cut='dM < 0.11', path=main) # perform vertex fit of J/psi candidates vertex.KFit('J/psi:ee', conf_level=0.0, path=main) # combine J/psi and KS candidates to form B0 candidates ma.reconstructDecay('B0 -> J/psi:ee K_S0:merged', cut='Mbc > 5.2 and abs(deltaE) < 0.3', path=main) # match reconstructed with MC particles ma.matchMCTruth('B0', path=main) # build the rest of the event ma.buildRestOfEvent('B0', fillWithMostLikely=True, path=main) # call flavor tagging ft.flavorTagger('B0', path=main) # remove B0 candidates without a valid flavor information ma.applyCuts('B0', 'qrOutput(FBDT) > -2', path=main) # fit B vertex on the tag-side vertex.TagV('B0', constraintType='tube', fitAlgorithm='Rave', path=main) # perform best candidate selection #b2.set_random_seed('USBelleIISummerSchool') #ma.rankByHighest('B0', variable='random', numBest=1, path=main) # create list of variables for output ntuple
path=my_path) ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='K_S0 -> pi+:good pi-:good', cut='0.480<=M<=0.516', dmID=1, path=my_path) ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='pi0 -> gamma:all gamma:all', cut='0.115<=M<=0.152', dmID=1, path=my_path) ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='B0 -> K_S0 pi0', cut='5.2 < Mbc < 5.3 and -0.3 < deltaE < 0.2', path=my_path) ma.matchMCTruth(list_name='B0', path=my_path) ma.buildRestOfEvent(target_list_name='B0', path=my_path) # The momentum cuts used to be hard-coded in the continuum suppression module. They can now be applied # via this mask. The nCDCHits requirement is new, and is recommended to remove VXD-only fake tracks. cleanMask = ('cleanMask', 'nCDCHits > 0 and useCMSFrame(p)<=3.2', 'p >= 0.05 and useCMSFrame(p)<=3.2') ma.appendROEMasks(list_name='B0', mask_tuples=[cleanMask], path=my_path) ma.buildContinuumSuppression(list_name='B0', roe_mask='cleanMask', path=my_path) # Define the variables for training. # For details, please see: # Note that KSFWVariables takes the optional additional argument FS1, to return the variables calculated from the
if __name__ == '__main__': args = GetCmdArgs() os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(args.out_file), exist_ok=True) # Load the input skim file path = ma.create_path() ma.inputMdstList('MC9', filelist=[], path=path) # ma.inputMdstList('default', filelist=[], path=path) ma.applyCuts(particle_list, 'nCleanedTracks(dr<2 and abs(dz)<4) <= 12', path=path) # Build some event specific ROE and continuum vars ma.buildRestOfEvent(particle_list, path=path) ROEMask = ('ROE', IPtrack_cut, gamma_cut) ma.appendROEMasks(particle_list, [ROEMask], path=path) ma.buildContinuumSuppression(particle_list, roe_mask='ROE', path=path) # Apply the smartBKG NN model # Will use extraInfo saved as training labels later, # need to be flattened before training to 0 or 1 NNApplyModule_m = NNApplyModule( model_file=args.model, model_type='combined-wideCNN', threshold=0., # threshold=args.threshold, extra_info_var='smartBKG') # dead_path = b2.create_path() # NNApplyModule_m.if_false(dead_path)
bp.add_beamparameters(main_path,'Y4S') ma.inputMdst('MC10', inputFilename, path=main_path) sv.goodBelleKshort(path=main_path) sg.stdPhotons('loose', path=main_path) sc.stdPi('95eff', path=main_path) ma.applyCuts('gamma:loose','1.4 < E < 4', path=main_path) krescuts = " and daughterInvM(0,1,2) < 2 and daughterInvM(0,1) > 0.6 and daughterInvM(0,1) < 0.9" #reconstructDecay(Kres+":all -> pi+:good pi-:good K_S0:all", krescuts) ma.reconstructDecay("B0:signal -> pi+:95eff pi-:95eff K_S0:legacyGoodKS gamma:loose", "Mbc > 5.2 and deltaE < 0.2 and deltaE > -0.2 and -0.65 < daughter(1, cosTheta) < 0.85"+krescuts, path=main_path) ma.vertexRave('B0:signal',0.0001, 'B0 -> ^pi+ ^pi- ^K_S0 gamma', path=main_path) #vertexTree('B0:signal',0.0001) ma.rankByHighest('B0:signal',ratingVar, 1, outputVariable='myRating', path=main_path) ma.buildRestOfEvent('B0:signal', path=main_path) # define the "cleaner" mask eclCut = '[E > 0.062 and abs(clusterTiming) < 18 and clusterReg==1] or \ [E>0.060 and abs(clusterTiming) < 20 and clusterReg==2] or \ [E>0.056 and abs(clusterTiming) < 44 and clusterReg==3]' cleanMask = ('cleanMask', 'abs(d0) < 10.0 and abs(z0) < 20.0', eclCut) # append both masks to ROE ma.appendROEMasks('B0:signal', [cleanMask], path=main_path) # choose one mask which is applied ma.buildContinuumSuppression('B0:signal', 'cleanMask', path=main_path) ma.matchMCTruth('B0:signal', path=main_path)
