Example #1
def search_cuisines():
    Search for chefs or recipes based on GET parameters
    Return the proper info exampled in the mockup
    or give back an error
    search_by = request.args.get('search_by')
    cuisine = request.args.get('cuisine')
    result = []
    response_dict = {}
    # Make sure values were passed
    if search_by != "recipe" and search_by != "chef":
            'message'] = "No filter was provided, select either 'by recipe' or 'by chef'"
        return jsonify(response_dict), 404
    if cuisine not in Recipe.get_cuisines() or not cuisine:
            'message'] = "No cuisine was provided, please select a cuisine and try again"
        return jsonify(response_dict), 404
    # Start searching
    if search_by == "recipe":
        result = session.query(Recipe).filter(Recipe.cuisine == cuisine).all()
        if len(result) == 0:
                'message'] = "We didn't find any recipes that matched your desired cuisine, please try again!"
            return jsonify(response_dict), 404
        for recipe in result:
            response_dict[str(recipe.id)] = {
                'name': recipe.name,
                'image_urls': recipe.get_image_url_list,
                'price': recipe.get_formatted_price,
                'chef_image': recipe.profile.profile_image,
                'chef_name': recipe.profile.name,
                'chef_location': recipe.profile.user.get_city_and_province

    if search_by == "chef":
        # Get all profiles that contain at least one recipe that matches the given cuisine
        result = session.query(Profile).join(
            Profile.recipes).filter(Recipe.cuisine == cuisine).all()
        if len(result) == 0:
                'message'] = "We didn't find any chefs that have recipes with that cuisine, please try again!"
            return response_dict, 404
        for chef in result:
            response_dict[str(chef.id)] = {
                'name': chef.name,
                'location': chef.user.get_province_and_country,
                'specialty': chef.favourite_recipe,
                "about_me": chef.about_me
    # All good, make the response and return
    response = jsonify(response_dict)
    return response, 200