Example #1
weather_ls = []
direc = os.getcwd()
fnames = [os.path.join(direc, fn) for fn in listdir('.') if fn[0] != '.']
for fname in fnames:
    with open(fname, 'r') as f:
        dct = json.load(f)
    obs_day = []
    for obs in dct['history']['observations']:
        a = Weather()
        dt = obs['date']
        dt_str = ' '.join(
            [dt['year'], dt['mon'], dt['mday'], dt['hour'], dt['min']])
        a.datetime = datetime.strptime(dt_str, "%Y %m %d %H %M")

        a.snow = bool(int(obs['snow']))
            a.humidity = int(obs['hum'])
            a.humidity = 50
        a.temperature = float(obs['tempm'])
        a.precipitation = max(float(obs['precipm']), 0.0)

    for i in range(len(obs_day)):
        obs_day[i].datetime = round_time(obs_day[i].datetime, 60 * 60)
        # round to the nearest hour
    if len(obs_day) < 24:
        print 'before:', len(obs_day)
    obs_day = dedup(obs_day, lambda x: x.datetime.hour)
    if len(obs_day) < 24:
weather_ls = []
direc = os.getcwd()
fnames = [os.path.join(direc, fn) for fn in listdir('.') if fn[0] != '.']
for fname in fnames:
	with open(fname, 'r') as f:
		dct = json.load(f)
	obs_day = []
	for obs in dct['history']['observations']:
		a = Weather()
		dt = obs['date']
		dt_str = ' '.join([dt['year'], dt['mon'], dt['mday'],
			              dt['hour'], dt['min']])
		a.datetime = datetime.strptime(dt_str, "%Y %m %d %H %M")

		a.snow = bool(int(obs['snow']))
			a.humidity = int(obs['hum'])
			a.humidity = 50
		a.temperature = float(obs['tempm'])
		a.precipitation = max(float(obs['precipm']), 0.0)

	for i in range(len(obs_day)):
		obs_day[i].datetime = round_time(obs_day[i].datetime, 60 * 60)
		# round to the nearest hour
	if len(obs_day) < 24:
		print 'before:', len(obs_day)
	obs_day = dedup(obs_day, lambda x: x.datetime.hour)
	if len(obs_day) < 24: