Example #1
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                uniform mat4 Mvp;

                in vec3 in_vert;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = Mvp * vec4(in_vert, 1.0);
                #version 330

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    f_color = vec4(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0);

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(grid(15, 10).astype('f4').tobytes())
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'in_vert')
Example #2
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                in vec2 vert;

                in vec4 vert_color;
                out vec4 frag_color;

                uniform vec2 scale;
                uniform float rotation;

                void main() {
                    frag_color = vert_color;
                    float r = rotation * (0.5 + gl_InstanceID * 0.05);
                    mat2 rot = mat2(cos(r), sin(r), -sin(r), cos(r));
                    gl_Position = vec4((rot * vert) * scale, 0.0, 1.0);
                #version 330
                in vec4 frag_color;
                out vec4 color;
                void main() {
                    color = vec4(frag_color);

        width, height = self.wnd.size
        self.prog['scale'] = (height / width * 0.75, 0.75)

        vertices = np.array([

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(vertices.astype('f4').tobytes())
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'vert',
        self.blend = self.ctx.scope(enable_only=mgl.BLEND)
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        # import gltraces
        # mglprocs = mgl.glprocs(self.ctx)
        # gltraces.glprocs[:] = mglprocs
        # mglprocs[:] = gltraces.gltraces

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                uniform mat4 Mvp;

                in vec3 in_vert;
                in vec3 in_norm;
                in vec3 in_text;

                out vec3 v_vert;
                out vec3 v_norm;
                out vec3 v_text;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = Mvp * vec4(in_vert, 1.0);
                    v_vert = in_vert;
                    v_norm = in_norm;
                    v_text = in_text;
                #version 330

                uniform vec3 Light;
                uniform samplerCube Sampler;

                in vec3 v_vert;
                in vec3 v_norm;
                in vec3 v_text;

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    float lum = clamp(dot(normalize(Light - v_vert), normalize(v_norm)), 0.0, 1.0) * 0.8 + 0.2;
                    f_color = vec4(texture(Sampler, normalize(v_text)).rgb * lum, 1.0);

        obj = Obj.open(data.find('texture-test-cube.obj'))
        self.texture = self.ctx.texture_cube(
            (4, 4), 3,
            np.random.randint(128, 255, (4, 4, 3, 6), 'u1').tobytes())
        self.sampler = self.ctx.sampler(self.texture, filter=mgl.LINEAR)

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(obj.pack('vx vy vz nx ny nz tx ty tz'))
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'in_vert',
                                                'in_norm', 'in_text')
        self.vao.scope = self.ctx.scope(mgl.DEPTH_TEST,
                                        samplers=[(self.sampler, 0)])
Example #4
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(vertex_shader='''
                #version 330

                in vec2 in_vert;
                out vec2 v_text;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = vec4(in_vert, 0.0, 1.0);
                    v_text = in_vert;
                #version 330

                in vec2 v_text;
                out vec4 f_color;

                uniform sampler2D Texture;
                uniform vec2 Center;
                uniform float Scale;
                uniform float Ratio;
                uniform int Iter;

                void main() {
                    vec2 c;
                    int i;

                    c.x = Ratio * v_text.x * Scale - Center.x;
                    c.y = v_text.y * Scale - Center.y;

                    vec2 z = c;

                    for (i = 0; i < Iter; i++) {
                        float x = (z.x * z.x - z.y * z.y) + c.x;
                        float y = (z.y * z.x + z.x * z.y) + c.y;

                        if ((x * x + y * y) > 4.0) {

                        z.x = x;
                        z.y = y;

                    f_color = texture(Texture, vec2((i == Iter ? 0.0 : float(i)) / 100.0, 0.0));

        img = Image.open(data.find('pal.png')).convert('RGB')
        self.texture = self.ctx.texture(img.size, 3, img.tobytes())
        self.sampler = self.ctx.sampler(self.texture)

        vertices = np.array([-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0])

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(vertices.astype('f4').tobytes())
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'in_vert')
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                in vec2 in_vert;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = vec4(in_vert, 0.0, 1.0);
                #version 330

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    f_color = vec4(0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0);

        vertices = np.array([
            0.0, 0.8,
            -0.6, -0.8,
            0.6, -0.8,

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(vertices.astype('f4').tobytes())
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'in_vert')
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                uniform mat4 Mvp;

                in vec3 in_vert;
                in vec3 in_norm;
                in vec2 in_text;

                out vec3 v_vert;
                out vec3 v_norm;
                out vec2 v_text;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = Mvp * vec4(in_vert, 1.0);
                    v_vert = in_vert;
                    v_norm = in_norm;
                    v_text = in_text;
                #version 330

                uniform vec3 Light;
                uniform vec3 Color;
                uniform bool UseTexture;
                uniform sampler2D Texture;

                in vec3 v_vert;
                in vec3 v_norm;
                in vec2 v_text;

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    float lum = clamp(dot(normalize(Light - v_vert), normalize(v_norm)), 0.0, 1.0) * 0.8 + 0.2;
                    if (UseTexture) {
                        f_color = vec4(texture(Texture, v_text).rgb * lum, 1.0);
                    } else {
                        f_color = vec4(Color * lum, 1.0);

        self.objects = {}

        for name in ['ground', 'grass', 'billboard', 'billboard-holder', 'billboard-image']:
            obj = Obj.open(data.find('scene-1-%s.obj' % name))
            vbo = self.ctx.buffer(obj.pack('vx vy vz nx ny nz tx ty'))
            vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, vbo, 'in_vert', 'in_norm', 'in_text')
            self.objects[name] = vao

        img = Image.open(data.find('infographic-1.jpg')).transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM).convert('RGB')
        self.texture = self.ctx.texture(img.size, 3, img.tobytes())
        self.sampler = self.ctx.sampler(self.texture)
Example #7
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                in vec2 in_vert;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = vec4(in_vert, 0.0, 1.0);
                #version 330

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    f_color = vec4(0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0);

        vertices = np.array([

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(vertices.astype('f4').tobytes())
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'in_vert')
Example #8
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                in vec2 in_vert;
                out vec2 v_text;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = vec4(in_vert, 0.0, 1.0);
                    v_text = in_vert;
                #version 330

                in vec2 v_text;
                out vec4 f_color;

                uniform sampler2D Texture;
                uniform vec2 Seed;
                uniform int Iter;

                void main() {
                    vec2 c = Seed;
                    int i;

                    vec2 z = vec2(3.0 * v_text.x, 2.0 * v_text.y);

                    for (i = 0; i < Iter; i++) {
                        float x = (z.x * z.x - z.y * z.y) + c.x;
                        float y = (z.y * z.x + z.x * z.y) + c.y;

