def create_app(test_config=None): app = Flask(__name__) app.config['JSON_AS_ASCII'] = False CORS(app) if test_config is None: app.config.from_pyfile("") else: app.config.update(test_config) product_dao = ProductDao() seller_dao = SellerDao() order_dao = OrderDao() user_dao = UserDao() coupon_dao = CouponDao() event_dao = EventDao() services = Services services.product_service = ProductService(product_dao, app.config) services.seller_service = SellerService(seller_dao, app.config) services.order_service = OrderService(order_dao, app.config) services.user_service = UserService(user_dao, app.config) services.coupon_service = CouponService(coupon_dao, app.config) services.event_service = EventService(event_dao, app.config) create_endpoints(app, services) return app
def create_app(test_config=None): app = Flask(__name__) app.json_encoder = CustomEncoder CORS(app, resources={r'*': {'origins': '*'}}) if test_config is None: app.config.from_pyfile('') else: app.config.update(test_config) #persistence layer account_dao = AccountDao() seller_dao = SellerDao() order_dao = OrderDao() product_dao = ProductDao() #business layer account_service = AccountService(account_dao, config) seller_service = SellerService(seller_dao, config) order_service = OrderService(order_dao) product_service = ProductService(product_dao) #presentation layer(엔드포인트 생성) app.register_blueprint(create_account_endpoints(account_service)) app.register_blueprint(create_seller_endpoints(seller_service)) app.register_blueprint(create_order_endpoints(order_service)) app.register_blueprint(create_product_endpoints(product_service)) return app
def create_app(test_config=None): def get_session(): session = Session() return session app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app, resources={r'*': {'origins': '*'}}) @app.errorhandler(Exception) def handle_invalid_usage(error): if isinstance(error, InvalidRequest): return {'message': str(error)}, 400 else: response = jsonify(error) response.status_code = error.status_code return response from contextlib import suppress from flask.json import JSONEncoder class MyJSONEncoder(JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): # Optional: convert datetime objects to ISO format with suppress(AttributeError): return obj.isoformat() return dict(obj) app.json_encoder = MyJSONEncoder if test_config is None: app.config.from_pyfile("") else: app.config.update(test_config) database = create_engine(app.config['DB_URL'], encoding='utf-8', max_overflow=0) Session = sessionmaker(bind=database, autocommit=False) # Persistence Layer seller_dao = SellerDao() product_dao = ProductDao() order_dao = OrderDao() # Business Layer services = Services services.seller_service = SellerService(seller_dao, app.config) services.product_service = ProductService(product_dao) services.order_service = OrderService(order_dao, seller_dao) seller_endpoints(app, services, get_session) product_endpoints(app, services, get_session) order_endpoints(app, services, get_session) return app
def create_app(test_config=None): app = Flask(__name__) if test_config is None: app.config.from_pyfile('') else: app.config.update(test_config) # pool size : 1000, max_overflow=100 인 QueuePool로 DB 연결 설정 database = create_engine(app.config['DB_URL'], encoding='utf-8', pool_size=1000, max_overflow=100, poolclass=QueuePool) # database engin와 연동된 session maker 생성, connection 필요시마다 session instance 생성 Session = sessionmaker(bind=database) # CORS 설정 CORS(app, resources={r'*': {'origins': '*'}}) # Persistence layer order_dao = OrderDao() user_dao = UserDao() seller_dao = SellerDao() product_dao = ProductDao() qna_dao = QnADao() review_dao = ReviewDao() coupon_dao = CouponDao() # Business layer order_service = OrderService(order_dao) user_service = UserService(user_dao) seller_service = SellerService(seller_dao) product_service = ProductService(product_dao) qna_service = QnAService(qna_dao) review_service = ReviewService(review_dao) coupon_service = CouponService(coupon_dao) # Presentation layer app.register_blueprint(create_order_endpoints(order_service, Session)) app.register_blueprint(create_user_endpoints(user_service, Session)) app.register_blueprint(create_seller_endpoints(seller_service, Session)) app.register_blueprint(create_product_endpoints(product_service, Session)) app.register_blueprint(create_qna_endpoints(qna_service, Session)) app.register_blueprint(create_review_endpoints(review_service, Session)) app.register_blueprint(create_coupon_endpoints(coupon_service, Session)) return app
def create_app(test_config=None): app = Flask(__name__) app.debug = True app.json_encoder = CustomJSONEncoder app.config['MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH'] = 16 * 1024 * 1024 # By default, submission of cookies across domains is disabled due to the security implications. CORS(app, resources={r'*': {'origins': '*'}}) if test_config is None: app.config.from_pyfile("") else: app.config.update(test_config) database = app.config['DB'] # persistence Layer sample_user_dao = SampleUserDao() destination_dao = DestinationDao() cart_item_dao = CartItemDao() sender_dao = SenderDao() event_dao = EventDao() store_order_dao = StoreOrderDao() order_dao = OrderDao() order_detail_dao = OrderDetailDao() enquiry_dao = EnquiryDao() seller_shop_dao = SellerShopDao() # admin2 seller_dao = SellerDao() seller_info_dao = SellerInfoDao() # business Layer, 깔끔한 관리 방법을 생각하기 # service services = Services services.sample_user_service = SampleUserService(sample_user_dao) services.user_service = UserService(app.config) services.destination_service = DestinationService(destination_dao) services.cart_item_service = CartItemService(cart_item_dao) services.store_order_service = StoreOrderService(store_order_dao) services.product_list_service = ProductListService() services.category_list_service = CategoryListService() services.event_list_service = EventListService() services.sender_service = SenderService(sender_dao) services.event_service = EventService(event_dao) services.seller_service = SellerService(app.config) services.bookmark_service = BookmarkService() services.product_enquiry_list_service = ProductEnquiryService() services.seller_shop_service = SellerShopService(seller_shop_dao) services.seller_info_service = SellerInfoService(seller_info_dao) #admin1 services.event_service = EventService(event_dao) services.order_service = OrderService(order_dao) services.order_detail_service = OrderService(order_detail_dao) services.order_excel_service = OrderService(order_dao) services.enquiry_service = EnquiryService(enquiry_dao) #admin2 services.seller_service = SellerService(app.config) services.seller_info_service = SellerInfoService(seller_info_dao) services.product_create_service = ProductCreateService() services.product_manage_service = ProductManageService() # presentation Layer create_endpoints(app, services, database) return app
def __init__(self): self.product_manage_dao = ProductManageDao() self.seller_dao = SellerDao()
class ProductManageService: """ Business Layer Attributes: product_manage_dao : ProductManageDao 클래스 Author: 심원두 History: 2020-12-31(심원두): 초기 생성 """ def __init__(self): self.product_manage_dao = ProductManageDao() self.seller_dao = SellerDao() def get_product_origin_types_service(self, connection): """ 원산지 리스트 취득 Args: connection : 데이터 베이스 연결 객체 Author: 심원두 Returns: [ { "product_origin_type_id": 1, "product_origin_type_name": "기타 " }, { "product_origin_type_id": 2, "product_origin_type_name": "중국" }, ] Raises: 500, {'message': 'fail to get product origin types', 'errorMessage': 'fail_to_get_product_origin_types'} : 원산지 