Example #1
def bipartite(V1, V2, E):
     * Returns a random simple bipartite graph on V1 and V2 vertices
     * with E edges.
     * @param V1 the number of vertices in one partition
     * @param V2 the number of vertices in the other partition
     * @param E the number of edges
     * @return a random simple bipartite graph on V1 and V2 vertices,
     *    containing a total of E edges
     * @raises ValueError if no such simple bipartite graph exists
    if E > V1 * V2:
        raise ValueError('Too many edges')
    if E < 0:
        raise ValueError('Too few edges')
    # Modification question #5
    if V1 < 0 or V2 < 0:
        raise ValueError("Vertex value cannot be less then 0")
    G = Graph(V1 + V2)
    vertices = [i for i in range(V1 + V2)]
    edges = []
    while G.E() < E:
        i = rand.randrange(V1)
        j = V1 + rand.randrange(V2)
        e = (vertices[i], vertices[j])
        if e not in edges:
    return G
Example #2
def ParseGraphLocal(data, image, verbose=False):
    global count_skips
    objects = []
    object_map = {}
    relationships = []
    attributes = []

    for obj in data['objects']:
        object_map, o_ = MapObject(object_map, obj)
    for rel in data['relationships']:
        if rel['subject_id'] in object_map and rel['object_id'] in object_map:
            object_map, s = MapObject(object_map,
                                      {'object_id': rel['subject_id']})
            v = rel['predicate']
            object_map, o = MapObject(object_map,
                                      {'object_id': rel['object_id']})
            rid = rel['relationship_id']
            relationships.append(Relationship(rid, s, v, o, rel['synsets']))
            # Skip this relationship if we don't have the subject and object in
            #   the object_map for this scene graph. Some data is missing in this way.
            count_skips[0] += 1
    if 'attributes' in data:
        for attr in data['attributes']:
            a = attr['attribute']
            if a['object_id'] in object_map:
                    Attribute(attr['attribute_id'], a['object_id'], a['names'],
                count_skips[1] += 1
    if verbose:
        print 'Skipped {} rels, {} attrs total'.format(*count_skips)
    return Graph(image, objects, relationships, attributes)
Example #3
def bipartite_with_probability(V1, V2, p):
    Returns a random simple bipartite graph on V1 and V2 vertices,
    containing each possible edge with probability p.
    @param V1 the number of vertices in one partition
    @param V2 the number of vertices in the other partition
    @param p the probability that the graph contains an edge with one endpoint in either side
    @return a random simple bipartite graph on V1 and V2 vertices,
     containing each possible edge with probability p
    @raises ValueError if proba
    bility is not between 0 and 1
    if p < 0.0 or p > 1.0:
        raise ValueError('Probability must be between 0 and 1')
    # Modification question #5
    if V1 < 0 or V2 < 0:
        raise ValueError("Vertex value cannot be less then 0")
    vertices = [i for i in range(V1 + V2)]
    G = Graph(V1 + V2)
    for i in range(V1):
        for j in range(V2):
            if utils.bernoulli(p):
                G.add_edge((vertices[i], vertices[V1 + j]))
    return G
Example #4
def simple(V, E):
    Returns a random simple graph containing V vertices and E edges.
    @param V the number of vertices
    @param E the number of edges
    @return a random simple graph on V vertices, containing a total of E edges
    @raises ValueError if no such simple graph exists
    if E > V * (V - 1) / 2:
        raise ValueError("Too many edges")
    if E < 0:
        raise ValueError("Too few edges")
    # Modification question #5
    if V <= 0:
        raise ValueError("A simple graph must have at least one vertex")
    G = Graph(V)
    edges = []
    while G.E() < E:
        v = rand.randrange(V)
        w = rand.randrange(V)
        e = (v, w)
        if v != w and e not in edges:
    return G
Example #5
def ParseGraphVRD(d):
    image = Image(d['photo_id'], d['filename'], d['width'], d['height'], '',

    id2obj = {}
    objs = []
    rels = []
    atrs = []

