def create_challenge(challenge: Challenge) -> JSONResponse: """ Adds a new challenge. :param challenge: the challenge information :return: status code and response data """ db = _get_db() challenge.challenge_id = db["challenges"].find().count() + 1 db["challenges"].insert_one(challenge.to_dict()) return JSONResponse(status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, content=dumps([]))
def edit(request): if request.method == 'POST': title = request.POST['title'] desc = request.POST['desc'] ch = Challenge(title = title, desc = desc) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('challenges')) return render(request, 'edit_form.html')
def make_challenge(request, username): user = get_user(username) done = False while not done: try: challenge = Challenge(destination=user) done = True except IntegrityError: pass # occasional cleanup if challenge.code[1] == "0": Challenge.objects.filter( return HttpResponse(challenge.code)
def post(self, *args, **kwargs): user = User.by_user_name(['user_name']) try: token = self.get_argument("token") challenge = Challenge.get_by_id(self.get_argument("challenge")) except: self.render("user/error.html", operation = "Submit Challenge", errors = "Please enter a token") if != None: if not challenge in if token == challenge.token: action = Action( classification = unicode("Challenge Completed"), description = unicode(user.user_name+" has succesfully completed "" !"), value = challenge.value, user_id = ) challenge.teams.append( self.dbsession.add(challenge) self.dbsession.add(action) self.dbsession.flush() self.redirect('/challenge') else: self.render("user/error.html", operation = "Submit Challenge", errors = "Invalid Token") else: self.render("user/error.html", operation = "Submit Challenge", errors = "This challenge was already completed") else: self.render("user/error.html", operation = "Submit Challenge", errors = "You're not on a team")
def launch(request, to_id): user_to = get_object_or_404(Player, pk=to_id) user_to = user_to.get_extension(ChallengeUser) user_from = request.user.get_profile().get_extension(ChallengeUser) if ChallengeGame.disabled(): return do_result(request, error='Provocarile sunt dezactivate') if (not user_to.is_eligible()) or (not user_from.is_eligible()): return do_result(request, error='Ne pare rau, doar studentii de anul I pot provoca/fi provocati') if not user_from.can_launch(): return do_result(request, _('You cannot launch another challenge today.')) if not user_from.has_enough_points(): return do_result(request, _('You need at least 30 points to launch a challenge')) if user_from.can_challenge(user_to): try: chall = Challenge.create(user_from=user_from, user_to=user_to) except ChallengeException as e: # Some error occurred during question fetch. Clean up, and display error return do_result(request, e.message) #Checking if user_to is stored in session PREFIX = "_user:"******"multiple-login" if (PREFIX + user_to.user.username) in request.session: from wouso.interface.activity.signals import addActivity addActivity.send(sender=None, user_to=user_to, user_from=user_from, action=action_msg, game=None, public=False) return do_result(request, message=_('Successfully challenged')) else: return do_result(request, _('This user cannot be challenged.'))
def launch(request, to_id): user_to = get_object_or_404(Player, pk=to_id) user_to = user_to.get_extension(ChallengeUser) user_from = request.user.get_profile().get_extension(ChallengeUser) if ChallengeGame.disabled(): return do_result(request, error='Provocarile sunt dezactivate') if (not user_to.is_eligible()) or (not user_from.is_eligible()): return do_result(request, error='Ne pare rau, doar studentii de anul I pot provoca/fi provocati') if not user_from.can_launch(): return do_result(request, _('You cannot launch another challenge today.')) if not user_from.has_enough_points(): return do_result(request, _('You need at least 30 points to launch a challenge')) if user_from.can_challenge(user_to): try: chall = Challenge.create(user_from=user_from, user_to=user_to) except ChallengeException as e: # Some error occurred during question fetch. Clean up, and display error return do_result(request, e.message) return do_result(request, message=_('Successfully challenged')) else: return do_result(request, _('This user cannot be challenged.'))
