def optimizers(): init_plot() x, y = linear_dataset() for inx, optimizer in enumerate([SGD(), Momentum(), AdaGrad(), Adam()]): model = LinearModel(n_features=1) \ .compile(loss_func=MSE(), optimizer=optimizer) \ .fit(x, y, epoch=100, batch_size=8) plot_m(x, y, model, inx)
def eval_params(w, bias, dr, D, det=False, args=None, intercept=True): # Given the model weights, this function evaluates the model model = LinearModel(D=D) = torch.FloatTensor([w]) if intercept: = torch.FloatTensor([bias]) return evaluate_model(model, dr, deterministic=det, group_fairness_evaluation=True, args=args, fairness_evaluation=True)
def get_Model(): Model_A = LinearModel(in_channel=28 * 28, linear_channel=[256, 64, 32, 10]) Model_B = CnnModel(image_size=[28, 28], in_channel=1, hidden_channel=[32, 64, 32, 10]) Model_C = CustomModel(image_size=[28, 28], in_channel=1, block1_channel=[64, 32, 64], block2_channel=[64, 32, 64], out_channel=10) Model = EnsembleModel(Model_A, Model_B, Model_C) return Model
def build(units=(128, 32), num_inputs=8, num_actions=4, device="cpu", memory=""): """ Build a new NN model :type units: tuple :param num_inputs: Number of inputs to expect on the first layer :param num_actions: Number of actions to output for the last layer :param units: A list of units to be used in each layer. :param memory: Indicates if first layer should be a RNN. Values can be "GRU" or "LSTM" :param device: which device to use for PyTorch :return Module: A new PyTorch model """ if memory: model = MemoryModel(memory, units, num_inputs, num_actions) else: model = LinearModel(units, num_inputs, num_actions) return
def perform_model_training(train_data_df, y, imputed_cols, M=20, _type='log', get_pooled_parameters=False): imputed_train_dfs = [] fitted_models = [] for m in range(M): imputed_train_df = mice_impute_dataframe(train_data_df) X = imputed_train_df[imputed_cols].to_numpy() if _type == 'mnlog': estimator = MNLogit() elif _type == 'cont': estimator = LinearModel() else: estimator = Logit(), y) imputed_train_dfs.append(imputed_train_df) fitted_models.append(estimator) pooled_lin_model = PooledLinearModelFactory.init_from_linear_models( fitted_models, _type=_type) results = init_results_struct(_type, M) for m in range(M): imputed_train_df = imputed_train_dfs[m] X = imputed_train_df[imputed_cols].to_numpy() results.add_result(m, pooled_lin_model, X, y) result_struct = results.to_results_struct() if get_pooled_parameters: pooled_model_parameters = _pool_model_parameters( fitted_models, train_data_df.shape[0], imputed_cols) return result_struct, pooled_lin_model, imputed_train_dfs, pooled_model_parameters else: return result_struct, pooled_lin_model, imputed_train_dfs
global seed, dtype, oracle_size oracle_size = 20 dtype = torch.float32 device = torch.device("cuda:0") device2 = torch.device("cuda:1") seed = 2018 np.random.seed(seed=seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) cudnn.benchmark = True sub_x, test_data, test_label = get_data() target_model = Target() n_sample = test_data.size(0) # print('Oracle model evaluation on clean data #%d:'%(n_sample)) # target_model.eval(test_data.reshape(n_sample, 3*96*96), test_label) sub = LinearModel() substitute_model = Substitute(model=sub, device=device) stl10_bbox_sub(param=param, target_model=target_model, substitute_model=substitute_model, \ x_sub=sub_x, test_data=test_data, test_label=test_label, aug_epoch=param['data_aug'],\ samples_max=12800, n_epoch=param['nb_epochs'], fixed_lambda=param['lambda']) print('\n\nFinal results:') # target_model.eval(test_data.reshape(n_sample, 3*96*96), test_label) print('Substitute model evaluation on clean data: #%d:'%(n_sample)) substitute_model.eval(x=test_data, y=test_label, batch_size=512)