    for i, o in enumerate(d['objects']):
        b = o['bbox']
        obj = Object(i, b['x'], b['y'], b['w'], b['h'], o['names'], [])
        id2obj[i] = obj

        for j, a in enumerate(o['attributes']):
            atrs.append(Attribute(j, obj, a['attribute'], []))

    for i, r in enumerate(d['relationships']):
        s = id2obj[r['objects'][0]]
        o = id2obj[r['objects'][1]]
        v = r['relationship']
        rels.append(Relationship(i, s, v, o, []))

    return Graph(image, objs, rels, atrs)
Example #6
def regular(V, k):
    Returns a uniformly random k-regular graph on V vertices
    (not necessarily simple). The graph is simple with probability only about e^(-k^2/4),
    which is tiny when k = 14.
    @param V the number of vertices in the graph
    @param k degree of each vertex
    @return a uniformly random k-regular graph on V vertices.
    if V * k % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError("Number of vertices * k must be even")
    # Modification question #5
    if V <= 0:
        raise ValueError("A regular graph must have at least one vertex")
    G = Graph(V)
    # create k copies of each vertex
    vertices = [0 for _ in range(V * k)]
    for v in range(V):
        for j in range(k):
            vertices[v + V * j] = v

    # pick a random perfect matching
    for i in range(V * k // 2):
        G.add_edge((vertices[2 * i], vertices[2 * i + 1]))
    return G
Example #7
def regular(V, k):
    Returns a uniformly random k-regular graph on V vertices
    (not necessarily simple). The graph is simple with probability only about e^(-k^2/4),
    which is tiny when k = 14.
    @param V the number of vertices in the graph
    @param k degree of each vertex
    @return a uniformly random k-regular graph on V vertices.
    if k >= V:
        raise ValueError("Too many edges")
    if k < 0:
        raise ValueError("number of edges must be positive")
    if V < 3:
        raise ValueError("number of vertices must be greater or equal to 3")
    if V*k % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError("Number of vertices * k must be even")
    G = Graph(V)
    # create k copies of each vertex
    vertices = [0 for _ in range(V*k)]
    for v in range(V):
        for j in range(k):
            vertices[v + V*j] = v

    # pick a random perfect matching


    for i in range(V*k//2):
        G.add_edge((vertices[2*i], vertices[2*i + 1]))
    return G
Example #8
def ParseGraph(data, image):
    objects = []
    object_map = {}
    relationships = []
    attributes = []
    # Create the Objects
    for obj in data['bounding_boxes']:
        names = []
        synsets = []
        for s in obj['boxed_objects']:
            object_ = Object(obj['id'], obj['x'], obj['y'], obj['width'],
                             obj['height'], names, synsets)
            object_map[obj['id']] = object_
    # Create the Relationships
    for rel in data['relationships']:
        relationships.append(Relationship(rel['id'], object_map[rel['subject']], \
            rel['predicate'], object_map[rel['object']], ParseSynset(rel['relationship_canon'])))
    # Create the Attributes
    for atr in data['attributes']:
        attributes.append(Attribute(atr['id'], object_map[atr['subject']], \
            atr['attribute'], ParseSynset(atr['attribute_canon'])))
    return Graph(image, objects, relationships, attributes)
Example #9
 def get_graph(self) -> Graph:
     script_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / 'build_graph.js'
     script = read_text_file(str(script_path))
     graph = self.driver.execute_script('return graph;')
     graph = Graph(**graph)
     print(f'Constructed graph with {len(graph.nodes)} nodes.')
     return graph
Example #10
def metric(metric_name=''):
    graph = Graph([
    graph.day_graph_need_shift = True
    graph.auto_refresh = True
    body = template('templates/graph', **locals())
    return render_page(body)
Example #11
def server(server=''):
    global diamond
    graphs = []
    for plugin in sorted(diamond[server].keys()):
        graph = Graph(diamond[server][plugin], title=server + ' ' + plugin)
        graph.detail_url = '/server/%s/%s' % (server, plugin)
        graph.detail_title = plugin
    body = template('templates/graph-list', **locals())
    return render_page(body)
Example #12
def path(V):
    Returns a path graph on V vertices.
    @param V the number of vertices in the path
    @return a path graph on V vertices
    G = Graph(V)
    vertices = [i for i in range(V)]
    for i in range(V - 1):
        G.add_edge((vertices[i], vertices[i + 1]))
    return G
Example #13
    def test_graph_vertex_add(self):
        g = Graph()
        v1 = Vertex(Point(1, 2))
        v2 = Vertex(Point(2, 1))