def launch(request, to_id): user_to = get_object_or_404(Player, pk=to_id) user_to = user_to.get_extension(ChallengeUser) user_from = request.user.get_profile().get_extension(ChallengeUser) if ChallengeGame.disabled(): return do_result(request, error='Provocarile sunt dezactivate') if (not user_to.is_eligible()) or (not user_from.is_eligible()): return do_result(request, error=_('Sorry, challenge failed.')) if not user_from.can_launch(): return do_result(request, _('You cannot launch another challenge today.')) if not user_from.has_enough_points(): return do_result(request, _('You need at least 30 points to launch a challenge')) if user_from.can_challenge(user_to): try: chall = Challenge.create(user_from=user_from, user_to=user_to) except ChallengeException as e: # Some error occurred during question fetch. Clean up, and display error return do_result(request, e.message) #Checking if user_to is stored in session PREFIX = "_user:"******"multiple-login" if (PREFIX + user_to.user.username) in request.session: from wouso.core.signals import addActivity addActivity.send(sender=None, user_to=user_to, user_from=user_from, action=action_msg, game=None, public=False) return do_result(request, message=_('Successfully challenged')) else: return do_result(request, _('This user cannot be challenged.'))
def launch(request, to_id): user_to = get_object_or_404(Player, pk=to_id) user_to = user_to.get_extension(ChallengeUser) user_from = request.user.get_profile().get_extension(ChallengeUser) if (not user_to.is_eligible()) or (not user_from.is_eligible()): return do_result(request, error='Ne pare rau, doar studentii de anul I pot provoca/fi provocati') if not user_from.can_launch(): return do_result(request, _('You cannot launch another challenge today.')) if not user_from.has_enough_points(): return do_result(request, _('You need at least 30 points to launch a challenge')) if user_from.can_challenge(user_to): try: chall = Challenge.create(user_from=user_from, user_to=user_to) except ValueError as e: # Some error occurred during question fetch. Clean up, and display error return do_result(request, e.message) return do_result(request, message=_('Successfully challenged')) else: return do_result(request, _('This user cannot be challenged.'))
def test_challengeUpdateCompletedOperation(self): # check that error raised when record does not exist print('--- check that error raised when record does not exist') self.assertRaises(ErrorWithCode, challengeUpdateCompletedOperation, 1, 2, 2, 1) # adding challenge challenge = Challenge(1, 2, 2) db.session.add(challenge) db.session.commit() # check that when successful, result returned by function is of the correct type print( '--- check that when successful, result returned by function is of the correct type' ) challenge = Challenge.query.filter_by(from_student_id=1).filter_by( to_student_id=2).filter_by(quiz_id=1).first() self.assertEqual(challenge.is_completed, False) self.assertIsNone(challenge.winner_id) challengeUpdateCompletedOperation(1, 2, 1, 1) challenge = Challenge.query.filter_by(from_student_id=1).filter_by( to_student_id=2).filter_by(quiz_id=1).first() self.assertEqual(challenge.is_completed, True) self.assertEqual(challenge.winner_id, 1)
def challenge_list_json(request): challenges = [] for challenge in Challenge.current_challenges(): challenges.append({'id':, 'name':, 'short_name': challenge.short_name}) return JsonResponse({'challenges': challenges})
def get(self): user = users.get_current_user() if(user): userQuery = User.query(User.userid == user.user_id()) userEntity = None for thisUser in userQuery: userEntity = thisUser formCheck(self, user) missedLectureCheck(user) if is None: = userEntity.put() if userEntity is None: userEntity = User( userid=user.user_id(), score=0, streak=0, count=0, history=[], email = module1Query = Module.query(Module.code == 'GENG0013') for module in module1Query: for lecture in module.lectures: userEntity.lectures.append(lecture) module2Query = Module.query(Module.code == 'GENG0002') for module in module2Query: for lecture in module.lectures: userEntity.lectures.append(lecture) challengeQuery = Challenge.query().order(Challenge.challengeid) for challenge in challengeQuery: userEntity.challenges.append(challenge) userEntity.put() self.redirect('/info') completedChalls = [] for challenge in userEntity.challenges: if challenge.complete: completedChalls.append(challenge) template_values = { 'username' : userEntity.username, 'logout' : users.create_logout_url(self.request.uri), 'score' : userEntity.score, 'count' : userEntity.count, 'streak' : userEntity.streak, 'completedChalls' : completedChalls } template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('/assets/home.html') self.response.write(template.render(template_values)) else: self.redirect(users.create_login_url(self.request.uri))
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): user = User.by_user_name(['user_name']) all_challenges = Challenge.get_all() correct_challenges = [] for challenge in all_challenges: if != None: if not challenge in correct_challenges.append(challenge) self.render("user/challenge.html", challenges = correct_challenges)
def login(request): if 'key' in request.COOKIES: try: user = User.objects.get(sessionID=request.COOKIES['key']) return HttpResponseRedirect("/main") except User.DoesNotExist: pass rkey = randomkey() key = Challenge(key=rkey, ip=request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']) message = "" if 'msg' in request.GET: message = msgdict[request.GET['msg']] t = loader.get_template('aponurho/login.html') c = RequestContext(request, { 'challenge': rkey, 'message': message }) return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
def api_get_challenge_create(): """ 创建新挑战,返回挑战id """ max_level = db.session.query(func.max(Challenge.level)).one_or_none()[0] challenge = Challenge(level=(1 if not max_level else max_level + 1)) db.session.add(challenge) db.session.commit() return make_response(0,
def create_challenge(): dat = json.loads( text = dat.get("text") GIPHY_SEARCH_PARAMETERS = { 'api_key': GIPHY_API_KEY, 'limit': 1, # default 'q': text } giphy_dat = requests.get(GIPHY_SEARCH_URL, params=GIPHY_SEARCH_PARAMETERS).json() challenge = Challenge( text=text, imgURL=giphy_dat['data'][0]['images']['fixed_height']['url'], timeToFinish=dat.get("timeToFinish")) db.session.add(challenge) db.session.commit() res = {'success': True, 'data': challenge.serialize()} return json.dumps(res), 201
def setUp(self): print('\r') # drop all tables in the database db.session.remove() db.drop_all() # crete all tables in the database db.create_all() # adding users user_1 = User('*****@*****.**', encrypt('password'), 'student_1') student_1 = Student(user_1, 'U00000000A') db.session.add(student_1) user_2 = User('*****@*****.**', encrypt('password'), 'student_2') student_2 = Student(user_2, 'U00000000B') db.session.add(student_2) user_3 = User('*****@*****.**', encrypt('password'), 'teacher_1') staff_1 = Staff(user_3) db.session.add(staff_1) # adding topics topic = Topic(name='seng') db.session.add(topic) # adding lessons lesson = Lesson(1, 1, 'lesson_1', 'content') db.session.add(lesson) # adding quizzes quiz_1 = Quiz(3, 'quiz_1', True, '2020-03-30', '2020-03-31') db.session.add(quiz_1) quiz_2 = Quiz(3, 'quiz_2', True, '2020-03-30', '2020-03-31') db.session.add(quiz_2) # adding questions question_1 = Question(1, 1, 'question_1') db.session.add(question_1) question_2 = Question(1, 1, 'question_2') db.session.add(question_2) question_3 = Question(1, 1, 'question_3') db.session.add(question_3) question_4 = Question(1, 1, 'question_4') db.session.add(question_4) # adding challenges challenge = Challenge(1, 2, 1) db.session.add(challenge) db.session.commit()