error = pred - df[metric].values print(df[metric].values) print(pred) print(error) print(np.sqrt(np.sum(error**2) / np.sum(df.cs.values)), np.sum(error) / np.sum(df.cs.values)) if metric in ['mufd', 'fof2']: wls_model = sm.WLS(df[metric].values - pred, add_constant(pred, prepend=False), df.cs.values) wls_fit = wls_model.fit_regularized(alpha=np.array([1, 3]), L1_wt=0) coeff = wls_fit.params coeff[0] = coeff[0] + 1 print(coeff) irimodel = LinearModel(irimodel, coeff[0], coeff[1]) pred = irimodel.predict(df['station.longitude'].values, df['station.latitude'].values) error = pred - df[metric].values print(df[metric].values) print(pred) print(error) print(np.sqrt(np.sum(error**2) / np.sum(df.cs.values)), np.sum(error) / np.sum(df.cs.values)) gp3dmodel = GP3DModel() gp3dmodel.train(df, np.log(df[metric].values) - np.log(pred)) model = ProductModel(irimodel, LogSpaceModel(gp3dmodel)) pred = model.predict(df['station.longitude'].values, df['station.latitude'].values)
def main(): # Training settings parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PyTorch MNIST Example') parser.add_argument('--batch-size', type=int, default=64, metavar='N', help='input batch size for training (default: 64)') parser.add_argument('--test-batch-size', type=int, default=1000, metavar='N', help='input batch size for testing (default: 1000)') parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int, default=1, metavar='N', help='number of epochs to train (default: 14)') parser.add_argument('--lr', type=float, default=1.0, metavar='LR', help='learning rate (default: 1.0)') parser.add_argument('--gamma', type=float, default=0.7, metavar='M', help='Learning rate step gamma (default: 0.7)') parser.add_argument('--no-cuda', action='store_true', default=False, help='disables CUDA training') parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', default=False, help='quickly check a single pass') parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=1, metavar='S', help='random seed (default: 1)') parser.add_argument('--log-interval', type=int, default=200, metavar='N', help='how many batches to wait before logging training status') parser.add_argument('--save-model', action='store_true', default=False, help='For Saving the current Model') parser.add_argument('--attack', action='store_true', default=False, help='attack model') parser.add_argument('--LP', type=str, default="l2", help='Random Corruption Norm Constrain') parser.add_argument('--eps', type=float, default=1e-4, help='Random Corruption Epsilon') parser.add_argument('--attack_lr', type=float, default=1e-3, help='Grad based attacker learning rate') args = parser.parse_args() use_cuda = not args.no_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() torch.manual_seed(args.seed) device = torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda else "cpu") train_kwargs = {'batch_size': args.batch_size} test_kwargs = {'batch_size': args.test_batch_size} if use_cuda: cuda_kwargs = {'num_workers': 1, 'pin_memory': True, 'shuffle': True} train_kwargs.update(cuda_kwargs) test_kwargs.update(cuda_kwargs) transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.1307,), (0.3081,)) ]) dataset1 = datasets.MNIST('./', train=True, download=True, transform=transform) dataset2 = datasets.MNIST('./', train=False, transform=transform) train_loader =, **train_kwargs) test_loader =, **test_kwargs) model = LinearModel().to(device) # Net().to(device) optimizer = optim.Adadelta(model.parameters(), scheduler = StepLR(optimizer, step_size=1, gamma=args.gamma) for epoch in range(1, args.epochs + 1): train(args, model, device, train_loader, optimizer, epoch) test(model, device, test_loader) scheduler.step() if args.attack: print("start attack") attacker = GradAttacker(model.parameters(), lr=args.attack_lr, eps=args.eps, LP=args.LP) train(args, model, device, train_loader, optimizer=attacker, epoch='attack epoch') print("Accuracy After attack:") test(model, device, test_loader) if args.save_model:, "")
