def post(self, location_id): if LocationModel.find_by_id(location_id): return {"msg": "Location already exist"}, 400 data = self.parser.parse_args() new_loc = LocationModel(location_id, **data) new_loc.save_to_db() return new_loc.json(), 201
def post(self, name): """adds a new location""" data = Location.parser.parse_args() if LocationModel.find_location_by_name(name): return {"message": "A location with name '{}' already exists. Please try to use another name".format(name)}, 400 location = LocationModel(name, **data) try: location.save_to_db() except: return {"message": "An error ocurred inserting the location."}, 500 return {"location_result": location.json()}, 201
def put(self, location_id): data = self.parser.parse_args() location = LocationModel.find_by_id(location_id) if location is None: location = LocationModel(location_id, **data) else: location.location_name = data["location_name"] location.save_to_db() return location.json()
def post(self, name): if LocationModel.find_by_name(name): return { 'message': "A location named '{}' already exists.".format(name) }, 400 location = LocationModel(name) try: location.save_to_db() except: return {"message": "An error occurred creating the location."}, 500 return location.json(), 201
def post(self, name=None): data = json.loads( name = data.get("name", name) if LocationModel.find_by_name(name): return { 'error': "A location with name '{}' already exists.".format(name) }, 400 location = LocationModel(**data) try: location.save_to_db() except: return {"error": "An error occurred creating the location."}, 500 return location.json(), 201
def post(self, name): if LocationModel.find_by_name(name): return { 'message': "A location with name '{}' already exists.".format(name) }, 400 data = Location.parser.parse_args() location = LocationModel( name, **data) # (name, data['name'], data['school_id']) try: location.save_to_db() except: return {'message': 'An error ocurred inserting the location'}, 500 return location.json(), 201
def post(self): claims = get_jwt_claims() if not claims['active']: return { 'message': 'Error # 25 in Location Resource, You have not been activated by the admin' }, 400 username = UserModel.find_by_user(get_jwt_identity()) approved_zid_list = VbusinessModel.find_all_business_list() if username.businessId not in approved_zid_list: return { 'message': 'Error # 182 in Customer Resource, You have not been authorized to use this business' }, 400 json_data = request.get_json() if not json_data: return {'message': 'No input data provided'}, 400 try: data = opmobSchemas.load(json_data).data except ValidationError as err: return err.messages, 400 locationDetail = LocationModel(ztime=data['ztime'], zid=username.businessId, xemp=username.employeeCode, xlat=data['xlat'], xlong=data['xlong']) try: locationDetail.save_to_db() return {'message': 'Location Saved'}, 200 except: return {'message': 'Something went wrong'}, 400