def populate_mortality_table():
    # this takes way too long. Don't use.
    # with open('/var/www/html/items-rest/raw_data/Mort-ICD10.csv', 'r') as mort_file:
    with open('./raw_data/Mort-ICD10.csv', 'r') as mort_file:
        mort_reader = csv.reader(mort_file)
        for row in mort_reader:
            new_mortality_entry = MortalityDataModel(*row)

    def get(self):

        query = {}

        country_code = request.args.get('country', type=str)
        if country_code:
            if not valid_country_code(country_code):
                return {
                    '{} is not a valid country_code'.format(country_code)
                }, 400
            query['country_code'] = country_code

        year = request.args.get('year', type=str)
        if year:
            if not valid_year(year):
                return {'message': 'Please enter a valid year'}, 400
            query['year'] = year

        sex = request.args.get('sex', type=str)
        if sex:
            if not valid_sex(sex):
                return {'message': 'Please enter a valid sex code'}, 400
            query['sex'] = sex

        admin = request.args.get('admin', type=str)
        if admin:
            if not valid_admin(admin):
                return {'message': 'Please enter a valid admin code'}, 400
            query['admin_code'] = admin

        subdiv = request.args.get('subdiv', type=str)
        if subdiv:
            if not valid_subdiv(subdiv):
                return {'message': 'Please enter a valid subdiv code'}, 400
            query['subdiv_code'] = subdiv

        cause = request.args.get('cause', type=str)
        if cause:
            cause_upper = cause.upper()
            if not valid_cause(cause_upper):
                return {'message': 'Please enter a valid cause code'}, 400
            cause_code_list_extended = {}

            icd_codes = [
                code.json() for code in IcdModel.find_by_code(cause_upper)
            for icd_code in icd_codes:

                matching_codes = [
                    matching_icd_code.json() for matching_icd_code in
            unspecified_codes = []
            generic_codes = []

            pattern = "unspecified"
            match =, icd_code['description'])
            if not match:
                unspecified_code = icd_code['description'] + \
                    " (unspecified)"
                unspecified_codes = [
                    matching_icd_code.json() for matching_icd_code in

                position = match.span()
                start = position[0] - 2
                end = position[1] + 1

                generic_code = icd_code['description'][0:start] + \
                generic_codes = [
                    matching_icd_code.json() for matching_icd_code in

            for matching_code in matching_codes:
                    matching_code['list']] = matching_code['code']

            if generic_codes:
                for matching_code in generic_codes:
                        matching_code['list']] = matching_code['code']
            if unspecified_codes:
                for matching_code in unspecified_codes:
                        matching_code['list']] = matching_code['code']

            if "103" not in cause_code_list_extended:
                    cause_code_list_extended['103'] = cause_code_list_extended[

            code_list_entry = CodeListRefModel.find_by_year_and_country(
                year, country_code)

                cause = cause_code_list_extended[code_list_entry.code_list]
                return {
                    "Can't find matching cause code for the specified country."
                }, 400

            query['cause'] = cause

        results = [
            for entry in MortalityDataModel.search_mortalities(query)

        if code_list_entry.code_list == "104" and len(cause_code_list_extended[
                code_list_entry.code_list]) == 3 and len(results) == 0:
            cause = cause + "9"
            query['cause'] = cause
            results = [
                for entry in MortalityDataModel.search_mortalities(query)

        if code_list_entry.code_list == "10M" and len(cause_code_list_extended[
                code_list_entry.code_list]) == 3 and len(results) == 0:
            cause = cause + "9"
            query['cause'] = cause
            result = [
                for entry in MortalityDataModel.search_mortalities(query)

        if code_list_entry.code_list == "10M" and len(cause_code_list_extended[
                code_list_entry.code_list]) == 4 and len(results) == 0:
            cause = cause[:-1]
            query['cause'] = cause
            result = [
                for entry in MortalityDataModel.search_mortalities(query)

        if not results:
            return {'message': "No mortality entries match your query."}, 404

        if results:
            if len(results) > 1:
                return {
                    "More than one population entry was found matching your query."
                }, 400

            for entry in results:
                pop_query = {}
                pop_query['country_code'] = entry['country']['code']
                pop_query['year'] = entry['year']
                pop_query['sex'] = entry['sex']['code']

                admin = entry['admin']
                if admin != "None":
                    pop_query['admin'] = admin['code']

                subdiv = entry['subdiv']
                if subdiv != "None":
                    pop_query['subdiv'] = subdiv['code']
                pop_data = PopulationModel.search_single_population(pop_query)
                if pop_data:
                    pop_data = pop_data.json()
                    country = CountryModel.find_by_code(country_code).json()
                    return {
                        "No population data available for '{}' in year {} for sex '{}'."
                        .format(country['description'], year, sex)
                    }, 404

                del entry['infant_age_breakdown']
                del entry['age_format']
                del entry['infant_age_format']

                things_to_skip = [
                    "country", "admin", "subdiv", "year", "code_list", "cause",
                    "sex", "infant_age_breakdown"
                for key, value in entry.items():
                    if key in things_to_skip:

                    # format age_breakdown data per 100,000
                    if key == "age_breakdown":
                        ages_to_delete = []
                        for age_range, value in entry[key].items():
                            pop = pop_data[key].get(age_range)
                            entry[key][age_range] = pop
                            if pop:
                                if pop == "0":
                                entry[key][age_range] = str(
                                        float(value) / float(pop) * 100000, 3))
                            if pop == None:
                        for index in ages_to_delete:
                            del entry[key][index]
                        entry[key] = str(
                                float(value) / float(pop_data[key]) * 100000,

            return {'adjusted_entries': results}, 200
    def delete(self, country_code, year, sex, cause):
        data = MortalityDataChange.parser.parse_args()

        if not valid_country_code(country_code):
            return {
                '{} is not a valid country_code'.format(country_code)
            }, 400

        if not valid_year(year):
            return {'message': 'Please enter a valid year'}, 400

        if not valid_sex(sex):
            return {'message': 'Please enter a valid sex code'}, 400

        cause_upper = cause.upper()
        if not valid_cause(cause_upper):
            return {'message': 'Please enter a valid cause code'}, 400

        # post_format tells us if we have an admin or subdiv code
        post_format = [0, 0]
        admin_code = data['admin_code']
        if admin_code:
            if not valid_admin(admin_code):
                return {'message': 'Please enter a valid admin code'}, 400
            post_format[0] = 1
            # delete null value from data object

        subdiv_code = data['subdiv_code']
        if subdiv_code:
            if not valid_subdiv(subdiv_code):
                return {'message': 'Please enter a valid subdiv code'}, 400
            post_format[1] = 1

        # if have admin and subdiv
        if post_format[0] and post_format[1]:
            entry = MortalityDataModel.find_by_casysc(country_code, admin_code,
                                                      subdiv_code, year, sex,

        # if have admin
        if post_format[0] and not post_format[1]:
            entry = MortalityDataModel.find_by_caysc(country_code, admin_code,
                                                     year, sex, cause)

        # if have subdiv
        if post_format[1] and not post_format[0]:
            entry = MortalityDataModel.find_by_csysc(country_code, subdiv_code,
                                                     year, sex, cause)

        # if have neither admin or data
        if not post_format[0] and not post_format[1]:
            entry = MortalityDataModel.find_by_cysc(country_code, year, sex,

        if entry:
            if len(entry) > 1:
                return {
                    "More than one mortality entry was found with the given parameters. Please supply either an admin or subdiv code as required.",
                    'entries': [mortality.json() for mortality in entry]
                }, 400
            return {'message': 'Entry deleted.'}
        return {'message': 'Item not found.'}, 404
    def put(self, country_code, year, sex, cause):
        data = MortalityDataChange.parser.parse_args()

        # validation
        if not valid_country_code(country_code):
            return {
                '{} is not a valid country_code'.format(country_code)
            }, 400

        if not valid_year(year):
            return {'message': 'Please enter a valid year'}, 400

        if not valid_sex(sex):
            return {'message': 'Please enter a valid sex code'}, 400

        cause_upper = cause.upper()
        if not valid_cause(cause_upper):
            return {'message': 'Please enter a valid cause code'}, 400

        # post_format tells us if we have an admin or subdiv code
        post_format = [0, 0]
        admin_code = data['admin_code']
        if admin_code:
            if not valid_admin(admin_code):
                return {'message': 'Please enter a valid admin code'}, 400
            post_format[0] = 1
            del data['admin_code']

        subdiv_code = data['subdiv_code']
        if subdiv_code:
            if not valid_subdiv(subdiv_code):
                return {'message': 'Please enter a valid subdiv code'}, 400
            post_format[1] = 1
            del data['subdiv_code']

        # if have admin and subdiv
        if post_format[0] and post_format[1]:
            entry = MortalityDataModel.find_by_casysc(country_code, admin_code,
                                                      subdiv_code, year, sex,

        # if have admin
        if post_format[0] and not post_format[1]:
            entry = MortalityDataModel.find_by_caysc(country_code, admin_code,
                                                     year, sex, cause)

