def __init__(self, config, vocab): super().__init__() self.config = config self.vocab = vocab self.model = PointerGenerator(config, vocab) self.criterion = Loss(args=config.loss.args) self.num_step = 0 self.cov_weight = config.loss.args.cov_weight self.rouge = Rouge()
def __init__(self, embedding_matrix, config, vocab): super().__init__() self.config = config self.vocab = vocab self.model = PointerGenerator(embedding_matrix, config, vocab) self.criterion = Loss(args=config) self.num_step = 0 self.cov_weight = config.cov_loss_wt self.rouge = Rouge()
def active_losses(): losses = [] sql = "SELECT * FROM losses where recovered = False" results = run_sql(sql) for row in results: wizard =['wizard_id']) item =['item_id']) loss = Loss(row['day'], row['month'], row['year'], row['details'], wizard, item, row['recovered'], row['id']) losses.append(loss) return losses
def select(id): loss = None sql = "SELECT * FROM losses WHERE id = %s" values = [id] result = run_sql(sql, values)[0] if result is not None: wizard =['wizard_id']) item =['spell_id']) loss = Loss(result['day'], result['month'], result['year'], result['details'], wizard, item, result['recovered'], result['id']) return loss
def loss_history(wizard): losses = [] sql = "SELECT * FROM losses where wizard_id = %s AND recovered = False" values = [] results = run_sql(sql, values) for row in results: wizard =['wizard_id']) item =['item_id']) loss = Loss(row['day'], row['month'], row['year'], row['details'], wizard, item, row['recovered'], row['id']) losses.append(loss) return losses
def main(config, resume): train_logger = Logger() # load data train_dataloader = ICDARDataLoader(config).train() # initial model os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = ','.join([str(i) for i in config['gpus']]) model = Model(config) model.summary() loss = Loss() trainer = Trainer(model, loss, resume, config, train_dataloader, train_logger) trainer.train()
def __init__(self, args): super(NNUnet, self).__init__() self.args = args self.save_hyperparameters() self.build_nnunet() self.loss = Loss(self.args.focal) self.dice = Dice(self.n_class) self.best_sum = 0 self.best_sum_epoch = 0 self.best_dice = self.n_class * [0] self.best_epoch = self.n_class * [0] self.best_sum_dice = self.n_class * [0] self.learning_rate = args.learning_rate self.tta_flips = get_tta_flips(args.dim) self.test_idx = 0 self.test_imgs = [] if self.args.exec_mode in ["train", "evaluate"]: self.dllogger = get_dllogger(args.results)
def setUp(self): wizard = Wizard("Norman", "Stargazer", 1000) item = Item("Hat", "Pink", "Glittery", wizard) self.loss = Loss("02", "02", "2000", "Lost at event at Gimli's Nightclub", wizard, item)
def loss(self, predictions, labels): user_feat, pos_item_feat, neg_item_feat = predictions loss_func = Loss.factory(self.hparam) loss = loss_func(user_feat, pos_item_feat, neg_item_feat) return loss
def test_test(): img_path_list, target_list = \ make_dataset(r"D:\datasets\VOCdevkit\VOC0712\JPEGImages", r"D:\datasets\VOCdevkit\VOC0712\Annotations", r"D:\datasets\VOCdevkit\VOC0712\pkl\voc_0712_test.pkl", r"D:\datasets\VOCdevkit\VOC0712\ImageSets\Main\test.txt", "voc", False) dataset = LoadImagesAndLabels(img_path_list, target_list, 640, 32, 0.5, False, {"batch_size": 1}) # x: Tensor[C, H, W], target_out: Tensor[X, 6], path: str. [idx, cls, *xywh] # test show def test1(): for x, target, img_path in dataset: print(x.shape, target, img_path) x = x.numpy() x = x.transpose(1, 2, 0)[:, :, ::-1] # to (H, W, C), RGB to BGR, x = np.ascontiguousarray(x) h, w = x.shape[:2] boxes = target[:, 2:].numpy() labels = target[:, 1].numpy() boxes = cxcywh2ltrb(boxes) boxes[:, 0::2] *= w # lr boxes[:, 1::2] *= h # tb draw_target_in_image(x, boxes, labels, None, "voc") cv.imshow("1", x) cv.waitKey(0) # test1() if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device('cuda') else: device = torch.device('cpu') model = YOLOv5(20).to(device) print(load_params(model, "weights/yolov5s_voc.pth", strict=False)) model.float().fuse().eval().requires_grad_(False) half = (device.type != 'cpu') model.half() if half else None hyp = { "obj_pw": 0.911, "cls_pw": 0.631, "anchor_t": 2.91, "box_lw": 0.0296, "obj_lw": 0.301, "cls_lw": 0.06075 } loss_func = Loss(model, hyp) loss = torch.zeros((4, ), device=device) for x, target0, img_path in reversed(dataset): img0 = x.numpy() img0 = img0.transpose(1, 2, 0)[:, :, ::-1] # to (H, W, C), RGB to BGR, img0 = np.ascontiguousarray(img0) img = img0.copy() # 预处理 x, target0 =, x = x.half() if half else x.float() x /= 255 if x.dim() == 3: x = x[None] # 预测 target, loss_target = model(x) loss += loss_func([loss_t.float() for loss_t in loss_target], target0)[1] target = nms(target, 0.001, 0.6) # 后处理 # 1 target = target[0] boxes = target[:, :4].cpu().numpy() scores = target[:, 4].cpu().numpy() labels = target[:, 5].cpu().numpy() draw_target_in_image(img, boxes, labels, scores, "voc") cv.imshow("pred", img) # 2 img2 = img0.copy() h, w = img2.shape[:2] boxes = target0[:, 2:].cpu().numpy() labels = target0[:, 1].cpu().numpy() boxes = cxcywh2ltrb(boxes) boxes[:, 0::2] *= w # lr boxes[:, 1::2] *= h # tb draw_target_in_image(img2, boxes, labels, None, "voc") cv.imshow("target", img2) cv.waitKey(0) shoes1 = Item("Shoes", "Red and Black", "Jordan Air's", wizard1) shoes2 = Item("Shoes", "Blue", "Curly Pointed Slippers", wizard2) shoes3 = Item("Shoes", "Black", "90s Platform Trainers", wizard3) wand1 = Item("Wand", "Light brown", "Knobbly", wizard1) wand2 = Item("Wand", "Black", "Straight, smooth", wizard2) wand3 = Item("Wand", "Brown", "Zig-zagged", wizard3) # day, month, year, details, wizard_id, item_id, recovered loss1 = Loss("01","01","2020", "Lost at event at Gimli's Nightclub", wizard1, hat1) loss2 = Loss("04","03","2019", "Lost in forest (forest name unknown)", wizard2, hat2) loss3 = Loss("07","07","2019", "Woke up without it on the bus this morning", wizard3, wand3) loss4 = Loss("03", "07", "2019", "No memory of loss", wizard1, shoes1) # wizards = wiz_repo.select_all() # items = item_repo.select_all() # losses = loss_repo.select_all() # Test Update Wizard Here (Change Age) wizard1.age = 50000 wiz_repo.update(wizard1)