def profile(user_id): q = User.query.filter_by(id=user_id).first() if q is None: return fail('User not found', 404) user = user_schema.dump(q) return success(, 200)
def get(self, id: int): """ Geta a user by id""" user = UserModel.fetch_by_id(id) if user: return user_schema.dump(user) else: return {"message": "That user does not exist"}, 404
def delete(user_id): existing_user = User.query.filter_by(id=user_id).first() if existing_user is None: return fail('User not found', 404) deleted_user = user_schema.dump(existing_user) db.session.delete(existing_user) db.session.commit() return success(, 200)
def register(): try: json = request.get_json() if 'password' in json: json['password'] = generate_password_hash(json['password']) user = user_schema.load(json).save() return ok(user_schema.dump(user)) except ValidationError as err: return bad_request(err.to_dict()) except NotUniqueError: return bad_request('User already exists')
def updateProfile(user_id): try: user_password_schema.validate(request.json) except ValidationError as err: return fail(err.messages, 422) existing_user = User.query.filter_by(id=user_id).first() if existing_user is None: return fail('User not found', 404) if existing_user.password != request.json['password']: return fail('Password did not match', 400) existing_user.password = request.json['newPassword'] db.session.commit() user = user_schema.dump(existing_user) return success(, 200)
def login_user(): try: username = request.json['username'] password = request.json['password'] # selecting data without the password and salt as they are not required for the user session current_user = User.query.filter_by(telephone=username).first() db.session.commit() result = user_schema.dump(current_user) if (result != {}): # checking whether the hashed password matches the database if (password == result['password']): # returning a jwt to the app secret_key = SECRET_KEY token = jwt.encode( { 'user': username, 'userId': result['id'], 'exp': datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(hours=1) }, secret_key) userData = { 'id': result['id'], 'first_name': result['first_name'], 'last_name': result['last_name'], 'email': result['email'], 'telephone': result['telephone'], 'nic_number': result['nic_number'] } return jsonify({ 'token': token.decode('UTF-8'), 'userData': userData }) # returning 401 error to the app return make_response('Could Not Authenticate', 401) except IOError: print("I/O error") except ValueError: print("Value Error") except: print("Unexpected error") raise
def get_user_salt(): # user will get their salt to generate the hash required to the provided password try: username = request.json['username'] user_hash = User.query.with_entities( User.salt).filter_by(telephone=username).first() db.session.commit() result = user_schema.dump(user_hash) if (result != {}): return jsonify(result) return make_response('User Not Found', 404) except IOError: print("I/O error") except ValueError: print("Value Error") except: print("Unexpected error") raise
def signin(): remote_ip = request.remote_addr if request.is_json: json_data = request.get_json() username = sanitizer(json_data.get("username", "")).lower() password = sanitizer(json_data.get("password", "")) user = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() if user: is_password_right = user.verify_password(password) if is_password_right: if not user.is_deleted: access_token = create_access_token( fresh=True, identity=username, expires_delta=timedelta(minutes=30)) add_log(f"{remote_ip} {user} logged in") user = user_schema.dump(user) return jsonify(message="Login succeeded.", access_token=access_token, user=user) else: add_log( f"{remote_ip} tried to login as {username} and failed because of user deleted by admin" ) return jsonify( message= "Your admin has deleted your user. If you need more information, contact your admin." ), 404 else: add_log( f"{remote_ip} tried to login as {username} and failed because of wrong password" ) return jsonify(message="Wrong username or password!"), 403 else: add_log( f"{remote_ip} tried to login as {username} and failed because of wrong username" ) return jsonify(message="Wrong username or password!"), 403 else: return jsonify( "Bad Request.\nyou need to send parameters as json object"), 400