Example #1
    def add_ingredient_wiki_link(self, request):
        Add a Wikipedia link to an ingredient of a product
        # retrieve the user
        user = User.get_by_urlsafe_key(request.user_key)
        if not user:
            message = 'No user with the key "%s" exists.' % request.user_key
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(message)

        # retrieve the ingredient
        ingredient = Ingredient.get_by_urlsafe_key(request.ingredient_key)
        if not ingredient:
            message = 'No ingredient with the key "%s" exists.' % request.ingredient_key
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(message)

        # retrieve the language
        language = Language.find_by_code(request.language)
        if not language:
            language = Language.get_unknown()

        link = request.wiki_link.link
        is_valid = request.wiki_link.is_valid
        wiki_link = None
        if IngredientWikiLink.exists(ingredient, language):
            wiki_link = IngredientWikiLink.find_by_ingredient_and_language(ingredient, language)
            wiki_link.link = link
            wiki_link.is_valid = is_valid
            wiki_link = IngredientWikiLink.create(ingredient, link, language, user, is_valid)

        return DatastoreKeyResponse(key=wiki_link.key.urlsafe())
Example #2
	def change_category(self, request):
		Change the category of a Ingredient
		# retrieve the requested Ingredient
		ingredient = Ingredient.get_by_urlsafe_key(request.ingredient_key)
		if not ingredient:
			message = 'No Ingredient with the key "%s" exists.' % request.ingredient_key
			raise endpoints.NotFoundException(message)

		# retrieve the user
		user = User.get_by_urlsafe_key(request.user_key)
		if not user:
			message = 'No user with the key "%s" exists.' % request.user_key
			raise endpoints.NotFoundException(message)

		# retrieve the category
		category = IngredientCategory.get_by_urlsafe_key(request.category_key)
		if not category:
			message = 'No category with the key "%s" exists.' % request.category_key
			raise endpoints.NotFoundException(message)

		# remove the ingredient from the old category
		old_category = ingredient.get_category()
		old_mapping = IngredientCategoryMapping.load(ingredient, old_category)
		if old_mapping:

		# set the ingredient under the given category
		IngredientCategoryMessage.load(ingredient, category, user)

		# register the user as editor of the ingredient
		IngredientCategoryMessage.add_or_update(ingredient, user)

		return message_types.VoidMessage()
Example #3
    def map_ingredient(self, request):
        Map an existing ingredient to a product
        # retrieve the requested product
        product = Product.get_by_urlsafe_key(request.product_key)
        if not product:
            message = 'No product with the key "%s" exists.' % request.product_key
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(message)

        # retrieve the user
        user = User.get_by_urlsafe_key(request.user_key)
        if not user:
            message = 'No user with the key "%s" exists.' % request.user_key
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(message)

        # retrieve the ingredient
        ingredient = Ingredient.get_by_urlsafe_key(request.ingredient_key)
        if not ingredient:
            message = 'No ingredient with the key "%s" exists.' % request.ingredient_key
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(message)

        # create the mapping
        mapping = ProductIngredient.add_entry(product, ingredient, user)

        return DatastoreKeyResponse(key=mapping.key.urlsafe())
Example #4
	def ingredient_list(self, request):
		ingredients List
		#retrive the requested ingredient
		ingredient = Ingredient.get_by_urlsafe_key(request.ingredient_key)
		if not ingredient:
			message = 'No product with the key "%s" exists.' % request.ingredient_key
			raise endpoints.NotFoundException(message)
		# retrieve the user
		user = User.get_by_urlsafe_key(request.user_key)
		if not user:
			message = 'No user with the key "%s" exists.' % request.user_key
			raise endpoints.NotFoundException(message)
		#Find lable name for the ingredient
		label_name = request.label_name
		if LabelName.exists(label_name):
			label_name = LabelName.find_by_name(label_name)
			label_name = None
		# retrieve the translation
		tanslation = Language.find_by_code(request.ingredient.language)
		if not language:
			tanslation = Language.get_unknown()
		#Find wiki-link for the ingredient
		link = request.wiki_link.link
		is_valid = request.wiki_link.is_valid
		wiki_link = None
		if IngredientWikiLink.exists(ingredient, tanslation):
			wiki_link = IngredientWikiLink.find_by_ingredient_and_language(ingredient, tanslation)
			wiki_link.link = link
			wiki_link.is_valid = is_valid
			wiki_link = None
		#Find Hazards for the Ingrdient
		hazards = HStatement.getClassifications(hazards)
		if not hazards:
			hazards = None
		#Find E_Number for the Ingredient
		e_numbers = request.e_numbers
		if Ingredient.e_numbers.exists(e_number):
			e_number = Ingredient.find_by_e_number(e_number)