node": self.current_node = Node(attrib["id"], attrib["lat"], attrib["lon"]) elif tag == "tag" and self.current_node: self.current_node.add_tag(attrib["k"], attrib["v"]) def end(self, tag): """parses end tags""" if tag == "node" and self.current_node: if self.current_node.tags.has_key("name"): self.nodes.append(self.current_node) self.current_node = None def close(self): """parser closes""" nodes, self.nodes = self.nodes, [] return nodes
def best_first_graph_search(problem, f=lambda node: node.depth): frontier = utils.PriorityQueue(min, f) explored = utils.PriorityQueue(min, f) frontier.append(Node(problem.initial)) while frontier: children = utils.PriorityQueue(min, f) node = frontier.pop() if problem.goal_test(node[0].state): return node[0] explored.append(node[0]) children.extend(node[0].expand(problem)) for x in children.A: existing = 0 for y in explored.A: if x[1] == y[1]: existing = 1 break if existing == 0: for z in frontier.A: if x[1] == z[1]: existing = 1 if x[0] < z[0]: frontier.A.__delitem__(frontier.A.index(z)) frontier.append(x[1]) break if existing == 0: frontier.append(x[1]) return Node('fail')
def get(self): n_id = str(self.get_argument('id','')) self.echo('addnode.html', { 'title': "添加分类", 'n_obj':Node.get_by_id_for_edit(n_id), 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), }, layout='_layout.html')
def get(self): n_id = str(self.get_argument('id', '')) self.echo('addnode.html', { 'title': "添加分类", 'n_obj': Node.get_by_id_for_edit(n_id), 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), }, layout='_layout.html')
def combineLeaves(self, nodeList): res = [] ans = Node() template = nodeList[0].logTemplate for node in nodeList[1:]: template = getTemplate(template, node.logTemplate) ans.token = template res.append([ans]) return res
def get(self): self.echo('home.html', { 'title': "首页", 'topic_objs': KeyStrValue.get_topic_objs('recent-topic-home'), 'site_counts': Counter.get_site_counts(), 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), 'recent_node': Node.get_recent_node(), 'hot_node': Node.get_hot_node(), 'reply_topic_objs': KeyStrValue.get_topic_key_title('recent-reply-topic'), }, layout='_layout.html')
def get(self, nodeid, topicid): t_key = 't-%s-%s' % (str(nodeid), str(topicid)) t_obj = Topic.get_by_key(t_key) if not t_obj or t_obj.has_key('hide'): self.set_status(404) self.echo( 'error.html', { 'page': '404', 'title': "Can't find out this URL", 'h2': 'Oh, my god!', 'msg': 'Something seems to be lost...' }) return if t_obj['cnum']: cnum = int(t_obj['cnum']) from_id = int(self.get_argument('id', '1')) if from_id > 1 and from_id % EACH_PAGE_COMMENT_NUM != 1: self.redirect('/' + t_key) return to_id = from_id + EACH_PAGE_COMMENT_NUM - 1 if to_id > cnum: to_id = cnum c_objs = Comment.get_comments(t_key, from_id, to_id) else: c_objs = None from_id = to_id = cnum = 0 self.echo('topicdetail.html', { 'title': t_obj['title'] + ' - ' + t_obj['nodename'], 'description': 'description', 't_obj': t_obj, 'c_objs': c_objs, 'from_id': from_id, 'to_id': to_id, 'cnum': cnum, 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), 'recent_node': Node.get_recent_node(), 'hot_node': Node.get_hot_node(), 'recent_topic_objs': Commomkvdb.get_comment_topic_by_keys('recent-topic-home'), 'comment_topic_objs': Commomkvdb.get_comment_topic_by_keys('recent-comment-topic-home'), }, layout='_layout.html')
def initialize_matrix(x, y): mat = [] for i in range(len(y) + 1): mat.append([Node(i, False)]) val = 0 for i in range(len(x)): val += (1 if get_type(x[i]) == 'tag' else 0) mat[0].append(Node(val, True)) return mat
class MongoLoader(object): """Parses xml nodes and inserts appropriate ones to db""" def __init__(self, collection_name, named_only, tag_names): """C'tor sets tag wich we'll count""" self._named_only = named_only if isinstance(tag_names, list): self._tag_names = set(tag_names) else: self._tag_names = set([tag_names]) self._current_node = None self._count = 0 conn = Connection('localhost', 27017) db = conn['openstreet'] self._ca = db[collection_name] def start(self, tag, attrib): """parser enters tag""" if tag == "node": # Start node writing self._current_node = Node( float(attrib["lat"]), float(attrib["lon"]), id = int(attrib["id"]) ) elif tag == "tag" and self._current_node: # Add tag to node self._current_node.add_tag(attrib["k"], attrib["v"]) def end(self, tag): """parser reached end of tag""" if tag == "node" and self._current_node: # tags_set = set(self._current_node.tags) # if not self._named_only or "name" in tags_set: # if len(tags_set & self._tag_names): # self._save_node() if "name" in self._current_node.tags: self._save_node() self._current_node = None def close(self): """parser closes""" count, self._count = self._count, 0 return count def _save_node(self): """Save current_node to list""" self._ca.insert(self._current_node) self._count += 1
def get(self): cur_user = self.cur_user() self.echo('notifications.html', { 'title': "站内提醒", 'topic_objs': Commomkvdb.get_notifications(cur_user['name'], cur_user.get('notic', '')), 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), 'recent_node': Node.get_recent_node(), 'recent_topic_objs': Commomkvdb.get_comment_topic_by_keys('recent-topic-home'), 'comment_topic_objs': Commomkvdb.get_comment_topic_by_keys('recent-comment-topic-home'), }, layout='_layout.html')
def get(self): self.echo('home.html', { 'title': "首页", 'topic_objs': Commomkvdb.get_topic_by_keys('recent-topic-home'), 'site_counts': Count.get_site_counts(), 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), 'recent_node': Node.get_recent_node(), 'hot_node': Node.get_hot_node(), #'recent_topic_objs': Commomkvdb.get_comment_topic_by_keys('recent-topic-home'), 'comment_topic_objs': Commomkvdb.get_comment_topic_by_keys('recent-comment-topic-home'), }, layout='_layout.html')
def test_classify_invalid_value_for_column(self): tree = Node("Gender", ("Female", Node("Bush Approval", ("Approve", Label("McCain")), ("Disapprove", Label("Obama")))), ("Male", Node("Ideology", ("Liberal", Label("Obama")), ("Moderate", Label("Obama")), ("Conservative", Label("McCain"))))) result = tree.classify(['Male', -1, -1], ['Gender', 'Ideology', 'c']) self.assertIsNone(result)
def get(self, nodeid, topicid): topic_key = '%s-%s' % (nodeid, topicid) t_obj = Topic.get_by_key_name(topic_key) if not t_obj: self.error(404) self.echo( 'error.html', { 'page': '404', 'title': "Can't find out this URL", 'h2': 'Oh, my god!', 'msg': 'Something seems to be lost...' }) return if t_obj.cnum: from_id = int(self.request.get('id', '1')) if from_id > 1 and from_id % EACH_PAGE_COMMENT_NUM != 1: self.redirect('/t-' + topic_key) return to_id = from_id + EACH_PAGE_COMMENT_NUM - 1 if to_id > t_obj.cnum: to_id = t_obj.cnum c_objs = Comment.get_comments(topic_key, from_id, to_id) else: c_objs = None from_id = to_id = cnum = 0 self.echo( 'topicdetail.html', { 'title': t_obj.title + ' - ' +, 'description': 'description', 't_obj': t_obj, 'c_objs': c_objs, 'from_id': from_id, 'to_id': to_id, 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), #'recent_node': Node.get_recent_node(), 'hot_node': Node.get_hot_node(), 'recent_topic_objs': KeyStrValue.get_topic_key_title('recent-topic-home'), 'reply_topic_objs': KeyStrValue.get_topic_key_title('recent-reply-topic'), }, layout='_layout.html')
def start(self, tag, attrib): """parser enters tag""" from model import Node if tag == "node": # Start node writing self._current_node = Node(float(attrib["lat"]), float(attrib["lon"]), id=int(attrib["id"])) elif tag == "tag" and self._current_node: # Add tag to node self._current_node.add_tag(attrib["k"], attrib["v"])
def get(self): if self.cur_user: self.echo('notifications.html', { 'title': "站内提醒", 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), 'recent_node': Node.get_recent_node(), 'hot_node': Node.get_hot_node(), 'recent_topic_objs': KeyStrValue.get_topic_key_title('recent-topic-home'), 'reply_topic_objs': KeyStrValue.get_topic_key_title('recent-reply-topic'), }, layout='_layout.html') else: self.redirect('/')