                        if ((x * x + y * y) > 4.0) {

                        z.x = x;
                        z.y = y;

                    f_color = texture(Texture, vec2((i == Iter ? 0.0 : float(i)) / 100.0, 0.0));

        img = Image.open(data.find('pal.png')).convert('RGB')
        self.texture = self.ctx.texture(img.size, 3, img.tobytes())
        self.sampler = self.ctx.sampler(self.texture)

        vertices = np.array([-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0])

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(vertices.astype('f4').tobytes())
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'in_vert')
Example #9
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                in vec2 in_vert;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = vec4(in_vert, 0.0, 1.0);
                #version 330

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    f_color = vec4(0.30, 0.50, 1.00, 1.0);

        self.transform = self.ctx.program(vertex_shader='''
            #version 330

            uniform vec2 Acc;

            in vec2 in_pos;
            in vec2 in_prev;

            out vec2 out_pos;
            out vec2 out_prev;

            void main() {
                out_pos = in_pos * 2.0 - in_prev + Acc;
                out_prev = in_pos;
                                          varyings=['out_pos', 'out_prev'])

        self.transform['Acc'] = (0.0, -0.0001)

        self.vbo1 = self.ctx.buffer(b''.join(particle() for i in range(1024)))
        self.vbo2 = self.ctx.buffer(reserve=self.vbo1.size)

        self.vao1 = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.transform, self.vbo1,
                                                 'in_pos', 'in_prev')
        self.vao2 = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.transform, self.vbo2,
                                                 'in_pos', 'in_prev')

        self.render_vao = self.ctx.vertex_array(self.prog, [
            (self.vbo1, '2f 2x4', 'in_vert'),

        self.idx = 0
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                in vec2 in_vert;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = vec4(in_vert, 0.0, 1.0);
                #version 330

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    f_color = vec4(0.30, 0.50, 1.00, 1.0);

        self.transform = self.ctx.program(
            #version 330

            uniform vec2 Acc;

            in vec2 in_pos;
            in vec2 in_prev;

            out vec2 out_pos;
            out vec2 out_prev;

            void main() {
                out_pos = in_pos * 2.0 - in_prev + Acc;
                out_prev = in_pos;
            varyings=['out_pos', 'out_prev']

        self.transform['Acc'] = (0.0, -0.0001)

        self.vbo1 = self.ctx.buffer(b''.join(particle() for i in range(1024)))
        self.vbo2 = self.ctx.buffer(reserve=self.vbo1.size)

        self.vao1 = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.transform, self.vbo1, 'in_pos', 'in_prev')
        self.vao2 = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.transform, self.vbo2, 'in_pos', 'in_prev')

        self.render_vao = self.ctx.vertex_array(self.prog, [
            (self.vbo1, '2f 2x4', 'in_vert'),

        self.idx = 0
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        # import gltraces
        # mglprocs = mgl.glprocs(self.ctx)
        # gltraces.glprocs[:] = mglprocs
        # mglprocs[:] = gltraces.gltraces

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                uniform mat4 Mvp;

                in vec3 in_vert;
                in vec3 in_norm;
                in vec3 in_text;

                out vec3 v_vert;
                out vec3 v_norm;
                out vec3 v_text;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = Mvp * vec4(in_vert, 1.0);
                    v_vert = in_vert;
                    v_norm = in_norm;
                    v_text = in_text;
                #version 330

                uniform vec3 Light;
                uniform samplerCube Sampler;

                in vec3 v_vert;
                in vec3 v_norm;
                in vec3 v_text;

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    float lum = clamp(dot(normalize(Light - v_vert), normalize(v_norm)), 0.0, 1.0) * 0.8 + 0.2;
                    f_color = vec4(texture(Sampler, normalize(v_text)).rgb * lum, 1.0);

        obj = Obj.open(data.find('texture-test-cube.obj'))
        self.texture = self.ctx.texture_cube((4, 4), 3, np.random.randint(128, 255, (4, 4, 3, 6), 'u1').tobytes())
        self.sampler = self.ctx.sampler(self.texture, filter=mgl.LINEAR)

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(obj.pack('vx vy vz nx ny nz tx ty tz'))
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'in_vert', 'in_norm', 'in_text')
        self.vao.scope = self.ctx.scope(mgl.DEPTH_TEST, samplers=[(self.sampler, 0)])
Example #12
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                uniform mat4 Mvp;

                in vec3 in_vert;
                in vec3 in_norm;
                in vec3 in_text;

                out vec3 v_vert;
                out vec3 v_norm;
                out vec3 v_text;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = Mvp * vec4(in_vert, 1.0);
                    v_vert = in_vert;
                    v_norm = in_norm;
                    v_text = in_text;
                #version 330

                uniform vec3 Light;
                uniform sampler3D Sampler;

                in vec3 v_vert;
                in vec3 v_norm;
                in vec3 v_text;

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    float lum = clamp(dot(normalize(Light - v_vert), normalize(v_norm)), 0.0, 1.0) * 0.8 + 0.2;
                    f_color = vec4(texture(Sampler, v_text).rgb * lum, 1.0);

        obj = Obj.open(data.find('texture-test-cube.obj'))
        self.texture = self.ctx.texture(
            (2, 2, 2), 3, np.random.randint(128, 255, (2, 2, 2, 3), 'u1'))
        self.sampler = self.ctx.sampler(self.texture,
                                        wrap=mgl.REPEAT_X | mgl.REPEAT_Y
                                        | mgl.REPEAT_Z)

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(obj.pack('vx vy vz nx ny nz tx ty tz'))
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'in_vert',
                                                'in_norm', 'in_text')
        self.vao.scope = self.ctx.scope(mgl.DEPTH_TEST,
                                        samplers=[(self.sampler, 0)])
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                in vec2 in_vert;

                in vec3 in_color;
                out vec3 v_color;    // Goes to the fragment shader

