img_array_NH = hdu_nH[0].data img_array_Av = img_array_NH / 0.221 # NH to Av img_array_A_ch1 = img_array_Av * 0.063 # A_ch1/A_v = 0.56/8.8 img_array_A_ch1[img_array_A_ch1 == 0] = np.nan header = hdu_nH[0].header header['history'] = '--------------------------------------------------' header['history'] = 'Used script:' header['history'] = 'Author: Vladimir Domcek' header['history'] = 'Date and time: ' + time.strftime('%X %x %Z') header['history'] = 'Main changes: ' header['history'] = 'Hwang and Laming extinction grid converted to extinction in 3.5micron' header['history'] = 'NH to Av based on relations of Grover and Ozel (2009) ' header['history'] = 'and Av to Ach1 based on Indebetouw et al (2005)' hdu_nH[0].data = img_array_A_ch1 hdu_nH.writeto(outpath + '4_ext_grid_A_ch1.fits', overwrite=True) plt.clf() wcs_hdr = WCS(hdu_nH[0].header) fig, ax = mp.plot_casa(figsize=[8, 6], coords=True, wcs=wcs_hdr) im = ax.imshow(img_array_A_ch1, origin='lower', cmap='magma') # , norm=LogNorm(vmin=2e-4, vmax=7e-3)) cbar = mp.set_colorbar(fig, im, title=r'A$_{ch1}$ [mag]') cmap = cm.get_cmap() cmap.set_bad(color='black') ax.set_title('Ch1 extinction map') plt.savefig(outpath + '4_ch1-band_extintion_map.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig)
# MASKS extinction_mask = + '4_mask_bin3_NH_extinction.fits')[0].data # extinction_mask[np.isnan(extinction_mask)] = 0 radio_hires_lowflux_mask = + '5_mask_radio_hires_lowflux.fits')[0].data # radio_hires_lowflux_mask[np.isnan(radio_hires_lowflux_mask)] = 0 spitzer_stars_mask = + '5_mask_bin3_spitzer_stars_daosf.fits')[0].data # spitzer_stars_mask[np.isnan(spitzer_stars_mask)] = 0 the_mask = extinction_mask * radio_hires_lowflux_mask * spitzer_stars_mask plt.clf() fig, ax = plot_casa(coords=True, wcs=wcs_hdr) cmap = cm.get_cmap('viridis') cmap.set_bad(color='white') im = ax.imshow(img_spitzer_bin3, cmap=cmap, origin='lower', norm=LogNorm(vmin=8e-6, vmax=1e-4)) cbar = set_colorbar(fig, im, title=r'Flux density [Jy]') ax.set_title(r'Spitzer data') ax.set_xlim(0, 480) ax.set_ylim(0, 480) plt.savefig(outpath + '5_1Spitzer_bin3_ch1_jy.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) plt.clf()