def search_static_objects():
    global search_ptz_p
    global search_ptz_t
    global ptz_set_count
    print(os.path.basename(__file__), utils.get_function_name())

    while flag_pause is not True:
        #if count_birds_from_panoramic() > 0:
            #return [], None
        module_camera.set_ptz(search_ptz_p, search_ptz_t, default_ptz_z) # search_ptz_p, search_ptz_t, zoom
        ptz_set_count += 1

        search_ptz_p += ptz_p_delta
        if search_ptz_p > ptz_p_max:
            search_ptz_t += ptz_t_delta
            search_ptz_p = ptz_p_min
            if search_ptz_t > ptz_t_max: break

        time_stamp = time.time()
        ret, img = module_camera.get_image(ptz_channel, flip=False)

        if ret:
            rois = module_panoramic.get_split_bbox(img, dst_rows_min=1000, dst_cols_min=1000)
            objs = module_panoramic.detect_objs_in_rois(img, rois)
            if show_flag == 'yes' or show_flag == 'true':
                module_result.show_image(win_name, img, objs)

            dx, dy = calc_objs_shift(objs, img, limit=0.8)
            if dx is not None and dy is not None:
                return objs, img
    search_ptz_p, search_ptz_t = ptz_p_min, ptz_t_min # reset ptz state to default
    print('ptz_set_count = %d' % ptz_set_count)
    ptz_set_count = 0
    return [], None
Example #2
def proc_panoramic_moving(name, param_delay):
    global static_images
    print(os.path.basename(__file__), utils.get_function_name())

    for k in [1, 2]:
        while static_images_old[k] is None:
            print('waiting for static image ready')

    while True:
        while flag_pause is True:

        for k in [1, 2]:
            time_stamp = time.time()
            with lock:
                img_static = static_images[k].copy()
                img_static_old = static_images_old[k].copy()
                objs_static = static_objects[k].copy()

            ret, img = module_camera.get_image(k)
            if ret:
                objs_moving = detect_moving_objects(
                    [img_static_old, img_static, img],
                objs_moving_confirmed = confirm_moving_objects(
                    img, objs_moving)
                objs_moving_confirmed = filter_moving_objects(
                    img, objs_moving_confirmed)
                objs_final = merge_objects(objs_static, objs_moving,
                objs_final = filter_moving_objects(img, objs_final)

                with lock:
                    moving_images[k] = img.copy()
                    moving_objects[k] = objs_moving_confirmed.copy()
                    final_objects[k] = objs_final.copy()

                with module_result.lock:
                    module_result.result['panoramic'] = objs_final.copy()

                if show_flag == 'yes' or show_flag == 'true':
                    win_name = 'module_panoramic channel-%d' % k
                    module_result.show_image(win_name, img, objs_final)
Example #3
def proc_panoramic_static(name, param_delay):
    global static_images
    print(os.path.basename(__file__), utils.get_function_name())

    while True:
        while flag_pause is True:

        for channel in [1, 2]:
            ret, img = module_camera.get_image(channel)
            if ret:
                objs = detect_static_objects(img, channel)
                with lock:
                    static_images_old[channel] = static_images[channel]
                    static_images[channel] = img.copy()
                    static_objects[channel] = objs.copy()
                #show the static result of panoramic
                with module_result.lock:
                    module_result.result['panoramic'] = objs.copy
                if show_flag == 'yes' or show_flag == 'true':
                    win_name = 'module_panoramic channel-%d' % channel
                    module_result.show_image(win_name, img, objs)

Example #4
    list_delta_pan   = []
    list_delta_tilt  = []

    for zoom in range(1,129,1):
        print('zoom =', zoom)

        ptz_p0 = 10
        ptz_t0 = 8.5
        ptz_dp = 0.5
        ptz_dt = 0.5
        module_camera.set_ptz(ptz_p0, ptz_t0, zoom)
        r0, p0, t0, z0 = module_camera.get_ptz()
        print('p0, t0, z0 =', p0, t0, z0)
        r0, img0 = module_camera.get_image(flip=False)

        module_camera.set_ptz(ptz_p0+ptz_dp, ptz_t0+ptz_dt, zoom)
        r1, p1, t1, z1 = module_camera.get_ptz()
        print('p1, t1, z1 =', p1, t1, z1)
        r1, img1 = module_camera.get_image(flip=False)

            shift_x, shift_y = calc_shift(img0, img1)
            print('calc shift failed!!!')
            shift_x, shift_y = 0, 0
        print('shift x,y = ', shift_x, shift_y)

def track_moving_birds(objs, img):
    if objs is None: return
    if len(objs) <= 0: return
    print(os.path.basename(__file__), utils.get_function_name())
    ptz_ret, ptz_p, ptz_t, ptz_z = module_camera.get_ptz()
    err_p, err_t = calc_rotate_angle(objs, img, ptz_p, ptz_t, ptz_z)

    ptz_p = ptz_p + err_p
    ptz_t = ptz_t + err_t
    module_camera.set_ptz(ptz_p, ptz_t, default_ptz_z,
                          block=True, err_p_max=1.0, err_t_max=1.0)
    err_p = [0, 0]
    err_t = [0, 0]

    time_stamp = [time.time()] * 2
    no_obj_count = 0
    while flag_pause is not True and ptz_ret == 0:
        ret, img = module_camera.get_image(ptz_channel, flip=False)
        if ret:
            rows = img.shape[0]
            cols = img.shape[1]
            rois = module_panoramic.get_split_bbox(img, dst_rows_min=rows, dst_cols_min=cols)
            objs = module_panoramic.detect_objs_in_rois(img, rois)
            if len(objs) == 0:
                no_obj_count += 1
                if no_obj_count > 5:
                    print('no object detect, tracking over.')
                no_obj_count = 0
                err_p[1] = err_p[0]
                err_t[1] = err_t[0]
                err_p[0], err_t[0] = calc_rotate_angle(objs, img, ptz_p, ptz_t, ptz_z)

                time_stamp[1] = time_stamp[0]
                time_stamp[0] = time.time()
                time_span = time_stamp[0] - time_stamp[1]
                if time_span > 1.0: time_span = 1.0
                print('time_span: ', time_span)

                # ptz_p = ptz_p + time_span*(pid_i*err_p[0] + pid_p*(err_p[0]-err_p[1]))
                # ptz_t = ptz_t + time_span*(pid_i*err_t[0] + pid_p*(err_t[0]-err_t[1]))
                # module_camera.set_ptz(ptz_p, ptz_t, default_ptz_z, block=False)
                ptz_p = ptz_p + err_p[0]
                ptz_t = ptz_t + err_t[0]
                module_camera.set_ptz(ptz_p, ptz_t, default_ptz_z,
                                      block=True, err_p_max=0.2, err_t_max=0.2)
            if show_flag == 'yes' or show_flag == 'true':
                module_result.show_image(win_name, img, objs)

    if flag_pause:
        print('module_ptz is paused.')