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = vec4(in_vert, 0.0, 1.0);
                    v_color = in_color;
                #version 330

                in vec3 v_color;
                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    // We're not interested in changing the alpha value
                    f_color = vec4(v_color, 1.0);

        # Point coordinates are put followed by the vec3 color values
        vertices = np.array([
            # x, y, red, green, blue

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(vertices.astype('f4').tobytes())

        # We control the 'in_vert' and `in_color' variables
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'in_vert',
Example #14
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                uniform mat4 Mvp;

                in vec3 in_vert;
                in vec3 in_norm;
                in vec2 in_text;

                out vec3 v_vert;
                out vec3 v_norm;
                out vec2 v_text;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = Mvp * vec4(in_vert, 1.0);
                    v_vert = in_vert;
                    v_norm = in_norm;
                    v_text = in_text;
                #version 330

                uniform vec3 Light;
                uniform sampler2D Texture;

                in vec3 v_vert;
                in vec3 v_norm;
                in vec2 v_text;

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    float lum = clamp(dot(normalize(Light - v_vert), normalize(v_norm)), 0.0, 1.0) * 0.8 + 0.2;
                    f_color = vec4(texture(Texture, v_text).rgb * lum, 1.0);

        obj = Obj.open(data.find('crate.obj'))
        img = Image.open(data.find('crate.png')).transpose(
        self.texture = self.ctx.texture(img.size, 3, img.tobytes())
        self.sampler = self.ctx.sampler(self.texture)

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(obj.pack('vx vy vz nx ny nz tx ty'))
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'in_vert',
                                                'in_norm', 'in_text')
        self.vao.scope = self.ctx.scope(mgl.DEPTH_TEST,
                                        samplers=[(self.sampler, 0)])
Example #15
def ctx():
    glhook = None
    if os.getenv('TRAVIS') == 'True':
        def glhook(glprocs, dtype):
            from gltraces import lookup, null
            glprocs[lookup['glBufferStorage']] = null
            glprocs[lookup['glClearBufferData']] = null

    context = mgl.create_context(standalone=True, glhook=glhook)

    return context
Example #16
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                in vec2 in_vert;
                out vec2 v_text;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = vec4(in_vert, 0.0, 1.0);
                    v_text = in_vert / 2.0 + 0.5;
                #version 330

                in vec2 v_text;
                out vec4 f_color;

                uniform vec2 Center;
                uniform int Iter;

                void main() {
                    vec2 z = vec2(5.0 * (v_text.x - 0.5), 3.0 * (v_text.y - 0.5));
                    vec2 c = Center;

                    int i;
                    for(i = 0; i < Iter; i++) {
                        vec2 v = vec2(
                            (z.x * z.x - z.y * z.y) + c.x,
                            (z.y * z.x + z.x * z.y) + c.y
                        if (dot(v, v) > 4.0) break;
                        z = v;

                    float cm = fract((i == Iter ? 0.0 : float(i)) * 10 / Iter);
                    f_color = vec4(
                        fract(cm + 0.0 / 3.0),
                        fract(cm + 1.0 / 3.0),
                        fract(cm + 2.0 / 3.0),

        vertices = np.array([-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0])

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(vertices.astype('f4').tobytes())
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'in_vert')
Example #17
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                uniform mat4 Mvp;

                in vec3 in_vert;
                in vec3 in_norm;
                in vec2 in_text;

                out vec3 v_vert;
                out vec3 v_norm;
                out vec2 v_text;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = Mvp * vec4(in_vert, 1.0);
                    v_vert = in_vert;
                    v_norm = in_norm;
                    v_text = in_text;
                #version 330

                uniform vec3 Light;
                uniform sampler2D Texture;

                in vec3 v_vert;
                in vec3 v_norm;
                in vec2 v_text;

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    float lum = clamp(dot(normalize(Light - v_vert), normalize(v_norm)), 0.0, 1.0) * 0.8 + 0.2;
                    f_color = vec4(texture(Texture, v_text).rgb * lum, 1.0);

        obj = Obj.open(data.find('crate.obj'))
        img = Image.open(data.find('crate.png')).transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM).convert('RGB')
        self.texture = self.ctx.texture(img.size, 3, img.tobytes())
        self.sampler = self.ctx.sampler(self.texture)

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(obj.pack('vx vy vz nx ny nz tx ty'))
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'in_vert', 'in_norm', 'in_text')
        self.vao.scope = self.ctx.scope(mgl.DEPTH_TEST, samplers=[(self.sampler, 0)])
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                uniform mat4 Mvp;

                in vec3 in_vert;
                in vec3 in_norm;
                in vec3 in_text;

                out vec3 v_vert;
                out vec3 v_norm;
                out vec3 v_text;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = Mvp * vec4(in_vert, 1.0);
                    v_vert = in_vert;
                    v_norm = in_norm;
                    v_text = in_text;
                #version 330

                uniform vec3 Light;
                uniform sampler3D Sampler;

                in vec3 v_vert;
                in vec3 v_norm;
                in vec3 v_text;

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    float lum = clamp(dot(normalize(Light - v_vert), normalize(v_norm)), 0.0, 1.0) * 0.8 + 0.2;
                    f_color = vec4(texture(Sampler, v_text).rgb * lum, 1.0);

        obj = Obj.open(data.find('texture-test-cube.obj'))
        self.texture = self.ctx.texture((2, 2, 2), 3, np.random.randint(128, 255, (2, 2, 2, 3), 'u1'))
        self.sampler = self.ctx.sampler(self.texture, wrap=mgl.REPEAT_X | mgl.REPEAT_Y | mgl.REPEAT_Z)

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(obj.pack('vx vy vz nx ny nz tx ty tz'))
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'in_vert', 'in_norm', 'in_text')
        self.vao.scope = self.ctx.scope(mgl.DEPTH_TEST, samplers=[(self.sampler, 0)])
Example #19
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                in vec2 in_vert;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = vec4(in_vert, 0.0, 1.0);
                #version 330

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    f_color = vec4(0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0);

        # 2 triangles sharing the head vertex (0,0)
        vertices = np.array([

        # Indecies are given to specify the order of drawing
        indecies = np.array([0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 4])

