Example #1
def test_get_latest_accepted(db_conn, cards_table):
    Expect to pull the latest accepted
    version out of the database, given a kind and an entity_id.

        'id': 'A1',
        'entity_id': 'A',
        'created': r.time(2004, 11, 3, 'Z'),
        'status': 'accepted',
    }, {
        'id': 'B2',
        'entity_id': 'A',
        'created': r.time(2005, 11, 3, 'Z'),
        'status': 'accepted',
    }, {
        'id': 'C3',
        'entity_id': 'B',
        'created': r.time(2006, 11, 3, 'Z'),
        'status': 'accepted',

    e = entity.get_latest_accepted('card', 'A')

    assert isinstance(e, Card)
Example #2
def test_get_latest_accepted(db_conn, cards_table):
    Expect to pull the latest accepted
    version out of the database, given a kind and an entity_id.

        'id': 'A1',
        'entity_id': 'A',
        'created': r.time(2004, 11, 3, 'Z'),
        'status': 'accepted',
    }, {
        'id': 'B2',
        'entity_id': 'A',
        'created': r.time(2005, 11, 3, 'Z'),
        'status': 'accepted',
    }, {
        'id': 'C3',
        'entity_id': 'B',
        'created': r.time(2006, 11, 3, 'Z'),
        'status': 'accepted',

    e = entity.get_latest_accepted('card', 'A')

    assert isinstance(e, Card)
Example #3
def test_get_latest_accepted(db_conn, cards_table):
    Expect to pull the latest accepted
    version out of the database, given a kind and an entity_id.

            {"id": "A1", "entity_id": "A", "created": r.time(2004, 11, 3, "Z"), "status": "accepted", "kind": "video"},
            {"id": "B2", "entity_id": "A", "created": r.time(2005, 11, 3, "Z"), "status": "accepted", "kind": "video"},
            {"id": "C3", "entity_id": "B", "created": r.time(2006, 11, 3, "Z"), "status": "accepted", "kind": "video"},

    e = entity.get_latest_accepted(db_conn, "card", "A")

    assert isinstance(e, Card)
Example #4
def follow_route(request):
    Follow a card, unit, or set.

    # TODO-3 simplify this method. does some of this belong in the model?

    current_user = get_current_user(request)
    if not current_user:
        return abort(401)

    follow_data = dict(**request['params'])
    follow_data['user_id'] = current_user['id']

    follow = Follow(follow_data)
    errors = follow.validate()
    if errors:
        return 400, {
            'errors': errors,
            'ref': '4Qn9oWVWiGKvXSONQKHSy1T6'

    # Ensure the entity exists   TODO-3 should this be a model validation?
    if follow['entity']['kind'] == 'topic':
        entity = Topic.get(id=follow['entity']['id'])
        entity = get_latest_accepted(follow['entity']['kind'],
    if not entity:
        return abort(404)

    # Ensure we don't already follow   TODO-3 should this be a model validation?
    prev = Follow.list(user_id=current_user['id'],
    if prev:
        return abort(409)

    follow, errors = follow.save()
    if errors:
        return 400, {
            'errors': errors,
            'ref': 'gKU6wgTItxpKyDs0eAlonCmi',

    return 200, {'follow': follow.deliver(access='private')}
Example #5
def follow_route(request):
    Follow a card, unit, or set.

    # TODO-3 simplify this method. does some of this belong in the model?

    current_user = get_current_user(request)
    if not current_user:
        return abort(401)

    follow_data = dict(**request['params'])
    follow_data['user_id'] = current_user['id']

    follow = Follow(follow_data)
    errors = follow.validate()
    if errors:
        return 400, {'errors': errors, 'ref': '4Qn9oWVWiGKvXSONQKHSy1T6'}

    # Ensure the entity exists   TODO-3 should this be a model validation?
    if follow['entity']['kind'] == 'topic':
        entity = Topic.get(id=follow['entity']['id'])
        entity = get_latest_accepted(follow['entity']['kind'],
    if not entity:
        return abort(404)