정보 취득 실패 History: 2020-01-01(심원두): 초기 생성 2020-01-03(심원두): 결과 편집 처리 수정 """ try: product_origin_types = \ self.product_manage_dao.get_product_origin_types( connection ) result = [{ 'product_origin_type_id': product_origin_type['id'], 'product_origin_type_name': product_origin_type['name'] } for product_origin_type in product_origin_types] return result except KeyError as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise e def get_color_list_service(self, connection): """ 색상 리스트 취득 Args: connection : 데이터 베이스 연결 객체 Author: 심원두 Returns: "result": [ { "color_id": 1, "color_name": "Black" }, { "color_id": 2, "color_name": "White" }, ] Raises: 500, {'message': 'fail to get color list', 'errorMessage': 'fail_to_get_color_list'}: 색상 정보 취득 실패 History: 2020-01-01(심원두): 초기 생성 2020-01-03(심원두): 결과 편집 처리 수정 """ try: color_list = self.product_manage_dao.get_color_list(connection) result = [{ 'color_id': color['id'], 'color_name': color['name'] } for color in color_list] return result except KeyError as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise e def get_size_list_service(self, connection): """ 사이즈 리스트 취득 Args: connection : 데이터 베이스 연결 객체 Author: 심원두 Returns: [ { "color_id": 1, "color_name": "Black" }, { "color_id": 2, "color_name": "White" }, ] Raises: 500, {'message': 'fail to get color list', 'errorMessage': 'fail_to_get_color_list'}: 색상 정보 취득 실패 History: 2020-01-01(심원두): 초기 생성 2020-01-03(심원두): 결과 편집 처리 수정 """ try: size_list = self.product_manage_dao.get_size_list(connection) result = [{ 'size_id': size['id'], 'size_name': size['name'] } for size in size_list] return result except KeyError as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise e def get_seller_list_by_name_service(self, connection, data, permission_type_id): """ 셀러 리스트 취득 Args: connection : 데이터 베이스 연결 객체 data : View 에서 넘겨 받은 셀러명 permission_type_id : View 에서 넘겨 받은 권한 타입 아이디 Author: 심원두 Returns: [ { "profile_image_url": ", "seller_id": 10, "seller_name": "나는셀러10" }, { "profile_image_url": " "seller_id": 100, "seller_name": "나는셀러100" }, Raises: 400, {'message': 'key error', 'errorMessage': 'key_error' + format(e)}: 잘못 입력된 키값 400, {'message': 'internal_server_error', 'errorMessage': 'PERMISSION_ERROR' + format(e)}: 잘못된 권한 History: 2020-01-01(심원두): 초기 생성 2020-01-03(심원두): 결과 편집 처리 수정 2020-01-15(심원두): 메서드명 변경 : search_seller_list_service > get_seller_list_by_name_service """ try: if permission_type_id is not ACCOUNT_ADMIN: raise PermissionError('PERMISSION_ERROR') data['seller_name'] = '%' + data['seller_name'] + '%' seller_info = \ self.seller_dao.get_seller_list_by_name( connection, data ) result = [{ 'seller_id': seller['seller_id'], 'seller_name': seller['seller_name'], 'profile_image_url': S3_BUCKET_URL + seller['profile_image_url'] if not seller['profile_image_url'] else None } for seller in seller_info] return result except KeyError as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise e def get_main_category_list_service(self, connection): """ 메인 카테고리 정보 취득 Args: connection : 데이터 베이스 연결 객체 Author: 심원두 Returns: "result": [ { "main_category_id": 1, "main_category_name": "아우터" }, { "main_category_id": 2, "main_category_name": "상의" }, ] Raises: 500, {'message': 'fail to get main category list', 'errorMessage': 'fail_to_get_main_category_list'}: 메인 카테고리 정보 취득 실패 History: 2020-01-01(심원두): 초기 생성 2020-01-03(심원두): 결과 편집 처리 수정 2020-01-15(심원두): 메서드명 변경 : main_category_list_service > get_main_category_list_service """ try: main_category_list = \ self.product_manage_dao.get_main_category_list( connection ) result = [{ 'main_category_id': main_category_info['id'], 'main_category_name': main_category_info['name'] } for main_category_info in main_category_list] return result except KeyError as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise e def