def update_challenge(challenge: Challenge) -> JSONResponse: """ Updates a challenge. :param challenge: the challenge information :return: status code and response data """ _get_db()["challenges"].update_one( {"challenge_id": challenge.challenge_id}, {"$set": challenge.to_dict()}) return JSONResponse(status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, content=dumps([]))
def new_challenge(): if request.method == 'POST' and len(request.form) >= 6: if logged_in(): errors = [] #try: eid = request.form['eid'] name = request.form['name'] category = request.form['category'] value = int(request.form['value']) desc = request.form['description'] #except: if len(errors) > 0: return "Failed to add challenge [2]" else: new_chal = Challenge(eid, name, category, desc, value) db.session.add(new_chal) db.session.commit() cid = new_chal.cid #try: files = request.files.getlist('file[]') if files and len(files) > 0: for f in files: if f and len(f.filename) > 0: #try: upload_file(f) new_file = File(cid, f.filename) db.session.add(new_file) db.session.commit() #except: #errors.append("Something went wrong") else: errors.append( "Error: something wrong with the file or filename" ) #except: # errors.append("No files recieved") db.session.close() return redirect('/event/{}'.format(eid)) else: flash('Must be logged in to create challenges') return redirect(url_for('auth.login')) else: return "Failed to add challenge"
def test_challengeUpdate(self): # create a new Challenge object and add it to the database challenge = Challenge(1, 2, 1) db.session.add(challenge) db.session.commit() # update value of Topic object Challenge.query.filter_by(from_student_id=1).filter_by( to_student_id=2).filter_by(quiz_id=1).first().is_completed = True challengeUpdate() # check if value of Topic object has been updated print('--- check if value of Topic object has been updated') self.assertEqual( Challenge.query.filter_by(from_student_id=1).filter_by( to_student_id=2).filter_by(quiz_id=1).first().is_completed, True)
def create_challenge(jwt): data = request.get_json() error = False try: challenge = Challenge(task_id=data["task_id"], series_id=data["series_id"]) isTest = False if "isTest" in data: isTest = data["isTest"] DBHelper.insert(challenge) except: DBHelper.rollback() error = True finally: DBHelper.close() if error: abort(404) return jsonify({"success": True})
def test_challengeCreate(self): # create a new Challenge object challenge = Challenge(1, 2, 1) # add Challenge object to the database challengeCreate(challenge) # check that the number of record added is correct print('--- check that the number of record added is correct') self.assertEqual(len(Challenge.query.all()), 1) # check that object cannot be added to database if already exist print( '--- check that object cannot be added to database if already exist' ) challengeCreate(challenge) self.assertEqual(len(Challenge.query.all()), 1)
def test_challengeRead(self): # check that function returns the right number of result (= 0) print( '--- check that function returns the right number of result (= 0)') self.assertEqual(len(challengeRead(None, None, None, None)), 0) self.assertEqual(len(challengeRead(1, 2, 1, None)), 0) # create a new Challenge object and add to database challenge = Challenge(1, 2, 1) db.session.add(challenge) db.session.commit() # check that function returns the right number of result (= 1) print( '--- check that function returns the right number of result (= 1)') self.assertEqual(len(challengeRead(None, None, None, None)), 1) self.assertEqual(len(challengeRead(1, 2, 1, None)), 1) self.assertEqual(len(challengeRead(1, 2, None, None)), 1)