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(vertices.astype('f4').tobytes())
        self.ibo = self.ctx.buffer(indecies.astype('i4').tobytes())

        vao_content = [
            # 2 floats are assigned to the 'in' variable named 'in_vert' in the shader code
            (self.vbo, '2f', 'in_vert')

        self.vao = self.ctx.vertex_array(self.prog, vao_content, self.ibo)
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                in vec2 vert;

                in vec4 vert_color;
                out vec4 frag_color;

                uniform vec2 scale;
                uniform float rotation;

                void main() {
                    frag_color = vert_color;
                    float r = rotation * (0.5 + gl_InstanceID * 0.05);
                    mat2 rot = mat2(cos(r), sin(r), -sin(r), cos(r));
                    gl_Position = vec4((rot * vert) * scale, 0.0, 1.0);
                #version 330
                in vec4 frag_color;
                out vec4 color;
                void main() {
                    color = vec4(frag_color);

        width, height = self.wnd.size
        self.prog['scale'] = (height / width * 0.75, 0.75)

        vertices = np.array([
            1.0, 0.0,
            1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5,

            -0.5, 0.86,
            0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5,

            -0.5, -0.86,
            0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5,

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(vertices.astype('f4').tobytes())
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'vert', 'vert_color')
        self.blend = self.ctx.scope(enable_only=mgl.BLEND)
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                in vec2 in_vert;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = vec4(in_vert, 0.0, 1.0);
                #version 330

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    f_color = vec4(0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0);

        # 2 triangles sharing the head vertex (0,0)
        vertices = np.array([
            0.0, 0.0,

            -0.6, -0.8,
            0.6, -0.8,

            0.6, 0.8,
            -0.6, 0.8,

        # Indecies are given to specify the order of drawing
        indecies = np.array([0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 4])

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(vertices.astype('f4').tobytes())
        self.ibo = self.ctx.buffer(indecies.astype('i4').tobytes())

        vao_content = [
            # 2 floats are assigned to the 'in' variable named 'in_vert' in the shader code
            (self.vbo, '2f', 'in_vert')

        self.vao = self.ctx.vertex_array(self.prog, vao_content, self.ibo)
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                in vec2 in_vert;

                in vec3 in_color;
                out vec3 v_color;    // Goes to the fragment shader

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = vec4(in_vert, 0.0, 1.0);
                    v_color = in_color;
                #version 330

                in vec3 v_color;
                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    // We're not interested in changing the alpha value
                    f_color = vec4(v_color, 1.0);

        # Point coordinates are put followed by the vec3 color values
        vertices = np.array([
            # x, y, red, green, blue
            0.0, 0.8, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
            -0.6, -0.8, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
            0.6, -0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(vertices.astype('f4').tobytes())

        # We control the 'in_vert' and `in_color' variables
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'in_vert', 'in_color')
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330
                in vec2 vert;

                uniform vec2 scale;
                uniform float rotation;

                void main() {

                    mat2 rot = mat2(
                        cos(rotation), sin(rotation),
                        -sin(rotation), cos(rotation)
                    gl_Position = vec4((rot * vert) * scale, 0.0, 1.0);
                #version 330

                out vec4 color;
                void main() {
                    color = vec4(0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0);

        width, height = self.wnd.size

        vertices = np.array([
            1.0, 0.0,
            -0.5, 0.86,
            -0.5, -0.86,

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(vertices.astype('f4').tobytes())
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'vert')
Example #24
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        width, height = self.wnd.size
        canvas = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0,
        pixels = np.round(np.random.rand(width, height)).astype('f4')
        grid = np.dstack(np.mgrid[0:height, 0:width][::-1]).astype('i4')

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                in vec2 in_vert;
                out vec2 v_text;

                void main() {
                    v_text = in_vert;
                    gl_Position = vec4(in_vert * 2.0 - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
                #version 330

                uniform sampler2D Texture;

                in vec2 v_text;
                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    f_color = texture(Texture, v_text);

        self.transform = self.ctx.program(vertex_shader='''
                #version 330

                uniform sampler2D Texture;
                uniform int Width;
                uniform int Height;

                in ivec2 in_text;
                out float out_vert;

                #define LIVING 0.0
                #define DEAD 1.0

                bool cell(int x, int y) {
                    return texelFetch(Texture, ivec2((x + Width) % Width, (y + Height) % Height), 0).r < 0.5;

                void main() {
                    bool living = cell(in_text.x, in_text.y);

                    int neighbours = 0;
                    if (cell(in_text.x - 1, in_text.y - 1)) neighbours++;
                    if (cell(in_text.x - 1, in_text.y + 0)) neighbours++;
                    if (cell(in_text.x - 1, in_text.y + 1)) neighbours++;
                    if (cell(in_text.x + 1, in_text.y - 1)) neighbours++;
                    if (cell(in_text.x + 1, in_text.y + 0)) neighbours++;
                    if (cell(in_text.x + 1, in_text.y + 1)) neighbours++;
                    if (cell(in_text.x + 0, in_text.y + 1)) neighbours++;
                    if (cell(in_text.x + 0, in_text.y - 1)) neighbours++;

                    if (living) {
                        out_vert = (neighbours == 2 || neighbours == 3) ? LIVING : DEAD;
                    } else {
                        out_vert = (neighbours == 3) ? LIVING : DEAD;

        self.transform['Width'] = width
        self.transform['Height'] = height

        self.texture = self.ctx.texture((width, height),
        self.texture.swizzle = 'RRR1'
        self.sampler = self.ctx.sampler(self.texture)
        # self.sampler.filter = (mgl.NEAREST, mgl.NEAREST)

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(canvas.tobytes())
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'in_vert')

        self.text = self.ctx.buffer(grid.tobytes())
        self.tao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.transform, self.text,
        self.pbo = self.ctx.buffer(reserve=pixels.nbytes)
Example #25
Z = 1
consts = {
    "W": W,
    "H": H,
    "X": X + 1,
    "Y": Y,
    "Z": Z,

OUTPUT_DIRPATH = "./output"

if not os.path.isdir(OUTPUT_DIRPATH):

context = mgl.create_context(standalone=True)
compute_shader = context.compute_shader(source('../gl/median_5x5.gl', consts))