get_sub_category_list_service(self, connection, data): """ 셀러 리스트 취득 Args: connection : 데이터 베이스 연결 객체 data : View 에서 넘겨 받은 메인 카테고리 아이디 Author: 심원두 Returns: [ { "sub_category_id": 13, "sub_category_name": "청바지" }, { "sub_category_id": 14, "sub_category_name": "슬랙스" }, ] Raises: 500, {'message': 'fail to get sub category list', 'errorMessage': 'fail_to_get_sub_category_list'}: 색상 정보 취득 실패 History: 2020-01-01(심원두): 초기 생성 2020-01-03(심원두): 결과 편집 처리 수정 """ try: sub_category_list = \ self.product_manage_dao.get_sub_category_list( connection, data ) result = [{ 'sub_category_id': sub_category['sub_category_id'], 'sub_category_name': sub_category['sub_category_name'], } for sub_category in sub_category_list] return result except KeyError as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise e def create_product_service(self, connection, data): """ product 생성 Parameters: connection : 데이터베이스 연결 객체 data : View 에서 넘겨받은 dict 객체 Author: 심원두 Returns: product_id : 생성한 products 테이블의 키 값 Raises: 400, {'message': 'key error', 'errorMessage': 'key_error' + format(e)}: 잘못 입력된 키값 400, {'message': 'required field is blank', 'errorMessage': 'required_manufacture_information'}: 제조 정보 필드 없음 400, {'message': 'required field is blank', 'errorMessage': 'required_discount_start_or_end_date'}: 필수 입력 항목 없음 400, {'message': 'compare quantity field check error', 'errorMessage': 'minimum_quantity_cannot_greater_than_maximum_quantity'}: 최소 구매 수량이 최대 보다 큼 400, {'message': 'compare price field check error', 'errorMessage': 'discounted_price_cannot_greater_than_origin_price'}: 할인가가 판매가 보다 큼 400, {'message': 'compare price field check error', 'errorMessage': 'wrong_discounted_price'}: 판매가와 할인가 일치하지 않음 400, {'message': 'compare price field check error', 'errorMessage': 'required_discount_start_or_end_date'}: 할인 시작, 종료 일자 필드 없음 400, {'message': 'start date is greater than end date', 'errorMessage': 'start_date_cannot_greater_than_end_date'}: 할인 시작일이 종료일 보다 큼 400, {'message': 'compare price field check error', 'errorMessage': 'discounted_price_have_to_same_with_origin_price'}: 할인가, 판매가 불일치(할인율 0) 500, {'message': 'product create denied', 'errorMessage': 'unable_to_create_product'}: 상품 정보 등록 실패 History: 2020-12-29(심원두): 초기 생성 2020-12-30(심원두): 예외처리 구현 2020-01-03(심원두): 예외처리 추가/수정 """ try: if int(data['minimum_quantity']) != 0 and int( data['maximum_quantity']) != 0: if int(data['minimum_quantity']) > int( data['maximum_quantity']): raise CompareQuantityCheck( 'minimum_quantity_cannot_greater_than_maximum_quantity' ) if int(data['minimum_quantity']) == 0: data['minimum_quantity'] = 1 if int(data['maximum_quantity']) == 0: data['minimum_quantity'] = 20 if int(data['is_product_notice']) == 0: data['manufacturer'] = None data['manufacturing_date'] = None data['product_origin_type_id'] = None else: if not data['manufacturer'] or not data[ 'manufacturing_date'] or not data[ 'product_origin_type_id']: raise RequiredFieldException( 'required_manufacture_information') if int(data['discount_rate']) == 0: data['discounted_price'] = data['origin_price'] data['discount_start_date'] = None data['discount_end_date'] = None else: if float(data['discounted_price']) > float( data['origin_price']): raise ComparePriceCheck( 'discounted_price_cannot_greater_than_origin_price') if (float(data['origin_price']) * (1 - float(data['discount_rate']) / 100)) != \ float(data['discounted_price']): raise ComparePriceCheck('wrong_discounted_price') if data['discount_start_date'] and not data[ 'discount_end_date']: raise RequiredFieldException( 'required_discount_start_or_end_date') if not data['discount_start_date'] and data[ 'discount_end_date']: raise RequiredFieldException( 'required_discount_start_or_end_date') if data['discount_start_date'] and data['discount_end_date']: if data['discount_start_date'] > data['discount_end_date']: raise DateCompareException( 'start_date_cannot_greater_than_end_date') else: data['discount_start_date'] = None data['discount_end_date'] = None data['discount_rate'] = float(data['discount_rate']) / 100 print(type(data['detail_information']), data['detail_information']) return self.product_manage_dao.insert_product(connection, data) except KeyError as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise e def update_product_code_service(self, connection, product_id): """ 상품 코드(product_code) 생성 후 상품 코드 업데이트 Args: connection : 데이터베이스 연결 객체 product_id : View 에서 상품정보 등록 성공 후 넘겨 받은 해당 상품 정보 테이블의 id Author: 심원두 Returns: 0: 상품 코드 갱신 실패 1: 상품 코드 갱신 성공 Raises: 400, {'message': 'key error', 'errorMessage': 'key_error' + format(e)}: 잘못 입력된 키값 500, {'message': 'product code update denied', 'errorMessage': 'unable_to_update_product_code'}: 상품 코드 갱신 실패 History: 2020-12-29(심원두): 초기 생성 """ try: data = { 'product_code': 'P' + str(product_id).zfill(18), 'product_id': product_id } self.product_manage_dao.update_product_code(connection, data) return data['product_code'] except KeyError as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise e def create_product_images_service(self, connection, seller_id, product_id, product_code, product_images): """ 상품 이미지 등록 Args: 'connection' : 데이터베이스 연결 객체 'seller_id' : View 에서 넘겨 받은 셀러 아이디 'product_id' : View 에서 넘겨 받은 상품 아이디 'product_images' : View 에서 넘겨 받은 이미지 파일 Author: 심원두 Returns: 0: 상품 이미지 테이블 등록 실패 1: 상품 이미지 테이블 등록 성공 Raises: 413, {'message': 'invalid file', 'errorMessage': 'invalid_file'}: 파일 이름이 공백, 혹은 파일을 정상적으로 받지 못함 413, {'message': 'file size too large', 'errorMessage': 'file_size_too_large'}: 파일 사이즈 정책 위반 (4메가 이상인 경우) 413, {'message': 'file scale too small, 640 * 720 at least', 'errorMessage': 'file_scale_at_least_640*720'}: 파일 스케일 정책 위반 (680*720 미만인 경우) 413, {'message': 'only allowed jpg type', 'errorMessage': 'only_allowed_jpg_type'}: 파일 확장자 정책 위반 (JPG, JPEG 아닌 경우) 500, {'message': 'image_file_upload_to_amazon_fail', 'errorMessage': 'image_file_upload_fail'}: 이미지 업로드 실패 500, {'message': 'product image create denied', 'errorMessage': 'unable_to_create_product_image'}: 상품 이미지 등록 실패 History: 2020-12-29(심원두): 초기 생성 2021-01-03(심원두): 이미지 업로드 예외 처리 수정, 파일 손상 이슈 수정 2021-01-05(심원두): S3 에 이미지 업로드 처리를, 예외처리 처리 후에 하도록 수정. 2021-01-06(심원두): 인덱스가 0부터 들어가는 오류 수정 """ try: image_buffer = [] for product_image in product_images: if not product_image or not product_image.filename: raise NotValidFileException('invalid_file') image =, 'r') buffer = io.BytesIO(), image.format), 2) if product_image.tell() > (1024 * 1024 * 4): FileSizeException('file_size_too_large') width, height, = image.size if width < 640 or height < 720: raise FileScaleException('file_scale_at_least_640*720') if image.format != "JPEG": raise FileExtensionException('only_allowed_jpg_type') image_buffer.append(buffer) for index, buffer in enumerate(image_buffer): file_path = GenerateFilePath().generate_file_path( 3, seller_id=seller_id, product_id=product_id) file_name = file_path + product_code + "-" + str(uuid.uuid4()) url = S3FileManager().file_upload(buffer, file_name) if not url: S3FileManager().file_delete(file_name) raise FileUploadFailException( 'image file upload to amazon fail') data = { 'image_url': url, 'product_id': product_id, 'order_index': index + 1 } self.product_manage_dao.insert_product_image(connection, data) except Exception as e: raise e def create_stock_service(self, connection, product_id, stocks): """ 상품 옵션 정보 등록 Args: connection : 데이터베이스 연결 객체 product_id : View 에서 상품정보 등록 성공 후 넘겨 받은 상품 정보 테이블의 id stocks : View 에서 넘겨 받은 상품 옵션 정보 Author: 심원두 Returns: 0: 옵션 테이블 등록 실패 1: 옵션 테이블 등록 성공 Raises: 400, {'message': 'key error', 'errorMessage': 'key_error' + format(e)}: 잘못 입력된 키값 500, {'message': 'stock create denied', 'errorMessage': 