        g.add_edge(v1, v2)
        g.add_edge(v2, v1)

        self.assertEqual(len(g.edges), 1)
Example #14
def cycle(V):
    Returns a cycle graph on V vertices.
    @param V the number of vertices in the cycle
    @return a cycle graph on V vertices
    G = Graph(V)
    vertices = [i for i in range(V)]
    for i in range(V - 1):
        G.add_edge((vertices[i], vertices[i + 1]))
    G.add_edge((vertices[V - 1], vertices[0]))
    return G
Example #15
def ParseGraphLocal(data, image_id):
    global count_skips
    objects = []
    object_map = {}
    relationships = []
    attributes = []

    for rel in data['relationships']:
        object_map, objects, s = MapObject(object_map, objects, rel['subject'])
        v = rel['predicate']
        object_map, objects, o = MapObject(object_map, objects, rel['object'])
        rid = rel['relationship_id']
        relationships.append(Relationship(rid, s, v, o, rel['synsets']))
    return Graph(image_id, objects, relationships, attributes)
Example #16
 def testBlank(self):
     # test set up
     component = Graph(20, 10)
     # test execution
     actual = component.render()
     # test verification
     self.assertEqual(actual, "                    \n" \
                              "                    \n" \
                              "                    \n" \
                              "                    \n" \
                              "                    \n" \
                              "                    \n" \
                              "                    \n" \
                              "                    \n" \
                              "                    \n" \
                              "                    ")
Example #17
def star(V):
    Returns a star graph on V vertices.
    @param V the number of vertices in the star
    @return a star graph on V vertices: a single vertex connected to
     every other vertex
    if V <= 0:
        raise ValueError("Number of vertices must be at least 1")
    G = Graph(V)
    vertices = [i for i in range(V)]
    # connect vertices[0] to every other vertex
    for i in range(V):
        G.add_edge((vertices[0], vertices[i]))
    return G
Example #18
def eulerianCycle(V, E):
    Returns an Eulerian cycle graph on V vertices.
    @param  V the number of vertices in the cycle
    @param  E the number of edges in the cycle
    @return a graph that is an Eulerian cycle on V vertices and E edges
    @raises ValueError if either V <= 0 or E <= 0
    if E <= 0:
        raise ValueError("An Eulerian cycle must have at least one edge")
    if V <= 0:
        raise ValueError("An Eulerian cycle must have at least one vertex")
    G = Graph(V)
    vertices = [rand.randrange(V) for i in range(E)]
    for i in range(E - 1):
        G.add_edge((vertices[i], vertices[i + 1]))
    G.add_edge((vertices[E - 1], vertices[0]))
    return G
Example #19
 def testHorizontal(self):
     # test set up
     component = Graph(20, 10)
     start = Coordinate(0, 4)
     end = Coordinate(19, 4)
     # test execution
     component.plot(start, end)
     actual = component.render()
     # test verification
     self.assertEqual(actual, "                    \n" \
                              "                    \n" \
                              "                    \n" \
                              "                    \n" \
                              "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\n" \
                              "                    \n" \
                              "                    \n" \
                              "                    \n" \
                              "                    \n" \
                              "                    ")
Example #20
 def testDiagonal(self):
     # test set up
     component = Graph(20, 10)
     start = Coordinate(1, 1)
     end = Coordinate(8, 8)
     # test execution
     component.plot(start, end)
     actual = component.render()
     # test verification
     self.assertEqual(actual, "                    \n" \
                              " X                  \n" \
                              "  X                 \n" \
                              "   X                \n" \
                              "    X               \n" \
                              "     X              \n" \
                              "      X             \n" \
                              "       X            \n" \
                              "        X           \n" \
                              "                    ")
Example #21
def simple_with_probability(V, p):
    Returns a random simple graph on V vertices, with an 
    edge between any two vertices with probability p. This is sometimes
    referred to as the Erdos-Renyi random graph model.
    @param V the number of vertices
    @param p the probability of choosing an edge
    @return a random simple graph on V vertices, with an edge between
         any two vertices with probability p
    @raises ValueError if probability is not between 0 and 1
    if p < 0.0 or p > 1.0:
        raise ValueError('Probability must be between 0 and 1')
    G = Graph(V)
    for v in range(V):
        for w in range(v+1,V,1):
            if utils.bernoulli(p):
                G.add_edge((v , w))
    return G
Example #22
def eulerianPath(V, E):
    Returns an Eulerian path graph on V vertices.
    @param  V the number of vertices in the path
    @param  E the number of edges in the path
    @return a graph that is an Eulerian path on V vertices and E edges
    @raises ValueError if either V <= 0 or E < 0
    if E < 0:
        raise ValueError("negative number of edges")
    if V <= 0:
        raise ValueError("An Eulerian path must have at least one vertex")
    G = Graph(V)
    vertices = []
    for i in range(E + 1):
        vertices[i] = rand.randrange(V)
    for i in range(E):
        G.add_edge((vertices[i], vertices[i + 1]))
    return G
Example #23
def save_graph():
    # Angular sends json data by default
    title = request.json.get("title")
    settings = request.json.get("settings")
    username = request.cookies.get("username")