# init buffers
buffer_a_data = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, (H, W, 4)).astype('f4')
buffer_a = context.buffer(buffer_a_data)
buffer_b_data = np.zeros((H, W, 4)).astype('f4')
buffer_b = context.buffer(buffer_b_data)

imgs = []
last_buffer = buffer_b
for i in range(FRAMES):
    toggle = True if i % 2 else False
    buffer_a.bind_to_storage_buffer(1 if toggle else 0)
    buffer_b.bind_to_storage_buffer(0 if toggle else 1)
Example #26
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()
        # import gltraces
        # mglprocs = mgl.glprocs(self.ctx)
        # gltraces.glprocs[:] = mglprocs
        # mglprocs[:] = gltraces.gltraces

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                uniform mat4 Mvp;

                in vec3 in_vert;
                in vec3 in_norm;
                in vec2 in_text;

                out vec3 v_vert;
                out vec3 v_norm;
                out vec2 v_text;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = Mvp * vec4(in_vert, 1.0);
                    v_vert = in_vert;
                    v_norm = in_norm;
                    v_text = in_text;
                #version 330

                uniform vec3 Light;
                uniform sampler2D Texture;

                in vec3 v_vert;
                in vec3 v_norm;
                in vec2 v_text;

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    float lum = clamp(dot(normalize(Light - v_vert), normalize(v_norm)), 0.0, 1.0) * 0.8 + 0.2;
                    f_color = vec4(texture(Texture, v_text).rgb * lum, 1.0);

        obj1 = Obj.open(data.find('crate_left.obj'))
        obj2 = Obj.open(data.find('crate.obj'))
        obj3 = Obj.open(data.find('crate_right.obj'))

        img1 = Image.open(data.find('crate.png')).transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM).convert('RGB')
        img2 = Image.open(data.find('rock.jpg')).transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM).convert('RGB')

        self.texture1 = self.ctx.texture(img1)
        self.texture2 = self.ctx.texture(img2)

        self.sampler1 = self.ctx.sampler(self.texture1)
        self.sampler2 = self.ctx.sampler(self.texture2)

        self.vbo1 = self.ctx.buffer(obj1.pack('vx vy vz nx ny nz tx ty'))
        self.vbo2 = self.ctx.buffer(obj2.pack('vx vy vz nx ny nz tx ty'))
        self.vbo3 = self.ctx.buffer(obj3.pack('vx vy vz nx ny nz tx ty'))

        self.vao1 = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo1, 'in_vert', 'in_norm', 'in_text')
        self.vao1.scope = self.ctx.scope(mgl.DEPTH_TEST, samplers=[(self.sampler2, 0)])

        self.vao2 = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo2, 'in_vert', 'in_norm', 'in_text')
        self.vao2.scope = self.ctx.scope(mgl.DEPTH_TEST, samplers=[(self.sampler1, 0)])

        self.vao3 = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo3, 'in_vert', 'in_norm', 'in_text')
        self.vao3.scope = self.ctx.scope(mgl.DEPTH_TEST, samplers=[(self.sampler2, 0)])

        with self.ctx.recorder:
            self.ctx.clear(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

        self.bytecode = self.ctx.recorder.dump()
Example #27
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                uniform mat4 Mvp;

                in vec3 in_vert;
                in vec3 in_norm;
                in vec2 in_text;

                out vec3 v_vert;
                out vec3 v_norm;
                out vec2 v_text;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = Mvp * vec4(in_vert, 1.0);
                    v_vert = in_vert;
                    v_norm = in_norm;
                    v_text = in_text;
                #version 330

                uniform vec3 Light;
                uniform vec3 Color;
                uniform bool UseTexture;
                uniform sampler2D Texture;

                in vec3 v_vert;
                in vec3 v_norm;
                in vec2 v_text;

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    float lum = clamp(dot(normalize(Light - v_vert), normalize(v_norm)), 0.0, 1.0) * 0.8 + 0.2;
                    if (UseTexture) {
                        f_color = vec4(texture(Texture, v_text).rgb * lum, 1.0);
                    } else {
                        f_color = vec4(Color * lum, 1.0);

        self.objects = {}

        for name in [
                'ground', 'grass', 'billboard', 'billboard-holder',
            obj = Obj.open(data.find('scene-1-%s.obj' % name))
            vbo = self.ctx.buffer(obj.pack('vx vy vz nx ny nz tx ty'))
            vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, vbo, 'in_vert',
                                               'in_norm', 'in_text')
            self.objects[name] = vao

        img = Image.open(data.find('infographic-1.jpg')).transpose(
        self.texture = self.ctx.texture(img.size, 3, img.tobytes())
        self.sampler = self.ctx.sampler(self.texture)
Example #28
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                uniform mat4 Mvp;

                in vec3 in_vert;
                in vec3 in_norm;

                in vec3 in_color;
                in vec3 in_origin;
                in mat3 in_basis;

                out vec3 v_vert;
                out vec3 v_norm;
                out vec3 v_color;

                void main() {
                    v_vert = in_origin + in_basis * in_vert;
                    v_norm = in_basis * in_norm;
                    v_color = in_color;
                    gl_Position = Mvp * vec4(v_vert, 1.0);
                #version 330

                uniform vec3 Light;
                uniform sampler2D Texture;

                in vec3 v_vert;
                in vec3 v_norm;
                in vec3 v_color;

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    float lum = clamp(dot(normalize(Light - v_vert), normalize(v_norm)), 0.0, 1.0) * 0.8 + 0.2;
                    f_color = vec4(v_color * lum, 1.0);

        obj = Obj.open(data.find('lowpoly_toy_car.obj'))

        self.vbo1 = self.ctx.buffer(obj.pack('vx vy vz nx ny nz'))
        self.vbo2 = self.ctx.buffer(
            ) * len(cars))
        self.vao = self.ctx.vertex_array(self.prog, [
            (self.vbo1, '3f 3f', 'in_vert', 'in_norm'),
            (self.vbo2, '3f 3f 9f/i', 'in_color', 'in_origin', 'in_basis'),
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                uniform mat4 Mvp;

                in vec3 in_vert;
                in vec3 in_norm;

                in vec3 in_color;
                in vec3 in_origin;
                in mat3 in_basis;

                out vec3 v_vert;
                out vec3 v_norm;
                out vec3 v_color;

                void main() {
                    v_vert = in_origin + in_basis * in_vert;
                    v_norm = in_basis * in_norm;
                    v_color = in_color;
                    gl_Position = Mvp * vec4(v_vert, 1.0);
                #version 330

                uniform vec3 Light;
                uniform sampler2D Texture;

                in vec3 v_vert;
                in vec3 v_norm;
                in vec3 v_color;

