Example #1
def make_guardsman():
    guardsman = ModelProfile("Guardsman", 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 1, 7, 5)
    guardsman.addWargear(Weapon("Lasgun", 24, 3, 0, ["rapid fire"]), "weapon")
    guardsman.addWargear(Wargear("Flak Armour", "5+ armour save"), "wargear")
    guardsman.addWargear(Wargear("Frag grenades", "Assault grenades"),
    guardsman.addSpecialRule(SpecialRule("Combined Squad",
        "Units with this rule may choose to merge into a single unit at deployment."))
    return guardsman
Example #2
def make_guard_sergeant():
    sergeant = ModelProfile("Guardsman", 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2, 8, 5)
    sergeant.addWargear(Weapon("Close Combat Weapon", 0, 3, 0, ["melee"]), "weapon")
    sergeant.addWargear(Weapon("Laspistol", 12, 3, 0, ["pistol"]), "weapon")
    sergeant.addWargear(Wargear("Flak Armour", "5+ armour save"), "wargear")
    sergeant.addWargear(Wargear("Frag grenades", "Assault grenades"),
    sergeant.addSpecialRule(SpecialRule("Combined Squad",
        "Units with this rule may choose to merge into a single unit at deployment."))
    return sergeant
Example #3
def tactical_squad():
    marine = make_space_marine()
    sergeant = ModelProfile("Space Marine Sergeant", 4, 4, 4, 4, 1, 4, 1, 8, 3)
    sergeant.addWargear(Weapon("Close Combat Weapon", 0, 4, 0, ["melee"]), "weapon")
    sergeant.addWargear(Weapon("Bolt Pistol", 12, 4, 5, ["pistol"]), "weapon")
    sergeant.addWargear(Wargear("Power Armour", "3+ armour save"), "wargear")
    sergeant.addWargear(Wargear("Frag and Krak grenades", "Assault and krag grenades"),
    sergeant.addSpecialRule(SpecialRule("And They Shall Know No Fear",
        "Automatic regroup, No sweeping advances"))
    sergeant.addSpecialRule(SpecialRule("Combat Squads",
        "10-man squads may separate into 2 5-man squads at deployment"))
    sergeant.addSpecialRule(SpecialRule("Chapter Tactics",
        "Special rules per chapter"))

    unit = Unit("Space Marine Tactical Squad", "infantry")
    unit.addModel(marine, 9)
    unit.addModel(sergeant, 1)

    return unit
Example #4
def make_space_marine():
    space_marine = ModelProfile("Space Marine", 4, 4, 4, 4, 1, 4, 1, 8, 3)
    space_marine.addWargear(Weapon("Boltgun", 24, 4, 5, ["rapid fire"]), "weapon")
    space_marine.addWargear(Weapon("Bolt Pistol", 12, 4, 5, ["pistol"]), "weapon")
    space_marine.addWargear(Wargear("Power Armour", "3+ armour save"), "wargear")
    space_marine.addWargear(Wargear("Frag and Krak grenades", "Assault and krag grenades"),
    space_marine.addSpecialRule(SpecialRule("And They Shall Know No Fear",
        "Automatic regroup, No sweeping advances"))
    space_marine.addSpecialRule(SpecialRule("Combat Squads",
        "10-man squads may separate into 2 5-man squads at deployment"))
    space_marine.addSpecialRule(SpecialRule("Chapter Tactics",
        "Special rules per chapter"))

    return space_marine