    # Ensure we don't already follow   TODO-3 should this be a model validation?
    prev = Follow.list(user_id=current_user['id'],
    if prev:
        return abort(409)

    follow, errors = follow.save()
    if errors:
        return 400, {
            'errors': errors,
            'ref': 'gKU6wgTItxpKyDs0eAlonCmi',

    return 200, {'follow': follow.deliver(access='private')}
Example #6
def get_posts_route(request, topic_id):
    Get a reverse chronological listing of posts for given topic.
    Includes topic meta data and posts (or proposals or votes).

    db_conn = request['db_conn']

    # Is the topic valid?
    topic = get_topic({'id': topic_id}, db_conn)
    if not topic:
        return 404, {
            'errors': [{
                'name': 'topic_id',
                'message': c('no_topic'),
            'ref': 'pgnNbqSP1VUWkOYq8MVGPrSS',

    # Pull the entity
    entity_kind = topic['entity']['kind']
    entity = get_latest_accepted(db_conn, entity_kind, topic['entity']['id'])

    # Pull all kinds of posts
    posts = get_posts_facade(db_conn,
                             limit=request['params'].get('limit') or 10,
                             skip=request['params'].get('skip') or 0,

    # For proposals, pull up the proposal entity version
    # ...then pull up the previous version
    # ...make a diff between the previous and the proposal entity version
    diffs = {}
    entity_versions = {}
    for post_ in posts:
        if post_['kind'] == 'proposal':
            entity_version = entity_versions[post_['id']] = get_version(
                db_conn, post_['entity_version']['kind'],
            previous_version = get_version(db_conn,
            if previous_version:
                diffs[post_['id']] = object_diff(previous_version.deliver(),

    # TODO-2 SPLITUP create new endpoint for this instead
    users = {}
    for post_ in posts:
        user_id = post_['user_id']
        if user_id not in users:
            user = get_user({'id': user_id}, db_conn)
            if user:
                users[user_id] = {
                    'name': user['name'],
                    'avatar': get_avatar(user['email'], 48),

    # TODO-2 SPLITUP create new endpoints for these instead
    output = {
        'topic': deliver_topic(topic),
        'posts': [p.deliver() for p in posts],
        {p: ev.deliver('view')
         for p, ev in entity_versions.items()},
        # 'diffs': diffs,  TODO-2 this causes a circular dependency
        'users': users,
    if entity:
        output[entity_kind] = entity.deliver()
    return 200, output
Example #7
def get_posts_route(request, topic_id):
    Get a reverse chronological listing of posts for given topic.
    Includes topic meta data and posts (or proposals or votes).

    # Is the topic valid?
    topic = Topic.get(id=topic_id)
    if not topic:
        return 404, {
            'errors': [{
                'name': 'topic_id',
                'message': c('no_topic'),
            'ref': 'pgnNbqSP1VUWkOYq8MVGPrSS',

    # Pull the entity
    entity_kind = topic['entity']['kind']
    entity = get_latest_accepted(entity_kind,

    # Pull all kinds of posts
    posts = get_posts_facade(
        limit=request['params'].get('limit') or 10,
        skip=request['params'].get('skip') or 0,

    # For proposals, pull up the proposal entity version
    # ...then pull up the previous version
    # ...make a diff between the previous and the proposal entity version
    diffs = {}
    entity_versions = {}
    for post_ in posts:
        if post_['kind'] == 'proposal':
            entity_version = entity_versions[post_['id']] = get_version(
            previous_version = get_version(
            if previous_version:
                diffs[post_['id']] = object_diff(previous_version.deliver(),

    # TODO-2 SPLITUP create new endpoint for this instead
    users = {}
    for post_ in posts:
        user_id = post_['user_id']
        if user_id not in users:
            user = User.get(id=user_id)
            if user:
                users[user_id] = {
                    'name': user['name'],
                    'avatar': user.get_avatar(48)

    # TODO-2 SPLITUP create new endpoints for these instead
    output = {
        'topic': topic.deliver(),
        'posts': [p.deliver() for p in posts],
        'entity_versions': {
            p: ev.deliver()
            for p, ev in entity_versions.items()
        # 'diffs': diffs,  TODO-2 this causes a circular dependency
        'users': users,
    if entity:
        output[entity_kind] = entity.deliver()
    return 200, output