        # if have subdiv
        if post_format[1] and not post_format[0]:
            entry = MortalityDataModel.find_by_csysc(country_code, subdiv_code,
                                                     year, sex, cause)

        # if have neither admin or data
        if not post_format[0] and not post_format[1]:
            entry = MortalityDataModel.find_by_cysc(country_code, year, sex,

        code_list = data['code_list']

        if entry:
            entry.code_list = code_list
            entry.age_format = data['age_format']
            entry.infant_age_format = data['infant_age_format']
            entry.deaths1 = data['deaths1']
            entry.deaths2 = data['deaths2']
            entry.deaths3 = data['deaths3']
            entry.deaths4 = data['deaths4']
            entry.deaths5 = data['deaths5']
            entry.deaths6 = data['deaths6']
            entry.deaths7 = data['deaths7']
            entry.deaths8 = data['deaths8']
            entry.deaths9 = data['deaths9']
            entry.deaths10 = data['deaths10']
            entry.deaths11 = data['deaths11']
            entry.deaths12 = data['deaths12']
            entry.deaths13 = data['deaths13']
            entry.deaths14 = data['deaths14']
            entry.deaths15 = data['deaths15']
            entry.deaths16 = data['deaths16']
            entry.deaths17 = data['deaths17']
            entry.deaths18 = data['deaths18']
            entry.deaths19 = data['deaths19']
            entry.deaths20 = data['deaths20']
            entry.deaths21 = data['deaths21']
            entry.deaths22 = data['deaths22']
            entry.deaths23 = data['deaths23']
            entry.deaths24 = data['deaths24']
            entry.deaths25 = data['deaths25']
            entry.deaths26 = data['deaths26']
            entry.infant_deaths1 = data['infant_deaths1']
            entry.infant_deaths2 = data['infant_deaths2']
            entry.infant_deaths3 = data['infant_deaths3']
            entry.infant_deaths4 = data['infant_deaths4']

            del data['code_list']
            entry = MortalityDataModel(country_code, admin_code, subdiv_code,
                                       year, code_list, cause, sex, **data)

        new_code_list_ref = CodeListRefModel(year, country_code, code_list)

            code_list_ref = CodeListRefModel.find_by_year_and_country(
                year, country_code)
            if code_list_ref.code_list != code_list:
                code_list_ref.code_list = code_list
            return {"message": "An error occurred inserting the data."}, 500

        return entry.json(), 201
    def post(self, country_code, year, sex, cause):

        data = MortalityDataChange.parser.parse_args()

        if not valid_country_code(country_code):
            return {
                '{} is not a valid country_code'.format(country_code)
            }, 400

        if not valid_year(year):
            return {'message': 'Please enter a valid year'}, 400

        if not valid_sex(sex):
            return {'message': 'Please enter a valid sex code'}, 400

        cause_upper = cause.upper()
        if not valid_cause(cause_upper):
            return {'message': 'Please enter a valid cause code'}, 400

        # post_format tells us if we have an admin or subdiv code while allowing us to change their values
        post_format = [0, 0]
        admin_code = data['admin_code']
        if admin_code:
            if not valid_admin(admin_code):
                return {'message': 'Please enter a valid admin code'}, 400
            post_format[0] = 1
            # delete null value from data object
            del data['admin_code']

        subdiv_code = data['subdiv_code']
        if subdiv_code:
            if not valid_subdiv(subdiv_code):
                return {'message': 'Please enter a valid subdiv code'}, 400
            post_format[1] = 1
            del data['subdiv_code']

        # if have admin and subdiv
        if post_format[0] and post_format[1]:
            if MortalityDataModel.find_by_casysc(country_code, admin_code,
                                                 subdiv_code, year, sex,
                return {
                    "An entry already exists for your given year, country, admin, subdiv sex and cause."
                }, 400

        # if have admin
        if post_format[0] and not post_format[1]:
            if MortalityDataModel.find_by_caysc(country_code, admin_code, year,
                                                sex, cause):
                return {
                    "An entry already exists for your given year, country, sex and admin."
                }, 400
            subdiv_code = ""
            # delete the null values from the data object
            del data['subdiv_code']

        # if have subdiv
        if post_format[1] and not post_format[0]:
            if MortalityDataModel.find_by_csysc(country_code, subdiv_code,
                                                year, sex, cause):
                return {
                    "An entry already exists for your given year, country, subdiv, sex and cause."
                }, 400
            admin_code = ""
            del data['admin_code']

