def test_get_reminders_ok(self) -> None: """ Test the function that obtains the list of reminders of a user, with success. """ # Prepare the mocks reminder_1 = models.Reminder(10, 1, 1) = 1 reminder_2 = models.Reminder(50, 2, 1) = 2 db_calls_mock.get_reminders_user.return_value = [reminder_1, reminder_2] response_reminder: response_models.Reminder = unittest.mock.MagicMock() response_reminder.anticipation_minutes = 10 show_session = models.ShowSession(None, None, datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1), 5, 10) channel = models.Channel(None, 'Channel Name') show_data = models.ShowData('_Show_Name_', 'Show Name') show_data.is_movie = True complete_session = (show_session, channel, show_data) show_session_2 = models.ShowSession(None, None, datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 2), 15, 20) channel_2 = models.Channel(None, 'Channel Name 2') show_data_2 = models.ShowData('_Show_Name_2_', 'Show Name 2') show_data_2.is_movie = False complete_session_2 = (show_session_2, channel_2, show_data_2) db_calls_mock.get_show_session_complete.side_effect = [complete_session, complete_session_2] # Call the function actual_result = reminders.get_reminders(self.session, 1) # Verify the result self.assertEqual(2, len(actual_result)) self.assertEqual(1, actual_result[0].id) self.assertEqual('Show Name', actual_result[0].title) self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1), actual_result[0].date_time) self.assertEqual(10, actual_result[0].anticipation_minutes) self.assertEqual(2, actual_result[1].id) self.assertEqual('Show Name 2', actual_result[1].title) self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 2), actual_result[1].date_time) self.assertEqual(50, actual_result[1].anticipation_minutes) # Verify the calls to the mocks db_calls_mock.get_reminders_user.assert_called_with(self.session, 1) db_calls_mock.get_show_session_complete.assert_has_calls( [, 1),, 2)])
def test_search_tmdb_match_01(self, tmdb_calls_mock) -> None: """ Test the function search_tmdb_match with a match on a query with year. """ # The expected result expected_result = response_models.TmdbShow() expected_result.year = 2020 expected_result.is_movie = True = 2 expected_result.original_title = 'Original Title' expected_result.vote_average = 8.5 expected_result.popularity = 130 # Prepare the mocks # Prepare the call to search_shows_by_text tmdb_show_1 = response_models.TmdbShow() tmdb_show_1.year = 2020 tmdb_show_1.is_movie = True = 1 tmdb_show_1.original_title = 'Similar Title' tmdb_show_1.vote_average = 8.5 tmdb_show_1.popularity = 130 tmdb_calls_mock.search_shows_by_text.return_value = (1, [ tmdb_show_1, expected_result ]) # Prepare the call to get_show_crew_members for the show 1 tmdb_calls_mock.get_show_crew_members.return_value = [] # Call the function show_data = models.ShowData('_search_title', 'Localized Title') show_data.director = 'Director 1,Director 2' show_data.year = 2020 show_data.genre = 'Documentary' show_data.original_title = 'Original Title' show_data.is_movie = True actual_result = get_file_data.search_tmdb_match(self.session, show_data, use_year=True) # Verify the result self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result) # Verify the calls to the mocks tmdb_calls_mock.search_shows_by_text.assert_called_with( self.session, 'Original Title', is_movie=True, year=2020) tmdb_calls_mock.get_show_crew_members.assert_called_with(1, True)
def test_process_alarms_ok_02(self) -> None: """ Test the function process_alarms with an alarm that gets two matches. """ # 1 - Prepare the mocks # The db_calls.get_user_id in process_alarms user = models.User('email', 'pasword', 'pt') = 933 db_calls_mock.get_user_id.return_value = user # The db_calls.get_alarms in process_alarms alarm = models.Alarm(None, 123, True, response_models.AlarmType.DB.value, None, None, 933) db_calls_mock.get_alarms.return_value = [alarm] # The db_calls.get_show_titles in get_show_titles show_titles = models.ShowTitles(123, True, 'Title 1|Title 2') show_titles.insertion_datetime = datetime.datetime.utcnow( ) - datetime.timedelta(hours=3) db_calls_mock.get_show_titles.return_value = show_titles # The db_calls.get_last_update in process_alarms -> search_sessions_db_with_tmdb_id -> # get_last_update_alarms_datetime original_datetime = datetime.datetime(2020, 8, 1, 9) last_update = models.LastUpdate(None, original_datetime) db_calls_mock.get_last_update.return_value = last_update # The db_calls.search_show_sessions_data_with_tmdb_id in process_alarms -> search_sessions_db_with_tmdb_id channel = models.Channel('CH', 'Channel') = 76 show_data = models.ShowData('search title', 'Título') = 27 show_data.tmdb_id = 123 show_session = models.ShowSession( None, None, original_datetime + datetime.timedelta(days=2), 76, 27) show_session.update_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow( ) + datetime.timedelta(hours=38) db_calls_mock.search_show_sessions_data_with_tmdb_id.return_value = [ (show_session, channel, show_data) ] # The db_calls.get_user_excluded_channels in process_alarms -> search_sessions_db_with_tmdb_id channel_2 = models.Channel('CH2', 'Channel 2') = 981 user_excluded_channel = models.UserExcludedChannel(933, 981) db_calls_mock.get_user_excluded_channels.return_value = [ user_excluded_channel ] # The db_calls.get_last_update in process_alarms -> search_sessions_db -> get_last_update_alarms_datetime # has been done with return_value # The db_calls.get_user_excluded_channels in process_alarms -> search_sessions_db db_calls_mock.get_user_excluded_channels.return_value = [ user_excluded_channel ] # The db_calls.search_show_sessions_data in process_alarms -> search_sessions_db for 'Title 1' show_session_2 = models.ShowSession( None, None, original_datetime + datetime.timedelta(days=3), 76, 27) show_session_2.update_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow( ) + datetime.timedelta(hours=38) db_calls_mock.search_show_sessions_data.side_effect = [[ (show_session_2, channel, show_data) ], []] # The db_calls.search_show_sessions_data in process_alarms -> search_sessions_db # for 'Title 1' has been done with side_effect # The process_emails.set_language in process_alarms is void # The process_emails.send_alarms_email in process_alarms process_emails_mock.send_alarms_email.return_value = True # The db_calls.get_last_update in process_alarms has been done with return_value # The db_calls.commit in process_alarms db_calls_mock.commit.return_value = True # 2 - Call the function processing.process_alarms(self.session) # 3 - Verify the results self.assertTrue(last_update.alarms_datetime > original_datetime) # Verify the calls to the mocks db_calls_mock.get_user_id.assert_called_with(self.session, 933) db_calls_mock.get_alarms.assert_called_with(self.session) db_calls_mock.get_show_titles.assert_called_with( self.session, 123, True) db_calls_mock.get_last_update.assert_has_calls([,, ]) db_calls_mock.search_show_sessions_data_with_tmdb_id.assert_called_with( self.session, 123, True, None, None, below_datetime=original_datetime) db_calls_mock.get_user_excluded_channels.assert_has_calls([, 933),, 933) ]) db_calls_mock.search_show_sessions_data.assert_has_calls([, '_Title_1_', True, None, None, False, True, below_datetime=original_datetime, ignore_with_tmdb_id=True),, '_Title_2_', True, None, None, False, True, below_datetime=original_datetime, ignore_with_tmdb_id=True) ]) process_emails_mock.set_language.assert_called_with('pt') send_alarms_email_calls = process_emails_mock.send_alarms_email.call_args_list self.assertEqual(1, len(send_alarms_email_calls)) call_args, _ = send_alarms_email_calls[0] self.assertEqual('email', call_args[0]) actual_results = call_args[1] self.assertEqual(2, len(actual_results)) self.assertEqual(response_models.LocalShowResultType.TV, actual_results[0].type) self.assertEqual('Título', actual_results[0].show_name) self.assertEqual('Channel', actual_results[0].service_name) self.assertEqual(original_datetime + datetime.timedelta(days=2), actual_results[0].date_time) self.assertEqual(response_models.LocalShowResultType.TV, actual_results[1].type) self.assertEqual('Título', actual_results[1].show_name) self.assertEqual('Channel', actual_results[1].service_name) self.assertEqual(original_datetime + datetime.timedelta(days=3), actual_results[1].date_time) db_calls_mock.commit.assert_called_with(self.session)
