def POST(self):
        name = self.env["members"]["username"]
        password = self.env["members"]["password"]
        passwordTwice = self.env["members"]["passwordTwice"]

        level = self.env["members"]["level"] or ""
        email = self.env["members"]["email"] or ""

        emailVis = True \
                if self.env["members"].has_key("emailVis") else False
        disable = True \
                if self.env["members"].has_key("disable") else False

        if password == passwordTwice \
                and password != "":
                newUser = userORM(name, password)

                newUser.level = level
       = email
                newUser.emailVisibility = emailVis
                newUser.disable = disable

                self.session.pushAlert("New user with username `%s` \
                        created" % name, "Yay", "success")

                self.head = ("303 SEE OTHER",
                    [("location", str("/admin/users/edit/%s"])
                view = adminNewUserTmpl(searchList=[self.tmplSearchList])
                view.usernameError = True

                self.session.pushAlert("You're going to have to pick a new \
                        username, `%s` is taken." % name, "", "error")

                return view

            view = adminNewUserTmpl(searchList=[self.tmplSearchList])
            view.passwordError = True

            self.session.pushAlert("Those passwords don't match, please \
                    try again.", "", "error")

            return view
Example #2
def initialSetup():
    print "Setting up inital users, flags and templates..."
    if config.initial.has_key("users"):
        for user in config.initial["users"]:
            newUser = um.userORM(user["username"], user["password"])
            print "\tAdding new user `%s`"%user["username"]
            print "\t\tpassword `%s`"%user["password"]
            if user.has_key("level"):
                print "\t\tlevel `%d`"%user["level"]
                newUser.level = user["level"]
                print "\t\tlevel `100` - god"
                newUser.level = 100

    if config.initial.has_key("flags"):

    if config.initial.has_ley("templates"):
    def POST(self):
        if self.env["cfg"].enableRegistration:
            givenEmail = self.env["members"]["email"] if self.env["members"].has_key("email") else ""
            username = self.env["members"]["username"] if self.env["members"].has_key("username") else ""
            passwordOnce = self.env["members"]["passwordOnce"] if self.env["members"].has_key("passwordOnce") else ""
            passwordTwice = self.env["members"]["passwordTwice"] if self.env["members"].has_key("passwordTwice") else ""

            foundEmail = um.findByEmail(givenEmail)
            foundName = um.findByUsername(username)

            if passwordOnce == passwordTwice and passwordOnce != "" and not (foundEmail or foundName):
                Passwords match, password isn't null and no one
                Else has the same username or email. If this is all true then
                We can go ahead and make a new user and while we're at it
                lets log them in also.
                newUser = um.userORM(username, passwordOnce)
                    "You can now log in with the \
                        information you gave us!",
                self.head = ("303 SEE OTHER", [("location", "/your/flags")])

                If none, or one of those isn't true then we have a problem...
                view = authRegisterTmpl(searchList=[self.tmplSearchList])
       = givenEmail
                view.username = username
                if foundName:
                    Someone with the same username, thats not allowed...
                        "There is already a person in our \
                            system with that username, please choose another",
                        "Oh no!",

                    view.usernameError = True

                elif foundEmail:
                    Already someone with that email in the system...
                        "There is already someone with that \
                            email in our system, are you sure you don't already\
                            have an account, or have already requested an invite?",
                        "Oh no!",
                    view.emailError = True

                elif passwordOnce != "" and passwordOnce != passwordTwice:
                    Password isn't null but doesn't match
                    view.passwordMatchError = True

            return view

    def POST(self):
        if self.env["cfg"].enableRequests:
            token = self.env["members"][0]
            givenEmail = self.env["members"]["email"] \
                    if self.env["members"].has_key("email") else ""
            username = self.env["members"]["username"] \
                    if self.env["members"].has_key("username") else ""
            passwordOnce  = self.env["members"]["passwordOnce"] \
                    if self.env["members"].has_key("passwordOnce") else ""
            passwordTwice  = self.env["members"]["passwordTwice"] \
                    if self.env["members"].has_key("passwordTwice") else ""

            email = su.requestDetoken(token)
            foundEmail = um.findByEmail(email)
            foundName = um.findByUsername(username)

            if email == givenEmail \
                    and passwordOnce == passwordTwice \
                    and passwordOnce != "" \
                    and not (foundEmail or foundName):
                #Passwords match, emails match, password isn't null and no one
                #Else has the same username or email. If this is all true then
                #We can go ahead and make a new user and while we're at it
                #lets log them in also. When this happends we delete the request
                #also so its not just sitting around in our system
                newUser = um.userORM(username, passwordOnce)
                req = rm.requestORM.find(email)
                self.session.pushAlert("You can now log in with the \
                        information you gave us!", "Congrats!", "success")
                self.head = ("303 SEE OTHER", [("location", "/you/flags")])

                #If none, or one of those isn't true then we have a problem...
                view = requestsRegisterTmpl(searchList=[self.tmplSearchList])
       = givenEmail
                view.token = token
                view.username = username
                if foundName:
                    #Someone with the same username, thats not allowed...
                    self.session.pushAlert("There is already a person in our \
                            system with that username, please choose another",
                            "Oh no!", "error")

                    view.usernameError = True

                elif foundEmail:
                    #Already someone with that email in the system...
                    self.session.pushAlert("There is already someone with that \
                            email in our system, are you sure you don't already\
                            have an account, or have already requested an invite?",
                            "Oh no!", "error")
                    view.emailError = True

                elif passwordOnce != "" and passwordOnce != passwordTwice:
                    #Password isn't null but doesn't match
                    view.passwordMatchError = True

                elif email != givenEmail:
                    #And finally, if the email they give doesn't match the invites
                    view.emailMatchError = True

            return view
