def render_list_items(self, user): memcache_key = user.nickname() + '_list_items' template_content = memcache.get(memcache_key) if template_content is not None: return template_content query = UserListItems.gql('WHERE user = :user', user=user) user_list_items = query.get() # Use multi-get to pull all list items for this user list_items = ListItem.get(user_list_items.list_items) template_values = { 'user': user.nickname(), 'list_items': list_items, 'view_javascript': 'view' } path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'view.html') template_content = template.render(path, template_values) if not memcache.add(memcache_key, template_content): logging.error('Memcache: Could not set ' + memcache_key) return template_content
def add_people(self, user): # Add 10 People people = [ 'Nelson Mandella', 'the Queen of England', 'the Pope', 'President Obama', 'President Obama', 'Richard Branson', 'Bill Gates', 'Warren Buffet', 'Bon Jovi', 'Jennifer Aniston' ] self.response.out.write('<hr/>Adding people to meet<hr/>') # Get all list items for the current user query = UserListItems.gql('WHERE user = :user', user=user) user_list_items = query.get() if user_list_items is None: user_list_items = UserListItems(user=user) for name in people: # Add Person Entity query = Person.gql('WHERE title=:name', name=name) person = query.get() if person: self.response.out.write('Found %s in database<br/>' % person) if not person: person = Person() person.title = name person.put() self.response.out.write('Added %s<br/>' % person) # Update the list of items the user has if person.key() not in user_list_items.list_items: user_list_items.list_items.append(person.key()) self.response.out.write('Added %s to %s<br/>' % (person.key().to_path(), user_list_items.list_items)) # Add the specifics of the user list item linkage user_list_item = UserListItem() user_list_item.user = user user_list_item.list_item = person one_year = datetime.timedelta(days=365) today = user_list_item.date_due = today + one_year user_list_item.put() ListItemCounter.increment(user_list_item) self.response.out.write('------------------------------------<br/>') # Save the linkages from list items to the current user user_list_items.put();
def add_things(self, user): # Add 10 Things things = [ 'read War and Peace', 'sky dive', 'learn to SCUBA dive', 'get a university degree', 'learn to sail', 'learn to kite board', 'learn to play guitar', 'learn archery', 'learn spanish', 'learn chinese', ] self.response.out.write('<hr/>Adding things to do<hr/>') # Get all list items for the current user query = UserListItems.gql('WHERE user = :user', user=user) user_list_items = query.get() if user_list_items is None: user_list_items = UserListItems(user=user) for name in things: thing = Thing() thing.title = name thing.put() # Add Reference to the Thing from User user_list_item = UserListItem() user_list_item.user = user user_list_item.list_item = thing # Update the list of items the user has user_list_items.list_items.append(thing.key()) # Add the specifics of the user list item linkage user_list_item = UserListItem() user_list_item.user = user user_list_item.list_item = thing one_year = datetime.timedelta(days=365) today = user_list_item.date_due = today + one_year user_list_item.put() self.response.out.write('Added %s<br/>' % thing)
def add_places(self, user): # Add 10 Places places = [ 'the CN Tower', 'the Eiffel Tower', 'Athens Greece', 'the Great Pyramids', 'the Great Wall of China', 'the Louvre', 'the Palace of Versailles', 'Sydney Australia', 'the Grand Canyon', 'Bora Bora' ] self.response.out.write('<hr/>Adding places to go<hr/>') # Get all list items for the current user query = UserListItems.gql('WHERE user = :user', user=user) user_list_items = query.get() if user_list_items is None: user_list_items = UserListItems(user=user) for name in places: place = Place() place.title = name place.put() # Add Reference to the Place from User user_list_item = UserListItem() user_list_item.user = user user_list_item.list_item = place # Update the list of items the user has user_list_items.list_items.append(place.key()) # Add the specifics of the user list item linkage user_list_item = UserListItem() user_list_item.user = user user_list_item.list_item = place one_year = datetime.timedelta(days=365) today = user_list_item.date_due = today + one_year user_list_item.put() self.response.out.write('Added %s<br/>' % place)