def test_get_response_highlights_week_ok(self) -> None: """ Test the function get_response_highlights_week. """ # Prepare the mocks # Calls to get the highlights score_highlights = models.Highlights(models.HighlightsType.SCORE, 2021, 2, [3], None) new_highlights = models.Highlights(models.HighlightsType.NEW, 2021, 2, [1, 2], [None, 10]) db_calls_mock.get_week_highlights.side_effect = [ score_highlights, new_highlights ] # Calls to get the shows show_3 = models.ShowData("_Programa_3_", "Programa 3") = 3 show_3.tmdb_id = 3792 show_3.synopsis = "Synopsis 3" show_3.is_movie = True show_3.original_title = "Show 3" show_1 = models.ShowData("_Programa_1_", "Programa 1") = 1 show_1.tmdb_id = 84 show_1.synopsis = "Synopsis 1" show_1.is_movie = False show_1.original_title = "Show 1" show_2 = models.ShowData("_Programa_2_", "Programa 2") = 2 show_2.tmdb_id = 1111 show_2.synopsis = "Synopsis 2" show_2.is_movie = False show_2.original_title = "Show 2" db_calls_mock.get_show_data_id.side_effect = [show_3, show_1, show_2] # Calls to obtain the TMDB data for each of the shows tmdb_show_3 = response_models.TmdbShow() = 3792 tmdb_show_3.vote_average = 5.5 tmdb_show_3.vote_count = 25 tmdb_show_3.popularity = 123 tmdb_show_3.original_title = "Show 3" tmdb_show_3.title = "Show 3" tmdb_show_3.is_movie = True tmdb_show_3.overview = "Overview 3" tmdb_show_3.original_language = "en" tmdb_show_3.match_reason = "Name" tmdb_show = response_models.TmdbShow() = 84 tmdb_show.vote_average = 7 tmdb_show.vote_count = 50 tmdb_show.popularity = 100 tmdb_show.original_title = "Show 1" tmdb_show.title = "Show 1" tmdb_show.is_movie = False tmdb_show.overview = "Overview 1" tmdb_show.original_language = "en" tmdb_show.match_reason = "Name" tmdb_show_2 = response_models.TmdbShow() = 1111 tmdb_show_2.vote_average = 5 tmdb_show_2.vote_count = 33 tmdb_show_2.popularity = 34 tmdb_show_2.original_title = "Show 2" tmdb_show_2.title = "Show 2" tmdb_show_2.is_movie = False tmdb_show_2.overview = "Overview 2" tmdb_show_2.original_language = "en" tmdb_show_2.match_reason = "Name" tmdb_calls_mock.get_show_using_id.side_effect = [ tmdb_show_3, tmdb_show, tmdb_show_2 ] # Call the function actual_result = processing.get_response_highlights_week( self.session, 2021, 2) # Verify the calls to the mocks db_calls_mock.get_week_highlights.assert_has_calls([, models.HighlightsType.SCORE, 2021, 2),, models.HighlightsType.NEW, 2021, 2) ]) db_calls_mock.get_show_data_id.assert_has_calls([, 3),, 1),, 2) ]) tmdb_calls_mock.get_show_using_id.assert_has_calls([, 3792, True),, 84, False),, 1111, False) ]) # Verify the result self.assertEqual(2, len(actual_result)) self.assertEqual("SCORE", actual_result[0].key) self.assertEqual(2021, actual_result[0].year) self.assertEqual(2, actual_result[0].week) expected_show_3 = { 'is_movie': True, 'show_title': 'Show 3', 'show_year': None, 'trakt_id': 3792, 'show_overview': "Synopsis 3", 'language': "en", 'vote_average': 5.5, 'vote_count': 25, 'popularity': 123, 'show_image': 'N/A', 'match_reason': 'Name', 'translated_title': 'Programa 3' } self.assertEqual(1, len(actual_result[0].show_list)) self.assertEqual(expected_show_3, actual_result[0].show_list[0]) self.assertEqual("NEW", actual_result[1].key) self.assertEqual(2021, actual_result[1].year) self.assertEqual(2, actual_result[1].week) self.assertEqual(2, len(actual_result[1].show_list)) expected_show_1 = { 'is_movie': False, 'show_title': 'Show 1', 'translated_title': 'Programa 1', 'show_year': None, 'trakt_id': 84, 'show_overview': "Synopsis 1", 'language': "en", 'vote_average': 7, 'vote_count': 50, 'popularity': 100, 'show_image': 'N/A', 'match_reason': 'Name' } self.assertEqual(expected_show_1, actual_result[1].show_list[0]) expected_show_2 = { 'is_movie': False, 'show_title': 'Show 2', 'translated_title': 'Programa 2', 'show_year': None, 'trakt_id': 1111, 'show_overview': "Synopsis 2", 'language': "en", 'vote_average': 5, 'vote_count': 33, 'popularity': 34, 'show_image': 'N/A', 'season_premiere': 10, 'match_reason': 'Name' } self.assertEqual(expected_show_2, actual_result[1].show_list[1])