def challenge(request): if request.is_ajax(): challenge_bot_id = json.loads(request.body)['msg'] challenge_bot = Bot.objects.get(pk=challenge_bot_id) # get the user current bot user_prof = UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user) if not user_prof.current_bot: print "Can not challenge if does not have a bot!" return HttpResponse("Error") if challenge_bot.owner == user_prof: print "[CHEATING!] - wrong challenge bot!" return HttpResponse("Error") # challenged bot must be the owners current bot if not challenge_bot.is_current_bot: print "[CHEATING!] - wrong challenge bot!, must be the owners current bot!." return HttpResponse("Error") print "Got a challenge for bot: ", challenge_bot # Get pending challenges for this user challenges = Challenge.objects.filter(requested_by=user_prof, played=False, canceled=False) if challenges.count() > 0: # has pending challenges, must wait. return HttpResponse("Can not challenge more than one bot at a time") # Check if these bots haven't already played. #played_challs = Challenge.objects.filter(challenger_bot=user_prof.current_bot, # challenged_bot=challenge_bot, played=True) #if played_challs.count() > 0: # # has already played against this bot, must upload a new one # return HttpResponse("Already played against this bot!. Upload a new one.") if (user_prof.current_bot.valid != Bot.READY or challenge_bot.valid != Bot.READY): return JsonResponse({'success': False, 'msg': 'One of the bot is not READY' }) new_challengue = Challenge() new_challengue.requested_by = user_prof new_challengue.challenger_bot = user_prof.current_bot new_challengue.challenged_bot = challenge_bot return JsonResponse({'success': True})
def challenge(request): if request.is_ajax(): challenge_bot_id = json.loads(request.body)['msg'] challenge_bot = Bot.objects.get(pk=challenge_bot_id) # get the user current bot user_prof = UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user) if not user_prof.current_bot: print "Can not challenge if does not have a bot!" return HttpResponse("Error") if challenge_bot.owner == user_prof: print "[CHEATING!] - wrong challenge bot!" return HttpResponse("Error") # challenged bot must be the owners current bot if not challenge_bot.is_current_bot: print "[CHEATING!] - wrong challenge bot!, must be the owners current bot!." return HttpResponse("Error") print "Got a challenge for bot: ", challenge_bot # Get pending challenges for this user challenges = Challenge.objects.filter(requested_by=user_prof, played=False) if challenges.count() > 0: # has pending challenges, must wait. return HttpResponse("Can not challenge more than one bot at a time") # Check if these bots haven't already played. played_challs = Challenge.objects.filter(challenger_bot=user_prof.current_bot, challenged_bot=challenge_bot, played=True) if played_challs.count() > 0: # has already played against this bot, must upload a new one return HttpResponse("Already played against this bot!. Upload a new one.") new_chall = Challenge() new_chall.requested_by = user_prof new_chall.challenger_bot = user_prof.current_bot new_chall.challenged_bot = challenge_bot return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'success' : True}), mimetype='application/json')
def create(request): challenge = Challenge(creator=request.user) return _edit(request, challenge)
def delete_challenge(Challenge): Challenge.delete_instance()
def create_challenge(name, language, steps=1): Challenge.create(name=name, language=language, steps=steps)
def createChallenge(self): task = self.createTask() series = self.createSeries() challenge = Challenge(task_id=task["id"], series_id=series["id"]) return self.createEntity(challenge)
def search_challenges(name, language): return, Challenge.language == language)
