def build(self, parentOsh): '''Builds the Oracle iAS OSH @param parentOsh: root cointainer for the Oracle iAS CI @return: Oracle iAs OSH or None, if one of the prerequisits weren't met. ''' if serverOsh = modeling.createJ2EEServer('oracleias', None, None, parentOsh, self.setApplicationIp(serverOsh) return serverOsh else: logger.error('Failed to create Oracle iAS OSH. Server name is not specified.')
def build(self, parentOsh): '''Builds the Oracle iAS OSH @param parentOsh: root cointainer for the Oracle iAS CI @return: Oracle iAs OSH or None, if one of the prerequisits weren't met. ''' if serverOsh = modeling.createJ2EEServer('oracleias', None, None, parentOsh, self.setApplicationIp(serverOsh) return serverOsh else: logger.error( 'Failed to create Oracle iAS OSH. Server name is not specified.' )
def createWebServer(self, serverHeaderStr, ip, port, hostOSH): #Header has the following format [Server type]/[verison] [comment] #This pattern assumes there is a slash (/) in the string matcher = re.match('([-\w ]*)/\s*([^\s]*)\s*([^\n]*)', serverHeaderStr) serverType = None serverVersion = None comment = None if matcher: serverType = serverVersion = comment = else: #String does not contain a slash, regard all contents as serverType matcher = re.match(r"^([sS]erver:)?\s+(.+?[\d.][\d.]*\s|.*)", serverHeaderStr, re.IGNORECASE) if matcher: serverType = if serverType: isIIS = serverType.find('IIS') if self.createdServers.has_key(serverHeaderStr): if isIIS == -1: logger.warn('WebServer of type %s was already reported. Assuming same server listens a number of ports.' % serverType) logger.debug('Header is: %s.' % serverHeaderStr) errobj = errorobject.createError(errorcodes.ADDITIONAL_WEBSERVER_INSTANCES_ARE_SKIPPED, None, 'WebServer of type %s was already reported. Assuming same server listens a number of ports.') logger.reportWarningObject(errobj) return self.createdServers[serverHeaderStr] else: osh = None #check for application server if serverType.lower().count("weblogic"): osh = modeling.createJ2EEServer("weblogic", ip, port, hostOSH) else: osh = modeling.createWebServerOSH(serverType, port, 'N/A', hostOSH, 0, serverVersion) osh.setBoolAttribute("root_enableageing", "true") comment and osh.setAttribute('data_note', comment) osh.setAttribute('data_description',serverHeaderStr) osh.setAttribute('application_ip',ip) if isIIS >= 0: self.createdServers[serverHeaderStr] = osh return osh else: logger.warn("Failed to get serverType from header '%s'" % serverHeaderStr)
def parseOpmnXml(opmnXML, HOST_IP, ORACLE_HOME, MANAGER_PORT, shellUtils, OSHVResult, Framework): builder = SAXBuilder(0) doc = root = doc.getRootElement() ucmdbVersion = modeling.CmdbClassModel().version() processManager = root.getChildren() processManagerIterator = processManager.iterator() while processManagerIterator.hasNext(): currProcessManager = currElementName = currProcessManager.getName() if currElementName == 'process-manager': iasInstance = currProcessManager.getChildren() iasInstanceIterator = iasInstance.iterator() while iasInstanceIterator.hasNext(): currIasInstance = if currIasInstance.getName() == 'ias-instance': OracleApplicationServerName = currIasInstance.getAttributeValue('name') or currIasInstance.getAttributeValue('id') or 'Default Server' discoveredHost = modeling.createHostOSH(HOST_IP) # Create Oracle IAS oracleIASOSH = modeling.createJ2EEServer('oracleias', HOST_IP, int(MANAGER_PORT), discoveredHost, OracleApplicationServerName) OSHVResult.add(oracleIASOSH) iasComponent = currIasInstance.getChildren() iasComponentIterator = iasComponent.iterator() while iasComponentIterator.hasNext(): currIasComponent = if 'ias-component' == currIasComponent.getName(): groupName = currIasComponent.getAttributeValue('id') # Create OC4J Group oc4jGroupOSH = ObjectStateHolder('oc4jgroup') oc4jGroupOSH.setContainer(oracleIASOSH) oc4jGroupOSH.setAttribute('data_name', groupName) OSHVResult.add(oc4jGroupOSH) #'process-type' processType = currIasComponent.getChildren() processTypeIterator = processType.iterator() while processTypeIterator.hasNext(): currProcessType = oc4jName = currProcessType.getAttributeValue('id') moduleId = currProcessType.getAttributeValue('module-id') if 'OC4J' == moduleId: oc4jOSH = ObjectStateHolder('oc4j') oc4jOSH.setContainer(oc4jGroupOSH) oc4jOSH.setAttribute('data_name', oc4jName) OSHVResult.add(oc4jOSH) try: serverXML = shellUtils.safecat('%s/j2ee/%s/config/server.xml' % (ORACLE_HOME, oc4jName)) tg = '<application name="(\w+)"' compiled = re.compile(tg,re.S) matches = compiled.findall(serverXML) appList = {} for match in matches: if ucmdbVersion < 9: applicationOSH = modeling.createApplicationOSH('application', match, oc4jOSH) else: applicationOSH = ObjectStateHolder('oc4j_app') applicationOSH.setAttribute('data_name',match) applicationOSH.setContainer(oc4jOSH) # OSHVResult.add(applicationOSH) appList[match] = applicationOSH except: logger.debugException() logger.warn('Failed to get server.xml') # Check if it holds web service wsdlDir = shellUtils.rebuildPath('%s/j2ee/%s/application-deployments/' % (ORACLE_HOME, OracleApplicationServerName)) fileMon = file_mon_utils.FileMonitor(Framework, shellUtils, OSHVResult, None, None) files = fileMon.getFilesInPath(wsdlDir, '*.wsdl') if (files == []): wsdlDir = shellUtils.rebuildPath('%s/j2ee/%s/application-deployments/' % (ORACLE_HOME, oc4jName))'Pi Debug - parseOpmnXml() - trying with wsdlDir = %s' % wsdlDir) files = fileMon.getFilesInPath(wsdlDir, '*.wsdl') wsdlDirRes = '\n'.join(files) if wsdlDirRes.find('File Not Found') != -1: # NO WSDL continue else: # WSDL handleWSDL(HOST_IP, MANAGER_PORT, wsdlDirRes, wsdlDir, appList, shellUtils, OSHVResult)
def infrastructure(client, OSHVResult, Framework, schemaName=None, viewSchemaName=None): retOSHs = ArrayList(4) retOSHs.add(None) retOSHs.add(None) retOSHs.add(None) retOSHs.add(None) systemOSH = ObjectStateHolder('oraclesystem') systemOSH.setAttribute('data_name', client.getSid()) systemOSH.setAttribute('oraclesystem_dbaddress', client.getIpAddress()) modeling.setAppSystemVendor(systemOSH) webServerOSH = None nameToHostOSH = HashMap() hostToServerOSH = HashMap() hostToIpAddress = HashMap() databasesOSH = HashMap() resultSet = None try: objs = __assocWithSchemaName(['FND_OAM_APP_SYS_STATUS'], schemaName, viewSchemaName) # query a special table that holds Applications System Status related information resultSet = client.executeQuery( 'SELECT * FROM %s' % objs) #@@CMD_PERMISION sql protocol execution except: logger.debugException( 'SQL query failure. "SELECT * FROM FND_OAM_APP_SYS_STATUS"') Framework.reportWarning('No Oracle E-Business Suite components found.') if resultSet: OSHVResult.add(systemOSH) retOSHs.set(0, systemOSH) else: return None while name = resultSet.getString(1) dbSid = resultSet.getString(4) status = resultSet.getString(6) host = resultSet.getString(7) port = client.getPort() if logger.isDebugEnabled(): logger.debug('-----------------------------') logger.debug('name = ', name) logger.debug('status = ', status) if host != None: logger.debug('host = ', host) else: logger.debug('skipping Application system with None host') continue logger.debug('-----------------------------') hostOSH = nameToHostOSH.get(host) serverOSH = hostToServerOSH.get(host) hostIP = hostToIpAddress.get(host) if not hostIP: hostIP = netutils.getHostAddress(host, host) if hostOSH == None and netutils.isValidIp(hostIP): hostOSH = modeling.createHostOSH(hostIP) OSHVResult.add(hostOSH) nameToHostOSH.put(host, hostOSH) hostToIpAddress.put(host, hostIP) if hostOSH == None: logger.warn('Failed to created host [', host, ']') continue if serverOSH == None: serverOSH = modeling.createJ2EEServer('oracleias', hostIP, None, hostOSH, host) OSHVResult.add(serverOSH) hostToServerOSH.put(host, serverOSH) serverMemberOSH = modeling.createLinkOSH('member', systemOSH, serverOSH) OSHVResult.add(serverMemberOSH) if name.find('WEB_SERVER') == 0 and host != None: webServerOSH = serverOSH serverOSH.setBoolAttribute('oracleias_web', 1) elif name.find('FORMS_SERVER') == 