def test_calculate_highlights_ok(self) -> None: """ Test the function calculate_highlights. """ # Replace datetime class with a utility class with a fixed datetime = NewDate # Prepare the mocks # Calls to check if the highlights already exist new_highlights_1 = models.Highlights(models.HighlightsType.NEW, 2021, 10, [1, 2], [None, 10]) score_highlights_2 = models.Highlights(models.HighlightsType.SCORE, 2021, 11, [], None) db_calls_mock.get_week_highlights.side_effect = [ None, new_highlights_1, score_highlights_2, None ] # Call to obtains the shows of the week, for updating show_data = models.ShowData('Show 1', 'Show 1') show_data.tmdb_id = 1234 show_data.tmdb_vote_average = 3 show_data.tmdb_vote_count = 25 show_data.is_movie = True show_data.year = 2020 = 189 show_data_2 = models.ShowData('Show 2', 'Show 2') show_data_2.tmdb_id = 6789 show_data_2.tmdb_vote_average = 6 show_data_2.tmdb_vote_count = 25 show_data_2.is_movie = True show_data_2.year = 2011 = 2 show_data_3 = models.ShowData('Show 3', 'Show 3') show_data_3.tmdb_id = 1271 show_data_3.tmdb_vote_average = 6 show_data_3.tmdb_vote_count = 25 show_data_3.is_movie = True show_data_3.year = 2004 = 3 show_data_4 = models.ShowData('Show 4', 'Show 4') show_data_4.tmdb_id = 1274 show_data_4.tmdb_vote_average = 5.4 show_data_4.tmdb_vote_count = 25 show_data_4.is_movie = False show_data_4.year = 2004 = 46 show_data_4.season_premiere = 3 db_calls_mock.get_shows_interval.side_effect = [[ show_data, show_data_2, show_data_3, show_data_4 ]] # Calls to obtain the TMDB data for each of the shows tmdb_show = response_models.TmdbShow() tmdb_show.vote_average = 7 tmdb_show.popularity = 100 tmdb_show.vote_count = 25 = 1234 tmdb_show_2 = response_models.TmdbShow() tmdb_show_2.vote_average = 5 tmdb_show_2.popularity = 34 tmdb_show_2.vote_count = 25 = 6789 tmdb_show_3 = response_models.TmdbShow() tmdb_show_3.vote_average = 5.5 tmdb_show_3.popularity = 123 tmdb_show_3.vote_count = 25 = 1274 tmdb_calls_mock.get_show_using_id.side_effect = [ tmdb_show, tmdb_show_2, tmdb_show_3 ] # Calls to get the highest scored shows db_calls_mock.get_highest_scored_shows_interval.side_effect = [[ (189, 1234, 7) ], [(46, 1274, 5.5)]] # Calls to get the new shows db_calls_mock.get_new_shows_interval.side_effect = [[ (55, 42,, 3, 10), 5) ], []] # Calls to register highlights new_score_highlights = models.Highlights(models.HighlightsType.SCORE, 2021, 10, [189, 46], None) new_new_highlights = models.Highlights(models.HighlightsType.NEW, 2021, 11, [55], [5]) db_calls_mock.register_highlights.side_effect = [ new_score_highlights, new_new_highlights ] # Call the function processing.calculate_highlights(self.session) # Verify the calls to the mocks db_calls_mock.get_week_highlights.assert_has_calls([, models.HighlightsType.SCORE, 2021, 10),, models.HighlightsType.NEW, 2021, 10),, models.HighlightsType.SCORE, 2021, 11),, models.HighlightsType.NEW, 2021, 11) ]) db_calls_mock.get_shows_interval.assert_called_with( self.session, datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 8), datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 14, 23, 59, 59)) tmdb_calls_mock.get_show_using_id.assert_has_calls([, 1234, True),, 6789, True),, 1274, False) ]) db_calls_mock.get_highest_scored_shows_interval.assert_has_calls([, datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 8), datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 14, 23, 59, 59), True),, datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 8), datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 14, 23, 59, 59), False) ]) db_calls_mock.get_new_shows_interval.assert_has_calls([, datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 15), datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 21, 23, 59, 59), True),, datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 15), datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 21, 23, 59, 59), False) ]) db_calls_mock.register_highlights.assert_has_calls([, models.HighlightsType.SCORE, 2021, 10, [189, 46]),, models.HighlightsType.NEW, 2021, 11, [55], [5]) ])