if run_result.code != 0: return ChallengeError('Error in running the code', run_result) validate_result = challenge_execution.run_step('bash', 'validate', 'scripts/', timeout=10) if validate_result.code != 0: return ChallengeError('Error in validating the result', validate_result) challenge_execution.run_step('bash', 'cleanup', 'scripts/') return ChallengeResult(build_result, run_result, validate_result) if __name__ == '__main__': with open('participants.yml') as participants_stream: participants = yaml.load(participants_stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) with open('challenges.yml') as challenges_stream: challenges = yaml.load(challenges_stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) for challenge_dict in challenges: challenge = Challenge.from_dict(challenge_dict) round_id = int(time.time()) reporter.start_round(round_id, for p in participants: repository = p['repository'] nickname = p['nickname'] ce = ChallengeExecution(challenge, p['repository']) result = run_challenge(ce),, round_id, result) print(result) reporter.finish_round(round_id,
def get_queryset(self): return Challenge.current_challenges()
# # Created by Dulio Denis on 1/1/19. # Copyright (c) 2019 ddApps. All rights reserved. # ------------------------------------------------ # Challenge 2: First Queries # ------------------------------------------------ # Challenge Task 1 of 4 # Import the Challenge class from from models import Challenge # ------------------------------------------------ # Challenge Task 2 of 4 # Now, create a variable named all_challenges. # It should select all of the available challenges # from the database. all_challenges = # ------------------------------------------------ # Challenge Task 3 of 4 # Next, create a new Challenge. # The language should be "Ruby", the name should be "Booleans". Challenge.create(language='Ruby', name='Booleans') # ------------------------------------------------ # Challenge Task 4 of 4 # Finally, make a variable named sorted_challenges # that is all of the Challenge records, ordered by # the steps attribute on the model. # The order should be ascending, which is the default direction. sorted_challenges =
def loadChallenges(): currentTime = time.time() chall1 = Challenge(challengeid=1, title='First Step', description='Check in to 1 lecture', complete=False, expiresat=currentTime+864000, badge=Badge(iconName='/img/firststeps.png'), points=10) chall2 = Challenge(challengeid=2, title='Not Bad', description='Check in to 5 lectures', complete=False, expiresat=currentTime+1382400, badge=Badge(iconName='/img/notbad.png'), points=30) chall3 = Challenge(challengeid=3, title='Golden Student', description='Check in to 10 lectures', complete=False, expiresat=currentTime+2592000, badge=Badge(iconName='/img/goldenstudent.png'), points=50) chall4 = Challenge(challengeid=4, title='Gotta Go Fast', description='Be the first in your class to check in to a lecture', complete=False, expiresat=currentTime+2592000, badge=Badge(iconName='/img/gottagofast.png'), points=30) chall5 = Challenge(challengeid=5, title='Hat-trick', description='Check in to 3 consecutive lectures', complete=False, expiresat=currentTime+1382400, badge=Badge(iconName='/img/hattrick.png'), points=30) chall6 = Challenge(challengeid=6, title='Unstoppable', description='Check in to 5 consecutive lectures', complete=False, expiresat=currentTime+2592000, badge=Badge(iconName='/img/unstoppable.png'), points=50) chall7 = Challenge(challengeid=7, title='Perfect Week', description='Attend every lecture in a week', complete=False, expiresat=currentTime+2592000, badge=Badge(iconName='/img/perfectweek.png'), points=20) chall8 = Challenge(challengeid=8, title='Selective Attendance', description='Attend the same lecture 3 weeks in a row', complete=False, expiresat=currentTime+2592000, badge=Badge(iconName='/img/selectiveattendance.png'), points=30) chall9 = Challenge(challengeid=9, title='Early Bird', description='Make it to a 9am lecture', complete=False, expiresat=currentTime+1382400, badge=Badge(iconName='/img/earlybird.png'), points=10) chall10 = Challenge(challengeid=10, title='Long day', description='Check in to 4 lectures in the same day', complete=False, expiresat=currentTime+1987200, badge=Badge(iconName='/img/longday.png'), points=30) chall1.put() chall2.put() chall3.put() chall4.put() chall5.put() chall6.put() chall7.put() chall8.put() chall9.put() chall10.put()