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    float lum = clamp(dot(normalize(Light - v_vert), normalize(v_norm)), 0.0, 1.0) * 0.8 + 0.2;
                    f_color = vec4(v_color * lum, 1.0);

        obj = Obj.open(data.find('lowpoly_toy_car.obj'))

        self.vbo1 = self.ctx.buffer(obj.pack('vx vy vz nx ny nz'))
        self.vbo2 = self.ctx.buffer(struct.pack(
            1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
            0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
            1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
            0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
            0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
        ) * len(cars))
        self.vao = self.ctx.vertex_array(self.prog, [
            (self.vbo1, '3f 3f', 'in_vert', 'in_norm'),
            (self.vbo2, '3f 3f 9f/i', 'in_color', 'in_origin', 'in_basis'),
Z = 1
consts = {
    "W": W,
    "H": H,
    "X": X + 1,
    "Y": Y,
    "Z": Z,

OUTPUT_DIRPATH = "./output"

if not os.path.isdir(OUTPUT_DIRPATH):

context = mgl.create_context(standalone=True)
compute_shader = context.compute_shader(source('../gl/median_5x5.gl', consts))

# init buffers
buffer_a_data = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, (H, W, 4)).astype('f4')
buffer_a = context.buffer(buffer_a_data)
buffer_b_data = np.zeros((H, W, 4)).astype('f4')
buffer_b = context.buffer(buffer_b_data)

imgs = []
last_buffer = buffer_b
for i in range(FRAMES):
    toggle = True if i % 2 else False
    buffer_a.bind_to_storage_buffer(1 if toggle else 0)
    buffer_b.bind_to_storage_buffer(0 if toggle else 1)
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                in vec2 in_vert;
                in vec2 in_pos;
                in float in_scale;
                in vec3 in_color;

                out vec3 v_color;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = vec4(in_pos + (in_vert * in_scale), 0.0, 1.0);
                    v_color = in_color;
                #version 330

                in vec3 v_color;
                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    f_color = vec4(v_color, 1.0);

        # Vertex coordinates stored in position_vertex_buffer
        #     B------D
        #     |      |
        #     A------C
        vertices = np.array([
            -0.5, -0.5,
            -0.5, 0.5,
            0.5, -0.5,
            0.5, 0.5,

        self.position_vertex_buffer = self.ctx.buffer(vertices.astype('f4').tobytes())

        # Vertex colors stored in color_buffer
        #     A, B are green
        #     C, D are blue
        colors = np.array([
            0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
            0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
            0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
            0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
        self.color_buffer = self.ctx.buffer(colors.astype('f4').tobytes())

        # (Per instance) positions and scales stored in pos_scale_buffer
        # There are 8 (x_position, y_position, scale) pairs
        position_scale = np.array([
            0.5, 0.0, 0.3,
            0.35, 0.35, 0.2,
            0.0, 0.5, 0.3,
            -0.35, 0.35, 0.2,
            -0.5, 0.0, 0.3,
            -0.35, -0.35, 0.2,
            0.0, -0.5, 0.3,
            0.35, -0.35, 0.2,
        self.pos_scale_buffer = self.ctx.buffer(position_scale.astype('f4').tobytes())

        # Index buffer (also called element buffer)
        # There are 2 trianges to render
        #     A, B, C
        #     B, C, D
        render_indicies = np.array([
            0, 1, 2,
            1, 2, 3
        self.index_buffer = self.ctx.buffer(render_indicies.astype('i4').tobytes())

        # The vao_content is a list of 3-tuples (buffer, format, attribs)
        # the format can have an empty or '/v', '/i', '/r' ending.
        # '/v' attributes are the default
        # '/i` attributes are per instance attributes
        # '/r' attributes are default values for the attributes (per render attributes)
        vao_content = [
            (self.position_vertex_buffer, '2f', 'in_vert'),
            (self.color_buffer, '3f', 'in_color'),
            (self.pos_scale_buffer, '2f 1f/i', 'in_pos', 'in_scale'),

        self.vao = self.ctx.vertex_array(self.prog, vao_content, self.index_buffer)
Example #32
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.canvas_prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                in vec2 in_vert;
                out vec2 v_vert;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = vec4(in_vert * 2.0 - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
                    v_vert = in_vert;
                #version 330

                uniform sampler2D Texture;

                in vec2 v_vert;

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    f_color = texture(Texture, v_vert);

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                uniform mat4 Mvp;

                in vec3 in_vert;
                in vec3 in_norm;
                in vec2 in_text;

                out vec3 v_vert;
                out vec3 v_norm;
                out vec2 v_text;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = Mvp * vec4(in_vert, 1.0);
                    v_vert = in_vert;
                    v_norm = in_norm;
                    v_text = in_text;
                #version 330

                uniform vec3 Light;
                uniform sampler2D Texture;

                in vec3 v_vert;
                in vec3 v_norm;
                in vec2 v_text;

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    float lum = clamp(dot(normalize(Light - v_vert), normalize(v_norm)), 0.0, 1.0) * 0.8 + 0.2;
                    vec3 base = vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) * lum;
                    vec3 spec = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) * pow(lum, 5.7);
                    vec4 tex = texture(Texture, v_text);
                    f_color = vec4(base * 0.1 + tex.rgb * lum + spec, tex.a);

        self.canvas_vbo = self.ctx.buffer(
            np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0],
        self.canvas_vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.canvas_prog,

        bg_img = Image.open(data.find('mug-background.jpg')).transpose(
        self.bg_texture = self.ctx.texture(bg_img.size, 3, bg_img.tobytes())
        self.bg_sampler = self.ctx.sampler(self.bg_texture)

        sticker_img = Image.open(data.find('mug-pymet-logo.png')).transpose(
        self.sticker_texture = self.ctx.texture(sticker_img.size, 4,
        # self.sticker_texture.build_mipmaps(0, 2)
        self.sticker_sampler = self.ctx.sampler(self.sticker_texture)

        self.mug_texture = self.ctx.texture((1, 1), 3)
        self.mug_texture.write(struct.pack('3B', 10, 10, 10))
        self.mug_sampler = self.ctx.sampler(self.mug_texture)

        obj = Obj.open(data.find('mug.obj'))
        self.mug_vbo = self.ctx.buffer(obj.pack('vx vy vz nx ny nz tx ty'))
        self.mug_vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.mug_vbo,
                                                    'in_vert', 'in_norm',

