Example #1
def process_patient_images(patient_dir, image_dims, output_dir, patient_id):
    patient_scan = load_scan(patient_dir)
    patient_pixels = get_pixels_hu(patient_scan)
    #    utils.show_slices(patient_pixels, str(patient_id) + 'hu', nr_slices=12, cols=4, output_dir=output_dir + 'images')
    patient_pixels, spacing = resample(patient_pixels, patient_scan, [1, 1, 1])
    #    utils.show_slices(patient_pixels, str(patient_id) + 'resampled', nr_slices=12, cols=4, output_dir=output_dir + 'images')
    patient_lung_mask = segment_lung_mask(patient_pixels, True)
    #    utils.show_slices(patient_pixels, str(patient_id) + 'mask', nr_slices=12, cols=4, output_dir=output_dir + 'images')

    t = Timer('apply lung mask to image volume')
    patient_pixels = np.ma.masked_where(patient_lung_mask == 0,
    #    utils.show_slices(patient_pixels, str(patient_id) + 'masked', nr_slices=12, cols=4, output_dir=output_dir + 'images')

    t = Timer('rotate image for optimal pose ' + patient_dir)
    rotation_angle = discover_lung_rotation(patient_lung_mask)
    patient_pixels = rotate(patient_pixels,
                            rotation_angle, (1, 2),
    #    utils.show_slices(patient_pixels, str(patient_id) + 'rotated', nr_slices=12, cols=4, output_dir=output_dir + 'images')

    t = Timer('resize image volume to {}x{}x{}'.format(image_dims[0],
    bbox = bounding_box(patient_pixels)
    if (bbox == None):
        return None
    bw, bh, bd = bbox_dim(bbox)
    fit_volume = (image_dims[2], image_dims[1], image_dims[0])
    ratio = min(tuple(np.divide(fit_volume, np.subtract(bbox[1], bbox[0]))))
    logger.debug('ratio=' + str(ratio))

    patient_pixels = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom(
        patient_pixels[bbox[0][2]:bbox[1][2], bbox[0][1]:bbox[1][1],
                       bbox[0][0]:bbox[1][0]], ratio)

    t = Timer('translate to center')
    fit_volume_center = tuple(np.divide(fit_volume, 2))
    bbox = bounding_box(patient_pixels)
    bbox_center = bounding_box_center(bbox)

    patient_pixels2 = np.full((image_dims[0], image_dims[1], image_dims[2]), 0)
    ps = np.shape(patient_pixels)
    patient_pixels2[:ps[0], :ps[1], :ps[2]] = patient_pixels[:ps[0], :ps[1], :
    patient_pixels = patient_pixels2

    diff = (np.subtract(fit_volume_center, bbox_center))
    patient_pixels = shift(patient_pixels, (diff[2], diff[1], diff[0]))

    #add color channel dimension
    patient_pixels = np.expand_dims(patient_pixels, axis=3)

    return patient_pixels
Example #2
def normalize_pixels(image_pixels, min_bound, max_bound, pixels_mean):
    image_pixels = (image_pixels - min_bound) / (max_bound - min_bound)
    image_pixels[image_pixels > 1] = 1.
    image_pixels[image_pixels < 0] = 0.

    #0-center pixels
    logger.debug('mean pixels=' + str(np.mean(image_pixels)))
    image_pixels = image_pixels - pixel_mean
    return image_pixels
Example #3
def create_xy_datasets(output_dir, name, image_dims, size):
    dataset_file = dataset_path(output_dir, name, image_dims)
    h5f = h5py.File(dataset_file, 'w')
    x_ds = h5f.create_dataset('X', (size, image_dims[0], image_dims[1], image_dims[2], 1), chunks=(1, image_dims[0], image_dims[1], image_dims[2], 1), dtype='f')
    y_ds = h5f.create_dataset('Y', (size, 2), dtype='f')

