Example #1
def command(ircbot, source, nick, mask, args):
	"""Takes a space-separated list of websites and returns their shortened goo.gl form / Usage: %PREFIX%BOLDgoogl%RESET http://foo.com http://bar.com"""
	if not args:
		ircbot.msg(nick, command.__doc__, notice=True) # return the docstring to the user if there are no arguments
	result = []
	headers = {'Content-Type' : 'application/json'}
	for site in args:
			result.append(googl.googl(site, ircbot.config.googleapikey))
		except Exception, e:
			print e
Example #2
	queryInfo = query.info()
	queryRules = query.rules()
	ruleString = u""
	for rule in sorted(queryRules.iterkeys()):
		ruleString += u"%s %s\n" % (rule, queryRules[rule])
	ruleString = ruleString.rstrip(u"\n") # strip trailing newline
	# pastebin stuff
	pasteResponse = "Couldn't paste cvars"
	pasteData = None
		pasteData = pasteee.Paste(ruleString, desc="%s - cvars" % (queryInfo[u"hostname"]), key=ircbot.config.pastebinapikey)["link"]
	except pasteee.PasteError, e:
		pasteResponse = e
	if pasteData:
		pasteResponse = googl.googl(pasteData, ircbot.config.googleapikey)
	tags, passworded, OS = None, None, None
	if u"tag" in queryInfo:
		tags = "Tags: %s" % (queryInfo[u"tag"])
	if queryInfo[u"passworded"]:
		passworded = "Passworded"
	if queryInfo[u"os"] == u"w":
		OS = "Windows"
	queryPlayersDict = sorted(query.player(), key=itemgetter(u"kills"), reverse=True)[0:3:1] or None # get the top 3 players by kills
	queryPlayersList = []
	if queryPlayersDict:
		for player in queryPlayersDict:
			queryPlayersList.append("%s:%s" % (player[u"name"], str(player[u"kills"])))
		queryPlayersList = ", ".join(queryPlayersList)