'unable_to_create_stocks'}: 상품 옵션 정보 등록 실패 History: 2020-12-29(심원두): 초기 생성 2020-01-03(심원두): 프론트엔드 상의 후 재고 관리 컬럼 추가에 대한 대응 """ try: data = {} for stock in stocks: product_option_code = \ str(product_id) + \ str(stock['color']).zfill(3) + \ str(stock['size']).zfill(3) data['product_option_code'] = product_option_code data['product_id'] = product_id data['color_id'] = stock['color'] data['size_id'] = stock['size'] data['remain'] = stock['remain'] if not stock['isStockManage']: stock['isStockManage'] = 0 data['is_stock_manage'] = stock['isStockManage'] if not stock['remain']: data['remain'] = 0 self.product_manage_dao.insert_stock(connection, data) except KeyError as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise e def create_product_history_service(self, connection, product_id, data): """ 상품 이력 정보 등록 Args: connection : 데이터베이스 연결 객체 product_id : View 에서 상품정보 등록 성공 후 넘겨 받은 상품 정보 테이블의 id data : View 에서 넘겨 받은 상품 정보 Author: 심원두 Returns: 0: 상품 이력 정보 등록 실패 1: 상품 이력 정보 등록 성공 Raises: 400, {'message': 'key error', 'errorMessage': 'key_error' + format(e)}: 잘못 입력된 키값 500, {'message': 'product history create denied', 'errorMessage': 'unable_to_create_product_history'}: 상품 이력 등록 실패 History: 2020-12-29(심원두): 초기 생성 """ try: data['product_id'] = product_id data['discount_rate'] = float(data['discount_rate']) / 100 if not data['discount_start_date']: data['discount_start_date'] = None if not data['discount_end_date']: data['discount_end_date'] = None if not data['discounted_price']: data['discounted_price'] = None self.product_manage_dao.insert_product_history(connection, data) except KeyError as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise e def create_product_sales_volumes_service(self, connection, product_id): """ 상품 판매량 정보 초기 등록 Args: connection : 데이터 베이스 연결 객체 product_id : View 에서 상품정보 등록 성공 후 넘겨 받은 상품 정보 테이블의 id Author: 심원두 Returns: 0: 상품 판매량 정보 초기 등록 실패 1: 상품 판매량 정보 초기 등록 성공 Raises: 500, {'message': 'product history create denied', 'errorMessage': 'unable_to_create_product_history'}: 상품 이력 등록 실패 History: 2020-12-29(심원두): 초기 생성 """ try: self.product_manage_dao.insert_product_sales_volumes( connection, product_id) except Exception as e: raise e def create_bookmark_volumes_service(self, connection, product_id): """ 북 마크 정보 초기 등록 Args: connection : 데이터 베이스 연결 객체 product_id : 상품 번호 Author: 심원두 Returns: 0: 북마크 정보 초기 등록 실패 1: 북마크 정보 초기 등록 성공 Raises: 500, {'message': 'bookmark volumes create denied', 'errorMessage': 'unable_to_create_bookmark_volumes'}: 북마크 초기 등록 실패 History: 2021-01-05(심원두): 초기 생성 """ try: self.product_manage_dao.insert_bookmark_volumes( connection, product_id) except Exception as e: raise e def search_product_service(self, connection, data): """ 특정 조건에 따른 product 검색 Parameters: connection : 데이터베이스 연결 객체 data : View 에서 넘겨받은 딕셔너리 객체 Author: 심원두 Returns: "result": { "product_list": [ { "discount_rate": 0.0, "discounted_price": 10000.0, "is_display": 1, "is_sale": 1, "origin_price": 10000.0, "product_code": "P000000000000001131", "product_id": 1131, "product_image_url": "", "product_name": "상품이름", "seller_attribute_type": "쇼핑몰", "seller_name": "나는셀러3", "updated_at": "2021-01-02 04:11:04" }, ... ], "total_count": 951 Raises: 400, {'message': 'key error', 'errorMessage': 'key_error' + format(e)}: 잘못 입력된 키 값 400, {'message': 'both date field required', 'errorMessage': 'both_date_field_required'}: 필수 값 유효성 체크 에러 400, {'message': 'start date is greater than end date', 'errorMessage': 'start_date_is_greater_than_end_date'}: 날짜 비교 유효성 체크 에러 400, {'message': 'invalid seller attribute type', 'errorMessage': 'invalid_seller_attribute_type'}: 셀러 타입 유효성 체크 에러 """ try: if data['lookup_start_date'] and not data['lookup_end_date']: raise LookUpDateFieldRequiredCheck('both_date_field_required') if not data['lookup_start_date'] and