def get(self, nodeid='1'): n_obj = Node.get_by_key('n-'+str(nodeid)) if not n_obj: self.set_status(404) self.write('404') return self.echo('newpost.html', { 'title': "发新帖子", 'errors':[], 'n_obj': n_obj, 't_obj': TOPIC_DICT.copy(), 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), }, layout='_layout.html')
def get(self, nodeid='1'): n_obj = Node.get_by_key('n-' + str(nodeid)) if not n_obj: self.set_status(404) self.write('404') return self.echo('newpost.html', { 'title': "发新帖子", 'errors': [], 'n_obj': n_obj, 't_obj': TOPIC_DICT.copy(), 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), }, layout='_layout.html')
def build_query_graph(): global dependency_tree dependency_tree = nlp.dependency_parse(question) convert_tree() edges = [] # 2-2 find path if len(nodes) == 1: n = nodes[0] pre_attribute = ' '.join(tokens[:n.index - 1]) edges.append(Edge(pre_attribute, Node('', 'wh', []), n)) return edges for n in nodes: node_indexes.append(n.index) for i in range(len(node_indexes) - 1): n1 = node_indexes[i] for j in range(i + 1, len(node_indexes)): n2 = node_indexes[j] path = find_path(tree_node_dic[n1], tree_node_dic[n2]) if path: word = "" for k in range(1, len(path)): for value in tree_node_dic[path[k]].values: word = word + tokens[value - 1] + ' ' edges.append(Edge(word.strip(), index_node_dic[n1], index_node_dic[n2])) return edges
def get(self): if USER_MODEL == 2: self.redirect('/sigin') return open_id = str(self.get_cookie('open_id', '')) access_token = str(self.get_cookie('access_token', '')) if open_id and access_token: access_token_in_kvdb = kv.get('qq_' + str(open_id)) if access_token_in_kvdb == access_token: pass else: self.redirect('/sigin') return else: self.redirect('/sigin') return self.echo('setname.html', { 'title': "设置名字", 'errors': [], 'name': '', 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), }, layout='_layout.html')
def start(self, tag, attrib): """parser enters tag""" if tag == "node": self.current_node = Node(attrib["id"], attrib["lat"], attrib["lon"]) elif tag == "tag" and self.current_node: self.current_node.add_tag(attrib["k"], attrib["v"])
def get(self): if USER_MODEL==2: self.redirect('/sigin') return open_id = str(self.get_cookie('open_id','')) access_token = str(self.get_cookie('access_token','')) if open_id and access_token: access_token_in_kvdb = kv.get('qq_' +str(open_id)) if access_token_in_kvdb == access_token: pass else: self.redirect('/sigin') return else: self.redirect('/sigin') return self.echo('setname.html', { 'title': "设置名字", 'errors':[], 'name':'', 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), }, layout='_layout.html')
def selection_sort_swap_value(link: Link) -> Link: """ 选择排序 不交换节点,只交换值的方式 """ head_node = Node(0, link.head_node) start_node = head_node.next_node while start_node: swap_node = None current_node = start_node.next_node while current_node: if current_node < start_node: if not swap_node or swap_node > current_node: swap_node = current_node current_node = current_node.next_node if swap_node: swap_node.element, start_node.element = start_node.element, swap_node.element start_node = start_node.next_node link.head_node = head_node.next_node return link
def get(self, node_id): urlstr = """<url><loc>%s</loc><changefreq>%s</changefreq><priority>%s</priority></url>\n """ urllist = [] urllist.append('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') urllist.append( '<urlset xmlns="">\n') n_obj = Node.get_by_key('n-' + str(node_id)) if n_obj: max_id = int(n_obj['count']) to_id = max_id - 40000 if to_id < 0: to_id = 0 for i in xrange(max_id, to_id, -1): urllist.append(urlstr % ("%s/t-%s-%d" % (BASE_URL, str(node_id), i), 'weekly', '0.5')) urllist.append('</urlset>') self.set_header('Content-Type', 'text/xml') self.write(''.join(urllist)) else: self.write('')
def optimize_insertion_sort(link: Link) -> Link: """ 优化插入排序 测试: 链表的长度为 1000 --- Total execution time: 235 ms 链表的长度为 10000 --- Total execution time: 23785 ms leetcode: link: 执行用时: 220 ms, 在所有 Python3 提交中击败了 74.71% 的用户 内存消耗: 15.3 MB, 在所有 Python3 提交中击败了 12.50% 的用户 """ head_node = Node(0, link.head_node) current_node = link.head_node while current_node and current_node.next_node: if current_node <= current_node.next_node: current_node = current_node.next_node continue start_node = head_node while start_node.next_node < current_node.next_node: start_node = start_node.next_node temp_node = current_node.next_node current_node.next_node = temp_node.next_node temp_node.next_node = start_node.next_node start_node.next_node = temp_node link.head_node = head_node.next_node return link