    logger.debug('input x shape={}'.format(h5f['X'].shape))
    x_ds = h5f['X']
    y_ds = h5f['Y']
    return h5f, x_ds, y_ds
Example #4
def evaluate_dataset(dataset_path, model):
    with h5py.File(dataset_path, 'r') as hdf5:
        X = hdf5['X']
        Y = hdf5['Y']
        logger.debug('X_test shape ' + str(X.shape))
        logger.debug('Y_test shape ' + str(Y.shape))
#         for y in Y:
#             print('y=', y)
        logger.info('Evaluate performance on dataset '+ dataset_path +'...')
        acc = model.evaluate(X, Y, batch_size=12)
        logger.info('Accuracy: ' + str(acc))
Example #5
def evaluate_dataset(dataset_path, model, batch_size=12, confusion_matrix=False, nr_items=-1):
    with h5py.File(dataset_path, 'r') as hdf5:
        X = hdf5['X'][-1:nr_items]
        Y = hdf5['Y'][-1:nr_items]
        logger.debug('X_test shape ' + str(X.shape))
        logger.debug('Y_test shape ' + str(Y.shape))
        logger.info('Evaluate performance on dataset '+ dataset_path +'...')
        acc = model.evaluate(X, Y, batch_size=batch_size)
        logger.info('Accuracy: ' + str(acc))
            logger.info('Confusion matrix')
            Y_pred = model.predict(X)
            print(sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix(Y, Y_pred))
Example #6
def predict_patient(input_dir, patient_id, image_dims, model, output_dir):
    logger.info('>>> Predict patient_id ' + patient_id)
    logger.info('Loading pre-processed images for patient')

    #patient pre-processed image cache
    dataset_file = utils.dataset_path(output_dir, 'cache-predict', image_dims)    
    patient_pixels = None
    with h5py.File(dataset_file, 'a') as h5f:
            patient_pixels = h5f[patient_id]
            logger.debug('Patient image found in cache. Using it.')
            #disconnect from HDF5
            patient_pixels = np.array(patient_pixels)
        except KeyError:
            logger.debug('Patient image not found in cache')
            t = Timer('Preparing patient scan image volume. patient_id=' + patient_id)
            patient_pixels = lungprepare.process_patient_images(input_dir + patient_id, image_dims)
            if(patient_pixels is None):
                logger.warning('Patient lung not found. Skipping.')
            logger.debug('Storing patient image in cache')
            h5f[patient_id] = patient_pixels
    t = Timer('Predicting result on CNN (forward)')
    y = model.predict(np.expand_dims(patient_pixels, axis=0))
    logger.info('PATIENT '+ patient_id +' PREDICT=' + str(y))
    utils.show_slices(patient_pixels, patient_id)
    return y
Example #7
def print_same_line(log, use_logger=True):
    l = "\r{}".format(log)
    if (use_logger):
Example #8
def segment_lung_mask(image, fill_lung_structures=True):
    t = Timer('segment_lung_mask')

    # 0 is treated as background, which we do not want
    binary_image = np.array(image > -320, dtype=np.int8) + 1

    #cleanup some small bubbles inside body before labelling
    binary_image = scipy.ndimage.morphology.grey_closing(binary_image, 3)

    labels = measure.label(binary_image)

    #Determine which label clusters refers to the air/space around the person body and turn it into the same cluster
    #The various corners are measured in case of volume being broken when the body is not fitted inside scan
    bgs = [0]
    si = np.shape(binary_image)
    si0 = si[0] - 3
    si1 = si[1] - 3
    si2 = si[2] - 3
    for i in (2, si0):
        for j in (2, si1):
            for k in (2, si2):
                bgs.append(labels[i, j, k])

    #identify the body label
    s = np.array(np.shape(labels))
    body = find_next_valid(labels[int(s[0] * 0.6), int(s[1] * 0.5)], bgs=bgs)
    logger.debug('bgs' + str(bgs))

    #look inside the volume where lung structures is meant to be
    lung_label = largest_label_volume(labels[int(s[0] * 0.2):int(s[0] * 0.8),
                                             int(s[1] * 0.25):int(s[1] * 0.75),
                                             int(s[2] * 0.25):int(s[2] *
    logger.debug('lung_label' + str(lung_label))

    #remove everything that is not part of the lung
    logger.debug('remove non lung structures')
    binary_image[labels != lung_label] = 2

    # Method of filling the lung structures (that is superior to something like
    # morphological closing)
    if fill_lung_structures:
        # For every slice we determine the largest solid structure
        for i, axial_slice in enumerate(binary_image):
            axial_slice = axial_slice - 1
            labeling = measure.label(axial_slice)
            l_max = largest_label_volume(labeling, bgs=[0])
            if l_max is not None:  #This slice contains some lung
                binary_image[i][labeling != l_max] = 1

    binary_image -= 1  #Make the image actual binary
    binary_image = 1 - binary_image  # Invert it, lungs are now 1

    #dilate mask
    binary_image = scipy.ndimage.morphology.grey_dilation(binary_image,
                                                          size=(10, 10, 10))

    return binary_image
Example #9
 def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs={}):
     logger.debug('epoch end ' + str(epoch) + '/' + str(self.epochs) +
                  ' - ' + str(logs))
Example #10
 def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs={}):
     logger.debug('batch ' + str(batch) + '/' + str(self.target) +
                  ' - epoch ' + str(self.epoch) + '/' + str(self.epochs) +
                  ' - ' + str(logs))