async def eighthippo(self, context): """Answers with a random hippo from our vast catalog.""" q = basics.contentq(context.message.content, split=False) await talking.reply( context, 'asked {}, I respond: {}'.format(basics.spitback(q), ccc.eighthippo(
async def eightmoji(self, context): """Picks one of our god-awful custom emojis.""" q = basics.contentq(context.message.content, split=False) await talking.reply( context, 'asked {}, I respond: {}'.format(basics.spitback(q), ccc.eightcustomemoji(
async def eightanimal(self, context): """Answers with a random animal. Credit to, because I freaking stole their list(and took out some of the more obscure or redundant animals)""" q = basics.contentq(context.message.content, split=False) await talking.reply( context, 'asked {}, I respond: {}!'.format(basics.spitback(q), ccc.eightanimal()))
async def eighttime(self, context): """Ansers with a random amount of time. Based on Micman's old ~rtime.""" q = basics.contentq(context.message.content, split=False) numb = random.randint(1, 100) await talking.reply( context, 'asked {}, I respond: {} {}!'.format(basics.spitback(q), numb, ccc.eighttime(numb != 1)))
async def eightaudies(self, context): """Answers with a random XRA audie.""" bot = m = context.message q = basics.contentq(m.content, split=False) audie = ccc.eightaudie() with open(f"audio/audies/{audie}.mp3", "rb") as f: await talking.reply(context, 'asked {}, I respond: #{}!'.format( basics.spitback(q), audie.title()), file=f)
async def eightxavier(self, context): """Answers with a random XRA ks mateline.""" q = basics.contentq(context.message.content, split=False) await talking.reply( context, 'asked {}, I respond: {}'.format(basics.spitback(q), ccc.eightxavier()), specificwebhook= ("Xavier", "" ))
async def eightcolor(self, context): """Answers with a random color.""" q = basics.contentq(context.message.content, split=False) m = context.message color = ccc.eightcolor() image ='RGBA', (100, 100), (0, 0, 0, 0)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image, mode="RGBA") draw.ellipse((0, 0, 99, 99), fill="#000") border = 8 draw.ellipse((border, border, 99 - border, 99 - border), fill=color) image = image.resize((25, 25), Image.ANTIALIAS) await talking.reply(context, 'asked {}, I respond: {}!'.format( basics.spitback(q), ccc.eightcolor()), PIL=image)
async def eightchat(self, context): """Answers with a random TT speedchat phrase.""" q = basics.contentq(context.message.content, split=False) await talking.reply( context, 'asked {}, I respond: {}'.format(basics.spitback(q), ccc.eightchat()))
async def eightfetlifeadvertisement(self, context): """Answers with a random fetlife ad.""" q = basics.contentq(context.message.content, split=False) await talking.reply( context, 'asked {}, I respond: {}'.format(basics.spitback(q), ccc.allads()))