def add_prices(csvtext, drug_dict): # adds prices from a CSV file (the date is the str csvtext arg) to each drug in a given drug dictionary. # for drugs in the dictionary but not in the file, the function adds None as the price. # this function passes on drugs in the CSV but not in the drug_dict. date = csvtext[-8:] count = 1 headers = which_headers(date) drug_list = [drug for drug in drug_dict] with open(csvtext+".csv", "r") as drugcsv: drugreader = csv.reader(drugcsv) for line in drugreader: if count < 5: pass else: drug = {} for i in range(len(headers)): drug[headers[i]] = line[i] price = drug["Price"] if drug["NDC"] in drug_dict: Drug.add_price(drug_dict[drug["NDC"]], date, price) drug_list.remove(drug["NDC"]) else: pass count += 1 drugcsv.close() for drug in drug_list: Drug.add_price(drug_dict[drug], date, None) return drug_dict
def builder(csvtext): # The function that takes a given CSV filename/date and creates a dictionary of drugs. # Their key is the drug NDC, and their value is the Drug object. date = csvtext[-8:] drug_dict = {} count = 1 headers = which_headers(date) with open(csvtext+".csv", "r") as drugcsv: drugreader = csv.reader(drugcsv) for line in drugreader: if count < 5: pass else: drug = {} for i in range(len(headers)): drug[headers[i]] = line[i] price = drug["Price"] this_drug = Drug(drug["Name"], drug["NDC"], drug["Pricing Unit"], drug["OTC or Not"], drug["Brand or Generic"], "NADAC") Drug.add_price(this_drug, date, price) drug_dict[drug["NDC"]] = this_drug count += 1 drugcsv.close() return drug_dict
def mine_drug_register(): drugs = [] print("Fetching drug data...") response = requests.get(DRUG_REGISTER_URL) print("Done.") if not response.ok: print("Failed to fetch data.") return print("Setting up data...") drug_register_html = response.content drug_register = BeautifulSoup(drug_register_html, 'html.parser') for line_break in drug_register.find_all('br'): line_break.extract() data_table = drug_register.find(id="tablepress-42").tbody rows = data_table.find_all('tr') print("Done.") print("Parsing...") for row in rows: data = [str(item.string) for item in row.find_all('td')] drug = Drug(*data) drugs.append(drug) print("Done.") print("Writing to file...") drug_data = '\n'.join([drug.to_csv() for drug in drugs]) headers = "identifier, nda_reg_number, license_holder, local_technical_rep, name_of_drug, manufacturer, country_of_manufacture, dosage_form, pack_size" drug_data = headers + "\n" + drug_data with open("data/drugs.csv", 'w') as file: file.write(drug_data) print("Done.") print("Complete!") print("\n")
def update(csvtext, drug_dict): # accesses a one-date CSV file (date given as str csvtext) and adds prices for drugs in the given drug dictionary. # if a drug is not in the drug dict, this function adds the drug and its info to the dictionary. date = csvtext[-8:] count = 1 headers = which_headers(date) with open(csvtext+".csv", "r") as drugcsv: drugreader = csv.reader(drugcsv) for line in drugreader: if count < 5: pass else: drug = {} for i in range(len(headers)): drug[headers[i]] = line[i] price = drug["Price"] if drug["NDC"] in drug_dict: Drug.add_price(drug_dict[drug["NDC"]], date, price) else: if int(date) < 20130215: drug["Pricing Unit"] = "Unknown" drug["Brand or Generic"] = "Unknown" this_drug = Drug(drug["Name"], drug["NDC"], drug["Pricing Unit"], drug["OTC or Not"], drug["Brand or Generic"], "NADAC") Drug.add_price(this_drug, date, price) drug_dict[drug["NDC"]] = this_drug count += 1 drugcsv.close() return drug_dict
def get_desired_data(filename): with open(filename, encoding="utf-8") as f: parser = BeautifulSoup(, "html.parser") drug = parser.find("drug") if drug: id = drug.find("drugbank-id") # Gradaully setting Drug db object... new_drug = Drug(id=(id.string or "")) name = drug.find("name") # setting up drug db object = name.string or "" groups_wrapper = drug.find("groups") if groups_wrapper is not None: groups = groups_wrapper.find_all("group") gp_str = "" for group in groups: gp_str += (group.string or "") # setting up drug db object = gp_str toxicity = drug.find("toxicity") if toxicity: # setting up drug db object new_drug.toxicity = (toxicity.string or "") db.session.add(new_drug) external_identifiers_wr = drug.find("external-identifiers") if external_identifiers_wr: external_identifiers = external_identifiers_wr.find_all("external-identifier") for ext_id in external_identifiers: resource = (ext_id.find("resource").string or "") identifier = (ext_id.find("identifier").string or "") # setting up ExternalIdentifier db object new_external_identifier = ExternalIdentifier(resource=resource, name=identifier, db.session.add(new_external_identifier) food_interactions_wrapper = drug.find("food-interactions") if food_interactions_wrapper: food_interactions = food_interactions_wrapper.find_all("food-interaction") for food_int in food_interactions: food_interaction_description = (food_int.string or "") # Setting up FoodInteraction db object new_food_interaction = FoodInteraction(, description=food_interaction_description) db.session.add(new_food_interaction) # Commit all changes to DB! db.session.commit()