def get_challenge_or_404(slug): """Return a challenge or 404""" challenge = Challenge.get(slug) if not challenge: abort(404) return challenge
def launch(request, to_id): lock = challengeLock.lock()"Locked.") flush_transaction() user_to = get_object_or_404(Player, pk=to_id) user_to = user_to.get_extension(ChallengeUser) user_from = request.user.get_profile().get_extension(ChallengeUser) if ChallengeGame.disabled(): messages.error(request, _('Provocarile sunt dezactivate'))"Ready to unlock (disabled).") lock.unlock() return redirect('challenge_index_view') if (not user_to.is_eligible()) or (not user_from.is_eligible()): messages.error(request, _('Sorry, challenge failed.'))"Ready to unlock (is eligible).") lock.unlock() return redirect('challenge_index_view') if not user_from.can_launch(): messages.error(request, _('You cannot launch another challenge today.'))"Ready to unlock (cannot launch today).") lock.unlock() return redirect('challenge_index_view') if not user_from.in_same_division(user_to): messages.error(request, _('You are not in the same division'))"Ready to unlock (not in same divission).") lock.unlock() return redirect('challenge_index_view') if not user_from.has_enough_points(): messages.error(request, _('You need at least 30 points to launch a challenge'))"Ready to unlock (not enough points).") lock.unlock() return redirect('challenge_index_view') if user_from.can_challenge(user_to): try: chall = Challenge.create(user_from=user_from, user_to=user_to)"Created challenge: %s" %(chall)) except ChallengeException as e: # Some error occurred during question fetch. Clean up, and display error messages.error(request, e.message) lock.unlock() return redirect('challenge_index_view') #Checking if user_to is stored in session PREFIX = "_user:"******"multiple-login" if (PREFIX + user_to.user.username) in request.session: from wouso.core.signals import addActivity addActivity.send(sender=None, user_to=user_to, user_from=user_from, action=action_msg, game=None, public=False) messages.success(request, _('Successfully challenged'))"Ready to unlock (save).") lock.unlock() return redirect('challenge_index_view') else: messages.error(request, _('This user cannot be challenged.'))"Ready to unlock (no user challenge).") lock.unlock() return redirect('challenge_index_view')
def initializeChallenge(from_student_id, to_student_id, quiz_id): return Challenge(from_student_id, to_student_id, quiz_id)
def setUp(self): print('\r') # drop all tables in the database db.session.remove() db.drop_all() # crete all tables in the database db.create_all() self.maxDiff = None = app.test_client() # adding students user_1 = User('*****@*****.**', encrypt('password'), 'student_1') student_1 = Student(user_1, 'U00000000A') db.session.add(student_1) user_2 = User('', encrypt('password'), 'student_2') student_2 = Student(user_2, 'U00000000B') db.session.add(student_2) # adding staff user_3 = User('*****@*****.**', encrypt('password'), 'staff_1') staff_1 = Staff(user_3) db.session.add(staff_1) # adding topics topic_1 = Topic(name='topic_1') db.session.add(topic_1) topic_2 = Topic(name='topic_2') db.session.add(topic_2) # adding lessons lesson_1 = Lesson(topic_id=1, id=1, name='lesson_1', content='content') db.session.add(lesson_1) lesson_2 = Lesson(topic_id=1, id=2, name='lesson_2', content='content') db.session.add(lesson_2) lesson_3 = Lesson(topic_id=1, id=3, name='lesson_3', content='content') db.session.add(lesson_3) lesson_4 = Lesson(topic_id=2, id=1, name='lesson_4', content='content') db.session.add(lesson_4) # adding quizzes quiz_1 = Quiz(3, 'quiz_1', True, '2020-03-30', '2020-03-31') db.session.add(quiz_1) quiz_2 = Quiz(3, 'quiz_2', True, '2020-03-30', '2020-03-31') db.session.add(quiz_2) quiz_3 = Quiz(3, 'quiz_3', True, '2020-03-30', '2020-03-31') db.session.add(quiz_3) # adding questions question_1 = Question(1, 1, 'description_1') db.session.add(question_1) question_2 = Question(1, 1, 