def home(): if 'user' in session: auth = User.find_by('username', session['user']) if auth.is_complete() == False: session[ 'error'] = "Vous devez remplir toutes vos informations (Age, intérêts, etc)." return redirect(url_for('profile', username=session['user'])) orientation = auth.getOrientation() sex = auth.getSex() result = [] if orientation == '0': infos = User.where('sex', sex) for item in infos: if int(item['orientation']) == 0 or int( item['orientation']) == 2: result.append(item) elif orientation == '1' and sex == '1': infos = User.where('sex', '2') for item in infos: if int(item['orientation']) == 1 or int( item['orientation']) == 2: result.append(item) elif orientation == '1' and sex == '2': infos = User.where('sex', '1') for item in infos: if int(item['orientation']) == 1 or int( item['orientation']) == 2: result.append(item) else: infos = User.where_multi('sex', 1, 2) for item in infos: if int(sex) == 1: if int(item['sex']) == 1 and int( item['orientation']) == 0: result.append(item) elif int(item['sex']) == 1 and int( item['orientation']) == 2: result.append(item) elif int(item['sex']) == 2 and int( item['orientation']) == 2: result.append(item) elif int(item['sex']) == 2 and int( item['orientation']) == 1: result.append(item) if int(sex) == 2: if int(item['sex']) == 2 and int( item['orientation']) == 0: result.append(item) elif int(item['sex']) == 2 and int( item['orientation']) == 2: result.append(item) elif int(item['sex']) == 1 and int( item['orientation']) == 2: result.append(item) elif int(item['sex']) == 1 and int( item['orientation']) == 1: result.append(item) for item in result: if Block.exists('by_id', auth.getId(), 'blocked_id', item['id']) == True: result.remove(item) for item in result: item['profile_picture'] = Picture.fillInInfos(item['id'], '1') item.pop('password') for item in result: if item['username'] == session['user']: result.remove(item) n = len(result) session['result'] = result return render_template('home.html', infos=result, length=n) else: return redirect(url_for('accueil'))
def profile(username): if 'user' in session: infos = {} if session['user'] == username: infos['is_user_me'] = True else: infos['is_user_me'] = False infos['stalker'] = session['user'] victim = User.find_by('username', username) if victim == None: return redirect(url_for('profile_not_exists')) if victim.is_complete() == False: return redirect(url_for('profile_not_complete')) stalker = User.find_by('username', infos['stalker']) if View.find_both('stalker_id', stalker.getId(), 'victim_id', victim.getId()) == None: view = {} view['stalker_id'] = stalker.getId() view['victim_id'] = victim.getId() View.create(view) notif = {} notif['user_id'] = victim.getId() notif[ 'message'] = "Vu : <a href='/profile/" + stalker.getUserName( ) + "'>" + stalker.getUserName( ) + "</a> vous a rendu visite." Notification.create_if(notif, stalker.getId()) score = int(victim.getPopScore()) + 1 victim.modif('pop_score', str(score)) # if no Fakers # victim.modif('pop_score', str(View.howMany('victim_id', victim.getId()))) auth = User.find_by('username', username) infos['username'] = auth.getUserName() infos['first_name'] = auth.getFirstName() infos['last_name'] = auth.getLastName() infos['email'] = auth.getEmail() infos['age'] = auth.getAge() if auth.getSex() == '1': infos['sex'] = "Homme" elif auth.getSex() == '2': infos['sex'] = "Femme" else: infos['sex'] = auth.getSex() if auth.getOrientation() == '0': infos['orientation'] = "H**o" elif auth.getOrientation() == '1': infos['orientation'] = "Hetero" else: infos['orientation'] = "Bi" infos['bio'] = html.unescape(auth.getBio()) infos['interests'] = UsersInterest.getAllInterests(auth.getId()) infos['main_picture'] = auth.getMainPicture() infos['pop_score'] = auth.getPopScore() infos['location'] = auth.getLocation() infos['last_connexion'] = auth.getLastConnexion() infos['status'] = auth.getStatus() picture = Picture.where('user_id', auth.getId()) infos['picture_1'] = Picture.fillInInfos(auth.getId(), '1') infos['picture_2'] = Picture.fillInInfos(auth.getId(), '2') infos['picture_3'] = Picture.fillInInfos(auth.getId(), '3') infos['picture_4'] = Picture.fillInInfos(auth.getId(), '4') infos['picture_5'] = Picture.fillInInfos(auth.getId(), '5') # Put in first ELSE at the top if infos['is_user_me'] == False: stalker = User.find_by('username', infos['stalker']) infos['has_liked'] = Like.exists('stalker_id', stalker.getId(), 'victim_id', auth.getId()) infos['he_liked_me'] = Like.exists('stalker_id', auth.getId(), 'victim_id', stalker.getId()) infos['has_blocked'] = Block.exists('by_id', stalker.getId(), 'blocked_id', auth.getId()) nb_picture = Picture.howMany('user_id', stalker.getId()) if nb_picture == 0: infos['stalker_can_like'] = False infos['nb_like'] = Like.howMany('victim_id', auth.getId()) all_views = View.where('victim_id', auth.getId()) join_infos_views = [] for item in all_views: join_infos_views = join_infos_views + User.join( 'users', 'views', 'id', 'stalker_id', str(item['stalker_id'])) infos['all_views'] = join_infos_views all_likes = Like.where('victim_id', auth.getId()) join_infos_likes = [] for item in all_likes: join_infos_likes = join_infos_likes + User.join( 'users', 'likes', 'id', 'stalker_id', str(item['stalker_id'])) infos['all_likes'] = join_infos_likes error = session.get('error') session['error'] = None tags = [ '#tag', '#bouffe', '#lol', '#cherchedesepérémentqqun', '#lovecats' ] return render_template('profile.html', infos=infos, error=error, tags=tags) else: return redirect(url_for('accueil'))
def search(form): if 'user' in session: auth = User.find_by('username', session['user']) if auth.is_complete() == False: return redirect(url_for('profile', username=session['user'])) orientation = auth.getOrientation() sex = auth.getSex() result = [] if orientation == '0': infos = User.where('sex', sex) for item in infos: if int(item['orientation']) == 0 or int( item['orientation']) == 2: result.append(item) elif orientation == '1' and sex == '1': infos = User.where('sex', '2') for item in infos: if int(item['orientation']) == 1 or int( item['orientation']) == 2: result.append(item) elif orientation == '1' and sex == '2': infos = User.where('sex', '1') for item in infos: if int(item['orientation']) == 1 or int( item['orientation']) == 2: result.append(item) else: infos = User.where_multi('sex', 1, 2) for item in infos: if int(sex) == 1: if int(item['sex']) == 1 and int( item['orientation']) == 0: result.append(item) if int(item['sex']) == 1 and int( item['orientation']) == 2: result.append(item) if int(item['sex']) == 2 and int( item['orientation']) == 2: result.append(item) if int(item['sex']) == 2 and int( item['orientation']) == 1: result.append(item) if int(sex) == 2: if int(item['sex']) == 2 and int( item['orientation']) == 0: result.append(item) if int(item['sex']) == 2 and int( item['orientation']) == 2: result.append(item) if int(item['sex']) == 1 and int( item['orientation']) == 2: result.append(item) if int(item['sex']) == 1 and int( item['orientation']) == 1: result.append(item) infos = [] for item in result: if Block.exists('by_id', auth.getId(), 'blocked_id', item['id']) == False: infos.append(item) if form['age_min'] != '' and form['age_max'] != '': result = infos infos = [] for item in result: if int(item['age']) >= int(form['age_min']) and int( item['age']) <= int(form['age_max']): infos.append(item) if form['pop_score_min'] != '' and form['pop_score_max'] != '': result = infos infos = [] for item in result: if int(item['pop_score']) >= int( form['pop_score_min']) and int( item['pop_score']) <= int( form['pop_score_max']): infos.append(item) if form['location'] != '': result = infos infos = [] my_loc = (float(auth.getLat()), float(auth.getLong())) for item in result: if item['lat'] is not None and item['long'] is not None: other = User.find_by('username', item['username']) else_loc = (float(other.getLat()), float(other.getLong())) delta = vincenty(my_loc, else_loc) if int(delta) <= int(form['location']): infos.append(item) if form['interests'] != '': result = infos infos = [] my_tags = UsersInterest.where('user_id', auth.getId()) for item in result: tags = 0 else_tags = UsersInterest.where('user_id', str(item['id'])) for tag_else in else_tags: for tag_me in my_tags: if tag_else['interest_id'] == tag_me[ 'interest_id']: tags = tags + 1 if tags >= int(form['interests']): infos.append(item) for item in infos: item['profile_picture'] = Picture.fillInInfos(item['id'], '1') item.pop('password') for item in infos: if item['username'] == session['user']: infos.remove(item) n = len(infos) session['result'] = infos return render_template('home.html', infos=infos, length=n) else: return redirect(url_for('accueil'))