def library_content_html(mobile=False, version_number=None): if version_number: version = TopicVersion.get_by_number(version_number) else: version = TopicVersion.get_default_version() tree = Topic.get_root(version).make_tree(types = ["Topics", "Video", "Exercise", "Url"]) videos = [item for item in walk_children(tree) if item.kind()=="Video"] root, = prepare(tree) topics = root.subtopics timestamp = time.time() template_values = { 'topics': topics, 'is_mobile': mobile, # convert timestamp to a nice integer for the JS 'timestamp': int(round(timestamp * 1000)), 'version_date': str(version.made_default_on), 'version_id': version.number, 'approx_vid_count': Video.approx_count(), 'exercise_count': Exercise.get_count(), } html = shared_jinja.get().render_template("library_content_template.html", **template_values) return html
def url_title_dicts(version_number=None): if version_number: version = TopicVersion.get_by_number(version_number) else: version = None return [{ "title": url.title, "key": str(url.key()), "relative_url": url.url, "id": url.key().id() } for url in Url.get_all_live(version=version)]
def topic_title_dicts(version_number=None): if version_number: version = TopicVersion.get_by_number(version_number) else: version = None return [{ "title": topic.standalone_title, "key": str(topic.key()), "relative_url": "/%s" % topic.relative_url, "id": } for topic in Topic.get_content_topics(version=version)]
def video_title_dicts(version_number=None): if version_number: version = TopicVersion.get_by_number(version_number) else: version = None return [{ "title": video.title, "key": str(video.key()), "relative_url": "/video/%s" % video.readable_id, "id": video.readable_id } for video in Video.get_all_live(version=version) if video is not None]
def library_content_html(ajax=False, version_number=None): """" Returns the HTML for the structure of the topics as they will be populated ont he homepage. Does not actually contain the list of video names as those are filled in later asynchronously via the cache. """ if version_number: version = TopicVersion.get_by_number(version_number) else: version = TopicVersion.get_default_version() tree = Topic.get_root(version).make_tree( types=["Topics", "Video", "Exercise", "Url"]) videos = [item for item in walk_children(tree) if item.kind() == "Video"] add_related_exercises(videos) topics = flatten_tree(tree) #topics.sort(key = lambda topic: topic.standalone_title) # special case the duplicate topics for now, eventually we need to either make use of multiple parent functionality (with a hack for a different title), or just wait until we rework homepage topics = [ topic for topic in topics if (not == "new-and-noteworthy") ] # print_topics(topics) add_next_topic(topics) timestamp = time.time() template_values = { 'topics': topics, 'ajax': ajax, # convert timestamp to a nice integer for the JS 'timestamp': int(round(timestamp * 1000)), 'version_date': str(version.made_default_on), 'version_id': version.number } html = shared_jinja.get().render_template("library_content_template.html", **template_values) return html
def library_content_html(ajax=False, version_number=None): """" Returns the HTML for the structure of the topics as they will be populated ont he homepage. Does not actually contain the list of video names as those are filled in later asynchronously via the cache. """ if version_number: version = TopicVersion.get_by_number(version_number) else: version = TopicVersion.get_default_version() tree = Topic.get_root(version).make_tree(types = ["Topics", "Video", "Exercise", "Url"]) videos = [item for item in walk_children(tree) if item.kind()=="Video"] add_related_exercises(videos) topics = flatten_tree(tree) #topics.sort(key = lambda topic: topic.standalone_title) # special case the duplicate topics for now, eventually we need to either make use of multiple parent functionality (with a hack for a different title), or just wait until we rework homepage topics = [topic for topic in topics if (not == "new-and-noteworthy")] # print_topics(topics) add_next_topic(topics) timestamp = time.time() template_values = { 'topics': topics, 'ajax' : ajax, # convert timestamp to a nice integer for the JS 'timestamp': int(round(timestamp * 1000)), 'version_date': str(version.made_default_on), 'version_id': version.number } html = shared_jinja.get().render_template("library_content_template.html", **template_values) return html