Example #1
def get_stored_historic_score(origin,destination,startTime,endTime,sinceDate,beforeDate,alpha):

    score = None
    scores = None
    calculatedScore = -1
    today = datetime.now()
    today = datetime(2015,05,07,15,00)

    # If the route already exists, get from database, else save new instance.
    route = Route.get_or_none(origin=origin,destination=destination)
    if route is None:
        route = Route(origin=origin,destination=destination)

    # If both extremes of the date range are not none, then the scores of
    # the tweets from that time range are retrived.
    if sinceDate is not None and beforeDate is not None:
        scores = HistoricScore.get_scores_between_dates(route_id=route.id,
        if sinceDate is None:
            scores = HistoricScore.get_scores_until_date(route_id=route.id,timestamp=beforeDate)

        if beforeDate is None:
            scores = HistoricScore.get_scores_from_date(route_id=route.id,timestamp=sinceDate)
    #If previous scores don't exist, then a score is calculated and saved to the database.
    if scores is None or not scores:

        # Verifies if a score was already calculated for the route with today's date.
        score = HistoricScore.get_or_none(route_id=route.id,timestamp=today)
        if score is None:
            calculatedScore = get_score(related_tweets_time(origin, destination, startTime, endTime,
                                        sinceDate, beforeDate))

            score = HistoricScore(route_id=route.id,timestamp=today,score=calculatedScore)
            calculatedScore = score.score
        calculatedScore = exponential_smoothing(scores,alpha)   
    return calculatedScore