Example #1
	def createAccount(self, request):
		""" Create new custom account """
		status = StringMsg()  # return status
		status.data = 'error'  # default to error

		# Verify if user passed reCAPTCHA
		# POST request to Google reCAPTCHA API
		url = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret=%s&response=%s' % (GRECAPTCHA_SECRET, request.recaptcha)
			result = urlfetch.Fetch(url, method=2)
			raise endpoints.BadRequestException('urlfetch error: Unable to POST to Google reCAPTCHA')
			return status
		data = json.loads(result.content)
		if not data['success']:
			status.data = 'recaptcha_fail'
			return status

		user_id = 'ca_' + request.email

		# Get profile from datastore -- if profile not found, then profile=None
		profile_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id)
		profile = profile_key.get()

		# If profile exists, return status
		if profile:
			status.data = 'user_exists'
			return status

		# Salt and hash the password
		salt = Crypto.Random.new().read(16)
		passkey = KDF.PBKDF2(request.password, salt).encode('hex')

		salt_passkey = salt.encode('hex') + '|' + passkey

		# Generate new session ID
		session_id = Crypto.Random.new().read(16).encode('hex')

		# Create new profile for user
			key = profile_key,
			userId = user_id,
			contactEmail = request.email,
			salt_passkey = salt_passkey,
			session_id = session_id,
			loggedIn = True,
			emailVerified = False,
			notifications = [False, True]

		# Generate user access token
		token = self._genToken({'userId': user_id, 'session_id': session_id})

		# If we get here, means we suceeded
		status.data = 'success'
		status.accessToken = token
		return status
Example #2
	def login(self, request):
		""" Check username/password to login """
		status = StringMsg()  # return status
		status.data = 'error'  # default to error

		# Verify if user passed reCAPTCHA
		# POST request to Google reCAPTCHA API
		url = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret=%s&response=%s' % (GRECAPTCHA_SECRET, request.recaptcha)
			result = urlfetch.Fetch(url, method=2)
			raise endpoints.BadRequestException('urlfetch error: Unable to POST to Google reCAPTCHA')
			return status
		data = json.loads(result.content)
		if not data['success']:
			status.data = 'recaptcha_fail'
			return status

		user_id = 'ca_' + request.email

		# Get profile from datastore -- if profile not found, then profile=None
		profile_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id)
		profile = profile_key.get()

		# If profile does not exist, return False
		if not profile:
			return status

		# Parse salt and passkey from DB, compare it to provided version
		db_salt, db_passkey = profile.salt_passkey.split('|')
		passkey = KDF.PBKDF2(request.password, db_salt.decode('hex')).encode('hex')

		# Passwords don't match, return False
		if passkey != db_passkey:
			return status

		# Generate new session ID
		session_id = Crypto.Random.new().read(16).encode('hex')
		profile.session_id = session_id

		# Update user's status to logged-in
		profile.loggedIn = True

		# Generate user access token
		token = self._genToken({'userId': user_id, 'session_id': session_id})

		# If we get here, means we suceeded
		status.data = 'success'
		status.accessToken = token
		return status