def listLiveBroadcasts(): global pageToken #pulls in the page token global liveChatId #pulls in the liveChatID global botUserID #pulls in the bots channel ID global youtube x = youtube.liveBroadcasts().list( broadcastStatus="all", part="id,snippet", maxResults=50 ).execute() fileIO.fileSave("youtubeliveBroadcastsJson.json", x)
def listLiveStreams(): global pageToken #pulls in the page token global liveChatId #pulls in the liveChatID global botUserID #pulls in the bots channel ID global youtube x = list_streams_request = youtube.liveStreams().list( part="id,snippet", mine=True, maxResults=50 ).execute() fileIO.fileSave("youtubeliveStreamsJson.json", x)
def main(self): print("bot loaded") cycle = 0 while True: self.checkConsole() self.checkMSG() self.authorMuteTimeCheck() if cycle == 120: fileIO.fileSave("variables.config-test.json", variables.config) cycle = 0 cycle = cycle + 1 time.sleep(0.2)
def listChat(): global pageToken #pulls in the page token global liveChatId #pulls in the liveChatID global botUserID #pulls in the bots channel ID global youtube try: continuation = True try: list_chatmessages = youtube.liveChatMessages().list( #lists the chat messages part="id,snippet,authorDetails", #gets the author details needed and the snippet all of which giving me the message and username liveChatId=liveChatId, maxResults=500, pageToken=variables.config["Bot"]["Youtube"]["pageToken"] #gives the previous token so it loads a new section of the chat ).execute() #executes it so its not just some object variables.config["Bot"]["Youtube"]["pageToken"] = list_chatmessages["nextPageToken"] #page token for next use except googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: continuation = False msgCheckRegex = re.compile(r'(:)') #setup for if we happen to need this it should never change either way if continuation == True: for temp in list_chatmessages["items"]: #goes through all the stuff in the list messages list message = temp["snippet"]["displayMessage"] #gets the display message username = temp["authorDetails"]["displayName"] #gets the users name userID = temp["authorDetails"]["channelId"] if message != "" and username != "": #this makes sure that the message and username slot arent empty before putting this to the discord chat print(temp) fileIO.fileSave("youtubeMsgJson.json", temp) print(userID) print(botUserID) if userID != botUserID: print("{0} {1}".format(username,message)) msgStats = {"sentFrom":"Youtube","msgData": None,"Bot":"Youtube","Server": "None","Channel": variables.config["Bot"]["Youtube"]["ChannelName"], "author": username,"authorData":None,"authorsRole": youtubeRoles(temp["authorDetails"]),"msg":message,"sent":False} variables.mainMsg.append(msgStats) elif userID == botUserID: #if the userId is the bots then check the message to see if the bot sent it. try: msgCheckComplete = #checks the message against the previously created regex for ":" if != ":": #if its this then go and send the message as normal print("{0} {1}".format(username,message)) msgStats = {"sentFrom":"Youtube","msgData": None,"Bot":"Youtube","Server": "None","Channel": variables.config["Bot"]["Youtube"]["ChannelName"], "author": username,"authorData":None,"authorRole": youtubeRoles(temp["authorDetails"]),"msg":message,"sent":False} variables.mainMsg.append(msgStats) except AttributeError as error: print("{0} {1}".format(username,message)) msgStats = {"sentFrom":"Youtube","msgData": None,"Bot":"Youtube","Server": "None","Channel": variables.config["Bot"]["Youtube"]["ChannelName"], "author": username,"authorData":None,"authorsRole": youtubeRoles(temp["authorDetails"]),"msg":message,"sent":False} variables.mainMsg.append(msgStats) except ConnectionResetError: x = 1 mainBot.mainBot().addToConsole('Connection Error reconnecting',"Youtube","Info") youtube = Login()
def checkConsole(self): #console sending to another service j = 0 for msg in variables.mainMsg: try: if msg["Channel"] == "Console" and msg["sent"] == False: for key, val in variables.config["Bot Console"].items(): if val["Site"] == "Terminal" and self.consoleDebugCheck( val["Debug"], msg["Info"]["errorLevel"]) == True: x = 1 elif self.consoleDebugCheck( val["Debug"], msg["Info"]["errorLevel"]) == True: print(val) fileIO.fileSave("Val", val) msgStats = { "sentFrom": msg["sentFrom"], "Bot": msg["Bot"], "Server": msg["Server"], "sendTo": { "Bot": "Discord", "Server": "Popicraft Network", "Channel": "console" }, "Channel": msg["Channel"], "author": msg["author"], "msg": msg["msg"], "msgFormated": self.consoleFormat(msg, val), "sent": False } variables.processedMSG.append(msgStats) print(msgStats) fileIO.fileSave("console", str(msgStats)) variables.mainMsg[j]["sent"] = True return True j = j + 1 except KeyError as error: #print("not deleted") #print('Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno), type(error).__name__, error) errorMsg = 'Error on line {}'.format( sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno, type(error).__name__, error) #mainBot().addToConsole(errorMsg,"Discord"," Extra Debug") return False