Example #1
By Simon Zieleniewski

Last updated 01-11-15


import os
import numpy as n
import scipy.interpolate as si
from scipy.ndimage.filters import convolve1d
from modules.Gaussians import Gauss
from modules.misc_utils import path_setup

prism_path = path_setup('../../Sim_data/Prism/')

def nr(lamb, s, Rpower):
    '''Crude function to perform N-R solving method
    on equation: lam - dellam(lam)/2. = s,
    where s = lam_0 + dellam(lam_0)/2,
    and dellam(lam) = lam/R.


        lamb - wavelength [um]
        s - previous step [um]
        R - Resolving power

Last edited 28-04-16

import os
import numpy as n
import astropy.io.fits as p
import scipy.interpolate as s
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from modules.Gaussians import Gauss2D
from modules.frebin import *
from modules.spaxel_rebin import *
from modules.Math_functions import x1, x2, x6
from modules.misc_utils import path_setup
from modules.fits_utils import psf_fits_header_check, wavelength_array

psf_path = path_setup('../../Sim_data/PSFs/')

#AO options = 'SCAO', 'LTAO', 'Gaussian'
#If user provides PSF - this always supersedes AO choice
#PSF convolution ideally needs to happen at a spatial scale at least 1/10th of the output scale
#for the coarsest scales(10,20,40,60 mas) and at least 1/5th of the output scale of the finest
#scale (4, 5 mas).
#Depending on the input and output cube spatial scales, generate the PSF cube accordingly,
#perform the convolution with both input cube and PSF cube at same spatial scale then
#frebin up to the output spatial scale.

def psf_setup(cube, head, lambs, spax, user_PSF, AO, seeing, tel):
    '''Function to perform PSF setup

Written by Simon Zieleniewski

Created: 16-10-15

Last edited 01-12-15

import numpy as n
import scipy as s
import os
from modules.gauss_convolve import gauss_convolve
from JSIM_Lowres import low_res_spec
from modules.misc_utils import path_setup

tppath = path_setup('../../Sim_data/Throughput/')

def create_thruput_cube(datacube_shape, wavels, resolution, grating, telescope=True, instrument=True,
    '''Function that creates cube representing total throughput for each pixel in datacube.
    This incorporates sky, telescope, instrument and detector throughputs to convert photons to
    electrons. This will also be able to add in additional effects like illumination patterns.

        datacube_shape: (z, y, x) shape of science datacube
        wavels: wavelength array of datacube
        resolution: spectral resolution [um]
        grating: Grating choice (string)
        telescope: Boolian incorporate telescope throughput
transmission and background aspects of the model

Written by Simon Zieleniewski

Started 11-06-13
Last edited 27-10-16 by Laurence Routledge

import numpy as n
import scipy as s
import os
from modules.gauss_convolve import gauss_convolve
from TheSimulator_Lowres import low_res_spec
from modules.misc_utils import path_setup

tppath = path_setup('../../Sim_data/Throughput/')

def create_thruput_cube(datacube_shape,
    '''Function that creates cube representing total throughput for each pixel in datacube.
	This incorporates sky, telescope, instrument and detector throughputs to convert photons to
Written by Simon Zieleniewski

Started 14-06-13
Last edited: 23-06-15

import os
import numpy as n
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import scipy.constants as sc
from modules.gauss_convolve import gauss_convolve
from modules.frebin import *
from TheSimulator_Lowres import low_res_spec
from modules.misc_utils import path_setup

bgpath = path_setup('../../Sim_data/Background/')

def create_background_cube(datacube_shape,
Example #6
for HARMONI simulation code.

By Simon Zieleniewski

Last updated 14-04-15


import os
import numpy as n
import scipy.interpolate as si
from scipy.ndimage.filters import convolve1d
from modules.Gaussians import Gauss
from modules.misc_utils import path_setup

r500_path = path_setup('../../Sim_data/R500/')

def nr(lamb, s, Rpower):
    '''Crude function to perform N-R solving method
    on equation: lam - dellam(lam)/2. = s,
    where s = lam_0 + dellam(lam_0)/2,
    and dellam(lam) = lam/R.


        lamb - wavelength [um]
        s - previous step [um]
        R - Resolving power

Example #7
Started 16-10-15
Last edited: 01-12-15

import os
import numpy as n
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import scipy.constants as sc
from modules.gauss_convolve import gauss_convolve
from modules.frebin import *
from JSIM_Lowres import low_res_spec
from modules.misc_utils import path_setup

bgpath = path_setup('../../Sim_data/Background/')

def create_background_cube(datacube_shape, wavels, thru_cube, inst_qe_cube, DIT, NDIT, spaxel,
                           resolution, wave_disp, area, temp, sky=True, telescope=True,
                           emis=0.15, slow=False):
    '''Function that creates cube representing total background photons for each pixel in datacube.

        datacube_shape: (z, y, x) shape of science datacube
        wavels: wavelength array of datacube
        thru_cube: cube representing total throughput.
                   Used to convert sky signal from photons > electrons
        tel_qe_cube: cube representing throughput of instrument+detector.
                     Used to convert telescope thermal background from photons > electrons
        DIT: exposure time [s]

import os
import numpy as n
import astropy.io.fits as p
import scipy.interpolate as s
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from modules.Gaussians import Gauss2D
from modules.frebin import *
from modules.spaxel_rebin import *
from modules.Math_functions import x1, x2, x6
from modules.misc_utils import path_setup
from modules.fits_utils import psf_fits_header_check, wavelength_array

psf_path = path_setup('../../Sim_data/PSFs/')

#AO options = 'SCAO', 'LTAO', 'Gaussian'
#If user provides PSF - this always supersedes AO choice
#PSF convolution ideally needs to happen at a spatial scale at least 1/10th of the output scale
#for the coarsest scales(10,20,40,60 mas) and at least 1/5th of the output scale of the finest
#scale (4, 5 mas).
#Depending on the input and output cube spatial scales, generate the PSF cube accordingly,
#perform the convolution with both input cube and PSF cube at same spatial scale then
#frebin up to the output spatial scale.

def psf_setup(cube, head, lambs, spax, user_PSF, AO, seeing, tel):
    '''Function to perform PSF setup

By Simon Zieleniewski

Last updated 14-04-15


import os
import numpy as n
import scipy.interpolate as si
from scipy.ndimage.filters import convolve1d
from modules.Gaussians import Gauss
from modules.misc_utils import path_setup

r500_path = path_setup('../../Sim_data/R500/')

def nr(lamb, s, Rpower):
    '''Crude function to perform N-R solving method
    on equation: lam - dellam(lam)/2. = s,
    where s = lam_0 + dellam(lam_0)/2,
    and dellam(lam) = lam/R.


        lamb - wavelength [um]
        s - previous step [um]
        R - Resolving power

Example #10
for NIRSpec simulation code.

By Simon Zieleniewski

Last updated 01-11-15


import os
import numpy as n
import scipy.interpolate as si
from scipy.ndimage.filters import convolve1d
from modules.Gaussians import Gauss
from modules.misc_utils import path_setup

prism_path = path_setup('../../Sim_data/Prism/')

def nr(lamb, s, Rpower):
    '''Crude function to perform N-R solving method
    on equation: lam - dellam(lam)/2. = s,
    where s = lam_0 + dellam(lam_0)/2,
    and dellam(lam) = lam/R.


        lamb - wavelength [um]
        s - previous step [um]
        R - Resolving power