def test_delete_old_sessions(self) -> None: """ Test the function delete_old_sessions. """ # The expected result expected_result = 2 # Prepare the mocks # Prepare the call to search_old_sessions show_session_1 = models.ShowSession(None, None, datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1), 5, 10) = 1 show_session_2 = models.ShowSession(1, 10, datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 2), 8, 25) = 2 db_calls_mock.search_old_sessions.return_value = [ show_session_1, show_session_2 ] # Prepare the call to get_reminders_session for session 1 and session 2 reminder_1 = models.Reminder(10, 1, 7) = 1 reminder_2 = models.Reminder(50, 1, 4) = 2 reminders_session_1 = [reminder_1, reminder_2] reminders_session_2 = [] db_calls_mock.get_reminders_session.side_effect = [ reminders_session_1, reminders_session_2 ] # Prepare the call to get_show_session_complete for session 1 channel = models.Channel(None, 'Channel Name') show_data = models.ShowData('_Show_Name_', 'Show Name') show_data.is_movie = True complete_session = (show_session_1, channel, show_data) db_calls_mock.get_show_session_complete.return_value = complete_session # Prepare the call to get_user_id for reminder 1 and reminder 2 user_7 = models.User('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'pt') = 7 user_4 = models.User('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'pt') = 4 db_calls_mock.get_user_id.side_effect = [user_7, user_4] # Prepare the call to send_deleted_sessions_email for user 7 and user 4 process_emails_mock.send_deleted_sessions_email.return_value = True # Call the function start_datetime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta( days=2) end_datetime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() channels = ['Odisseia'] actual_result = get_file_data.delete_old_sessions( self.session, start_datetime, end_datetime, channels) # Verify the result self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result) # Verify the calls to the mocks db_calls_mock.search_old_sessions.assert_called_with( self.session, start_datetime, end_datetime, channels) db_calls_mock.get_reminders_session.assert_has_calls([, 1),, 2) ]) db_calls_mock.get_show_session_complete.assert_called_with( self.session, 1) db_calls_mock.get_user_id.assert_has_calls([, 7),, 4) ]) process_emails_mock.send_deleted_sessions_email.assert_has_calls(['*****@*****.**', unittest.mock.ANY),'*****@*****.**', unittest.mock.ANY) ]) self.session.delete.assert_has_calls([,,, ])
def test_process_reminders_ok_02(self) -> None: """ Test the function that processes reminders, with success. """ # Prepare the mocks now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() show_session_1 = models.ShowSession(None, None, now + datetime.timedelta(minutes=30), 5, 10) = 1 show_session_2 = models.ShowSession(2, 10, now + datetime.timedelta(minutes=100), 10, 15) = 2 show_session_3 = models.ShowSession(None, None, now + datetime.timedelta(days=15), 10, 10) = 3 channel_5 = models.Channel(None, 'Channel 5') channel_10 = models.Channel(None, 'Channel 10') show_data_10 = models.ShowData('Show 10', 'Show 10') show_data_10.is_movie = True show_data_15 = models.ShowData('Show 15', 'Show 15') show_data_15.is_movie = False reminder_1 = models.Reminder(60, 1, 1) reminder_session_1 = (reminder_1, show_session_1) reminder_2 = models.Reminder(120, 2, 2) reminder_session_2 = (reminder_2, show_session_2) reminder_3 = models.Reminder(60, 1, 2) reminder_session_3 = (reminder_3, show_session_1) # This session is still too far reminder_4 = models.Reminder(60, 3, 3) reminder_session_4 = (reminder_4, show_session_3) db_calls_mock.get_sessions_reminders.return_value = [reminder_session_1, reminder_session_2, reminder_session_3, reminder_session_4] show_session_tuple_1 = (show_session_1, channel_5, show_data_10) show_session_tuple_2 = (show_session_2, channel_10, show_data_15) show_session_tuple_3 = (show_session_1, channel_5, show_data_10) db_calls_mock.get_show_session_complete.side_effect = [show_session_tuple_1, show_session_tuple_2, show_session_tuple_3] db_calls_mock.get_user_id.side_effect = [models.User('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'pt'), models.User('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'en'), models.User('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'en')] process_emails_mock.send_alarms_email.side_effect = [True, True, True] # Call the function reminders.process_reminders(self.session) # Verify the calls to the mocks db_calls_mock.get_sessions_reminders.assert_has_calls(self.session) db_calls_mock.get_show_session_complete.assert_has_calls([, 1),, 2),, 1)]) db_calls_mock.get_user_id.assert_has_calls([, 1),, 2),, 2)]) process_emails_mock.set_language.assert_has_calls(['pt'),'en'),'en')]) # Given that it can't compare the object sent in the email self.assertEqual(3, process_emails_mock.send_reminders_email.call_count)
def test_Odisseia_add_file_data(self) -> None: """ Test the function Odisseia.add_file_data with a new session of a show with a matching channel correction. An old event was added to show that nothing changes and it is ignored. """ # Prepare the mocks # Replace datetime class with a utility class with a fixed datetime datetime.datetime = NewDatetime # Prepare the call to get_channel_name channel_data = models.Channel('Acronym', 'Channel Name') = 8373 db_calls_mock.get_channel_name.return_value = channel_data # Prepare the call to search_channel_show_data channel_show_data = models.ChannelShowData(8373, 2, False, 'Attack and Defend', 'Ataque e Defesa') channel_show_data.show_id = 51474 db_calls_mock.search_channel_show_data_correction.return_value = channel_show_data # Prepare the call to get_show_data_id show_data = models.ShowData('Search Title', 'Localized Title') = 51474 db_calls_mock.get_show_data_id.return_value = show_data # Prepare the call to search_existing_session db_calls_mock.search_existing_session.return_value = None # Prepare the call to register_show_session show_session = models.ShowSession( 1, 5, datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 19, 5, 15, 16), 8373, 51474) db_calls_mock.register_show_session.return_value = show_session # Prepare the call to search_old_sessions db_calls_mock.search_old_sessions.return_value = [] # Call the function actual_result = file_parsers.odisseia.Odisseia.add_file_data( self.session, base_path + 'data/odisseia_example.xml', 'Odisseia') # Get back the datetime.datetime datetime.datetime = self.datetime_backup # Verify the result self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 19, 5, 10, 16), actual_result.start_datetime) self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 19, 5, 20, 16), actual_result.end_datetime) self.assertEqual(1, actual_result.total_nb_sessions_in_file) self.assertEqual(0, actual_result.nb_updated_sessions) self.assertEqual(1, actual_result.nb_added_sessions) self.assertEqual(0, actual_result.nb_deleted_sessions) # Verify the calls to the mocks db_calls_mock.get_channel_name.assert_called_with( self.session, 'Odisseia') db_calls_mock.search_channel_show_data_correction.assert_called_with( self.session, 8373, False, 'Attack and Defend', 'Ataque e Defesa', directors=['Seaton McLean'], year=2015, subgenre='Natureza', creators=None) db_calls_mock.get_show_data_id.assert_called_with(self.session, 51474) db_calls_mock.search_existing_session.assert_called_with( self.session, 1, 5, datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 19, 5, 15, 16), 8373, 51474) db_calls_mock.register_show_session.assert_called_with( self.session, 1, 5, datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 19, 5, 15, 16), 8373, 51474, audio_language=None, extended_cut=False, should_commit=False) db_calls_mock.search_old_sessions.assert_called_with( self.session, datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 19, 5, 10, 16), datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 19, 5, 20, 16), ['Odisseia'])