class Namespace: def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs) if __name__ == "__main__": import pickle as pkl dr = YahooDataReader(None) = pkl.load(open("GermanCredit/german_train_rank.pkl", "rb")) vdr = YahooDataReader(None) = pkl.load(open("GermanCredit/german_test_rank.pkl", "rb")) args = parse_my_args_reinforce() torch.set_num_threads(args.num_cores) args.group_feat_id = 3 if args.model_type == "Linear": model = LinearModel(D=args.input_dim, clamp=args.clamp) print("Linear model initialized") else: model = NNModel(D=args.input_dim, hidden_layer=args.hidden_layer, dropout=args.dropout, pooling=args.pooling, clamp=args.clamp) print( "Model initialized with {} hidden layer size, Dropout={}, using {} pooling" .format(args.hidden_layer, args.dropout, args.pooling)) model = demographic_parity_train(model, dr, vdr, vvector(200), args) results = evaluate_model(model, vdr,
val_loader_100, test_loader_100 = get_val_test(cv_path_100) #embeddings or one hot encoded features with torch.no_grad(): features_seq = torch.FloatTensor(features_seq_np) features_eye = torch.FloatTensor(np.eye(num_nodes)) # set features and epochs for each model if model_name == 'GNN_one-hot': epochs = 750 features = features_eye model = GCNModel(features.shape[1]).to(device) elif model_name == 'FFNN': epochs = 750 features = features_seq model = LinearModel(features.shape[1]).to(device) elif model_name == 'GNN_ProtBert': epochs = 750 features = features_seq model = GCNModel(features.shape[1]).to(device) features = train_edges = optimizer = optim.RAdam(model.parameters(), lr=0.01) for epoch in range(1, epochs + 1): loss_train = train(train_edges, model) if epoch % 100 == 0: print('-------','epoch: {:04d}'.format(epoch+1), 'loss_train: {:.4f}'.format(loss_train), '-------')
X_s_ = torch.tensor(X_s_).type(torch.FloatTensor) X_t1_ = torch.tensor(X_t1_).type(torch.FloatTensor) X_t2_ = torch.tensor(X_t2_).type(torch.FloatTensor) if use_cuda: X_s, X_t1, X_t2, = X_s.cuda(), X_t1.cuda(), X_t2.cuda() Y_s, Y_t1, Y_t2, = Y_s.cuda(), Y_t1.cuda(), Y_t2.cuda() X_s_, X_t1_, X_t2_ = X_s_.cuda(), X_t1_.cuda(), X_t2_.cuda() all_accs = [] maxa = 0 for _ in range(2): for dr in dropouts: for al in alphas: model = LinearModel(bow_size, graph_size, dr) if use_cuda: model = model.cuda() optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr) for p in model.parameters(): p.requires_grad = True accs, loss = [], [] for epoch in range(n_epochs): train_model(model, optimizer, loss_class, loss_domain, X_s, X_s_, Y_s, X_t1, X_t1_, al) acc, l = eval_model(model, loss_class, loss_domain, X_t2, X_t2_, Y_t2) accs.append(acc) loss.append(l) max_acc = max(accs) all_accs.append(max_acc)
D_in = train_loader.dataset.X.shape[1] H1 = D_in // 4 H2 = H1 // 2 D_out = 2 f1 = MLP(D_in=D_in, H1=H1, H2=H2, D_out=D_out, dropout=dropout).cuda() f1_optimizer = optim.Adam(f1.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, weight_decay=5e-3) std = train_loader.dataset.X.std(axis=0).reshape(-1, 1) mean = train_loader.dataset.X.mean(axis=0).reshape(-1, 1) prior_info = np.concatenate((std, mean), axis=1) prior_info = torch.FloatTensor(prior_info).cuda() f2 = LinearModel(D_in=prior_info.shape[1], D_out=1).cuda() f2_optimizer = optim.Adam(f2.parameters(), lr=prior_learning_rate) APExp = egexplainer.VariableBatchExplainer(train_loader.dataset) losses_with_prior.append( train_with_learned_prior(f1, f2, f1_optimizer, f2_optimizer, CrossEntropyLoss(), train_loader, valid_loader, test_loader, patience, APExp, prior_info)) losses_no_prior = np.array(losses_no_prior) losses_with_prior = np.array(losses_with_prior) no_prior_mean_losses.append(losses_no_prior.mean()) with_prior_mean_losses.append(losses_with_prior.mean())