def create_network(): p = create_test_protein() cancer = Cancer(name='Ovarian', code='OV') known_interactor_of_x = create_test_kinase('Kinase Y', 'NM_0009') kinase_mutation = Mutation(position=1, alt='T', meta_MC3=[MC3Mutation(cancer=cancer)]) known_interactor_of_x.protein.mutations = [kinase_mutation] drug = Drug( name='Drug targeting ' +, drug_bank_id='DB01', target_genes=[known_interactor_of_x.protein.gene], # by default only approved drugs are shown groups={DrugGroup(name='approved')}) group = KinaseGroup(name='Group of kinases', ) s = Site(position=1, type='phosphorylation', residue='T', kinases=[known_interactor_of_x], kinase_groups=[group]) s2 = Site(position=2, type='phosphorylation', residue='R', kinase_groups=[group]) p.sites = [s, s2] predicted_interactor = create_test_kinase('Kinase Z', 'NM_0002') protein_mutation = Mutation(position=2, alt='T', meta_MC3=[MC3Mutation(cancer=cancer)], meta_MIMP=[ MIMPMutation(, effect='loss', site=s, probability=0.1, position_in_motif=1), MIMPMutation(, effect='gain', site=s, probability=0.1, position_in_motif=1) ]) p.mutations = [protein_mutation] db.session.add_all([p, drug, predicted_interactor]) db.session.commit() # a new cancer was added, reload is necessary (this should not happen during normal app usage) from website.views.filters import cached_queries cached_queries.reload()
def addStock(drugNum): # 判断用户是否登录 user_id = session.get('user_id') if user_id: user = User.query.filter( == user_id).first() if user: # 判断是否是POST if request.method == 'GET': drug = Drug.query.filter(Drug.num == drugNum).first() return render_template('addStock.html', drug=drug) else: num = request.form.get('num') name = request.form.get('name') type = request.form.get('type') count = request.form.get('count') price = request.form.get('price') desc = request.form.get('desc') try: count = int(count) except Exception: raise ValueError('count value is error!') # 查找数据库类别表 drugType = DrugType.query.filter( == type).first() if drugType: drugTypeId = for index in range(0, count): drug = Drug(num=num, name=name, desc=desc, stockPrice=price, drugTypeId=drugTypeId) drug.drugType = drugType db.session.add(drug) db.session.flush() # 主要是这里,写入数据库,但是不提交 db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('addStockHome')) return redirect(url_for('login'))
def addDrug(): # 判断用户是否登录 user_id = session.get('user_id') if user_id: user = User.query.filter( == user_id).first() if user: if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('addDrug.html') else: # 当前时间 nowDate = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) num = request.form.get('num') name = request.form.get('name') type = request.form.get('type') count = request.form.get('count') price = request.form.get('price') desc = request.form.get('desc') try: count = int(count) except Exception: raise ValueError('count value is error!') # 查找数据库类别表 drugType = DrugType.query.filter( == type).first() if drugType: drugTypeId = for index in range(0, count): drug = Drug(num=num, name=name, desc=desc, stockDate=nowDate, stockPrice=price, drugTypeId=drugTypeId) drug.drugType = drugType db.session.add(drug) db.session.flush() # 主要是这里,写入数据库,但是不提交 else: drugType = DrugType(name=type) db.session.add(drugType) db.session.commit() drugTypeId = for index in range(0, count): drug = Drug(num=num, name=name, desc=desc, stockDate=nowDate, stockPrice=price, drugTypeId=drugTypeId) drug.drugType = drugType db.session.add(drug) db.session.flush() # 主要是这里,写入数据库,但是不提交 db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('home')) return redirect(url_for('login'))
def create_tables(): db.create_all() for a in drug_classes.keys(): new_drug_class = Drugclass(name=a, beers_criteria=drug_classes[a][0], stopp_start_criteria=drug_classes[a][1]) try: db.session.add(new_drug_class) db.session.commit() except: pass for a in medications.keys(): new_med = Drug(name=a, beers_criteria=medications[a][0], stopp_start_criteria=medications[a][1], drug_class_id=medications[a][2]) try: db.session.add(new_med) db.session.commit() except: pass
