def test_AffichageRobot(self): random_ligne = random.randint(5, 20) random_colonne = random.randint(5, 20) t = Terrain.Terrain(random_ligne, random_colonne) random_x = random.randint(1, t.nbLignes - 1) random_y = random.randint(1, t.nbColonnes - 1) robot = Robot.Robot(0, 10, 10, 0) self.assertTrue(t.ajout_objet(robot, random_x, random_y)) robot = Robot.Robot(0, 10, 10, 0) # robot n'est pas affiché car coordonnees hors du terrain self.assertTrue(not t.ajout_objet(robot, -10, -10)) self.assertTrue(not t.ajout_objet(robot, random_ligne, random_colonne))
def test_min_path_up_down_right_optimal_implementation(self): expected_route = [ 'D', 'D', 'R', 'R', 'U', 'U', 'R', 'R', 'D', 'D', 'D', 'D' ] robot = Robot(get_5x5_map_up_down_right(), (0, 0), (4, 4)) answer = robot.get_min_path() self.assertEqual(answer, expected_route)
def test_continu_to_discret(self): tc = TerrainContinu.Carre(20) t = Terrain.construireTerrain( tc, Robot.Robot(random.uniform(0.2, 4.), random.uniform(0.2, 4.))) xMax = None yMax = None xMin = None yMin = None for sommetSurface in tc.polygoneSurface._liste_sommet: x, y = sommetSurface if xMax is None or x > xMax: xMax = x if yMax is None or y > yMax: yMax = y if xMin is None or x < xMin: xMin = x if yMin is None or y < yMin: yMin = y # x 1.1 pour les problèmes d'affichage lié aux approximations terrain = Terrain.Terrain( abs(yMin - yMax) + t.echelle, abs(xMax - xMin) + t.echelle, t.echelle, xMin, yMin) self.assertTrue(terrain.nbColonnes == t.nbColonnes) self.assertTrue(terrain.nbLignes == t.nbLignes)
def test_rotation(self): for i in range(3): random_x = random.randint(0, 50) random_y = random.randint(0, 50) random_vitesse = random.uniform(-50, 50) # --> On donne a la strategie seulement des angles positifs ? random_angle = random.uniform(0., 20.) # random_angle = random.uniform(0., 180.) # random_angle = random.uniform(0., 360.) # random_angle = random.uniform(-180., 180.) r = Robot.Robot(random_x, random_y, random_vitesse, random_angle) degrePS = random.randint(1, 20) stratT = StrategieTourner.StrategieTourner(r, random_angle, degrePS) stratT.start() self.assertTrue(stratT.angleApplique == 0.) self.assertTrue(stratT.robot._degreParSeconde == 0.) self.assertIsNone(stratT.lastUpdate) while not stratT.stop(): stratT.step() # 10*0.1 : pour approximation self.assertTrue( stratT.angleApplique <= stratT.angleTarget + 10 * 0.1) # print(stratT.angleApplique , stratT.angleTarget + 10*0.1) self.assertTrue(stratT.robot._degreParSeconde == degrePS) self.assertTrue(stratT.angleApplique >= stratT.angleTarget) stratT.stop() self.assertTrue(stratT.robot._degreParSeconde == 0.)