def post(self): name = str(self.get_argument('name', '').lower().encode('utf-8')) pw = self.get_argument('pw', '') errors = [] if name and pw: if len(name) < 20 or len(pw) < 20: if'^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$', name): pwmd5 = md5(pw.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() u_obj = kv.get('m-' + name) if u_obj: member_dict = decode_dict(u_obj) if pwmd5 == member_dict['code'] and int( member_dict['flag']) >= 1: #set sr_code code_list = [member_dict['code']] u_topic_time = kv.get('u_topic_time:' + name) if u_topic_time: code_list.append(u_topic_time) u_comment_time = kv.get('u_comment_time:' + name) if u_comment_time: code_list.append(u_comment_time) #login self.set_cookie('username', name, path="/", expires_days=365) self.set_cookie( 'usercode', md5(''.join(code_list)).hexdigest(), path="/", expires_days=365) self.set_cookie('userflag', member_dict['flag'], path="/", expires_days=365) if member_dict['flag'] == '1': self.redirect('/setavatar') else: self.redirect('/') return else: errors.append('用户名或密码不对或已被禁用') else: errors.append('用户名或密码不对') else: errors.append('用户名只能包含字母和数字') else: errors.append('用户名或密码太长了') else: errors.append('用户名和密码必填') self.echo('login.html', { 'title': "登录", 'errors': errors, 'name': name, 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), }, layout='_layout.html')
def get(self, nodeid): n_obj = Node.get_by_key('n-'+str(nodeid)) if not n_obj: self.set_status(404) self.write('404') return from_id = int(self.get_argument('id', '0')) if from_id<=0 and n_obj['count']: from_id = int(n_obj['count']) to_id = from_id - EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM if to_id<0: to_id = 0 self.echo('nodedetail.html', { 'title': n_obj['name'], 'n_obj': n_obj, 'from_id': from_id, 'to_id': to_id, 'topic_objs': Node.get_page_topic(str(nodeid), from_id, to_id), 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), 'recent_node': Node.get_recent_node(), 'hot_node': Node.get_hot_node(), 'recent_topic_objs': Commomkvdb.get_comment_topic_by_keys('recent-topic-home'), 'comment_topic_objs': Commomkvdb.get_comment_topic_by_keys('recent-comment-topic-home'), }, layout='_layout.html') Node.add_node_key('n-'+str(nodeid))
def add_node(self, text: str, pos: tp.Tuple[int, int], colour: str = "green", multibox: bool = False) -> int: new_node = Node(text, pos, colour, multibox) new_id = id(new_node) self._nodes[new_id] = new_node return new_id
def get(self): if self.cur_user: self.echo('setavatar.html', { 'title': "设置头像", 'errors':[], 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), }, layout='_layout.html') else: self.redirect('/')
def create_node(self, drip_campaign_id, title, start_time, template_id, subject, from_email, from_name, initial, description=None): """ create a single drip campaign node, save to mongo return object id """ new_content = Content(template_id=template_id, subject=subject, from_email=from_email, from_name=from_name) new_node = Node( drip_campaign_id=drip_campaign_id, title=title, start_time=start_time, description=description, content=new_content, initial=initial, done=False, ) return
class MongoLoader(object): """Parses xml nodes and inserts appropriate ones to db""" def __init__(self, collection_name): """C'tor sets tag wich we'll count""" from pymongo import Connection conn = Connection('localhost', 27017) db = conn['openstreetmaps'] self._ca = db[collection_name] self._current_node = None self._count = 0 def start(self, tag, attrib): """parser enters tag""" from model import Node if tag == "node": # Start node writing self._current_node = Node( float(attrib["lat"]), float(attrib["lon"]), id = int(attrib["id"]) ) elif tag == "tag" and self._current_node: # Add tag to node self._current_node.add_tag(attrib["k"], attrib["v"]) def end(self, tag): """parser reached end of tag""" if tag == "node" and self._current_node: self.__save_node() self._current_node = None def close(self): """parser closes""" count, self._count = self._count, 0 return count def __save_node(self): """Save current_node to list""" self._ca.insert(self._current_node) self._count += 1
