def add_category( post ): #this function is used to show the category of the images using clarifai api app = ClarifaiApp(api_key=API_KEY) model = app.models.get("general-v1.3") response = model.predict_by_url(url=post.image_url) if response["status"]["code"] == 10000: if response["outputs"]: if response["outputs"][0]["data"]: if response["outputs"][0]["data"]["concepts"]: for index in range( 0, len(response["outputs"][0]["data"]["concepts"])): category = CategoryModel( post=post, category_text=response["outputs"][0]["data"] ["concepts"][index]["name"]) else: print "No Concepts List Error" else: print "No Data List Error" else: print "No Outputs List Error" else: print "Response Code Error"
def __init__(self): """ Initialize """ # initialize the treeview CommonTreeView.__init__(self) # setup the column self.cat_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Categories"), gtk.CellRendererText(), markup=C_ITEM["short_name"]) self.append_column(self.cat_column) self.cat_column.set_visible(True) self.cat_column.set_expand(True) self.count_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("# pkgs"), gtk.CellRendererText(), markup=C_ITEM["count"]) self.append_column(self.count_column) self.count_column.set_visible(True) self.count_column.set_expand(False) # setup the model self.model = CategoryModel() self.set_model(self.model) # connect to clicked event self.last_category = None self.connect("cursor-changed", self._clicked) # register default callback self.register_callback() self.search_cat = False debug.dprint("VIEWS: Category view initialized")
def add_category(self, category: Category) -> Category: """ Add new category :param category: Category(dataclass) :return: new category """ = if category.parent_id is not None and self.__get_category_model_by_id( category.parent_id) is None: raise CategoryIdDoesNotExist() if self.__get_category_model_by_name( is not None: raise CategoryAlredyExist() new_category = CategoryModel(, user_id=self.user_id) self.session.add(new_category) self.session.commit() new_level_category = LevelCategoryModel(parent_id=category.parent_id, self.session.add(new_level_category) self.session.commit() return Category(,, parent_id=category.parent_id)
def add_category(post): app = ClarifaiApp(api_key=CLARIFAI_API_KEY) # Logo model model = app.models.get('logo') response = model.predict_by_url(url=post.image_url) if response["status"]["code"] == 10000: if response["outputs"]: if response["outputs"][0]["data"]: if response["outputs"][0]["data"]["regions"]: if response["outputs"][0]["data"]["regions"][0]["data"]: for index in range( 0, len(response["outputs"][0]["data"]["regions"] [0]["data"]["concepts"])): category = CategoryModel( post=post, category_text=response["outputs"][0]["data"] ["regions"][0]["data"]["concepts"][index] ["name"]) else: print "No concepts list error." else: print "No concepts list error." else: print "No data list error." else: print "No output lists error." else: print "Response code error."
def add_category(post): app = ClarifaiApp(api_key='c0d6dcc72a5f490b8a1f0df33bf2f272') model = app.models.get("general-v1.3") response = model.predict_by_url(url=post.image_url) if response["status"]["code"] == 10000: if response["outputs"]: if response["output"][0]["data"]: if response["output"][0]["data"]["concepts"]: for index in range( 0, len(response["outputs"][0]["data"]["concepts"])): category = CategoryModel( post=post, category_text=response['outputs'][0]['data'] ['concepts'][index]['name']) else: print 'no concepts error' else: print 'no data list error' else: print 'no outtput list error' else: print 'response code error'
def category_view(post): app = ClarifaiApp(api_key=clarify_api_key) model = app.models.get("General-v1.3") response = model.predict_by_url(url=post.image_url) if response["status"]["code"] == 10000: if response["outputs"]: if response["outputs"][0]["data"]: if response["outputs"][0]["data"]["concepts"]: for index in range( 0, len(response["outputs"][0]["data"]["concepts"])): category = CategoryModel( post=post, category=response["outputs"][0]["data"]["concepts"] [0]["name"]) else: print "No concepts List Error" else: print "No Data List Error" else: print "No Outputs List Error" else: print "Response Code Error"
