def _createSessionObject(self, request):
        '''Create a new session object

            Only conference owner can add sessions
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
        user_id = getUserId(user)

        # get conference using websafe key
        conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeConferenceKey).get()

        # Raise if conference doesn't exist
        if not conf:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                'No conference found with key: %s' % request.websafeConferenceKey)

        # check that user is owner
        if user_id != conf.organizerUserId:
            raise endpoints.ForbiddenException(
                'Only the owner can add a session to the conference.')

        # Check request has session required attribute name
        if not
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException("Conference 'name' field required")

        # copy SessionForm/ProtoRPC Message into dict
        data = { getattr(request, for field in request.all_fields()}
        del data['websafeKey']
        del data['websafeConferenceKey']

        # add default values for those missing (both data model & outbound Message)
        for df in SESSION_DEFAULTS:
            if data[df] in (None, []):
                data[df] = SESSION_DEFAULTS[df]
                setattr(request, df, SESSION_DEFAULTS[df])

        # convert session type to string
        if data['typeOfSession']:
            data['typeOfSession'] = str(data['typeOfSession'])

        # convert dates from strings to Date and TimeDuration objects
        if data['date']:
            data['date'] = datetime.strptime(data['date'][:10],
        if data['startTime']:
            data['startTime'] = datetime.strptime(data['startTime'][:5],
        if data['duration']:
            data['duration'] = datetime.strptime(data['duration'][:5],

        # Transform list of speaker names into list of speaker keys
        # Speaker names are case-insensitive
        data['speakers'] = [
            for speaker in data['speakers']

        # get Conference Key, allocate Session ID
        c_key = conf.key
        s_id = Session.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=c_key)[0]

        # create Session's key and store in data
        s_key = ndb.Key(Session, s_id, parent=c_key)
        data['key'] = s_key

        # add task to queue to update featured speaker
        taskqueue.add(params={'conf_key': c_key.urlsafe()},

        # creation of Session & return (modified) SessionForm
        return self._copySessionToForm(s_key.get())
Example #2
    def _createSessionObject(self, request):
        Creates Session object, returning a variation of the
        SessionForm object.
        # check if user is already logged in
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
        user_id = getUserId(user)
        # convert websafeKey to a conference key
        conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeConferenceKey).get()
        # check that conference exists
        if not conf:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                'No conference found with key: %s' %
        # check that user is the owner
        if user_id != conf.organizerUserId:
            raise endpoints.ForbiddenException(
                'The conference can only be changed by the owner.')

        if not
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException("Session 'name' field \
        # copy SessionForm/ProtoRPC Message into dict
        data = {
            for field in request.all_fields()
        del data['websafeKey']
        del data['websafeConfKey']
        del data['websafeConferenceKey']
        # add default values for those missing (both data model & outbound
        # Message)
        for df in DEFAULT_SESS:
            if data[df] in (None, []):
                data[df] = DEFAULT_SESS[df]
                setattr(request, df, DEFAULT_SESS[df])
        # convert type of session object to string
        if data['typeOfSession']:
            data['typeOfSession'] = str(data['typeOfSession'])
        # convert date from a string to Date objects
        if data['date']:
            data['date'] = datetime.strptime(data['date'][:10],
        # convert startTime from a string to Time objects
        if data['startTime']:
            data['startTime'] = datetime.strptime(data['startTime'][:5],
        # convert duration from a string to Time objects
        if data['duration']:
            data['duration'] = datetime.strptime(data['duration'][:5],
        # convert speakers from strings as list to Speaker entity keys as list
        if data['speakers']:
            # Check that each provided speaker for a session exists in the
            # database. If the speaker exists in the database, then retrieve
            # the key value. Otherwise, make a new speaker having the provided
            # name as the key.
            speakersForSession = []
            for speaker in data['speakers']:
                # The function get_or_insert(key_name, args) gets as a
                # transaction an existing entity or it makes a new entity,
                # which eliminates the problem of duplicate speakers when
                # multiple sessions that have the same speaker are formed
                # during the same time. The speaker string value is put in
                # lowercase with no whitespaces for the key name.
                spkr_for_sess_key = Speaker.get_or_insert(
                    speaker.lower().strip().replace(" ",
                                                    "_"), name=speaker).key
                # add speaker for session key to speakersForSession list
            # update data['speakers'] with newly formed list of keys
            data['speakers'] = speakersForSession

        # get Conference key
        c_key = conf.key
        # designate new Session ID with the Conference key as a parent
        s_id = Session.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=c_key)[0]
        # create key for new Session having Conference key as a parent
        s_key = ndb.Key(Session, s_id, parent=c_key)
        # put key into dict
        data['key'] = s_key
        # create a Session
        # allows for the session to be copied back to form
        sess = s_key.get()
        # reviews speakers for conference when task is added to queue
        taskqueue.add(params={'c_key_str': c_key.urlsafe()},
        return self._copySessionToForm(sess)
    def _createSessionObject(self, request):
        Creates Session object, returning a variation of the
        SessionForm object.
        # check if user is already logged in
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
        user_id = getUserId(user)
        # convert websafeKey to a conference key
        conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeConferenceKey).get()
        # check that conference exists
        if not conf:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                'No conference found with key: %s'
                % request.websafeConferenceKey)
        # check that user is the owner
        if user_id != conf.organizerUserId:
            raise endpoints.ForbiddenException(
                'The conference can only be changed by the owner.')