class MongoLoader(object): """Parses xml nodes and inserts appropriate ones to db""" def __init__(self, collection_name): """C'tor sets tag wich we'll count""" from pymongo import Connection conn = Connection('localhost', 27017) db = conn['openstreetmaps'] self._ca = db[collection_name] self._current_node = None self._count = 0 def start(self, tag, attrib): """parser enters tag""" from model import Node if tag == "node": # Start node writing self._current_node = Node(float(attrib["lat"]), float(attrib["lon"]), id=int(attrib["id"])) elif tag == "tag" and self._current_node: # Add tag to node self._current_node.add_tag(attrib["k"], attrib["v"]) def end(self, tag): """parser reached end of tag""" if tag == "node" and self._current_node: self.__save_node() self._current_node = None def close(self): """parser closes""" count, self._count = self._count, 0 return count def __save_node(self): """Save current_node to list""" self._ca.insert(self._current_node) self._count += 1
def get_available_nodes(self): listNodes = ast.literal_eval(config.node_list) nodes = [] for node in listNodes: nodeModel = Node(node['id'], node['name']) nodes.append(nodeModel) if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): log.debug("get_available_nodes(): nodes - " + str(nodes)) return NodeCollection(nodes)
def edit_workflow(workflow_id): wf = Workflow.query.filter_by(id=workflow_id).first() if wf is None: abort(404) if wf.user_id != abort(403) if request.method == "GET": tag_str = " ".join([ for t in wf.tags]) return render_template("edit.html", workflow=wf, tag_str=tag_str) elif request.method == "POST": form = NewWorkflow() tags = [] for tag in" "): tag_name = tag.strip() t = Tag.query.filter_by(name=tag_name).first() if t is None: t = Tag(tag_name) db.session.add(t) db.session.commit() tags.append(t) subdir = os.path.join("static", "workflows", str( if filename = secure_filename(, filename)) zfile = ZipFile( node_list = [] for name in zfile.namelist(): if name.endswith("workflow.svg"): png_file = os.path.join(subdir, "workflow.png") s = svg2png(bytestring=s, write_to=png_file) tname = name.split("/")[1] node_name = tname.split("(")[0] if not node_name.startswith( "workflow") and not node_name.startswith("."): node_name = node_name.rstrip() node_list.append(node_name) nl = list(set(node_list)) nodes = [] for node_name in nl: n = Node.query.filter_by(name=node_name).first() if n is None: n = Node(node_name) db.session.add(n) db.session.commit() nodes.append(n) wf.workflow = filename wf.nodes = nodes wf.tags = tags = wf.content = wf.rendered_content = md.convert(wf.content) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for("display_workflow", workflow_id=workflow_id))
def getNumLeafs(n): numLeafs = 0 if isinstance(n.children, list): newNode = Node() template = n.children[0].logTemplate for node in n.children[1:]: template = getTemplate(template,node.logTemplate) token = ' '.join(template) newNode.token = token n.children = {token:newNode} for c in n.children: if isinstance(c,list): numLeafs += 1 continue current = n.children.get(c) if current.children != {}: numLeafs += getNumLeafs(current) else: numLeafs += 1 return numLeafs
def addSeq(self, wordList): # get root of trie current = self.root subWordList = wordList[:self.maxDepth] for w in subWordList: w = "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(w, width=10, expand_tabs=True, replace_whitespace=False, break_long_words=True)) # create a child, count + 1 tokenNode = current.children.get(w) if tokenNode == None: current.children[w] = Node() current = current.children[w] current.token = w template = " ".join(wordList) template = "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(template, width=25, expand_tabs=True, replace_whitespace=False, break_long_words=True)) current.children[template] = Node() current.children[template].token = template