    new_graph = Graph(settings)

    new_meta = Metadata(title, new_graph.id, username)

    return jsonify({
        "url": new_graph.meta.short_url,
        "result": "Success",
Example #24
def wheel(V):
    Returns a wheel graph on V vertices.
    @param V the number of vertices in the wheel
    @return a wheel graph on V vertices: a single vertex connected to
    every vertex in a cycle on V-1 vertices
    if V <= 1:
        raise ValueError("Number of vertices must be at least 2")
    G = Graph(V)
    vertices = [i for i in range(V)]
    # simple cycle on V-1 vertices
    for i in range(V - 1):
        G.add_edge((vertices[i], vertices[i + 1]))
    G.add_edge((vertices[V - 1], vertices[1]))
    # connect vertices[0] to every vertex on cycle
    for i in range(V):
        G.add_edge((vertices[0], vertices[i]))

    return G
Example #25
def main(argv=None):  # IGNORE:C0111
    """Command line interface application
""" % program_usage

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv

    graph = Graph(20, 10)
    if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
        pattern = re.compile("\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\) - \(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)")
        vectors = sys.argv[1].split(', ')
        for coordinates in vectors:
            result = pattern.match(coordinates)
            if result:
                start = Coordinate(int(result.group(1)), int(result.group(2)))
                end = Coordinate(int(result.group(3)), int(result.group(4)))
                graph.plot(start, end)

Example #26
def parse_graph(data, image):
    Helper to parse a Graph object from API data.
    objects = []
    object_map = {}
    relationships = []
    attributes = []

    # Create the Objects
    for obj in data['bounding_boxes']:
        names = []
        synsets = []
        for bbx_obj in obj['boxed_objects']:
            object_ = Object(obj['id'], obj['x'], obj['y'], obj['width'],
                             obj['height'], names, synsets)
            object_map[obj['id']] = object_

    # Create the Relationships
    for rel in data['relationships']:
            Relationship(rel['id'], object_map[rel['subject']],
                         rel['predicate'], object_map[rel['object']],