def add_FDA_info(drug_dict): # this function supplies drug and vendor names via NDCs from the FDA's official database. # sadly the FDA and NADAC have a slightly different format for NDCs, so it's not perfect. # It is very unlikely to assign an incorrect NDC -- rather, it will pass on drugs it cannot find a match for. name_file = "FDA-20160118.csv" headers = ["PRODUCTID", "PRODUCTNDC", "PRODUCTTYPENAME", "PROPRIETARYNAME", "PROPRIETARYNAMESUFFIX", "NONPROPRIETARYNAME", "DOSAGEFORMNAME", "ROUTENAME", "STARTMARKETINGDATE", "ENDMARKETINGDATE", "MARKETINGCATEGORYNAME", "APPLICATIONNUMBER", "LABELERNAME", "SUBSTANCENAME", "ACTIVE_NUMERATOR_STRENGTH", "ACTIVE_INGRED_UNIT", "PHARM_CLASSES", "DEASCHEDULE"] count = 1 current_list = [key for key in drug_dict] with open(name_file, "r") as namecsv: csvreader = csv.reader(namecsv) for line in csvreader: if count == 1: pass else: drug = {} for i in range(len(headers)): if headers [i] == "PRODUCTNDC": drug["NDC"] = line[i].translate(None,"-") templist = line[i].split("-") templist[0] = templist[0] + "0" drug["NDC2"] = "".join(templist) else: drug[headers[i]] = line[i] findings = [item for item in current_list if ( drug["NDC"] in item ) or ( drug["NDC2"] in item )] if len(findings) == 1: this_drug = drug_dict[findings[0]] Drug.add_vendor(this_drug, drug["LABELERNAME"]) Drug.add_sci_name(this_drug, drug["NONPROPRIETARYNAME"]) Drug.add_desc(this_drug, drug["PHARM_CLASSES"]) current_list.remove(findings[0]) print "%i drugs left to ID..." % len(current_list) elif len(findings) == 0: pass else: findings_as_drugs = [drug_dict[key] for key in findings] #converts list of keys into list of Drugs findings = multiple_results(drug, findings_as_drugs) #list of Drugs for finding in findings: #finding is a Drug Drug.add_vendor(finding, drug["LABELERNAME"]) Drug.add_sci_name(finding, drug["NONPROPRIETARYNAME"]) Drug.add_desc(finding, drug["PHARM_CLASSES"]) current_list.remove( print "%i drugs left to ID..." % len(current_list) # BECAUSE THE FDA NDCS ARE ONLY EIGHT DIGITS LONG, THIS SEARCH OFTEN RETURNS 2+ RESULTS. # TODO: write a function to check other info to figure out which is the correct one. # or, worst-case scenario, prompt user to choose which looks right, maybe? count += 1 return drug_dict
def addDrug(): # 判断用户是否登录 user_id = session.get('user_id') if user_id: user = User.query.filter( == user_id).first() if user: if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('addDrug.html') else: num = request.form.get('num') name = request.form.get('name') type = request.form.get('type') count = request.form.get('count') price = request.form.get('price') desc = request.form.get('desc') # 首先查找药品是否存在 drug = Drug.query.filter(Drug.num == num).first() # 如果存在 if drug: # 库存量增加 Drug.query.filter( == {Drug.count: int(drug.count) + int(count)}) stock = Stock(stockPrice=price, stockCount=count, stockMoney=int(count) * float(price),, userId=user_id) db.session.add(stock) db.session.commit() else: # 判断类别 drugType = DrugType.query.filter( == type).first() # 存在 if drugType: drug = Drug(num=num, name=name, count=count, price=price, desc=desc, else: drugType = DrugType(name=type) db.session.add(drugType) db.session.commit() drugType = DrugType.query.filter( == type).first() drug = Drug(num=num, name=name, count=count, price=price, desc=desc, db.session.add(drug) db.session.commit() drug = Drug.query.filter(Drug.num == num).first() stock = Stock(stockPrice=price, stockCount=count, stockMoney=int(count) * float(price),, userId=user_id) db.session.add(stock) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('home')) return redirect(url_for('login'))
from app import app from models import db, Drug, Pharmacy db.drop_all() db.create_all() def create_drugs(): """Function for creating drugs for database""" drug_list = [] for num in range(232): print(f'd{num} = (name="{TOP_200[num]}"", price={prices[num]})') d0 = Drug(name="Lexapro", price=5) d1 = Drug(name="Vicodin", price=65) d2 = Drug(name="Prinivil", price=55) d3 = Drug(name="Qbrelis", price=89) d4 = Drug(name="Zocor", price=80) d5 = Drug(name="Synthroid", price=7) d6 = Drug(name="Amoxil", price=70) d7 = Drug(name="Trimox", price=15) d8 = Drug(name="Zithromax", price=69) d9 = Drug(name="Microzide", price=8) d10 = Drug(name="Aquazide", price=20) d11 = Drug(name="Norvasc", price=66) d12 = Drug(name="Xanax", price=43) d13 = Drug(name="Glucophage", price=34) d14 = Drug(name="Lipitor", price=22) d15 = Drug(name="Prilosec", price=94) d16 = Drug(name="Cipro", price=87)