        # if have neither admin or data
        if not post_format[0] and not post_format[1]:
            if MortalityDataModel.find_by_cysc(country_code, year, sex, cause):
                return {
                    "An entry already exists for your given year, country, sex and cause."
                }, 400
            del data['admin_code']
            admin_code = ""
            del data['subdiv_code']
            subdiv_code = ""

        # code list needs to be a named variable as it comes before cause and sex in the table structure
        code_list = data['code_list']
        del data['code_list']

        entry = MortalityDataModel(country_code, admin_code, subdiv_code, year,
                                   code_list, cause, sex, **data)

        new_code_list_ref = CodeListRefModel(year, country_code, code_list)

            code_list_ref = CodeListRefModel.find_by_year_and_country(
                year, country_code)
            if code_list_ref.code_list != code_list:
                code_list_ref.code_list = code_list
            return {"message": "An error occurred inserting the data."}, 500

        return entry.json(), 201
    def get(self):
        query = {}

        country_code = request.args.get('country', type=str)
        if country_code:
            if not valid_country_code(country_code):
                return {
                    '{} is not a valid country_code'.format(country_code)
                }, 400
            query['country_code'] = country_code

            year = request.args.get('year', type=str)
            if year:
                if not valid_year(year):
                    return {'message': 'Please enter a valid year'}, 400
                query['year'] = year

            sex = request.args.get('sex', type=str)
            if sex:
                if not valid_sex(sex):
                    return {'message': 'Please enter a valid sex code'}, 400
                query['sex'] = sex

            admin = request.args.get('admin', type=str)
            if admin:
                if not valid_admin(admin):
                    return {'message': 'Please enter a valid admin code'}, 400
                query['admin_code'] = admin

            subdiv = request.args.get('subdiv', type=str)
            if subdiv:
                if not valid_subdiv(subdiv):
                    return {'message': 'Please enter a valid subdiv code'}, 400
                query['subdiv_code'] = subdiv

            cause = request.args.get('cause', type=str)
            if cause:
                cause_upper = cause.upper()
                if not valid_cause(cause_upper):
                    return {'message': 'Please enter a valid cause code'}, 400
                cause_code_list_extended = {}

                icd_codes = [
                    code.json() for code in IcdModel.find_by_code(cause_upper)

                for icd_code in icd_codes:
                    matching_codes = [
                        matching_icd_code.json() for matching_icd_code in
                unspecified_codes = []
                generic_codes = []

                pattern = "unspecified"
                match =, icd_code['description'])
                if not match:
                    unspecified_code = icd_code['description'] + \
                        " (unspecified)"
                    unspecified_codes = [
                        matching_icd_code.json() for matching_icd_code in

                    position = match.span()
                    start = position[0] - 2
                    end = position[1] + 1

                    generic_code = icd_code['description'][0:start] + \
                    generic_codes = [
                        matching_icd_code.json() for matching_icd_code in

                for matching_code in matching_codes:
                        matching_code['list']] = matching_code['code']

                if generic_codes:
                    for matching_code in generic_codes:
                            matching_code['list']] = matching_code['code']
                if unspecified_codes:
                    for matching_code in unspecified_codes:
                            matching_code['list']] = matching_code['code']

                if "103" not in cause_code_list_extended:
                            '103'] = cause_code_list_extended['104'][:-1]

                code_list_entry = CodeListRefModel.find_by_year_and_country(
                    year, country_code)

                    cause = cause_code_list_extended[code_list_entry.code_list]
                    return {
                        "Can't find matching cause code for the specified country."
                    }, 400

                query['cause'] = cause

            result = [
                for entry in MortalityDataModel.search_mortalities(query)

            if code_list_entry.code_list == "104" and len(
                        code_list_entry.code_list]) == 3 and len(result) == 0:
                cause = cause + "9"
                query['cause'] = cause
                result = [
                    for entry in MortalityDataModel.search_mortalities(query)

            if code_list_entry.code_list == "10M" and len(
                        code_list_entry.code_list]) == 3 and len(result) == 0:
                cause = cause + "9"
                query['cause'] = cause
                result = [
                    for entry in MortalityDataModel.search_mortalities(query)

            if code_list_entry.code_list == "10M" and len(
                        code_list_entry.code_list]) == 4 and len(result) == 0:
                cause = cause[:-1]
                query['cause'] = cause
                result = [
                    for entry in MortalityDataModel.search_mortalities(query)

            if result:
                if len(result) > 1:
                    return {
                        "More than one mortality entry was found matching your query, please be more specific."
                    }, 400
                return {'entry': result[0]}, 200

            return {'message': "No mortalities match your query."}, 404