Example #1
	def config_sensors_change(self, mode, id):
		if mode == 'add' and 'module' not in request.args:
			if request.method == 'POST':
				filename = OS().upload_file('sensors/', 'file');
			return self._get_module_chooser("Add Sensor", "/config/sensors/add", "sensors", "Sensor")

		data = {
			"edit": (mode == 'edit'),
			"mode": mode,
			"sensor": None,
			"sensor_impl": None,
			"sensor_module": None,
			"modules": OS().get_classes("sensors", "Sensor")
		if mode == 'edit' and id is not None:
			sensor = Sensors().get(id)
			data['sensor'] = sensor
			data['sensor_module'] = sensor.get_classpath()
			data['sensor_impl'] = sensor.get_sensor_impl()
		elif mode == 'add':
			data['sensor_module'] = request.args.get('module')
			data['sensor_impl'] = OS().create_object(data['sensor_module'])

		return self.get_view('config_sensor_change.html').data(data)
Example #2
	def calc_trend(self, sensor, location = None):
		data = {
			"since": None,
			"until": None,
			"timedelta": None,
			"change_abs": 0,
			"change_perhour": 0,
			"description": "No change computable"

		if location is None:
			location = ConfigManager.Instance().get_location()
		from models.sensors import Sensors
		sensorObj = Sensors().get(sensor)
		if sensorObj is None:
			return None

		t = Transform()
		precision = 2
		high_precision = 3
		sensor_impl = sensorObj.get_sensor_impl()
		if sensor_impl is not None:
			precision = sensor_impl.low_precision()
			high_precision = sensor_impl.high_precision()
		last = self.get_last({
			"sensor": [sensor],
			"location": [location],
			"limit": 1000,
			"quality": 0.5
		if len(last) < 3:
			return data # Not enough data for calculation
		# Calculate whether its ascending or descending
		direction = 0
		old = t.round(last[0].get_value(), precision)
		older = t.round(last[1].get_value(), precision)
		oldest = t.round(last[2].get_value(), precision)
		if oldest > older and older > old and old != oldest:
			direction = -1 # descending
		if oldest <= older and older <= old and old != oldest:
			direction = 1 # ascending

		if direction == 0:
			return data # No trend
		# Find how long the trend is
		outliers = 0
		pivot = 0
		prev_is_outlier = False
		i = 0
		# Iterate over all elements until we have two outliers in a row, elements are getting older with increasing index
		while i < len(last)-1 and outliers < 2:
			i += 1
			this = t.round(last[i-1].get_value(), precision)
			prev = t.round(last[i].get_value(), precision)
			# Check whether values are equal or are getting smaller/larger
			if (direction == 1 and prev <= this) or (direction == -1 and prev >= this):
				# If the elemts are equal...
				if (prev == this):
					 # check if the previous entry was an outlier and if this one is the same value, end loop as we reached two outliers
					if prev_is_outlier is True:
				# Value is smaller or larger
					pivot = i
					# If previous element was not an outlier, we can decrease the number of outliers
					if prev_is_outlier is False:
						outliers -= 1
			# We detected an outlier
				outliers += 1
				prev_is_outlier = True
		newest = last[0]
		oldest = last[pivot]

		data['oldest'] = oldest
		data['newest'] = newest
		data['timedelta'] = newest.get_datetime() - oldest.get_datetime()
		hourdelta = data['timedelta'].total_seconds() / (60*60)
		hours = int(hourdelta)
		minutes = int((hourdelta - hours) * 60)
		data['change_abs'] = t.round(abs(newest.get_value() - oldest.get_value()) * direction, high_precision)
		data['change_perhour'] = t.round(data['change_abs'] / hourdelta, high_precision)
		if direction == -1:
			data['description'] = 'Descreasing'
			data['description'] = 'Increasing'
		data['description'] += ' since '
		if hours > 0:
			data['description'] += str(hours) + ' hours '
		data['description'] += str(minutes) + ' minutes by ' + str(abs(data['change_perhour'])) + ' ' + sensorObj.get_unit() + '/h'

		return data