'description_2') db.session.add(question_2) question_3 = Question(1, 3, 'description_3') db.session.add(question_3) question_4 = Question(1, 3, 'description_4') db.session.add(question_4) question_5 = Question(1, 3, 'description_5') db.session.add(question_5) # assign questions to quiz rs_1 = Rs_quiz_question_contain(1, 1) db.session.add(rs_1) rs_2 = Rs_quiz_question_contain(3, 3) db.session.add(rs_2) rs_3 = Rs_quiz_question_contain(3, 4) db.session.add(rs_3) rs_4 = Rs_quiz_question_contain(3, 5) db.session.add(rs_4) # add attempts to questions question_attempt_1 = QuestionAttempt(1, 1, True, 10) db.session.add(question_attempt_1) question_attempt_2 = QuestionAttempt(1, 1, False, 20) db.session.add(question_attempt_2) question_attempt_3 = QuestionAttempt(1, 2, True, 30) db.session.add(question_attempt_3) question_attempt_4 = QuestionAttempt(1, 3, False, 40) db.session.add(question_attempt_4) # add question choices to questions qc_1 = QuestionChoice(1, 1, 'choice_1', True) db.session.add(qc_1) qc_2 = QuestionChoice(1, 2, 'choice_2', True) db.session.add(qc_2) qc_3 = QuestionChoice(1, 3, 'choice_3', True) db.session.add(qc_3) # adding quiz attempts quiz_attempt_1 = QuizAttempt(1, 1, 0) db.session.add(quiz_attempt_1) quiz_attempt_2 = QuizAttempt(2, 3, 2) db.session.add(quiz_attempt_2) quiz_attempt_3 = QuizAttempt(1, 3, 3) db.session.add(quiz_attempt_3) # adding quizzes to lessons rs_lesson_quiz_contain_1 = Rs_lesson_quiz_contain(1, 1, 1) db.session.add(rs_lesson_quiz_contain_1) rs_lesson_quiz_contain_2 = Rs_lesson_quiz_contain(1, 1, 2) db.session.add(rs_lesson_quiz_contain_2) rs_lesson_quiz_contain_3 = Rs_lesson_quiz_contain(1, 3, 3) db.session.add(rs_lesson_quiz_contain_3) # adding courses course = Course('cz1005') db.session.add(course) # enrol students into courses enrol_1 = Rs_student_course_enrol(1, 'cz1005') db.session.add(enrol_1) enrol_2 = Rs_student_course_enrol(2, 'cz1005') db.session.add(enrol_2) # make staff teach course teach_1 = Rs_staff_course_teach(3, 'cz1005') db.session.add(teach_1) # adding quizzes to courses Rs_quiz_course_assign_1 = Rs_quiz_course_assign(1, 'cz1005') db.session.add(Rs_quiz_course_assign_1) Rs_quiz_course_assign_2 = Rs_quiz_course_assign(2, 'cz1005') db.session.add(Rs_quiz_course_assign_2) Rs_quiz_course_assign_3 = Rs_quiz_course_assign(3, 'cz1005') db.session.add(Rs_quiz_course_assign_3) # adding challenges challenge_1 = Challenge(1, 2, 1) db.session.add(challenge_1) challenge_2 = Challenge(1, 2, 2) db.session.add(challenge_2) challenge_3 = Challenge(2, 1, 1) db.session.add(challenge_3) db.session.commit()
# Import the Challenge class from from models import Challenge # Now create a variable named all_challenges. It should select all of the available challenges from the database. all_challenges = # Next create a new Challenge. The language should be 'Ruby', the name should be 'Booleans'. Challenge.create(language='Ruby', name='Booleans') # Finally make a variable named sorted_challenges that is all of the Challenge records, ordered by the steps attribute on the model # The order should be ascending, which is the default direction. sorted_challenges = all_challenges.order_by(Challenge.steps)
database = db # ============= Part 2 ============= # Task 1 of 4 # Import the Challenge class from from models import Challenge # Task 2 of 4 # Now, create a variable named all_challenges. It should select all of the available challenges from the database. from models import Challenge all_challenges = # Task 3 of 4 # Next, create a new Challenge. The language should be "Ruby", the name should be "Booleans". from models import Challenge all_challenges = Challenge.create(language="Ruby", name="Booleans") # Task 4 of 4 # Finally, make a variable named sorted_challenges that is all of the Challenge records, ordered by the steps attribute on the model. The order should be ascending, which is the default direction. from models import Challenge