    # Create the Attributes
    for atr in data['attributes']:
            Attribute(atr['id'], object_map[atr['subject']], atr['attribute'],

    return Graph(image, objects, relationships, attributes)
Example #27
def ParseGraphLocal(data, image):
  global count_hit
  global count_miss

  objects = []
  object_map = {}
  relationships = []
  for obj in data['objects']:
    object_map, o_ = MapObject(object_map, obj)
  for rel in data['relationships']:
    if rel['subject_id'] in object_map and rel['object_id'] in object_map:
      object_map, s = MapObject(object_map, {'object_id': rel['subject_id']})
      v = rel['predicate']
      object_map, o = MapObject(object_map, {'object_id': rel['object_id']})
      rid = rel['relationship_id']
      relationships.append(Relationship(rid, s, v, o, rel['synsets']))
      count_miss += 1
    if count_miss % 10000 == 1:
      print 'Misses: ', count_miss
      # print 'SKIPPING   s: {}, v: {}, o: {}'.format(rel['subject_id'], rel['relationship_id'], rel['object_id'])
  return Graph(image, objects, relationships, [])
Example #28
def _graph_projects(platform, prjsack):
    projects = set()
    prjids = set()
    for prj in prjsack:
    projects = sorted(projects)
    prjids = sorted(prjids)
    dotfilename = os.path.join(
        settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "graph",
        "%s_%s.dot" % (str(platform.id), "_".join(prjids)))
    graph = _get_or_none(Graph, dot=dotfilename)
    if not graph:
        graph = Graph(direction=0)
    dot = _get_projects_dot(prj.buildservice.apiurl, projects)
    graph.dot.save(dotfilename, ContentFile(str("\n".join(dot))), save=False)
    svg = _get_svg(dotfilename, prog="dot")
    graph.svg.save(dotfilename.replace(".dot", ".svg"),

    return graph
Example #29
def regex():
    global metrics, diamond
    errors = []
    if request.method == 'POST':
        search = request.forms.get('search')
        if not search.strip():
            errors.append('can not be none')
            return redirect('/regex/?' + urlencode({'search': search}))
    elif request.method == 'GET':
        # url will be like '/regex/?search=...'
        search = request.query.get('search', '')
        if search.strip() in ['.*', '.*?']:
            errors.append('are you kidding me?')
        elif ':' in search:  # search is started with prefix
            if search.startswith(
                    'plugin:'):  # search == 'plugin:<plugin>:<server_regex>'
                _, plugin, server_regex = search.strip().split(':', 2)
                graphs = []
                data = do_plugin(diamond, plugin, server_regex)
                for server in sorted(data.keys()):
                    graph = Graph(data[server], title=server + ' ' + plugin)
                    graph.detail_url = '/server/%s/%s' % (server, plugin)
                body = template('templates/graph-list', **locals())
            elif search.startswith('merge:'):  # search == 'merge:'
                _, regex = search.strip().split(':', 1)
                title = request.query.get('title')
                targets = search_metrics(metrics, regex)
                graph = Graph(targets, title=title or 'a merged graph')
                body = template('templates/graph', **locals())
            elif search.startswith('sum:'):  # search == 'merge:'
                _, regex = search.strip().split(':', 1)
                targets = search_metrics(metrics, regex)
                graph = Graph([
                    'sumSeries(%s)' % (','.join(targets)),
                              title='a sum-ed graph')
                body = template('templates/graph', **locals())
        else:  # search is common regex without any prefix
            match = groupby_re.match(search)
            if match:
                graphs = []
                for group, targets in do_groupby(metrics, **match.groupdict()):
                    graph = Graph(targets, title=group)
                    graph.detail_url = '/regex/?search=merge:^(%s)$&title=%s' % (
                        '|'.join(graph.targets), group)
                    graph.detail_title = group
                body = template('templates/graph-list', **locals())
                data = search_metrics(metrics, search)
                if len(data) == 0:
                    errors.append('no metric is matched')
                graphs = []
                for metric in data:
                    graph = Graph(targets=[
                    ], title=metric)
                    graph.detail_url = '/metric/%s' % metric
                    graph.detail_title = metric
                    graph.auto_refresh = True
                body = template('templates/graph-list', **locals())
    if errors:
        body = template('templates/error', **locals())
    return render_page(body, search=search)
Example #30
def plugin(server='', plugin=''):
    global diamond
    graph = Graph(diamond[server][plugin], title=server + ' ' + plugin)
    body = template('templates/graph', **locals())
    return render_page(body)