def mutate(root, info, id, title, content, category, tags, excerpt): """ Create the new post :param root: the root information :param info: information about the request :param id: the id corresponds to the post :param title: title of the post :param content: content of the post (in Markdown format) :param category: category of the post :param tags: a list of tags of the post :param excerpt: brief description about the post. :return: the new post, or None """ viewer = root.get("viewer") if not viewer or not viewer.isAdmin: raise GraphQLError("Permission denied") else: if id is None: post = PostModel() else: print("id", relay.Node.get_node_from_global_id(info, id)) post = relay.Node.get_node_from_global_id(info, id) tags = set(tags) # remove duplicate tags if title == "" or content == "" or category == "" or "" in tags: raise GraphQLError("Missing required fields") post.category = Category.get_query(info).filter_by( name=category).first() or CategoryModel(name=category) post.tags = [ Tag.get_query(info).filter_by(name=tag).first() or TagModel(name=tag) for tag in tags ] post.title = title post.content = content post.publishDate = post.publishDate or datetime.datetime.utcnow() post.lastUpdateDate = datetime.datetime.utcnow() = viewer post.excerpt = excerpt db_session.add(post) db_session.commit() return SetPost(post=post)
def mutate(cls, _, args, context, info): category = CategoryModel(name=args.get('name')) db_session.add(category) db_session.commit() ok = True return createCategory(category=category, ok=ok)
class CategoryView(CommonTreeView): """ Self contained treeview to hold categories """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize """ # initialize the treeview CommonTreeView.__init__(self) # setup the column self.cat_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Categories"), gtk.CellRendererText(), markup=C_ITEM["short_name"]) self.append_column(self.cat_column) self.cat_column.set_visible(True) self.cat_column.set_expand(True) self.count_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("# pkgs"), gtk.CellRendererText(), markup=C_ITEM["count"]) self.append_column(self.count_column) self.count_column.set_visible(True) self.count_column.set_expand(False) # setup the model self.model = CategoryModel() self.set_model(self.model) # connect to clicked event self.last_category = None self.connect("cursor-changed", self._clicked) # register default callback self.register_callback() self.search_cat = False debug.dprint("VIEWS: Category view initialized") def set_search(self, option): self.search_cat = option if option == True: self.cat_column.set_title(_("Search History")) elif option == False: self.cat_column.set_title(_("Categories")) def register_callback(self, category_changed=None): """ Register callbacks for events """ self._category_changed = category_changed def _clicked(self, treeview, *args): """ Handle treeview clicks """ model, iter = treeview.get_selection().get_selected() if iter: category = model.get_value(iter, C_ITEM["full_name"]) else: category = self.last_category # has the selection really changed? if category != self.last_category: debug.dprint("VIEWS: category change detected") # then call the callback if it exists! if self._category_changed: self.last_category = category self._category_changed(category) # save current selection as last selected self.last_category = category def populate(self, categories, _sort=True, counts=None): """Fill the category tree.""" self.clear() #debug.dprint("VIEWS: Populating category view; categories: " + str(categories)) last_full_names = [] if _sort: categories.sort() #debug.dprint("VIEWS: Sorted categories: " + str(categories)) if self.search_cat == True: self.populate_search(categories, counts) return #set parent_iter to top level parent_iter = [None] for cat in categories: #debug.dprint(" VIEWS: CategoryView.populate():107 cat: %s" %cat) if cat: # != 'virtual': cat_split = cat.split("-") max_level = len(cat_split) - 1 for i in range(len(cat_split)): #debug.dprint(" VIEWS: CategoryView.populate():112 i = " + str(i) + ' ' + str(range(len(cat_split)))) # determine the full_name to this level, default to minimum first part of possible split full_name = '-'.join(cat_split[:i + 1] or cat_split[0]) if i < max_level: # add parent/subparent row len_full_names = len(last_full_names) #debug.dprint(" VIEWS: CategoryView.populate():i<max_level 117 i = " +str(i) +" new full_name = " + full_name +' >> ' + str(last_full_names) + str(len_full_names)) if len_full_names > i and last_full_names[ i] == full_name: #debug.dprint(" VIEWS: CategoryView.populate():i<max_level 119 matching full_name...continuing") continue # skip to the next level # delete any previous deeper levels if i > 0: #debug.dprint(" VIEWS: CategoryView.populate():i>0:123 new parent/sub-parent... truncating parent_iter and flast_full_names") parent_iter = parent_iter[:i + 1] last_full_names = last_full_names[:i] #debug.dprint(" VIEWS: CategoryView.populate():i>0:126 full_name, >> = " + full_name +' >> ' + str(last_full_names[i])) else: #debug.dprint(" VIEWS: CategoryView.populate() i=0:128:resetting parent_iter and last_full_names from: " + str(last_full_names)) parent_iter = [None] last_full_names = [] #debug.dprint(" VIEWS: CategoryView.populate()i=0:131 reset last_full_names from: " + str(last_full_names)) #debug.dprint(" VIEWS: CategoryView.populate(): 132 adding parent/subparent category: " + cat_split[i]) last_full_names.append(full_name) #debug.dprint(" VIEWS: CategoryView.populate():134 parent_iter = " +str(parent_iter)) parent_iter.append( self.model.insert_before(parent_iter[i], None)) #debug.dprint(" VIEWS: CategoryView.populate():136 new parent_iter = " +str(parent_iter)) #debug.dprint(" VIEWS: CategoryView.populate(): 137 added parent category, path = " +str( # self.model.get_path(parent_iter[i+1]))) self.model.set_value(parent_iter[i + 1], C_ITEM["short_name"], cat_split[i]) self.model.set_value( parent_iter[i + 1], C_ITEM["full_name"], None) #last_full_names[i]) # needed? #debug.dprint(" VIEWS: CategoryView.populate(): 141 added parent to last_full_names: " + str(last_full_names)) self.model.set_value(parent_iter[i + 1], C_ITEM["count"], str(0)) else: # last one, short_name, i == max_level # child row #debug.dprint(" VIEWS: CategoryView.populate(): i = " + str(i) + " 161 end child row '"+ cat_split[i] + "' for: " + full_name) #debug.dprint(" VIEWS: CategoryView.populate():162 parent_iter = " +str(parent_iter)) parent_iter = parent_iter[:i + 1] last_full_names.append(full_name) parent_iter.append( self.model.insert_before(parent_iter[i], None)) #debug.dprint(" VIEWS: CategoryView.populate():166 added end child category path = " +str( # self.model.get_path(parent_iter[i+1]))) #debug.dprint(" VIEWS: CategoryView.populate():168 parent_iter = " +str(parent_iter)) self.model.set_value(parent_iter[i + 1], C_ITEM["short_name"], cat_split[i]) self.model.set_value(parent_iter[i + 1], C_ITEM["full_name"], full_name) if counts != None: # and counts[cat] != 0: #debug.dprint("VIEWS: Counts: %s = %s" %(cat, str(counts[cat]))) self.model.set_value(parent_iter[i + 1], C_ITEM["count"], str(counts[cat])) path = self.model.get_path(parent_iter[i + 1]) p = i while p > 0: path = path[:p] #debug.dprint(" VIEWS: CategoryView.populate(): 178 update parent counts path = "+str(path)) iter = self.model.get_iter(path) prev_count = self.model.get_value( iter, C_ITEM["count"]) #debug.dprint(" VIEWS: CategoryView.populate(): 181 p = "+str(p)+" prev_count = "+str(prev_count)+" new count = " + str(counts[cat]) +" new parent total = " +str(counts[cat]+int(prev_count))) self.model.set_value( iter, C_ITEM["count"], str(counts[cat] + int(prev_count))) p -= 1 def populate_search(self, categories, counts): debug.dprint("VIEWS: populating category view with search history") for string in categories: iter = self.model.insert_before(None, None) self.model.set_value(iter, C_ITEM["short_name"], string) self.model.set_value(iter, C_ITEM["full_name"], string) if counts != None: # and counts[string] != 0: #debug.dprint("VIEWS: Counts: %s = %s" %(cat, str(counts[string]))) self.model.set_value(iter, C_ITEM["count"], str(counts[string]))
'title': 'Рис с овощами, свининой и шампиньонами с соусом удон', 'price': '320', 'description': 'Рис, морковь, цукини, перец болгарский, китайская капуста, шампиньоны, свинина, кунжут, соус удон', 'picture': 'dish24.jpeg', 'category_id': '5'}, {'id': '25', 'title': 'Пицца Четыре сыра классическая', 'price': '559', 'description': 'Моцарелла, Сливочный пицца-соус, Сыр Дор Блю, Сыр пармезан, Сыр Чеддер', 'picture': 'dish25.jpeg', 'category_id': '3'}] cat = {'1': 'Суши/роллы', '2': 'Стрит фуд', '3': 'Пица', '4': 'Паста', '5': 'Новинки'} for index, value in cat.items(): cat = CategoryModel() = index cat.title = value db.session.add(cat) db.session.commit() for m in data: meal = MealModel() meal.title = m['title'] meal.price = m['price'] meal.description = m['description'] meal.picture = 'pictures/' + m['picture'] meal.category = db.session.query(CategoryModel).get(m['category_id']) db.session.add(meal) db.session.commit()