Example #1
    def post(self, EventID):
        This function is used to add a new event to the database
        Put may do the same but we prefer to separate them for future extension 
        if EventModel.find_event(EventID):
            return {
                'message': f'An event with EventID {EventID} already exists'
            }, 400

        # The parser will detect automatically if the body is not well formatted so it
        # it will throw a 400 bad request error reponse
        data = Event.parser.parse_args()
        event = EventModel(EventID, **data)

        # if the server cannot add the event to database throw this 500 error reponse
        except Exception as error:
            return {
                f'Server error occured when trying to save event {error}'
            }, 500

        return event.json(), 201
Example #2
    def put(self, EventID):
        This function is used to upate or add an event if it does 
        not exists, we will not go through input check or more details
        this is just an illstration basic project
        event = EventModel.find_event(EventID)

        if not event:
            # Same case as adding a new event
            data = Event.parser.parse_args()
            #** is used to unpack the dictionnnary
            event = EventModel(EventID, **data)
        # use this to update stop or tags
            data = Event.parser.parse_args()
            # you may check data compatiblity here
            if data['stop'] is not None: event.stop = data['stop']
            if data['tags']:
                # the format of tags: #tag1##tag2##tag3#
                # if tag exist or empty don't add it
                # you may set another rules of tag length, chars to remove...
                if data['tags'] not in event.tags.split('##'):
                    event.tags += f"#{data['tags']}#"
            return {'message': 'Server error when trying to update event'}, 500

        return event.json(), 200
Example #3
 def get(self, EventID):
     This method used to an event by a given ID
     event = EventModel.find_event(EventID)
     if event:
         return event.json()
     return {'message': 'event not found'}, 404
Example #4
    def delete(self, EventID):
        This function used to delete an event from the database
        we may mock this function to force authentication.
        event = EventModel.find_event(EventID)

        if event:
                return {
                    'message': 'Server error when trying to delete event'
                }, 500
            return {'message': 'event not found'}, 404

        return '', 204