0 and host != None: serverOSH.setBoolAttribute('oracleias_form', 1) elif name.find('ADMIN_SERVER') == 0 and host != None: serverOSH.setBoolAttribute('oracleias_admin', 1) elif name.find('CP_SERVER') == 0 and host != None: serverOSH.setBoolAttribute('oracleias_concurrentprocessing', 1) elif name.find('DATABASE') == 0 and host != None: dbOSH = modeling.createDatabaseOSH('oracle', dbSid, port, hostIP, hostOSH) OSHVResult.add(dbOSH) databasesOSH.put(dbSid, dbOSH) memberOSH = modeling.createLinkOSH('member', systemOSH, dbOSH) OSHVResult.add(memberOSH) resultSet.close() try: systemMetrics(client, systemOSH, webServerOSH, OSHVResult, schemaName, viewSchemaName) except: logger.debug("Failed to get system metrics") retOSHs.set(1, hostToServerOSH) retOSHs.set(2, nameToHostOSH) retOSHs.set(3, databasesOSH) return retOSHs
def infrastructure(client, OSHVResult, Framework, schemaName = None, viewSchemaName = None): retOSHs = ArrayList(4) retOSHs.add(None) retOSHs.add(None) retOSHs.add(None) retOSHs.add(None) systemOSH = ObjectStateHolder('oraclesystem') systemOSH.setAttribute('data_name', client.getSid()) systemOSH.setAttribute('oraclesystem_dbaddress', client.getIpAddress()) modeling.setAppSystemVendor(systemOSH) webServerOSH = None nameToHostOSH = HashMap() hostToServerOSH = HashMap() hostToIpAddress = HashMap() databasesOSH = HashMap() resultSet = None try: objs = __assocWithSchemaName(['FND_OAM_APP_SYS_STATUS'], schemaName, viewSchemaName) # query a special table that holds Applications System Status related information resultSet = client.executeQuery('SELECT * FROM %s' % objs)#@@CMD_PERMISION sql protocol execution except: logger.debugException('SQL query failure. "SELECT * FROM FND_OAM_APP_SYS_STATUS"') Framework.reportWarning('No Oracle E-Business Suite components found.') if resultSet: OSHVResult.add(systemOSH) retOSHs.set(0, systemOSH) else: return None while name = resultSet.getString(1) dbSid = resultSet.getString(4) status = resultSet.getString(6) host = resultSet.getString(7) port = client.getPort() if logger.isDebugEnabled(): logger.debug('-----------------------------') logger.debug('name = ', name) logger.debug('status = ', status) if host != None: logger.debug('host = ', host) else: logger.debug('skipping Application system with None host') continue logger.debug('-----------------------------') hostOSH = nameToHostOSH.get(host) serverOSH = hostToServerOSH.get(host) hostIP = hostToIpAddress.get(host) if not hostIP: hostIP = netutils.getHostAddress(host, host) if hostOSH == None and netutils.isValidIp(hostIP): hostOSH = modeling.createHostOSH(hostIP) OSHVResult.add(hostOSH) nameToHostOSH.put(host,hostOSH) hostToIpAddress.put(host,hostIP) if hostOSH == None: logger.warn('Failed to created host [', host, ']') continue if serverOSH == None: serverOSH = modeling.createJ2EEServer('oracleias', hostIP, None, hostOSH, host) OSHVResult.add(serverOSH) hostToServerOSH.put(host,serverOSH) serverMemberOSH = modeling.createLinkOSH('member', systemOSH, serverOSH) OSHVResult.add(serverMemberOSH) if name.find('WEB_SERVER') == 0 and host != None: webServerOSH = serverOSH serverOSH.setBoolAttribute('oracleias_web', 1) elif name.find('FORMS_SERVER') == 0 and host != None: serverOSH.setBoolAttribute('oracleias_form', 1) elif name.find('ADMIN_SERVER') == 0 and host != None: serverOSH.setBoolAttribute('oracleias_admin', 1) elif name.find('CP_SERVER') == 0 and host != None: serverOSH.setBoolAttribute('oracleias_concurrentprocessing', 1) elif name.find('DATABASE') == 0 and host != None: dbOSH = modeling.createDatabaseOSH('oracle', dbSid, port, hostIP, hostOSH) OSHVResult.add(dbOSH) databasesOSH.put(dbSid,dbOSH) memberOSH = modeling.createLinkOSH('member', systemOSH, dbOSH) OSHVResult.add(memberOSH) resultSet.close() try: systemMetrics(client,systemOSH,webServerOSH, OSHVResult, schemaName, viewSchemaName) except: logger.debug("Failed to get system metrics") retOSHs.set(1, hostToServerOSH) retOSHs.set(2, nameToHostOSH) retOSHs.set(3, databasesOSH) return retOSHs