        segs = 32
        radius = 29.94
        bottom = 6.601
        top = 57.856
        left = -163.12 * np.pi / 180.0
        right = 11.25 * np.pi / 180.0

        lin = np.linspace(left, right, segs)
        sticker_vertices = np.array([
            np.repeat(np.cos(lin) * radius, 2),
            np.repeat(np.sin(lin) * radius, 2),
            np.tile([bottom, top], segs),
            np.repeat(np.cos(lin), 2),
            np.repeat(np.sin(lin), 2),
            np.tile([0.0, 0.0], segs),
            np.repeat(np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, segs), 2),
            np.tile([0.0, 1.0], segs),

        self.sticker_vbo = self.ctx.buffer(
        self.sticker_vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(
            self.prog, self.sticker_vbo, 'in_vert', 'in_norm', 'in_text')
Example #33
import json

import moderngl.next as mgl

ctx = mgl.create_context(standalone=True, debug=True)

print('Limits:', json.dumps(ctx.limits.json(), indent=2))
print('Extensions:', json.dumps(mgl.extensions(ctx), indent=2))
print('Hardware Info:', json.dumps(mgl.hwinfo(ctx), indent=2))
print('Version Code:', ctx.version_code)
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        width, height = self.wnd.size
        canvas = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]).astype('f4')
        pixels = np.round(np.random.rand(width, height)).astype('f4')
        grid = np.dstack(np.mgrid[0:height, 0:width][::-1]).astype('i4')

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                in vec2 in_vert;
                out vec2 v_text;

                void main() {
                    v_text = in_vert;
                    gl_Position = vec4(in_vert * 2.0 - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
                #version 330

                uniform sampler2D Texture;

                in vec2 v_text;
                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    f_color = texture(Texture, v_text);

        self.transform = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                uniform sampler2D Texture;
                uniform int Width;
                uniform int Height;

                in ivec2 in_text;
                out float out_vert;

                #define LIVING 0.0
                #define DEAD 1.0

                bool cell(int x, int y) {
                    return texelFetch(Texture, ivec2((x + Width) % Width, (y + Height) % Height), 0).r < 0.5;

                void main() {
                    bool living = cell(in_text.x, in_text.y);

                    int neighbours = 0;
                    if (cell(in_text.x - 1, in_text.y - 1)) neighbours++;
                    if (cell(in_text.x - 1, in_text.y + 0)) neighbours++;
                    if (cell(in_text.x - 1, in_text.y + 1)) neighbours++;
                    if (cell(in_text.x + 1, in_text.y - 1)) neighbours++;
                    if (cell(in_text.x + 1, in_text.y + 0)) neighbours++;
                    if (cell(in_text.x + 1, in_text.y + 1)) neighbours++;
                    if (cell(in_text.x + 0, in_text.y + 1)) neighbours++;
                    if (cell(in_text.x + 0, in_text.y - 1)) neighbours++;

                    if (living) {
                        out_vert = (neighbours == 2 || neighbours == 3) ? LIVING : DEAD;
                    } else {
                        out_vert = (neighbours == 3) ? LIVING : DEAD;

        self.transform['Width'] = width
        self.transform['Height'] = height

        self.texture = self.ctx.texture((width, height), 1, pixels.tobytes(), dtype='f4')
        self.texture.swizzle = 'RRR1'
        self.sampler = self.ctx.sampler(self.texture)
        # self.sampler.filter = (mgl.NEAREST, mgl.NEAREST)

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(canvas.tobytes())
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'in_vert')

        self.text = self.ctx.buffer(grid.tobytes())
        self.tao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.transform, self.text, 'in_text')
        self.pbo = self.ctx.buffer(reserve=pixels.nbytes)
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                in vec3 vert;

                uniform float z_near;
                uniform float z_far;
                uniform float fovy;
                uniform float ratio;

                uniform vec3 center;
                uniform vec3 eye;
                uniform vec3 up;

                mat4 perspective() {
                    float zmul = (-2.0 * z_near * z_far) / (z_far - z_near);
                    float ymul = 1.0 / tan(fovy * 3.14159265 / 360);
                    float xmul = ymul / ratio;

                    return mat4(
                        xmul, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                        0.0, ymul, 0.0, 0.0,
                        0.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0,
                        0.0, 0.0, zmul, 0.0

                mat4 lookat() {
                    vec3 forward = normalize(center - eye);
                    vec3 side = normalize(cross(forward, up));
                    vec3 upward = cross(side, forward);

                    return mat4(
                        side.x, upward.x, -forward.x, 0,
                        side.y, upward.y, -forward.y, 0,
                        side.z, upward.z, -forward.z, 0,
                        -dot(eye, side), -dot(eye, upward), dot(eye, forward), 1

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = perspective() * lookat() * vec4(vert, 1.0);
                #version 330

                out vec4 color;

                void main() {
                    color = vec4(0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 1.0);


        width, height = self.wnd.size
        self.prog['z_near'] = 0.1
        self.prog['z_far'] = 1000.0
        self.prog['ratio'] = width / height
        self.prog['fovy'] = 60

        self.prog['eye'] = (3, 3, 3)
        self.prog['center'] = (0, 0, 0)
        self.prog['up'] = (0, 0, 1)

        grid = []

        for i in range(65):
            grid.append([i - 32, -32.0, 0.0, i - 32, 32.0, 0.0])
            grid.append([-32.0, i - 32, 0.0, 32.0, i - 32, 0.0])

        grid = np.array(grid)

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(grid.astype('f4').tobytes())
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'vert')
Example #36
    def __init__(self):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                uniform mat4 Mvp;
                uniform sampler2D Heightmap;

                in vec2 in_vert;
                out vec2 v_text;

                void main() {
                    vec4 vertex = vec4(in_vert - 0.5, texture(Heightmap, in_vert).r * 0.2, 1.0);
                    gl_Position = Mvp * vertex;
                    v_text = in_vert;
                #version 330

                uniform sampler2D Heightmap;

                uniform sampler2D Color1;
                uniform sampler2D Color2;

                uniform sampler2D Cracks;
                uniform sampler2D Darken;

                in vec2 v_text;