def show_path_optimal(self): start = (0, 0) end = (5, 5) robot = Robot(, start, end, "Optimal") print(robot.maps) print("Optimal path from file {}".format(robot.get_min_path()))
def test_instruction_list_exception(self): """tests instruction list exceptions""" mars_map = MarsMap(7,8) robot = Robot(2,2) instruction_list = "RFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRFRF" with self.assertRaises(InstructionListException) as context: mars_map.process_robot_actions(robot, instruction_list)
def test_Carre(self): for i in range(3): random_x = random.randint(0, 50) random_y = random.randint(0, 50) random_vitesse = random.uniform(-50, 50) random_angle = random.uniform(-180., 180.) r = Robot.Robot(random_x, random_y, random_vitesse, random_angle) degrePS = random.randint(0, 20) normeCote = random.randint(1, 10) stratAvancer = StrategieAvancerDroit.StrategieAvancerDroit( r, 7., 15.) stratTourner = StrategieTourner.StrategieTourner(r, 0., degrePS) stratC = StrategiePolygone.StrategiePolygone( stratAvancer, stratTourner, normeCote) stratC.start() self.assertTrue(stratTourner.angleApplique == 0.) self.assertTrue(stratTourner.robot._degreParSeconde == 0.) self.assertIsNone(stratTourner.lastUpdate) self.assertTrue(stratAvancer.parcouruSimu == 0) self.assertTrue(stratAvancer.robot.vitesse == 0.) self.assertIsNone(stratAvancer.lastUpdate) while not stratC.stop(): stratC.step() self.assertTrue(stratC.i_liste_strategies <= normeCote * 2) stratC.stop()
def test_Avancer(self): for i in range(3): random_x = random.randint(0, 50) random_y = random.randint(0, 50) random_vitesse = random.uniform(0, 50) random_angle = random.uniform(-180., 180.) r = Robot.Robot(random_x, random_y, random_vitesse, random_angle) random_distance = random.uniform(0, 20) stratAD = StrategieAvancerDroit.StrategieAvancerDroit( r, random_distance, random_vitesse) stratAD.start() self.assertTrue(stratAD.parcouruSimu == 0) self.assertTrue(stratAD.robot.vitesse == 0.) self.assertIsNone(stratAD.lastUpdate) while not stratAD.stop(): stratAD.step() self.assertTrue( stratAD.parcouruSimu <= stratAD.distance + 10 * 0.1) self.assertTrue(stratAD.robot.vitesse == stratAD.vitesse) self.assertTrue(stratAD.parcouruSimu >= stratAD.distance) stratAD.stop() self.assertTrue(stratAD.robot.vitesse == 0)
def test_output_3(self): """tests program output """ mars_map = MarsMap(5,3) instruction_list = "LLFFFLFLFL" robot = Robot(0,3) robot.set_orientation("W") output = mars_map.process_robot_actions(robot,instruction_list) self.assertEqual(output,"23S")
def test_output_2(self): """tests program output """ mars_map = MarsMap(5,3) instruction_list = "FRRFLLFFRRFLL" robot = Robot(3,2) robot.set_orientation("N") output = mars_map.process_robot_actions(robot,instruction_list) self.assertEqual(output,"33NLOST")
def show_path_naive(self): start = (0, 0) end = (5, 5) robot = Robot(, start, end, "Naive") print(robot.maps) print("Naive (right down) path from file {}".format( robot.get_min_path()))
def test_output_1(self): """tests program output """ mars_map = MarsMap(5,3) instruction_list = "RFRFRFRF" robot = Robot(1,1) robot.set_orientation("E") output = mars_map.process_robot_actions(robot,instruction_list) self.assertEqual(output,"11E")
def _generate_robots(cnt=6): robots = [] # for i in range(cnt): # if constants.RANDOM_SEED is not None: # random.seed(constants.RANDOM_SEED * (i + 1)) for i in range(12): if i % 2 == 0: robot = Robot(constants.x_start_left + i - i / 3, constants.y_start_left, constants.theta_start, Color.WHITE) robots.append(robot) else: robot = Robot(constants.x_start_left + i - i / 3, constants.y_start_left, constants.theta_start, Color.YELLOW) robots.append(robot) return robots
def test_no_obs(): robot = Robot(1, -2, utils.to_radians(-60)) ball = Ball(0, 0, 0, 0) result = main.run_simulation(robot, ball, [], simulation_delay=1000, enable_detection=False, drawable_obs_avoidance=True) assert result
def test_no_obs2(): robot = Robot(constants.x_start, constants.y_start, constants.theta_start) ball = Ball(constants.WINDOW_CORNERS[2] - 1, constants.WINDOW_CORNERS[3] - 1, 0, 0) result = main.run_simulation(robot, ball, [], simulation_delay=1000, enable_detection=False) assert result
