Example #1
def process_batch(args, batcher, model, loss_func, token_vocab, metadata_vocab, sf_lf_map, sf_tokenized_lf_map,
    :param args: argparse instance
    :param batcher: AcronymBatcherLoader instance
    :param model: PyTorch acronym expander model from ./modules/
    :param loss_func: PyTorch nn.CrossEntropyLoss function
    :param token_vocab: unigram token vocabulary for MIMIC-III
    :param metadata_vocab: metadata-specific vocabulary for MIMIC-III
    :param sf_lf_map: dictionary mapping SFs to original string LFs
    :param sf_tokenized_lf_map: dictionary mapping SFs to tokenized LFs
    :param token_metadata_counts: dictionary mapping LFs to metadata counts.  Used for computing p(metadata|LF)
    :return: average loss in mini-batch along with other performance metrics

    rel_weight only applies to the LMC model which returns the result of the metadata-token gating function
    batch_input, batch_p, batch_counts = batcher.next(token_vocab, sf_lf_map, sf_tokenized_lf_map,
                                                  token_metadata_counts, metadata_vocab=metadata_vocab)
    batch_input = list(map(lambda x: torch.LongTensor(x).clamp_min_(0).to(args.device), batch_input))
    batch_p = list(map(lambda x: torch.FloatTensor(x).to(args.device), batch_p))
    full_input = batch_input + batch_counts if args.lm_type == 'bsg' else batch_input + batch_p + batch_counts
    scores, target, rel_weights = model(*full_input)
    num_correct = len(np.where(tensor_to_np(torch.argmax(scores, 1)) == tensor_to_np(target))[0])
    num_examples = len(batch_counts[0])
    batch_loss = loss_func.forward(scores, target)
    return batch_loss, num_examples, num_correct, scores, rel_weights
Example #2
def elmo_analyze(test_batcher, model, sf_lf_map, vocab, sf_tokenized_lf_map, indexer, results_dir=None):
    :param args: argparse.ArgumentParser instance
    :param test_batcher: AcronymBatcherLoader instance
    :param model: AcronymExpander instance
    :param sf_lf_map: Short form to LF mappings
    :param vocab: Vocabulary AllenNLP instance storing tokens and corresponding token ids
    :param indexer: AllenNLP token to id indexer
    :param results_dir: where to write the results files
    :return: None but writes a confusion matrix analysis file into results_dir

    sf_confusion = defaultdict(lambda: ([], []))
    id_map = {'correct': [], 'error': []}
    errors_str, correct_str = defaultdict(str), defaultdict(str)
    loss_func = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

    total_ll, num_correct, num_examples = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
    correct_top3 = [0, 0, 0]

    for _ in tqdm(range(test_batcher.num_batches())):
        batch_input, num_outputs = test_batcher.elmo_next(vocab, indexer, sf_tokenized_lf_map)
        batch_input = list(map(lambda x: torch.LongTensor(x).clamp_min_(0).to('cuda'), batch_input))
        with torch.no_grad():
            scores, target = model(*batch_input + [num_outputs])
        batch_correct = len(np.where(tensor_to_np(torch.argmax(scores, 1)) == tensor_to_np(target))[0])
        batch_examples = len(num_outputs)
        batch_loss = loss_func.forward(scores, target)

        batch_data = test_batcher.get_prev_batch()
        num_correct += batch_correct
        num_examples += batch_examples
        total_ll += batch_loss.item()
        pred_lf_idxs = tensor_to_np(torch.argmax(scores, 1))
        target_lf_idxs = np.array(batch_data['target_lf_idx'].tolist())
        batch_data = test_batcher.get_prev_batch()

        top_num = min(scores.size()[-1], 3)
        top_3_pred_lf_idxs = tensor_to_np(torch.topk(scores, top_num)[1])
        tc = 0
        for i in range(top_num):
            tc += len(np.where(top_3_pred_lf_idxs[:, i] == target_lf_idxs)[0])
            correct_top3[i] += tc
        for i in range(top_num, 3):
            correct_top3[i] += len(target_lf_idxs)

