def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, blocks=0, unroll=0, residual=True, batch_norm=True, transfer_data=True): super(UpConv, self).__init__() self.residual = residual = [] self.unroll = None self.transfer_data = transfer_data self.up_conv = MeshConv(in_channels, out_channels) if transfer_data: self.conv1 = MeshConv(2 * out_channels, out_channels) else: self.conv1 = MeshConv(out_channels, out_channels) self.conv2 = [] for _ in range(blocks): self.conv2.append(MeshConv(out_channels, out_channels)) self.conv2 = nn.ModuleList(self.conv2) if batch_norm: for _ in range(blocks + 1): = nn.ModuleList( if unroll: self.unroll = MeshUnpool(unroll)
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, blocks=0, unroll=0, residual=True, batch_norm=True, nv=600): super(UpConv2, self).__init__() self.residual = residual = [] self.unroll = None self.up_conv = MeshConv(in_channels, out_channels) self.blocks = blocks self.conv1 = [] for _ in range(blocks): self.conv1.append(MeshConv(out_channels, out_channels)) self.conv1 = nn.ModuleList(self.conv1) self.conv3 = MeshConv(out_channels, 3) self.conv2 = [] for _ in range(blocks): self.conv2.append(MeshConv(out_channels, out_channels)) self.conv2 = nn.ModuleList(self.conv2) if batch_norm: for _ in range(blocks + 1): = nn.ModuleList( if unroll: self.unroll = MeshUnpoolLearned(unroll, nv) self.optimisor = MeshUnpoolOptimisor(name=str(out_channels)) self.flip_edge = MeshUnpoolValenceOptimisor(conv=True, channel=out_channels)
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, skips=1): super(MResConv, self).__init__() self.in_channels = in_channels self.out_channels = out_channels self.skips = skips self.conv0 = MeshConv(self.in_channels, self.out_channels, bias=False) for i in range(self.skips): setattr(self, 'bn{}'.format(i + 1), nn.BatchNorm2d(self.out_channels)) setattr(self, 'conv{}'.format(i + 1), MeshConv(self.out_channels, self.out_channels, bias=False))
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, blocks=0, pool=0): super(DownConv, self).__init__() = [] self.pool = None self.conv1 = MeshConv(in_channels, out_channels) self.conv2 = [] for _ in range(blocks): self.conv2.append(MeshConv(out_channels, out_channels)) self.conv2 = nn.ModuleList(self.conv2) for _ in range(blocks + 1): = nn.ModuleList( if pool: self.pool = MeshPool(pool)
def __init__(self, embd_size=16, sa_window_size=10): # TODO: sa_window_size super(MeshTransformerNet, self).__init__() self.k = [5, 10, 20, 40] self.res = [600, 450, 300, 210] self.edges_embedding = MeshEdgeEmbeddingLayer(self.k[0], embd_size) self.k[0] = embd_size self.sa_layer = MeshSA(self.k[0], self.k[0], window_size=sa_window_size) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.2) for i, ki in enumerate(self.k[:-1]): # setattr(self, 'sa{}'.format(i), MeshSA(self.k[i + 1], self.k[i + 1], window_size=sa_window_size)) setattr(self, 'sa{}'.format(i), MeshSA(ki, ki, window_size=sa_window_size)) # setattr(self, 'cirLSTM{}'.format(i), CircularMeshLSTM(ki, 220, self.k[i+1], 1)) # setattr(self, 'conv{}'.format(i), MeshConv(ki, self.k[i + 1])) setattr(self, 'conv{}'.format(i), MeshConv(ki, self.k[i + 1])) # setattr(self, 'pool{}'.format(i), MeshPool(self.res[i])) setattr(self, 'sa_pool{}'.format(i), MeshPoolSA(self.res[i + 1])) = torch.nn.AvgPool1d(self.res[-1]) # = torch.nn.MaxPool1d(self.res[-1]) self.fc = nn.Linear(self.k[-1], 35) self.relu = nn.ReLU()
def __init__(self, n_edges, in_ch=6, convs=[32, 64], pool=[], res_blocks=0, init_verts=None, transfer_data=False, leaky=0, init_weights_size=0.002): super(PriorNet, self).__init__() # check that the number of pools and convs match such that there is a pool between each conv down_convs = [in_ch] + convs up_convs = convs[::-1] + [in_ch] pool_res = [n_edges] + pool self.encoder_decoder = MeshEncoderDecoder(pools=pool_res, down_convs=down_convs, up_convs=up_convs, blocks=res_blocks, transfer_data=transfer_data, leaky=leaky) self.last_conv = MeshConv(6, 6) init_weights(self, 'normal', init_weights_size) eps = 1e-8 * eps, eps) * eps, eps) self.init_verts = init_verts
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, blocks=0, pool=0, nl_block = 0): super(DownConv, self).__init__() = [] self.pool = None self.nl_block = None self.conv1 = MeshConv(in_channels, out_channels) self.conv2 = [] for _ in range(blocks): self.conv2.append(MeshConv(out_channels, out_channels)) self.conv2 = nn.ModuleList(self.conv2) for _ in range(blocks + 1): = nn.ModuleList( if pool: self.pool = MeshPool(pool) if nl_block: # Add non-local block before last downpool self.nl_block = NLBlock(out_channels, block_type = nl_block)
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, blocks=0, pool=0, window_size=50, num_heads=8): super(DownConv, self).__init__() = [] self.pool = None self.conv1 = MeshConv(in_channels, out_channels) self.conv2 = [] for _ in range(blocks): self.conv2.append(MeshConv(out_channels, out_channels)) self.conv2 = nn.ModuleList(self.conv2) for _ in range(blocks + 1): = nn.ModuleList( if pool: self.self_attention = MeshSelfAttention(out_channels, 64, window_size=window_size, heads=num_heads) self.pool = MeshPoolSA(pool)
parser.add_argument('--norm') parser.add_argument('--resblocks') opt = parser.parse_args() mesh_path = 'tree_98.obj' mesh = mesh.Mesh(file=mesh_path, opt=opt, export_folder='.') print(mesh.edges_count) import torch from models.layers.mesh_conv import MeshConv, MeshEdgeEmbeddingLayer from models.layers.mesh_self_attention import MeshSelfAttention # from models.layers.mesh_conv_old import MeshConv sa = MeshSelfAttention(5, 5, 10) mc = MeshConv(5, 15) # a = torch.rand(1, 750, 5) import pickle with open('input_a.p', 'rb') as f: a = torch.load(f, map_location='cpu') embd_layer = MeshEdgeEmbeddingLayer(5, 10) print(a['x'].shape) print(embd_layer(a['x']).shape) print(sa(a['x'])[0].shape) print(a['x'].shape) o = mc(a['x'], a['mesh']) print(o.shape) from torch import nn
def __init__(self, in_feat, out_feat, k=1): super(ConvBlock, self).__init__() self.lst = [MeshConv(in_feat, out_feat)] for i in range(k - 1): self.lst.append(MeshConv(out_feat, out_feat)) self.lst = nn.ModuleList(self.lst)