def finished(self): """Here we define what will happen when the clocks hits 0""" self.stop_timer() self.lock_notify = False if self.active_break: if self.pomodoros > 3: self.full_break = True self.pomodoros = 0 else: self.pomodoros += 1 self.change_icon('Normal') self.alarm(self.alarms['alarm']) self.notificate('Descanso Acabou, volta a trabalhar vagabundo!') self.active_break = False else: pomodoros = db().getPomodoros(self.idAtivo) + 1 self.w_gui.get_widget('labelPomodoros').set_text(str(pomodoros)) db().update('tarefas', self.idAtivo, pomodoros=pomodoros) self.pomodoros = self.pomodoros + 1 self.change_icon('Break', True) self.notificate('Iniciando pausa... 5 minutos, corre negada!.') self.alarm(self.alarms['pausacurta']) self.active_break = True self.start_timer()
def finish_task(self, obj=None): """ Set the current task as done/todo """ model, iterator = self.tree_tasks.get_selection().get_selected() if model and iterator: i = model.get_value(iterator, 0) fineshed = model.get_value(iterator, 1) if fineshed == 1: db().update('tarefas', i, concluido=0) else: db().update('tarefas', i, concluido=1) self.populate_task_list()
def delete_task(self, obj=None): """ Get the current selected task and remove it """ model, iter = self.tree_tasks.get_selection().get_selected() if model and iter: id = model.get_value(iter, 0) db().removeTask(id) self.populate_task_list() return True else: return None
def add_tarefa(self, obj=None): """Get the name of the task from a GTK.entry and calls db().newTask()""" tt = self.w_gui.get_widget("nomeEntrada") nome = tt.get_text() if nome != '': db().newTask(nome) self.notificate("Tarefa: '%s' Adicionada." % nome) self.populate_task_list() tt.set_text('') else: self.notificate('Nome de Tarefa Inválido') return None
def __init__(self, userId=False): self.db = db() self.userId = userId self.content = self.getContent() self.times = self.getTimes() print(self.times) self.userVotes = self.getUserVotes() self.amountVotes = self.getAmountVotes()
def mark_days(self, obj=None): """ Get all days that have tasks within and mark them on the calendar """ calendario = self.w_gui.get_widget('calendario') calendario.clear_marks() day, month, year = self.get_calendar() dias = db().getByDate(None, month) for i in dias: calendario.mark_day(i[4].day)
def update_info(self, obj): """Get the Info from the list and then update the labels, date, pomodoros etc... """ model, iter = obj.get_selection().get_selected() if iter: id = model.get_value(iter, 0) row = db().getByID(id) data = datetime.datetime.strftime(row[4], '%d/%m/%Y') self.w_gui.get_widget('labelData').set_text(data) self.w_gui.get_widget('labelPomodoros').set_text(str(row[3])) status = row[1] if status == 1: self.w_gui.get_widget('labelStatus').set_text('Sim') else: self.w_gui.get_widget('labelStatus').set_text('Não')
def populate_task_list(self, obj=None): """ Populate the taks list and then calls self.mark_days() """ day, month, year = self.get_calendar() tasks = db().getListOfTasks(day, month, year) # Remove all items on the list for i in self.list_tasks: self.list_tasks.remove(i.iter) # Append new ones. for i in tasks: if not self.show_done_tasks and i[1] == 1: pass else: self.list_tasks.append(i) self.mark_days()
from flask import session, redirect, url_for, render_template from modules.db import db import binascii db = db() def logUserIn(email, passwd): query = db.login(email) if "Error" not in query and len(query) > 0: queryPasswd = query[0][0] if passwd == queryPasswd: session["email"] = email session["user"] = query[0][1] session["userId"] = query[0][2] session["secret"] = query[0][3] print(session) return (True, redirect(url_for(""))) else: print(query) return (False, "Epost eller passord er feil", redirect(url_for(""))) else: print(query) return (False, "Epost eller passord er feil", redirect(url_for(""))) def __checkSession(): if "userId" in session:
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-b", action="store_true", dest="batch", default=False, help="BATCH processing a [domain|ip|md5] file") parser.add_argument("-c", action="store_true", dest="case", default=False, help="create a CASE by providing [domain or ip] and a sample") parser.add_argument("-d", action="store_true", dest="download", help="to DOWNLOAD sample") parser.add_argument("-p", action="store", dest="parked", choices=['ip', 'subnet'], help="parse & update PARKED domains by a submitted ip") parser.add_argument("-q", action="store_true", dest="query", help="make & update recursive Pdns QUERIES") parser.add_argument("-u", action="store_true", dest="update", default=False, help="UPDATE [domain or ip]") parser.add_argument("-w", action="store_true", dest="web", help="parse domain's html details") parser.add_argument("-m", action="store_true", dest="monitor", default=False, help="specify if MONITORED") parser.add_argument("-r", action="store_true", dest="move", help="transfer file to REPOSITORY") parser.add_argument("--path", action="store", dest="path", help="specify PATH of sample, pcap or memory_dump file") parser.add_argument("--hash", action="store", dest="hash", help="specify HASH to download") parser.add_argument("--tlp", type=int, action="store", dest="tlp", choices=[1,2,3,4], default=3, help="specify a tlp code") parser.add_argument("--tag", type=str, action="store", dest="tag", help="provide a SOURCE tag") parser.add_argument("--target", type=str, nargs="*", action="store", dest="target", help="<domain>, <ip> or <dns ip>") args = parser.parse_args() #print args d = db() if args.update: # check monitoring? if args.monitor: monitoring_code = 1 else: monitoring_code = 0 if == None or args.tag ==None: print "[*] update: -u [-m] --target DOMAIN [IP] --tag TAG" sys.exit(1) elif len( == 1: if chk_ip([0]): ip =[0] print '[+] Updating ip %s' % (ip) d.updateIP(ip, args.tag, args.tlp, monitoring_code) elif chk_domain([0]): domain =[0] print '[+] Updating domain %s' % (domain) d.updateDomain(domain, args.tag, args.tlp, monitoring_code) else: print "[*] %s is neither a domain or an ip" % ([0]) elif len( == 2: if chk_ip([0]): ip =[0] domain =[1] else: domain =[0] ip =[1] msg = '[*] Updating domain-ip pair: %s, %s with tag=%s' % (domain, ip, args.tag) print msg d.updatePair(domain, ip, args.tag, args.tlp, monitoring_code) else: print "[*] update: -u [-m] --target DOMAIN [IP] --tag TAG" if args.parked: # check monitoring? if args.monitor: monitoring_code = 1 else: monitoring_code = 0 if == None or args.tag ==None: print "[*] check parked: -p [-m] {ip, subnet} --target [IP] --tag TAG" sys.exit(1) elif len( == 1: if chk_ip([0]) and args.parked == 'ip': ip =[0] print '[+] Check parked domains of ip %s' % (ip) parked = get_parked(ip) # save parked print '[+] Updating %s records' % (len(parked)) for i in range(0, len(parked)): domain = parked[i]['domain'] ip = parked[i]['data'] d.updatePair(domain, ip, args.tag, args.tlp, monitoring_code) elif args.parked == 'subnet': ip =[0] print '[+] Updating parked domains from subnet of ip %s' % (ip) parknets = get_parkedSubnet(ip) # save parknets print 'Updating %s records' % (len(parknets)) bar = pyprind.ProgBar(len(parknets)) for i in range(0, len(parknets)): domain = parknets[i]['domain'] ip = parknets[i]['data'] d.updatePair(domain, ip, args.tag, args.tlp, monitoring_code) bar.update() else: print "[*] %s is neither a subnet or an ip" % ([0]) if args.web: # check --target to parse domain's web details if == None: print "[*] parse web: -w --target DOMAIN" sys.exit(1) elif len( == 1: if chk_domain([0]): domain =[0] print '[+] Parsing html page of %s' % (domain) d.getWeb(domain) else: print "[*] %s is not a domain" % ([0]) else: print "[*] parse web: -w --target DOMAIN" if args.query: # make of recursive pdns queries if == None: print "[*] query rPdns: -q --target DOMAIN or IP" sys.exit(1) elif len( == 1: if chk_ip([0]): ip =[0] print '[+] Preparing rPdns %s' % (ip) d.getPdns(ip) elif chk_domain([0]): domain =[0] print '[+] Preparing rPdns %s' % (domain) d.getPdns(domain) else: print "[*] %s is neither a domain or an ip" % ([0]) if args.move: # read source_file and write destination_file, then