        _analyze_batch(batch_data, sf_lf_map, pred_lf_idxs, correct_str, errors_str, sf_confusion, id_map, None)

    avg_test_ll = total_ll / float(test_batcher.num_batches())
    avg_test_acc = num_correct / float(num_examples)
    avg_top3_acc = list(map(lambda nc: str(nc / float(num_examples)), correct_top3))
    avg_top3_acc_str = '/'.join(avg_top3_acc)
    print('Test Loss={}. Accuracy={}'.format(avg_test_ll, avg_test_acc))
    print('Top 3 Accuracy={}'.format(avg_top3_acc_str))
    metrics = _analyze_stats(results_dir, sf_lf_map, correct_str, errors_str, sf_confusion, id_map, experiment='elmo')
    metrics['accuracy'] = avg_test_acc
    metrics['log_loss'] = avg_test_ll
    return metrics
Example #3
def run_test_epoch(model, test_batcher, indexer, vocab, sf_tokenized_lf_map,
    device_str = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
    model.eval()  # just sets .requires_grad = True
    test_epoch_loss, test_examples, test_correct = 0.0, 0, 0
    for _ in tqdm(range(test_batcher.num_batches())):
        batch_input, num_outputs = test_batcher.elmo_next(
            vocab, indexer, sf_tokenized_lf_map)
        batch_input = list(
            map(lambda x: torch.LongTensor(x).clamp_min_(0).to(device_str),
        with torch.no_grad():
            scores, target = model(*batch_input + [num_outputs])
        num_correct = len(
                tensor_to_np(torch.argmax(scores, 1)) == tensor_to_np(target))
        num_examples = len(num_outputs)
        batch_loss = loss_func.forward(scores, target)

        test_correct += num_correct
        test_examples += num_examples
        test_epoch_loss += batch_loss.item()
    test_loss = test_epoch_loss / float(test_batcher.num_batches())
    test_acc = test_correct / float(test_examples)
    print('Test Loss={}. Accuracy={}'.format(test_loss, test_acc))
    return test_loss
def process_batch(batcher, model, loss_func, vocab, sf_tokenized_lf_map):
    batch_input, num_outputs = batcher.next(vocab, sf_tokenized_lf_map)
    batch_input = list(map(lambda x: torch.LongTensor(x).clamp_min_(0), batch_input))
    proba, target = model(*(batch_input + [num_outputs]))
    num_correct = len(np.where(tensor_to_np(torch.argmax(proba, 1)) == tensor_to_np(target))[0])
    num_examples = len(num_outputs)
    batch_loss = loss_func.forward(proba, target)
    return batch_loss, num_examples, num_correct, proba
Example #5
def analyze(args, test_batcher, model, sf_lf_map, loss_func, token_vocab, metadata_vocab, sf_tokenized_lf_map,
            token_metadata_counts, results_dir=None):
    :param args: ArgParse instance
    :param test_batcher: AcronymBatcherLoader instance
    :param model: AcronymExpander instance
    :param sf_lf_map: Short form to LF mappings
    :param loss_func: PyTorch CrossEntropyLoss instance
    :param vocab: Vocab instance storing tokens and corresponding token ids
    :param sf_tokenized_lf_map: dictionary of SF --> tokenized LFs
    :param results_dir: where to write the results files
    :return: None but writes analysis files into results_dir

    sf_confusion = defaultdict(lambda: ([], []))
    id_map = {'correct': [], 'error': []}
    errors_str, correct_str = defaultdict(str), defaultdict(str)
    total_ll, num_correct, num_examples = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
    correct_top3 = [0, 0, 0]
    for _ in range(test_batcher.num_batches()):
        with torch.no_grad():
            batch_loss, batch_examples, batch_correct, batch_scores, rel_weights = process_batch(
                args, test_batcher, model, loss_func, token_vocab, metadata_vocab, sf_lf_map, sf_tokenized_lf_map,
        num_correct += batch_correct
        num_examples += batch_examples
        total_ll += batch_loss
        batch_data = test_batcher.get_prev_batch()
        target_lf_idxs = np.array(batch_data['target_lf_idx'].tolist())
        pred_lf_idxs = tensor_to_np(torch.argmax(batch_scores, 1))

        top_num = min(batch_scores.size()[-1], 3)
        top_3_pred_lf_idxs = tensor_to_np(torch.topk(batch_scores, top_num)[1])
        tc = 0
        for i in range(top_num):
            tc += len(np.where(top_3_pred_lf_idxs[:, i] == target_lf_idxs)[0])
            correct_top3[i] += tc
        for i in range(top_num, 3):
            correct_top3[i] += len(target_lf_idxs)

        if rel_weights is not None:
            rel_weights = tensor_to_np(rel_weights)
        _analyze_batch(batch_data, sf_lf_map, pred_lf_idxs, correct_str, errors_str, sf_confusion, id_map, rel_weights)

    avg_test_ll = total_ll / float(test_batcher.num_batches())
    avg_acc = num_correct / float(num_examples)
    avg_top3_acc = list(map(lambda nc: str(nc / float(num_examples)), correct_top3))
    avg_top3_acc_str = '/'.join(avg_top3_acc)
    print('Test Loss={}. Accuracy={}'.format(avg_test_ll, avg_acc))
    print('Top 3 Accuracy={}'.format(avg_top3_acc_str))
    return _analyze_stats(
        results_dir, sf_lf_map, correct_str, errors_str, sf_confusion, id_map, experiment=args.experiment)
Example #6
def bert_analyze(test_batcher, model, sf_lf_map, tokenizer, sf_tokenized_lf_map, results_dir=None):
    device_str = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'

    sf_confusion = defaultdict(lambda: ([], []))
    id_map = {'correct': [], 'error': []}
    errors_str, correct_str = defaultdict(str), defaultdict(str)
    loss_func = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

    total_ll, num_correct, num_examples = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
    correct_top3 = [0, 0, 0]

    for _ in tqdm(range(test_batcher.num_batches())):
        batch_input, num_outputs = test_batcher.bert_next(tokenizer, sf_tokenized_lf_map)
        batch_input = list(map(lambda x: torch.LongTensor(x).clamp_min_(0).to(device_str), batch_input))
        with torch.no_grad():
            scores, target = model(*batch_input + [num_outputs])
        batch_correct = len(np.where(tensor_to_np(torch.argmax(scores, 1)) == tensor_to_np(target))[0])
        batch_examples = len(num_outputs)
        batch_loss = loss_func.forward(scores, target)

        batch_data = test_batcher.get_prev_batch()
        num_correct += batch_correct
        num_examples += batch_examples
        total_ll += batch_loss.item()
        pred_lf_idxs = tensor_to_np(torch.argmax(scores, 1))
        target_lf_idxs = np.array(batch_data['target_lf_idx'].tolist())
        batch_data = test_batcher.get_prev_batch()

        top_num = min(scores.size()[-1], 3)
        top_3_pred_lf_idxs = tensor_to_np(torch.topk(scores, top_num)[1])
        tc = 0
        for i in range(top_num):
            tc += len(np.where(top_3_pred_lf_idxs[:, i] == target_lf_idxs)[0])
            correct_top3[i] += tc
        for i in range(top_num, 3):
            correct_top3[i] += len(target_lf_idxs)

        _analyze_batch(batch_data, sf_lf_map, pred_lf_idxs, correct_str, errors_str, sf_confusion, id_map, None)

    avg_test_ll = total_ll / float(test_batcher.num_batches())
    avg_test_acc = num_correct / float(num_examples)
    avg_top3_acc = list(map(lambda nc: str(nc / float(num_examples)), correct_top3))
    avg_top3_acc_str = '/'.join(avg_top3_acc)
    print('Test Loss={}. Accuracy={}'.format(avg_test_ll, avg_test_acc))
    print('Top 3 Accuracy={}'.format(avg_top3_acc_str))
    metrics = _analyze_stats(results_dir, sf_lf_map, correct_str, errors_str, sf_confusion, id_map, experiment='elmo')
    metrics['accuracy'] = avg_test_acc
    metrics['log_loss'] = avg_test_ll
    return metrics
Example #7
def point_similarity(model, vocab, tokens_a, tokens_b):
    ids_a = get_known_ids(vocab, tokens_a)
    ids_b = get_known_ids(vocab, tokens_b)

    if len(ids_a) == 0 or len(ids_b) == 0:
        return 0.0

    embeddings = tensor_to_np(model.embeddings_mu.weight)

    rep_a = embeddings[ids_a, :].mean(0)
    rep_b = embeddings[ids_b, :].mean(0)
    sim = 1.0 - cosine(rep_a, rep_b)
    return sim
Example #8
        for p in np.arange(0, 1.25, 0.25):
            rw = [p, 1.0 - p]
            rel_weights = torch.FloatTensor([rw]).to(device_str)
            with torch.no_grad():
                mu_q, sigma_q, weights = model.encoder(center_word_tens,

            scores = tensor_to_np(
                nn.Softmax(-1)(-compute_kl(mu_q, sigma_q, mu_compare,
            order = np.argsort(-scores)
            weight_str = 'Relative Weights --> Word={}.  Section={}'.format(
                rw[1], rw[0])
            for i in order[:min(10, len(order))]:
                print('\t\t{} --> {}'.format(compare_words[i], scores[i]))

    section_df = pd.read_csv(
    section_names = list(
Example #9

if __name__ == '__main__':
    is_lga = False

    fp_str = 'lga.png' if is_lga else 'sec2vec.png'
    title = 'Latent Meaning Cells' if is_lga else 'BSG With Headers As Pseudo-Contexts'