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    float height = texture(Heightmap, v_text).r;
                    float border = smoothstep(0.5, 0.7, height);

                    vec3 color1 = texture(Color1, v_text * 7.0).rgb;
                    vec3 color2 = texture(Color2, v_text * 6.0).rgb;

                    vec3 color = color1 * (1.0 - border) + color2 * border;

                    color *= 0.8 + 0.2 * texture(Darken, v_text * 3.0).r;
                    color *= 0.5 + 0.5 * texture(Cracks, v_text * 5.0).r;
                    color *= 0.5 + 0.5 * height;

                    f_color = vec4(color, 1.0);

        vertices, index = terrain(32)

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(vertices.astype('f4').tobytes())
        self.ibo = self.ctx.buffer(index.astype('i4').tobytes())

        vao_content = [
            (self.vbo, '2f', 'in_vert'),

        self.vao = self.ctx.vertex_array(self.prog, vao_content, self.ibo)

        img0 = Image.open(data.find('heightmap.jpg')).convert('L').transpose(
        img1 = Image.open(data.find('grass.jpg')).convert('RGB').transpose(
        img2 = Image.open(data.find('rock.jpg')).convert('RGB').transpose(
        img3 = Image.open(data.find('cracks.jpg')).convert('L').transpose(
        img4 = Image.open(data.find('checked.jpg')).convert('L').transpose(

        tex0 = self.ctx.texture(img0.size, 1, img0.tobytes())
        tex1 = self.ctx.texture(img1.size, 3, img1.tobytes())
        tex2 = self.ctx.texture(img2.size, 3, img2.tobytes())
        tex3 = self.ctx.texture(img3.size, 1, img3.tobytes())
        tex4 = self.ctx.texture(img4.size, 1, img4.tobytes())

        sampler0 = self.ctx.sampler(tex0)
        sampler1 = self.ctx.sampler(tex1)
        sampler2 = self.ctx.sampler(tex2)
        sampler3 = self.ctx.sampler(tex3)
        sampler4 = self.ctx.sampler(tex4)

        # tex0.build_mipmaps()
        # tex1.build_mipmaps()
        # tex2.build_mipmaps()
        # tex3.build_mipmaps()
        # tex4.build_mipmaps()


        self.prog['Heightmap'] = 0
        self.prog['Color1'] = 1
        self.prog['Color2'] = 2
        self.prog['Cracks'] = 3
        self.prog['Darken'] = 4
Example #37
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.ctx = mgl.create_context()

        # import gltraces
        # mglprocs = mgl.glprocs(self.ctx)
        # gltraces.glprocs[:] = mglprocs
        # mglprocs[:] = gltraces.gltraces

        self.prog1 = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                uniform mat4 Mvp;

                in vec3 in_vert;
                in vec3 in_norm;
                in vec3 in_text;

                out vec3 v_vert;
                out vec3 v_norm;
                out vec3 v_text;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = Mvp * vec4(in_vert, 1.0);
                    v_vert = in_vert;
                    v_norm = in_norm;
                    v_text = in_text;
                #version 330

                uniform vec3 Light;
                uniform samplerCube Sampler;

                in vec3 v_vert;
                in vec3 v_norm;
                in vec3 v_text;

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    float lum = clamp(dot(normalize(Light - v_vert), normalize(v_norm)), 0.0, 1.0) * 0.8 + 0.2;
                    f_color = vec4(texture(Sampler, normalize(v_text)).rgb * lum, 1.0);

        obj = Obj.open(data.find('texture-test-cube.obj'))
        self.texture1 = self.ctx.texture_cube((512, 512), 3, np.random.randint(128, 255, (512, 512, 3, 6), 'u1').tobytes())
        self.depth1 = self.ctx.texture_cube((512, 512), 1, None, dtype='d3')
        self.sampler1 = self.ctx.sampler(self.texture1, filter=mgl.LINEAR)
        self.fbo1 = self.ctx.framebuffer(self.texture1, self.depth1)
        # exit()

        self.vbo1 = self.ctx.buffer(obj.pack('vx vy vz nx ny nz tx ty tz'))
        self.vao1 = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog1, self.vbo1, 'in_vert', 'in_norm', 'in_text')
        self.vao1.scope = self.ctx.scope(mgl.DEPTH_TEST, self.ctx.screen, samplers=[(self.sampler1, 0)])

        self.prog2 = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                in vec3 in_vert;
                in vec3 in_norm;
                in vec3 in_text;

                out vec3 v_vert;
                out vec3 v_norm;
                out vec3 v_text;

                void main() {
                    v_vert = in_vert;
                    v_norm = in_norm;
                    v_text = in_text;
                #version 330
                layout(triangles) in;
                layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices=18) out;

                in vec3 v_vert[3];
                in vec3 v_norm[3];
                in vec3 v_text[3];

                out vec3 g_vert;
                out vec3 g_norm;
                out vec3 g_text;

                uniform mat4 Mvp[6];

                void main() {
                    for (int layer = 0; layer < 6; ++layer) {
                        gl_Layer = layer;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
                            g_vert = v_vert[i];
                            g_norm = v_norm[i];
                            g_text = v_text[i];
                            gl_Position = Mvp[layer] * vec4(g_vert, 1.0);
                #version 330

                uniform sampler3D Sampler;
                uniform vec3 Light;

                in vec3 g_vert;
                in vec3 g_norm;
                in vec3 g_text;

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    float lum = clamp(dot(normalize(Light - g_vert), normalize(g_norm)), 0.0, 1.0) * 0.8 + 0.2;
                    f_color = vec4(texture(Sampler, g_text).rgb * lum, 1.0);

        obj = Obj.open(data.find('test_scene.obj'))
        self.texture2 = self.ctx.texture((4, 4, 4), 3, np.repeat(np.random.randint(180, 220, (4, 4, 4), 'u1'), 3))
        self.sampler2 = self.ctx.sampler(self.texture2, wrap=mgl.REPEAT_X | mgl.REPEAT_Y | mgl.REPEAT_Z, filter=mgl.LINEAR)

        self.vbo2 = self.ctx.buffer(obj.pack('vx vy vz nx ny nz vx vy vz'))
        self.vao2 = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog2, self.vbo2, 'in_vert', 'in_norm', 'in_text')
        self.vao2.scope = self.ctx.scope(mgl.DEPTH_TEST, self.fbo1, samplers=[(self.sampler2, 0)])