Example #1
def new_assignment():
    data = request.get_json()
    assignment = Assignment()
    for key, val in data:
        if hasattr(assignment, key):
            setattr(assignment, key, val)

    return jsonify({"assignment": assignment.json()})
Example #2
def upload(user_id, course_title, post_id):
    user = User.get_or_none(User.id == user_id)
    course = Course.get_or_none(Course.title == course_title)
    thread = Thread.get_or_none(Thread.course_id == course.id)

    post =  Post.get_or_none(Post.file_path != 'NULL', Post.thread_id == thread.id)
    params = request.form

    title = params.get("title")

    info = StudentCourse.get_or_none(StudentCourse.student_id == user_id, StudentCourse.course_name_id == course.id)
    if info:
        if current_user.id == user.id:
            # We check the request.files object for a user_file key. (user_file is the name of the file input on our form). If it's not there, we return an error message.
            if "assignment" not in request.files:
                flash("No file provided!", "danger")
                return redirect(url_for('posts.show', course_name=course_title, user_id=current_user.id, post_id = post.id))
            # If the key is in the object, we save it in a variable called file.
            file = request.files["assignment"]

            # we sanitize the filename using the secure_filename helper function provided by the werkzeurg.security module.
            # file.filename = secure_filename(file.filename)

            # get path to image on S3 bucket using function in helper.py
            file_path = upload_file_to_s3(file, user.username)
            new_assignment = Assignment(title=title, info_id=info.id, file_path=file_path, post_id=post.id)
            if new_assignment.save():
                flash("Successfully uploaded!","success")
                return redirect(url_for('posts.show', course_name=course_title, user_id=current_user.id, post_id = post.id))  # then redirect to profile page
                flash("Upload failed. Please try again!", "danger")
                return redirect(url_for('posts.show', course_name=course_title, user_id=current_user.id, post_id = post.id))
            flash("Cannot upload assignments for other users", "danger")
            return redirect(url_for('posts.show', course_name=course_title, user_id=current_user.id, post_id = post.id))
        flash("Failed to upload!", "danger")
        return redirect(url_for('posts.show', course_name=course_title, user_id=current_user.id, post_id = post.id))