cut='5.2 < Mbc < 5.29 and abs(deltaE) < 1.0', dmID=1, path=my_path) ma.matchMCTruth(list_name='B+:tag', path=my_path) # 3. reconstruct Upsilon(4S) -> Btag+ Bsig- -> Btag+ mu- ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='Upsilon(4S) -> B-:tag mu+:loose', cut="", path=my_path) # perform MC matching (MC truth asociation) ma.matchMCTruth(list_name='Upsilon(4S)', path=my_path) # 5. build rest of the event ma.buildRestOfEvent(target_list_name='Upsilon(4S)', path=my_path) # 6. Select variables that we want to store to ntuple d_vars = vc.mc_truth + vc.kinematics + vc.inv_mass b_vars = vc.mc_truth + \ vc.deltae_mbc + \ vu.create_aliases_for_selected(list_of_variables=d_vars, decay_string='B- -> ^D0 pi-') + \ vu.create_aliases(list_of_variables=['decayModeID'], wrapper='daughter(0,extraInfo(variable))', prefix="D") mu_vars = vc.mc_truth u4s_vars = vc.mc_truth + \ vc.roe_multiplicities + \ vc.recoil_kinematics + \
def reconstruction(input_file, output_file): my_path = b2.create_path() ma.inputMdst("default", input_file, my_path) # Find decay name from the input file name decay_name = "_".join(input_file.split("/")[-1].split("_")[0:2]) # Load configuration file config = yaml.safe_load(open("config/reco_config.yaml")) options = config[decay_name] # Parse list of subdecays in decay chain decays = options["sub_decays"] decays = DecayList(decays) # Create particle lists for final state particles fsps = decays.get_fsps() for particle in fsps: ma.fillParticleList(particle, "", path=my_path) # Reconstruct requested decay chains for decay in decays: ma.reconstructDecay(str(decay), "", path=my_path) # Perform truth matching for requested particles truth_match_particles = decays.mothers for truth_match_particle in truth_match_particles: ma.looseMCTruth(truth_match_particle, path=my_path) # Perform vertex fitting head = decays.get_head() vtx_decay_string = decays.get_chain() print(vtx_decay_string) vx.vertexRave(head, 0, vtx_decay_string, constraint="iptube", path=my_path) # ma.rankByLowest("B0", 'chiProb', numBest=3, outputVariable='B_vtx_rank', path=my_path) # ma.variables.addAlias('B_vtx_rank', 'extraInfo(B_vtx_rank)') ma.buildRestOfEvent(head, path=my_path) # Tag-side vx.TagV(head, "breco", 0.001, path=my_path) ma.buildEventKinematics(path=my_path) ma.buildEventShape(path=my_path) # Create centre-of-mass frame variables cms_kinematics = vu.create_aliases( vc.kinematics, "useCMSFrame({variable})", prefix="CMS" ) variables = [ item for sublist in [ vc.kinematics, cms_kinematics, vc.deltae_mbc, vc.inv_mass, vc.event_shape, vc.vertex, vc.mc_truth, vc.mc_kinematics, vc.mc_vertex, vc.mc_tag_vertex, ] for item in sublist ] trees = yaml.safe_load(open("config/tree_names.yaml")) for particle in decays.all_particles: ma.variablesToNtuple( particle, variables, filename=output_file, treename=trees[particle], path=my_path, ) b2.process(my_path) print(b2.statistics)
path=main) ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='K_S0 -> pi+:good pi-:good', cut='0.480<=M<=0.516', dmID=1, path=main) ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='pi0 -> gamma:all gamma:all', cut='0.115<=M<=0.152', dmID=1, path=main) ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='B0 -> K_S0 pi0', cut='5.2 < Mbc < 5.3 and -0.3 < deltaE < 0.2', path=main) ma.matchMCTruth(list_name='B0', path=main) ma.buildRestOfEvent(list_name='B0', path=main) # The momentum cuts used to be hard-coded in the continuum suppression module. They can now be applied # via this mask. The nCDCHits requirement is new, and is recommended to remove VXD-only fake tracks. cleanMask = ('cleanMask', 'nCDCHits > 0 and useCMSFrame(p)<=3.2', 'p >= 0.05 and useCMSFrame(p)<=3.2') ma.appendROEMasks(list_name='B0', mask_tuples=[cleanMask], path=main) ma.buildContinuumSuppression(list_name='B0', roe_mask='cleanMask', path=main) # Define the variables for training. # For details, please see: # Note that KSFWVariables takes the optional additional argument FS1, to return the variables calculated from the # signal-B final state particles. # CleoCone also takes the optional additional argument ROE, to return the cones calculated from ROE particles only. trainVars = [