    if is_lga:
        checkpoint_fp = '../bsg/weights/lga/checkpoint_1.pth'
        if not torch.cuda.is_available():
            checkpoint_state = torch.load(checkpoint_fp, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)
            checkpoint_state = torch.load(checkpoint_fp)
        section_vocab = checkpoint_state['section_vocab']
        embeddings = tensor_to_np(checkpoint_state['model_state_dict']['encoder.section_embeddings.weight'])
        sections = section_vocab.i2w[1:]
        checkpoint_fp = '../bsg/weights/12-20-sec2vec/checkpoint_1.pth'
        if not torch.cuda.is_available():
            checkpoint_state = torch.load(checkpoint_fp, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)
            checkpoint_state = torch.load(checkpoint_fp)
        vocab = checkpoint_state['vocab']
        offset = vocab.separator_start_vocab_id
        embeddings = tensor_to_np(checkpoint_state['model_state_dict']['encoder.embeddings.weight'])[offset:, :]
        sections = vocab.i2w[offset:]
    tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, verbose=1, perplexity=50)
    tsne_results = tsne.fit_transform(embeddings)

    sections = [s.split('=')[1] for s in sections]
def error_analysis(test_batcher, model, used_sf_lf_map, loss_func, vocab, results_dir=None):
    :param test_batcher: AcronymBatcherLoader instance
    :param model: AcronymExpander instance
    :param used_sf_lf_map: Short form to LF mappings
    :param loss_func: PyTorch CrossEntropyLoss instance
    :param vocab: Vocab instance storing tokens and corresponding token ids
    :param results_dir: where to write the results files
    :return: None but writes a confusion matrix analysis file into results_dir
    sf_confusion = defaultdict(lambda: ([], []))

    results_str = defaultdict(str)
    errors_str = defaultdict(str)
    k = 5
    for _ in tqdm(range(test_batcher.num_batches())):
        with torch.no_grad():
            batch_loss, num_examples, num_correct, proba = process_batch(
                test_batcher, model, loss_func, vocab, used_sf_lf_map)
        batch_data = test_batcher.get_prev_batch()
        proba = tensor_to_np(proba)
        top_pred_idxs = np.argsort(-proba, axis=1)[:, :k]
        pred_lf_idxs = top_pred_idxs[:, 0]
        for batch_idx, (row_idx, row) in enumerate(batch_data.iterrows()):
            row = row.to_dict()
            sf = row['sf']
            lf_map = used_sf_lf_map[sf]
            target_lf = row['target_lf']
            target_lf_idx = row['used_target_lf_idx']
            pred_lf_idx = pred_lf_idxs[batch_idx]
            pred_lf = lf_map[pred_lf_idx]
            top_pred_lfs = ', '.join(
                list(map(lambda lf: lf_map[lf], top_pred_idxs[batch_idx][:min(k, len(lf_map))])))
            example_str = _render_example(sf, target_lf, lf_map[target_lf_idx], pred_lf, top_pred_lfs,
                                          row['trimmed_tokens'], row['tokenized_context'])

            results_str[sf] += example_str
            if not target_lf_idx == pred_lf_idx:
                errors_str[sf] += example_str

    results_fp = os.path.join(results_dir, 'results.txt')
    reports_fp = os.path.join(results_dir, 'reports.txt')
    errors_fp = os.path.join(results_dir, 'errors.txt')
    summary_fp = os.path.join(results_dir, 'summary.csv')
    df = defaultdict(list)
    cols = [
    reports = []
    with open(results_fp, 'w') as fd:
        for k in sorted(results_str.keys()):
    with open(errors_fp, 'w') as fd:
        for k in sorted(errors_str.keys()):
    for sf in sf_confusion:
        labels = used_sf_lf_map[sf]
        labels_trunc = list(map(lambda x: x.split(';')[0], labels))
        y_true = sf_confusion[sf][0]
        y_pred = sf_confusion[sf][1]

        sf_results = classification_report(y_true, y_pred, labels=list(range(len(labels_trunc))),
                                           target_names=labels_trunc, output_dict=True)
        report = classification_report(y_true, y_pred, labels=list(range(len(labels_trunc))),
        metrics = ['micro avg', 'macro avg', 'weighted avg']
        for metric in metrics:
            if metric in sf_results:
                for k, v in sf_results[metric].items():
                    if not k == 'support':
                        metric_key = '{}_{}'.format(metric.split(' ')[0], k.split('-')[0])
                suffixes = ['precision', 'recall', 'f1']
                for suffix in suffixes:
                    df['{}_{}'.format(metric.split(' ')[0], suffix)].append(None)
        df['support'].append(sf_results['weighted avg']['support'])
            cm = ConfusionMatrix(actual_vector=y_true, predict_vector=y_pred)
            label_idx_to_str = dict()
            for idx in cm.classes:
                label_idx_to_str[idx] = labels_trunc[int(idx)]
            cm_outpath = os.path.join(results_dir, 'confusion', sf)
            print('Only 1 target class for test set SF={}'.format(sf))

    pd.DataFrame(df, columns=cols).to_csv(summary_fp, index=False)
    with open(reports_fp, 'w') as fd:
        map(fd.write, reports)