def start(self, tag, attrib): """parser enters tag""" if tag == "node": # Start node writing self._current_node = Node( float(attrib["lat"]), float(attrib["lon"]), id = int(attrib["id"]) ) elif tag == "tag" and self._current_node: # Add tag to node self._current_node.add_tag(attrib["k"], attrib["v"])
def get(self): if IS_SAE: if USER_MODEL==1: self.redirect('/qqlogin') return self.echo('sigin.html', { 'title': "注册", 'errors':[], 'name':'', 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), }, layout='_layout.html')
def ping(): if request.method == 'POST': node_id = request.headers.get('node-id') node_floor = request.headers.get('node-floor') print 'Incoming ping from node ' + node_id incoming_node = Node(node_id, node_floor) success = mongodb.add_or_update(incoming_node) if success: return '200' return '500'
class JSONLoader(object): """Parses xml nodes and inserts appropriate ones to db""" def __init__(self): """C'tor sets tag wich we'll count""" from json import JSONEncoder self._encoder = JSONEncoder() self._current_node = None self._count = 0 def start(self, tag, attrib): """parser enters tag""" from model import Node if tag == "node": # Start node writing self._current_node = Node( float(attrib["lat"]), float(attrib["lon"]), id = int(attrib["id"]) ) elif tag == "tag" and self._current_node: # Add tag to node self._current_node.add_tag(attrib["k"], attrib["v"]) def end(self, tag): """parser reached end of tag""" if tag == "node" and self._current_node: self.__save_node() self._current_node = None def close(self): """parser closes""" count, self._count = self._count, 0 return count def __save_node(self): """Save current_node to list""" print(self._encoder.encode(self._current_node)) self._count += 1
def get(self, nodeid, topicid): t_key = 't-%s-%s' % (str(nodeid), str(topicid)) t_obj = Topic.get_by_key(t_key) if not t_obj or t_obj.has_key('hide'): self.set_status(404) self.echo('error.html', { 'page': '404', 'title': "Can't find out this URL", 'h2': 'Oh, my god!', 'msg': 'Something seems to be lost...' }) return if t_obj['cnum']: cnum = int(t_obj['cnum']) from_id = int(self.get_argument('id', '1')) if from_id>1 and from_id%EACH_PAGE_COMMENT_NUM!=1: self.redirect('/'+t_key) return to_id = from_id + EACH_PAGE_COMMENT_NUM - 1 if to_id > cnum: to_id = cnum c_objs = Comment.get_comments(t_key, from_id, to_id) else: c_objs = None from_id = to_id = cnum = 0 self.echo('topicdetail.html', { 'title': t_obj['title'] + ' - ' + t_obj['nodename'], 'description':'description', 't_obj': t_obj, 'c_objs': c_objs, 'from_id': from_id, 'to_id': to_id, 'cnum': cnum, 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), 'recent_node': Node.get_recent_node(), 'hot_node': Node.get_hot_node(), 'recent_topic_objs': Commomkvdb.get_comment_topic_by_keys('recent-topic-home'), 'comment_topic_objs': Commomkvdb.get_comment_topic_by_keys('recent-comment-topic-home'), }, layout='_layout.html')
def get(self, nodeid, topicid): topic_key = '%s-%s' % (nodeid, topicid) t_obj = Topic.get_by_key_name(topic_key) if not t_obj: self.error(404) self.echo('error.html', { 'page': '404', 'title': "Can't find out this URL", 'h2': 'Oh, my god!', 'msg': 'Something seems to be lost...' }) return if t_obj.cnum: from_id = int(self.request.get('id', '1')) if from_id>1 and from_id%EACH_PAGE_COMMENT_NUM!=1: self.redirect('/t-'+topic_key) return to_id = from_id + EACH_PAGE_COMMENT_NUM - 1 if to_id > t_obj.cnum: to_id = t_obj.cnum c_objs = Comment.get_comments(topic_key, from_id, to_id) else: c_objs = None from_id = to_id = cnum = 0 self.echo('topicdetail.html', { 'title': t_obj.title + ' - ' +, 'description':'description', 't_obj': t_obj, 'c_objs': c_objs, 'from_id': from_id, 'to_id': to_id, 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), 'recent_node': Node.get_recent_node(), 'hot_node': Node.get_hot_node(), 'recent_topic_objs': KeyStrValue.get_topic_key_title('recent-topic-home'), 'reply_topic_objs': KeyStrValue.get_topic_key_title('recent-reply-topic'), }, layout='_layout.html')
