Example #1
 def get(self, user_id = -1):
     greeting    = self.GenerateGreeting()
     user        = users.get_current_user()
     if user_id == -1 and user:
         user_id = user.user_id();
     items = models.get_user_items( user_id )
     self.PrepItemTemplate( items )
     muser = _get_user_by_id( user_id )
     template_values = {'user':user, 'user_id':user_id, 'items':items, 'greeting':greeting, 'username': muser.username }
     path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), 'templates/view_items.htm' )
     self.response.out.write( template.render( path, template_values ) )
Example #2
	def get(self, current_url, profileurl):
		# set all objects to be passed to template as False so we won't get object passed before instantiated errors
		profile = False
		items = False
		ratings = False
		userlocations = False
		useraccount = models.get_current_auth_user(self)
		profile = models.UserAccount.get_by_key_name(profileurl)
		if profile:
			items = models.get_user_items(profile)
			ratings = models.get_user_ratings(profile)
			userlocations = models.get_userlocations_for_user(profile)
		template_values = {
			'useraccount': useraccount,
			'user_action_url': helpers.get_user_action_url(useraccount, current_url),
			'profile': profile,
			'items': items,
			'ratings': ratings,
			'userlocations': userlocations,
		viewhelpers.render_template(self, "views/profile", template_values)