        if not
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException("Session 'name' field \
        # copy SessionForm/ProtoRPC Message into dict
        data = { getattr(request, for field in
        del data['websafeKey']
        del data['websafeConfKey']
        del data['websafeConferenceKey']
        # add default values for those missing (both data model & outbound
        # Message)
        for df in DEFAULT_SESS:
            if data[df] in (None, []):
                data[df] = DEFAULT_SESS[df]
                setattr(request, df, DEFAULT_SESS[df])
        # convert type of session object to string
        if data['typeOfSession']:
            data['typeOfSession'] = str(data['typeOfSession'])
        # convert date from a string to Date objects
        if data['date']:
            data['date'] = datetime.strptime(data['date'][:10],
        # convert startTime from a string to Time objects
        if data['startTime']:
            data['startTime'] = datetime.strptime(data['startTime'][:5],
        # convert duration from a string to Time objects
        if data['duration']:
            data['duration'] = datetime.strptime(data['duration'][:5],
        # convert speakers from strings as list to Speaker entity keys as list
        if data['speakers']:
            # Check that each provided speaker for a session exists in the
            # database. If the speaker exists in the database, then retrieve
            # the key value. Otherwise, make a new speaker having the provided
            # name as the key.
            speakersForSession = []
            for speaker in data['speakers']:
                # The function get_or_insert(key_name, args) gets as a
                # transaction an existing entity or it makes a new entity,
                # which eliminates the problem of duplicate speakers when
                # multiple sessions that have the same speaker are formed
                # during the same time. The speaker string value is put in
                # lowercase with no whitespaces for the key name.
                spkr_for_sess_key = Speaker.get_or_insert(
                    speaker.lower().strip().replace(" ", "_"),
                # add speaker for session key to speakersForSession list
            # update data['speakers'] with newly formed list of keys
            data['speakers'] = speakersForSession

        # get Conference key
        c_key = conf.key
        # designate new Session ID with the Conference key as a parent
        s_id = Session.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=c_key)[0]
        # create key for new Session having Conference key as a parent
        s_key = ndb.Key(Session, s_id, parent=c_key)
        # put key into dict
        data['key'] = s_key
        # create a Session
        # allows for the session to be copied back to form
        sess = s_key.get()
        # reviews speakers for conference when task is added to queue
        taskqueue.add(params={'c_key_str': c_key.urlsafe()},
        return self._copySessionToForm(sess)
    def _createSessionObject(self, request):
        """Creates a Session and returns an altered SessionForm object.

            request: Combined Container of a SessionForm object and a
                websafeConferenceKey identifying the conference.
            sform: Altered SessionForm object with possible filled in default
                values and a websafeKey identifying the session.
        # check if user is logged in
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
        user_id = getUserId(user)

        # convert websafeKey to conference key
        conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeConferenceKey).get()
        # check that conference exists
        if not conf:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                'No conference found with key: %s'
                % request.websafeConferenceKey)

        # check that user is owner
        if user_id != conf.organizerUserId:
            raise endpoints.ForbiddenException(
                'Only the owner can update the conference.')

        if not
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException("Session 'name' field \

        # copy SessionForm/ProtoRPC Message into dict
        data = { getattr(request, for field in
        del data['websafeKey']
        del data['websafeConfKey']
        del data['websafeConferenceKey']

        # add default values for those missing (both data model & outbound
        # Message)
        for df in DEFAULTS_SESSION:
            if data[df] in (None, []):
                data[df] = DEFAULTS_SESSION[df]
                setattr(request, df, DEFAULTS_SESSION[df])

        # convert type of session object to string
        if data['typeOfSession']:
            data['typeOfSession'] = str(data['typeOfSession'])
        # convert date from string to Date objects
        if data['date']:
            data['date'] = datetime.strptime(data['date'][:10],
        # convert startTime from string to Time objects
        if data['startTime']:
            data['startTime'] = datetime.strptime(data['startTime'][:5],
        # convert duration from string to Time objects
        if data['duration']:
            data['duration'] = datetime.strptime(data['duration'][:5],
        # convert speakers from a list of strings to a list of Speaker entity
        # keys
        if data['speakers']:
            # check for each provided session speaker if he exists already in
            # the database. If yes, get the key value, if not, create a new
            # speaker with the provided name as key.
            # NOTE: For simplification, it is assumed that a name uniquely
            # identifies a speaker and therefore can be set as id as well.
            sessionSpeakers = []
            for speaker in data['speakers']:
                # get_or_insert(key_name, args) transactionally retrieves an
                # existing entity or creates a new one. This also prevents the
                # risk of duplicate speaker records when multiple sessions with
                # the same speaker are created at the same time.
                # For the key name, the speaker string is formatted in lower
                # case without whitespaces. To be safe, it should also be
                # converted to an ascii string in case of special unicode
                # characters. However, as this is more complicated, its not
                # been done for this exercise.
                session_speaker_key = Speaker.get_or_insert(
                     speaker.lower().strip().replace(" ", "_"),
                # Add Speaker key to the list of sessionSpeakers.
            # overwrite data['speakers'] with the new created key list.
            data['speakers'] = sessionSpeakers

        # get Conference Key
        c_key = conf.key
        # allocate new Session ID with Conference key as parent
        s_id = Session.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=c_key)[0]
        # create a key for for the new Session with conference key as parent
        s_key = ndb.Key(Session, s_id, parent=c_key)
        # add key into dictionary
        data['key'] = s_key
        # create Session
        # get session to copy it back to the form as return
        sess = s_key.get()
        # add task to queue to check the speakers of the conference
        taskqueue.add(params={'c_key_str': c_key.urlsafe()},
        return self._copySessionToForm(sess)