data['lookup_end_date']: raise LookUpDateFieldRequiredCheck('both_date_field_required') if data['lookup_start_date'] and data['lookup_end_date']: if data['lookup_start_date'] > data['lookup_end_date']: raise DateCompareException( 'start_date_is_greater_than_end_date') if data['seller_attribute_type_ids']: for type_id in data['seller_attribute_type_ids']: if type_id < 0 or type_id > 7: raise SellerAttributeTypeException( "invalid_seller_attribute_type") if data['product_name']: data['product_name'] = '%' + data['product_name'] + '%' data['page_number'] = int(data['page_number']) data['limit'] = int(data['limit']) data['offset'] = (data['page_number'] * data['limit']) - data['limit'] total_count = self.product_manage_dao.get_total_products_count( connection, data)['total_count'] product_list = self.product_manage_dao.search_products( connection, data) result = { 'total_count': total_count, 'product_list': [{ 'updated_at': product['updated_at'], 'product_image_url': S3_BUCKET_URL + product['product_image_url'], 'product_name': product['product_name'], 'product_code': product['product_code'], 'product_id': product['product_id'], 'seller_attribute_type': product['seller_attribute_type'], 'seller_name': product['seller_name'], 'origin_price': '{:,}'.format(int(product['origin_price'])), 'discounted_price': '{:,}'.format(int(product['discounted_price'])), 'discount_rate': int(product['discount_rate']), 'is_sale': product['is_sale'], 'is_display': product['is_display'], } for product in product_list] } return result except KeyError as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise e def detail_product_service(self, connection, data): """ 해당 상품 코드의 상세 정보 취득 Parameters: connection : 데이터베이스 연결 객체 data : View 에서 넘겨받은 딕셔너리 객체 (상품 코드) Author: 심원두 Returns: "result": { "product_detail": { "description": "상품 설명===999", "detail_information": "html==============", "discount_end_date": "2021-12-25 23:59:00", "discount_rate": 0.1, "discount_start_date": "2020-11-01 09:00:00", "discounted_price": 9000.0, "is_display": 1, "is_product_notice": 0, "is_sale": 1, "main_category_id": 1, "main_category_name": "아우터", "manufacturer": "패션의 완성 위코드(제조)", "manufacturing_date": "Wed, 01 Jan 2020 00:00:00 GMT", "maximum_quantity": 20, "minimum_quantity": 1, "origin_price": 10000.0, "product_code": "P0000000000000000999", "product_id": 999, "product_name": "성보의하루999", "product_origin_type_id": 3, "product_origin_type_name": "한국", "sub_category_id": 6, "sub_category_name": "무스탕/퍼", "updated_at": "2020-12-31 13:25:08" }, "product_images": [ { "order_index": 1, "product_image_url": " } ], "product_options": [ { "color_id": 1, "color_name": "Black", "is_stock_manage": 0, "product_option_code": "1194001008", "remain": 100, "size_id": 1, "size_name": "Free", "stock_id": 999 } ] } Raises: 400, {'message': 'key error', 'errorMessage': 'key_error' + format(e)} : 잘못 입력된 키값 500, {'message': 'product does not exist', 'errorMessage': 'product_does_not_exist'} : 상품 정보 취득 실패 500, {'message': 'product image not exist', 'errorMessage': 'product_image_not_exist'}: 상품 이미지 정보 취득 실패 500, {'message': 'stock info not exist', 'errorMessage': 'stock_does_not_exist'}: 옵션 정보 취득 실패 """ try: product_detail = self.product_manage_dao.get_product_detail( connection, data) data['product_id'] = product_detail['product_id'] product_images = self.product_manage_dao.get_product_images( connection, data) product_options = self.product_manage_dao.get_product_options( connection, data) result = { 'product_detail': { 'seller_id': product_detail['seller_id'], 'seller_name': product_detail['seller_name'], 'product_code': product_detail['product_code'], 'is_sale': product_detail['is_sale'], 'is_display': product_detail['is_display'], 'main_category_id': product_detail['main_category_id'], 