def show_path_up_righ_down_left(self): maps = Map( "1 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 1 20 20 20 1 1 20 20 20 1 20 20 20 20 1 1") start = (0, 0) end = (4, 4) robot = Robot(maps, start, end, "Optimal") print("Map with up down right left") print(robot.maps) print("Optimal path from file {}".format(robot.get_min_path()))
def setUp(self): # premier robot : r et ses attributs self.x = random.uniform(-50, 50) self.random_x = random.randint(0, 50) self.random_y = random.randint(0, 50) self.random_vitesse = random.uniform(-50, 50) self.random_angle = random.uniform(-180, 180) self.r = Robot.Robot(self.random_x, self.random_y, self.random_vitesse, self.random_angle) # deuxieme robot : Robot et ses attributs self.vitesse = random.uniform(-10, 10) self.angle = random.uniform(-180, 180) self.pos_x_init = random.uniform(-50, 50) self.pos_y_init = random.uniform(-50, 50) self.temps = random.randint(1, 100) self.Robot = Robot.Robot(self.pos_x_init, self.pos_y_init, self.vitesse, self.angle) # troisieme robot : rimmob self.rimmob = Robot.Robot(self.pos_x_init, self.pos_y_init, 0., self.angle)
def run(): tc = TerrainContinu.Carre(20) robot = Robot.Robot(-3, -3, 0., 0.) stratmax = StrategieAvancerDroitMax.StrategieAvancerDroitMax(robot, 5., tc) fps = 60 t1 = threading.Thread(target=affichage, args=(robot, tc, fps)) t2 = threading.Thread(target=updateStrats, args=(stratmax, fps)) t3 = threading.Thread(target=updateRobot, args=(robot, tc, fps)) t1.start() t2.start() t3.start()
def run(): tc = TerrainContinu.Carre(20) robot = Robot.Robot(-3, -3, 0., 0.) stratIAS = StrategieIASimule.StrategieIASimule(robot, 4., tc) fps = 60 t1 = threading.Thread(target=affichage, args=(robot, tc, fps)) t2 = threading.Thread(target=updateStrats, args=(stratIAS, fps)) t3 = threading.Thread(target=updateRobot, args=(robot, tc, fps)) t1.start() t2.start() t3.start()
def test_rotation(self): r = Robot.Robot(0., 0., 1., 0.) oldAngle = r.angle oldVecteurD = r.vecteurDeplacement deltaT = random.uniform(0, 5) randomAngleRelative = r._degreParSeconde * deltaT r.rotation(deltaT) self.assertTrue(abs(oldAngle - r.angle) == randomAngleRelative) compare_vecteur = r.vecteurDeplacement + oldVecteurD.rotation( randomAngleRelative) * (-1) self.assertTrue(abs(compare_vecteur.norme()) < 0.00001)
def test_avance(self): # cas particuliers d'immobilité temps = random.randint(1, 100) pos_x_init = random.uniform(-50, 50) pos_y_init = random.uniform(-50, 50) vitesse = random.uniform(-10, 10) angle = random.uniform(-180, 180) # cas d'une vitesse nulle => immobile r = Robot.Robot(pos_x_init, pos_y_init, 0., angle) r.avance(temps) self.assertTrue(r.x == pos_x_init) self.assertTrue(r.y == pos_y_init) # cas d'un temps null => immobile r1 = Robot.Robot(pos_x_init, pos_y_init, vitesse, angle) r1.avance(0) self.assertTrue(r1.x == pos_x_init) self.assertTrue(r1.y == pos_y_init) # cas général, en prenant en compte l'incertitude de calcul --> float (arrondis au 1e-10 pres) for _ in range(1000): temps = random.randint(1, 100) pos_x_init = random.uniform(-50, 50) pos_y_init = random.uniform(-50, 50) vitesse = random.uniform(-10, 10) angle = random.uniform(-180, 180) r = Robot.Robot(pos_x_init, pos_y_init, vitesse, angle) r.avance(temps) pos_x_fin = pos_x_init + ( (math.cos(math.radians(angle)) * vitesse) * temps) pos_y_fin = pos_y_init + ( (math.sin(math.radians(angle)) * vitesse) * temps) # ordre de grandeur de l'incertitude = 0,0000000001 prés ordre_grandeur = 10**-10 self.assertTrue( abs(r.x - pos_x_fin) < ordre_grandeur) # test que valeurs identiques a 1e-10 prés self.assertTrue( abs(r.y - pos_y_fin) < ordre_grandeur) # test que valeurs identiques a 1e-10 prés
def test_vshyvost(): for seed in seeds: print(seed) constants.RANDOM_SEED = seed ball = Ball.create_randomized() obstacles = main._generate_obstacles(cnt=constants.OBSTACLES_COUNT) robot = Robot(constants.x_start, constants.y_start, constants.theta_start) result = main.run_simulation(robot, ball, obstacles, enable_detection=True) assert result