compute hashs and save to db if args.move == False or args.path ==None or args.tag == None: print "[*] move: -s --path PATH --tag TAG" sys.exit(1) elif os.path.exists(args.path): list = get_hashes(args.path) sha256 = list[3] repo = './repo' folder = os.path.join(repo, args.tag, 'binaries', sha256[0], sha256[1], sha256[2], sha256[3]) if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder, 0750) destination_file = os.path.join(folder, sha256) if not os.path.exists(destination_file): with open(destination_file, 'wb') as reading: for chunk in get_chunks(args.path): reading.write(chunk) msg = '[+] Sample move to repository folder: %s' % (folder) print msg else: list = get_hashes(destination_file) msg = '[*] Sample is found in repository folder: %s' % (folder) print msg # update to database d.saveSample(list, args.tag) else: print "[*] move: -s --path PATH --tag TAG" if # check monitoring? if args.monitor: monitoring_code = 1 else: monitoring_code = 0 # create a case by supplying domain [ip] and a sample with tag if == False or (args.hash == None and args.tag == None) or == None: print "[*] create case: -c [-m] --target DOMAIN [IP] --tag TAG --hash HASH [--path PATH]" sys.exit(1) elif len( == 1: if chk_ip([0]): ip =[0] domain = '' # if dns_id found, skip adding and grap ip_id, domain_id msg = '[+] Updating ip %s' % (ip) print msg d.updateIP(ip, args.tag, args.tlp, monitoring_code) elif chk_domain([0]): domain =[0] ip, c_name = retIP(domain) # try update dns-pair, if not update domain only if ip == '': msg = '[+] Updating domain %s' % (domain) print msg d.updateDomain(domain, args.tag, args.tlp, monitoring_code) else: msg = '[+] Updating current domain-ip pair: %s, %s with tag=%s' % (domain, ip, args.tag) print msg d.updatePair(domain, ip, args.tag, args.tlp, monitoring_code) else: print "[*] %s is neither a domain or an ip" % ([0]) elif len( == 2: if chk_ip([0]): ip =[0] domain =[1] else: domain =[0] ip =[1] # if dns_id found, skip adding and grap ip_id, domain_id print '[*] Updating domain-ip pair: %s, %s with tag=%s' % (domain, ip, args.tag) d.updatePair(domain, ip, args.tag, args.tlp, monitoring_code) # try download from VirusTotal or save sample if PATH supplied. With sample, update malware_sample & check av_classification and create a case with_sample = 0 if args.hash and not args.path: if len(args.hash) == 32 or len(args.hash) == 40 or len(args.hash) == 64: sha256 = args.hash source = args.tag repo = './repo' folder = os.path.join(repo, args.tag, 'binaries', sha256[0], sha256[1], sha256[2], sha256[3]) destination_file = os.path.join(folder, sha256) if not os.path.exists(destination_file): print '... Preparing download of: %s' % (sha256) p = pdns() p.get_download(sha256, source) else: msg = '[-] Sample is found in repository folder: %s' % (folder) with_sample = 1 if not os.path.exists(destination_file): msg = "[*] Sample NOT saved in repository folder: %s" % (folder) else: with_sample = 1 else: print "[*] %s is not a hash of: md5, sha1 or sha256" % (args.hash) if args.path and not args.hash: if os.path.exists(args.path): list = get_hashes(args.path) sha256 = list[3] repo = './repo' folder = os.path.join(repo, args.tag, 'binaries', sha256[0], sha256[1], sha256[2], sha256[3]) if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder, 0750) destination_file = os.path.join(folder, sha256) if not os.path.exists(destination_file): with open(destination_file, 'wb') as reading: for chunk in get_chunks(args.path): reading.write(chunk) msg = '[+] Sample saved in repository folder: %s' % (folder) print msg else: msg = '[-] Sample is found in repository folder: %s' % (folder) if os.path.exists(destination_file): # mark for d.saveSample(list, source) with_sample = 1 else: msg = "[*] Sample NOT saved in repository folder: %s" % (folder) if with_sample == 1: # save sample, find dns_id, update c2 hashs = get_hashes(destination_file) d.saveSample(hashs, args.tag) # find sample_id sample_id = d.findSample_id(hashs) # find dns_id dns_id = d.findDns_id(domain, ip) # find domain_id domain_id = d.findDomain_id(domain) # find ip_id ip_id = d.findIP_id(ip) if sample_id != 0 and dns_id != 0: # update c2 d.saveC2(sample_id, dns_id, args.tag) # update cases d.saveCases(args.tag) msg = '... Trying to add cases, c2 & artefacts from source: %s' % (args.tag) # find case_id case_id = d.findCase_id(args.tag) # update case_artefacts d.saveArtefacts(ip_id, domain_id, sample_id, case_id) if # specify hash to download a sample from VirusTotal if args.hash == None or args.tag ==None: print "[*] download: -d --hash HASH --tag TAG" sys.exit(1) elif type(args.hash) is str: if len(args.hash) == 32 or len(args.hash) == 40 or len(args.hash) == 64: sha256 = args.hash source = args.tag repo = './repo' folder = os.path.join(repo, args.tag, 'binaries', sha256[0], sha256[1], sha256[2], sha256[3]) destination_file = os.path.join(folder, sha256) if not os.path.exists(destination_file): print '[+] Preparing download of %s' % (sha256) p = pdns() p.get_download(sha256, source) else: msg = '[-] Sample is found in repository folder: %s' % (folder) if not os.path.exists(destination_file): print '[*] No sample downloaded: %s' % (sha256) else: list = get_hashes(destination_file) d.saveSample(list, source) msg = '[+] Saving download of %s' % (sha256) print msg else: print "[*] %s is not a hash of: md5, sha1 or sha256" % (args.hash) if args.batch: # check monitoring? if args.monitor: monitoring_code = 1 else: monitoring_code = 0 # check if batch file exist? if args.path == None or args.tag == None: print "[*] Batch Process: -b [-m] --path PATH --tag TAG" sys.exit(1) else: if os.path.exists(args.path): lines = readBatch(args.path) bar = pyprind.ProgBar(len(lines)) for i in range(0, len(lines)): # check what's inside the lines[i] domain = ip = md5 = '' for k in lines[i].keys(): if k == 'domain': domain = lines[i][k] if k == 'ip': ip = lines[i][k] if k == 'md5': md5 = lines[i][k] if md5 != '': msg = '[+] Download sample & open case of %s for %s:%s' % (md5, domain, ip) # download the sample with_sample = 0 sha256 = md5 source = args.tag repo = './repo' folder = os.path.join(repo, args.tag, 'binaries', sha256[0], sha256[1], sha256[2], sha256[3]) destination_file = os.path.join(folder, sha256) if not os.path.exists(destination_file): msg = '[+] Preparing download of %s' % (sha256) p = pdns() p.get_download(sha256, source) else: msg = '[-] Sample is found in repository folder: %s' % (folder) if not os.path.exists(destination_file): msg = "[*] No sample downloaded: %s" % (sha256) else: hashs = get_hashes(destination_file) d.saveSample(hashs, source) msg = '[+] Saving download of %s' % (sha256) with_sample = 1 if domain !='' or ip !='': msg = '[+] update dns-link with %s:%s' % (domain, ip) d.updatePair(domain, ip, args.tag, args.tlp, monitoring_code) if not os.path.exists(destination_file): sample_id = 0 else: # find sample_id sample_id = d.findSample_id(hashs) # find dns_id dns_id = d.findDns_id(domain, ip) # find domain_id domain_id = d.findDomain_id(domain) # find ip_id ip_id = d.findIP_id(ip) if sample_id != 0 and dns_id != 0: # update c2 d.saveC2(sample_id, dns_id, args.tag) # update cases d.saveCases(args.tag) msg = '[+] Cases, C2 & Artefacts is added from source: %s' % (args.tag) # find case_id case_id = d.findCase_id(args.tag) # update case_artefacts d.saveArtefacts(ip_id, domain_id, sample_id, case_id) else: if domain or ip: msg = '[+] update dns-link with %s:%s' % (domain, ip) if domain != '' and ip !='':'updatePair') d.updatePair(domain, ip, args.tag, args.tlp, monitoring_code) if domain != '' and ip == '':'updateDomain') d.updateDomain(domain, args.tag, args.tlp, monitoring_code) if domain == '' and ip != '':'updateIP') d.updateIP(ip, args.tag, args.tlp, monitoring_code) else: msg = "[*] No processing, data dropped"[i]) bar.update() if args.batch==False and and and args.hash==None and args.monitor==False and args.move==False and args.parked==None and args.path==None and args.query==False and args.tag==None and and args.tlp==3 and args.update==False and args.web==False: # all default value provided print "usage: [-h]\n"