def test(model, device, test_loader, loss_function): ''' Evaluates DTP args: model: DTP as defined in the DynamicTrajectoryPredictor class device: GPU or CPU test_loader: Dataloader to produce stacks of optical flow images loss_function: eg. MSE returns: MSE and FDE at intervals of 5,10,15 frames into the future Outputs and targets 15 frames into the future ''' model.eval() test_loss = 0 all_outputs_5 = np.array([]) all_targets_5 = np.array([]) all_outputs_10 = np.array([]) all_targets_10 = np.array([]) all_outputs_15 = np.array([]) all_targets_15 = np.array([]) with torch.no_grad(): for batch_idx, data in enumerate(test_loader): flow, targets = data['flow_stack'].to(device), data['labels'].to( device) flow = flow.float() targets = targets.float() output = model(flow) test_loss += loss_function(output, targets).item() # sum up batch loss output_5 =[:, 0:5], output[:, 15:20]), dim=1) output_10 =[:, 0:10], output[:, 15:25]), dim=1) output_15 = output targets_5 =[:, 0:5], targets[:, 15:20]), dim=1) targets_10 =[:, 0:10], targets[:, 15:25]), dim=1) targets_15 = targets all_outputs_5 = np.append(all_outputs_5, output_5.detach().cpu().numpy()) all_targets_5 = np.append(all_targets_5, targets_5.detach().cpu().numpy()) all_outputs_10 = np.append(all_outputs_10, output_10.detach().cpu().numpy()) all_targets_10 = np.append(all_targets_10, targets_10.detach().cpu().numpy()) all_outputs_15 = np.append(all_outputs_15, output_15.detach().cpu().numpy()) all_targets_15 = np.append(all_targets_15, targets_15.detach().cpu().numpy()) MSE_5 = utils.calc_mse(all_outputs_5, all_targets_5) FDE_5 = utils.calc_fde(all_outputs_5, all_targets_5, n=5) MSE_10 = utils.calc_mse(all_outputs_10, all_targets_10) FDE_10 = utils.calc_fde(all_outputs_10, all_targets_10, n=10) MSE_15 = utils.calc_mse(all_outputs_15, all_targets_15) FDE_15 = utils.calc_fde(all_outputs_15, all_targets_15, n=15) print( 'Validation: \t\t\t\tMSE@5: {:.0f} \tFDE@5: {:.0f} \tMSE@10: {:.0f} \tFDE@10: {:.0f} \tMSE@15: {:.0f} \tFDE@15: {:.0f}' .format(MSE_5, FDE_5, MSE_10, FDE_10, MSE_15, FDE_15)) return MSE_5, FDE_5, MSE_10, FDE_10, MSE_15, FDE_15, all_outputs_15, all_targets_15
def train(model, device, train_loader, optimizer, epoch, loss_function): ''' Trains DTP args: model: DTP as defined in the DynamicTrajectoryPredictor class device: GPU or CPU train_loader: Dataloader to produce stacks of optical flow images optimizer: eg. ADAM epoch: Current epoch (for printing progress) loss_function: eg. MSE ''' model.train() all_outputs_5 = np.array([]) all_targets_5 = np.array([]) all_outputs_10 = np.array([]) all_targets_10 = np.array([]) all_outputs_15 = np.array([]) all_targets_15 = np.array([]) for batch_idx, data in enumerate(train_loader): if batch_idx % 50 == 0: print('Batch ', batch_idx, ' of ', len(train_loader)) flow, targets = data['flow_stack'].to(device), data['labels'].to( device) targets = targets.float() optimizer.zero_grad() flow = flow.float() output = model(flow) loss = loss_function(output, targets) loss.backward() optimizer.step() output_5 =[:, 0:5], output[:, 15:20]), dim=1) output_10 =[:, 0:10], output[:, 15:25]), dim=1) output_15 = output targets_5 =[:, 0:5], targets[:, 15:20]), dim=1) targets_10 =[:, 0:10], targets[:, 15:25]), dim=1) targets_15 = targets all_outputs_5 = np.append(all_outputs_5, output_5.detach().cpu().numpy()) all_targets_5 = np.append(all_targets_5, targets_5.detach().cpu().numpy()) all_outputs_10 = np.append(all_outputs_10, output_10.detach().cpu().numpy()) all_targets_10 = np.append(all_targets_10, targets_10.detach().cpu().numpy()) all_outputs_15 = np.append(all_outputs_15, output_15.detach().cpu().numpy()) all_targets_15 = np.append(all_targets_15, targets_15.detach().cpu().numpy()) MSE_5 = utils.calc_mse(all_outputs_5, all_targets_5) FDE_5 = utils.calc_fde(all_outputs_5, all_targets_5, n=5) MSE_10 = utils.calc_mse(all_outputs_10, all_targets_10) FDE_10 = utils.calc_fde(all_outputs_10, all_targets_10, n=10) MSE_15 = utils.calc_mse(all_outputs_15, all_targets_15) FDE_15 = utils.calc_fde(all_outputs_15, all_targets_15, n=15) print( 'Train Epoch: {} [{}/{} ({:.0f}%)] \tMSE@5: {:.0f} \tFDE@5: {:.0f} \tMSE@10: {:.0f} \tFDE@10: {:.0f} \tMSE@15: {:.0f} \tFDE@15: {:.0f}' .format(epoch, batch_idx * len(data), len(train_loader.dataset), 100. * batch_idx / len(train_loader), MSE_5, FDE_5, MSE_10, FDE_10, MSE_15, FDE_15))