def test_contruct_Robot(self): random_x = random.randint(0, 50) random_y = random.randint(0, 50) random_vitesse = random.uniform(-50, 50) random_angle = random.uniform(-180., 180.) r = Robot.Robot(random_x, random_y, random_vitesse, random_angle) self.assertTrue(r.x == random_x) self.assertTrue(r.y == random_y) self.assertTrue(r.vitesse == random_vitesse) self.assertTrue(abs(r.angle - random_angle) < 0.0001) self.assertTrue(r._degreParSeconde == 0.) self.assertTrue(r._lastUpdate == None) self.assertTrue(r.lastCollision == False)
def run(cote): tc = TerrainContinu.Carre(20) robot = Robot.Robot(-3, -3, 0., 0.) startAvancer = StrategieAvancerDroit.StrategieAvancerDroit(robot, 7., 15.) startTourner = StrategieTourner.StrategieTourner(robot, 0., 0.) stratPolygone = StrategiePolygone.StrategiePolygone( startAvancer, startTourner, int(cote)) fps = 60 t1 = threading.Thread(target=affichage, args=(robot, tc, fps)) t2 = threading.Thread(target=updateStrats, args=(stratPolygone, fps)) t3 = threading.Thread(target=updateRobot, args=(robot, tc, fps)) t1.start() t2.start() t3.start()
def test_contruct_StratT(self): # pour creation robot random_x = random.randint(0, 50) random_y = random.randint(0, 50) random_vitesse = random.uniform(-50, 50) random_angle = random.uniform(-180., 180.) r = Robot.Robot(random_x, random_y, random_vitesse, random_angle) degrePS = random.randint(0, 20) stratT = StrategieTourner.StrategieTourner(r, random_angle, degrePS) self.assertTrue(stratT.robot == r) self.assertTrue(stratT.angleTarget == random_angle) self.assertTrue(stratT.degreParSeconde == degrePS) self.assertTrue(stratT.angleApplique == 0.) self.assertIsNone(stratT.lastUpdate)
def test_contruct_StratAD(self): # pour creation robot random_x = random.randint(0, 50) random_y = random.randint(0, 50) random_vitesse = random.uniform(-50, 50) random_angle = random.uniform(-180., 180.) r = Robot.Robot(random_x, random_y, random_vitesse, random_angle) random_distance = random.uniform(-20, 20) stratAD = StrategieAvancerDroit.StrategieAvancerDroit( r, random_distance, random_vitesse) self.assertTrue(stratAD.robot == r) self.assertTrue(stratAD.distance == random_distance) self.assertTrue(stratAD.vitesse == random_vitesse) self.assertIsNone(stratAD.lastUpdate)
def test_contruct_StratCarre(self): # pour creation robot random_x = random.randint(0, 50) random_y = random.randint(0, 50) random_vitesse = random.uniform(-50, 50) random_angle = random.uniform(-180., 180.) r = Robot.Robot(random_x, random_y, random_vitesse, random_angle) degrePS = random.randint(0, 20) normeCote = random.randint(1, 10) stratAvancer = StrategieAvancerDroit.StrategieAvancerDroit( r, random_vitesse, normeCote) stratTourner = StrategieTourner.StrategieTourner(r, 0., degrePS) _ = StrategiePolygone.StrategiePolygone(stratAvancer, stratTourner, 4) self.assertTrue(stratTourner.angleTarget == 90.)
def test_setter_vitesse(self): random_x = random.randint(0, 50) random_y = random.randint(0, 50) random_vitesse = random.uniform(-50, 50) random_angle = random.uniform(0, 360) r = Robot.Robot(random_x, random_y, random_vitesse, random_angle) for _ in range(1000): x = random.uniform(-50, 50) r.vitesse = x self.assertTrue( r.vecteurDeplacement.x == math.cos(math.radians(r.angle)) * r.vitesse) self.assertTrue( r.vecteurDeplacement.y == math.sin(math.radians(r.angle)) * r.vitesse)
def testRotation(self): rr = Robot.Robot(0., 0., 1., 0.) oldAngle = rr.angle oldVecteurD = rr.vecteurDeplacement randomAngleRelative = random.uniform(-180, 180) rr.rotation(randomAngleRelative) oldAngle += randomAngleRelative oldAngle %= 360 if oldAngle > 180.: oldAngle -= 360 compare_vecteur = rr.vecteurDeplacement + oldVecteurD.rotation( randomAngleRelative) * (-1) self.assertLess(abs(compare_vecteur.norme()), 2.)
def deploy(self, table_params=[{}], robot_names=[]): if table_params and robot_names: for t in table_params: if set(Table.attributes) <= set(t): self.tables[t['name']] = Table(t['name'], t['dx'], t['dy'], t['rule']) else: print('Table parameters "%s" not valid!' % t) for name in robot_names: self.robots[str(name)] = Robot(str(name)) return True else: print("No valid data for creating tables and robots!") return False