Example #1
        func = function defining Jacobian
        domain = points on which to caclulate

        saves jacobian in file
    assert (type(func_name) == str),'func_name must be string.'


if __name__ == "__main__":
    ''' Make directory to store data. '''
    make_directory(args.log_dir) # make directory to store Jacobian

    func_name = args.ODE_system
    if func_name == 'Spiral': 
        func = spiral
    elif func_name == 'Hopf': 
        func = hopf_bifurcation
    elif func_name == 'Lorenz': 
        func = lorenz
    elif func_name == 'Glycolytic': 
        func = glycolytic_oscillator
    ''' Save parameters for reference. '''
    # save args
    with open(args.data_dir+'/args.txt', 'w') as f:
Example #2
    data_y = np.stack(data_y, axis=0)
    data_v = func(t=None, y=data_y)  # exact velocity calculated

    if data_y.shape[2] == 3:
        plot_3D(data_y, func_name, args.data_dir,
                data_type)  # visualize solution

    # save data
    np.save(args.data_dir + '/' + data_type + '_y', data_y)
    np.save(args.data_dir + '/' + data_type + '_v', data_v)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ''' Make directory to store data. '''
    make_directory(args.data_dir)  # make directory to store data
    ''' Initialize ODE input. '''
    t = np.linspace(start=args.T0, stop=args.Tend,
                    num=args.num_point)  # define grid on which to solve ODE
    y0 = np.array(
        [4, 3,
         -2])  # define center of neighborhood for initial starting points
    ''' Save parameters for reference. '''
    # save args
    with open(args.data_dir + '/args.txt', 'w') as f:
        json.dump(args.__dict__, f, indent=2)
    np.save(args.data_dir + '/grid', t)  # save grid
    np.save(args.data_dir + '/ipcenter', y0)  # save center
    ''' Generate data. '''
Example #3
def lorenz(t, y): 
	NOTES: Defines an ODE system that generates a spiral/corkscrew shape.
			Input y is either a 1D array (used mainly with built in ODE solvers), or 3D array
			(to generate velocity data over multiple trajectories for training).

		t = dummy variable (system is autonomous, but python solvers require time input)
		y = position data; 1D array, or 3D array with axes 
			- 0 = ith trajectory
			- 1 = point at time t_i
			- 2 = spatial dimension y_i

		return #0 = velocity data
	assert ((len(y.shape) == 1) or (len(y.shape) == 3)),'y must be a 1D or 3D array.'

	if len(y.shape) == 1:
        v = np.array([10*(y[1]-y[0]), y[0]*(28-y[2])-y[1], y[0]*y[1]-8/3.*y[2]])
        v = np.zeros(y.shape)
        v[:,:,0] = 10*(y[:,:,1] - y[:,:,0])
        v[:,:,1] = y[:,:,0]*(28 - y[:,:,2]) - y[:,:,1]
        v[:,:,2] = y[:,:,0]*y[:,:,1] - 8/3. * y[:,:,2]

    return v

def initial(y0):
	NOTES: Creates a random initial starting point close to the given point y0.

		y0 = initial position data

		return #0 = nearby initial position data.
	assert (len(y0.shape) == 1),'y0 must be a 1D array.'

	return np.array(y0)+np.random.uniform(low=-args.Delta, high=args.Delta, size=(len(y0),))

def solve_ODE(t,y0,func):
	NOTES: A cleaner function for solve_ivp (i.e. adjust the many solve_ivp parameters 
			here rather than at every occurance where it is used).

		t = vector where elements are times at which to store solution (t subset of [args.T0,args.Tend])
		y0 = initial position data

		return #0 = solution of ODE at times 't' starting at 'y0'
	assert (len(y0.shape) == 1),'y0 must be a 1D array.'

	sol = solve_ivp(fun=func, t_span=[args.T0, args.Tend], 
		y0=initial(y0), method='RK45', t_eval=t, 
		dense_output=False, vectorized=False, 
		rtol=1e-12, atol=1e-12*np.ones((len(y0),)))

	return np.transpose(sol.y)

def generate_data(t,y0,func,func_name,num_traj):
	NOTES: Generates multiple data trajectories (number specified by num_traj) starting near y0. 
			Saves this data as 3D array with axes
				- 0 = ith trajectory
				- 1 = point at time t_i
				- 2 = spatial dimension y_i

		t = vector where elements are times at which to store solution (t subset of [args.T0,args.Tend], containing endpoints)
		y0 = initial position data
		func = function defining ODE used to generate data
		func_name = string with name of ODE
		data_type = string with label for data (e.g. training, validation, testing)
		num_traj = number of trajectories to generate

	assert (len(t.shape) == 1),'t must be a 1D array.'
	assert ((args.T0 <= min(t)) & (max(t) <= args.Tend)),'t must be subset of [T0,Tend].'
	assert (len(y0.shape) == 1),'y0 must be 1D array.'
	assert (type(func_name) == str),'func_name must be string.'
	assert (type(num_traj) == int),'num_traj must be integer.'

	data_y = []
	for _ in range(num_traj):
		y = solve_ODE(t,y0,func)
	data_y = np.stack(data_y, axis=0)
	data_v = func(t=None,y=data_y) # exact velocity calculated

	if data_y.shape[2] == 3 :
		plot_3D(data_y,func_name,args.data_dir) # visualize solution

	# save data
	np.save(args.data_dir+'/data_y', data_y)
	np.save(args.data_dir+'/data_v', data_v)

if __name__ == "__main__":
	''' Make directory to store data. '''
	make_directory(args.data_dir) # make directory to store data

	''' Initialize ODE input. '''
	t = np.linspace(start=args.T0, stop=args.Tend, num=args.num_point) # define grid on which to solve ODE
	y0 = np.array([-8, 7, 27]) # define center of neighborhood for initial starting points

	''' Save parameters for reference. '''
	# save args
	with open(args.data_dir+'/args.txt', 'w') as f:
	    json.dump(args.__dict__, f, indent=2)
	np.save(args.data_dir+'/grid',t) # save grid
	np.save(args.data_dir+'/ipcenter',y0) # save center

	''' Generate data. '''