def get(self): req_user = self.request.user gu_obj = GoogleUser.get_or_insert(req_user.user_id()) if self.redirect('/') return else: self.echo('setname.html', { 'title': "设置名字", 'errors':[], 'name':'', 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), }, layout='_layout.html')
def get(self, nodeid='1'): if self.cur_user and self.cur_user.flag>1: n_obj = Node.get_by_id(int(nodeid)) if not n_obj: self.error(404) self.echo('error.html', { 'page': '404', 'title': "Can't find out this URL", 'h2': 'Oh, my god!', 'msg': 'Something seems to be lost...' }) return self.echo('newpost.html', { 'title': "发新帖子", 'errors':[], 'n_obj': n_obj, 't_obj': Topic(), 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), }, layout='_layout.html') else: self.error(403) self.write('403:forbidden')
def get(self): if self.cur_user and self.cur_user.flag==99: n_id = self.request.get('id') if n_id: n_obj = Node.get_by_id(int(n_id)) else: n_obj = Node() if n_obj: title = "修改分类" else: n_obj = Node() title = "添加分类" self.echo('addnode.html', { 'title': title, 'n_obj': n_obj, 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), }, layout='_layout.html') else: self.error(403) self.write('403:forbidden')
def post(self): n_id = str(self.get_argument('id','')) name = self.get_argument('name','') imgurl = self.get_argument('imgurl','') about = self.get_argument('about','') if name: n_n_id = Node.set_node(n_id, name, imgurl, about) if n_n_id: self.redirect('/add-node?id=%s'%n_n_id) return self.redirect('/add-node?id=%s'%n_id)
def addNodes(nodes): added = [] for id in nodes: node,revision,tags = getNode(id) node['version'] = node['vid'] node['user'] = node['uid'] node['id'] = node['nid'] revision['user'] = revision['uid'] revision['id'] = revision['vid'] revision['node'] = revision['nid'] del(node['status']) del(node['uid']) del(node['nid']) del(node['vid']) del(revision['uid']) del(revision['nid']) del(revision['vid']) # add the nodes try: dbnode = Node.get(node['id']) del(node['id']) dbnode.set(**node) except SQLObjectNotFound: dbnode = Node(**node) try: dbnoder = NodeRevision.get(revision['id']) del(revision['id']) dbnoder.set(**revision) except SQLObjectNotFound: dbnoder = NodeRevision(**revision) # add the termnodes for tag in tags: tag['node'] = tag['nid'] tag['term'] = tag['tid'] del(tag['nid']) del(tag['tid']) try: dbtag = Term.get(tag['term']) except SQLObjectNotFound: dbtag = addTags([tag['term']])[0] terms = list(TermNode.selectBy(node=dbnode,term=dbtag)) if not terms: term = TermNode(**tag) else: term = terms[0] print "Node %d made!" % id added.append(id) return added
def get(self, name): name = name.lower() m_obj = Member.get_by_key_name(name) if m_obj: self.echo('member.html', { 'title':, 'm_obj': m_obj, 'mi_obj': MemberInfo.get_by_key_name(name), 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), 'recent_node': Node.get_recent_node(), 'hot_node': Node.get_hot_node(), 'recent_topic_objs': KeyStrValue.get_topic_key_title('recent-topic-home'), 'reply_topic_objs': KeyStrValue.get_topic_key_title('recent-reply-topic'), }, layout='_layout.html') else: self.error(404) self.echo('error.html', { 'page': '404', 'title': "Can't find out this URL", 'h2': 'Oh, my god!', 'msg': 'Something seems to be lost...' }) return
def get(self, name): name = name.lower() m_obj = Member.get_by_name(str(name)) if m_obj: self.echo('member.html', { 'title': m_obj['name'], 'm_obj': m_obj, 'topic_objs': Commomkvdb.get_topic_by_keys('topic-'+str(m_obj['name'])), 'member_comment_topic_objs': Commomkvdb.get_topic_by_keys('comment-topic-'+str(m_obj['name'])), 'newest_node': Node.get_newest(), 'recent_node': Node.get_recent_node(), 'hot_node': Node.get_hot_node(), 'recent_topic_objs': Commomkvdb.get_comment_topic_by_keys('recent-topic-home'), 'comment_topic_objs': Commomkvdb.get_comment_topic_by_keys('recent-comment-topic-home'), }, layout='_layout.html') else: self.set_status(404) self.echo('error.html', { 'page': '404', 'title': "Can't find out this URL", 'h2': 'Oh, my god!', 'msg': 'Something seems to be lost...' })