'main_category_name': product_detail['main_category_name'], 'sub_category_id': product_detail['sub_category_id'], 'sub_category_name': product_detail['sub_category_name'], 'is_product_notice': product_detail['is_product_notice'], 'manufacturer': product_detail['manufacturer'], 'manufacturing_date': product_detail['manufacturing_date'], 'product_origin_type_id': product_detail['product_origin_type_id'], 'product_origin_type_name': product_detail['product_origin_type_name'], 'product_name': product_detail['product_name'], 'description': product_detail['description'], 'detail_information': product_detail['detail_information'], 'origin_price': product_detail['origin_price'], 'discount_rate': product_detail['discount_rate'], 'discounted_price': product_detail['discounted_price'], 'discount_start_date': product_detail['discount_start_date'], 'discount_end_date': product_detail['discount_end_date'], 'minimum_quantity': product_detail['minimum_quantity'], 'maximum_quantity': product_detail['maximum_quantity'], 'updated_at': product_detail['updated_at'], 'product_id': product_detail['product_id'], }, 'product_images': [{ 'product_image_url': S3_BUCKET_URL + image['product_image_url'], 'order_index': image['order_index'] } for image in product_images], 'product_options': [{ 'stock_id': option['stock_id'], 'product_option_code': option['product_option_code'], 'color_id': option['color_id'], 'color_name': option['color_name'], 'size_id': option['size_id'], 'size_name': option['size_name'], 'remain': option['remain'], 'is_stock_manage': option['is_stock_manage'], } for option in product_options] } return result except KeyError as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise e
def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.seller_dao = SellerDao()
class SellerService: def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.seller_dao = SellerDao() def seller_signup_service(self, connection, data): # 중복검사 username = self.seller_dao.get_username(connection, data) if username: print("username exist") raise UserAlreadyExist('already_exist') # password hash data['password'] = bcrypt.hashpw( data['password'].encode('UTF-8'), bcrypt.gensalt() ).decode('UTF-8') # permission_type : 셀러[2] data['permission_type_id'] = 2 # account 생성 account_id = self.seller_dao.create_account_dao(connection, data) data['account_id'] = account_id # seller 생성 create_seller_result = self.seller_dao.create_seller_dao(connection, data) if not create_seller_result: raise UserCreateDenied('unable_to_create_seller') # seller_history 생성 create_seller_history_result = self.seller_dao.create_seller_history_dao(connection, data) if not create_seller_history_result: raise UserCreateDenied('unable_to_create_seller_history') def seller_signin_service(self, connection, data): seller_info = self.seller_dao.get_seller_infomation(connection, data) if not seller_info or not bcrypt.checkpw(data['password'].encode('utf-8'),seller_info['password'].encode('utf-8')): raise InvalidUser('invalid_user') token = self.token_generator(seller_info) return token def token_generator(self, seller_info): payload = { 'account_id': seller_info['id'] ,'username' : seller_info['username'] ,'permission_type_id' : seller_info['permission_type_id'] } token = jwt.encode(payload, self.config['JWT_SECRET_KEY'], self.config['JWT_ALGORITHM']).decode('utf-8') if not token: raise TokenCreateDenied('token_create_fail') return token def seller_search_service(self, connection, data, page, page_view): data['limit'] = int(page) * int(page_view) data['offset'] = data['limit'] - int(page_view) seller_info = self.seller_dao.get_seller_search(connection, data) return seller_info def seller_list_service(self, connection, offset): seller_list = self.seller_dao.get_seller_list(connection, offset) if not seller_list: return [] return seller_list